RSI in spyder using data in excel - python

So I have an excel file containing data on a specific stock.
My excel file contains about 2 months of data, it monitors the Open price, Close price, High Price, Low Price and Volume of trades in 5 minute intervals, so there are about 3000 rows in my file.
I want to calculate the RSI (or EMA if it's easier) of a stock daily, I'm making a summary table that collects the daily data so it converts my table of 3000+ rows into a table with only about 60 rows (each row represents one day).
Essentially I want some sort of code that sorts the excel data by date then calculates the RSI as a single value for that day. RSI is given by: 100-(100/(1+RS)) where RS = average gain of up periods/average loss of down periods.
Note: My excel uses 'Datetime' so each row's 'Datetime' looks something like '2022-03-03 9:30-5:00' and the next row would be '2022-03-03 9:35-5:00', etc. So the code needs to just look at the date and ignore the time I guess.
Some code to maybe help understand what I'm looking for:
So here I'm calling my excel file, I want the code to take the called excel file, group data by date and then calculate the RSI of each day using the formula I wrote above.
dat = pd.read_csv('AMD_5m.csv',index_col='Datetime',parse_dates=['Datetime'],
date_parser=lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x, utc=True))
dates = backtest.get_dates(dat.index)
#create a summary table
cols = ['Num. Obs.', 'Num. Trade', 'PnL', 'Win. Ratio','RSI'] #add addtional fields if necessary
summary_table = pd.DataFrame(index = dates, columns=cols)
# loop backtest by dates
This is the code I used to fill out the other columns in my summary table, I'll put my SMA (simple moving average) function below.
for d in dates:
this_dat = dat.loc[]
#find the number of observations in date d
summary_table.loc[d]['Num. Obs.'] = this_dat.shape[0]
#get trading (i.e. position holding) signals
signals = backtest.SMA(this_dat['Close'].values, window=10)
#find the number of trades in date d
summary_table.loc[d]['Num. Trade'] = np.sum(np.diff(signals)==1)
#find PnLs for 100 shares
shares = 100
PnL = -shares*np.sum(this_dat['Close'].values[1:]*np.diff(signals))
if np.sum(np.diff(signals))>0:
#close position at market close
PnL += shares*this_dat['Close'].values[-1]
summary_table.loc[d]['PnL'] = PnL
#find the win ratio
ind_in = np.where(np.diff(signals)==1)[0]+1
ind_out = np.where(np.diff(signals)==-1)[0]+1
num_win = np.sum((this_dat['Close'].values[ind_out]-this_dat['Close'].values[ind_in])>0)
if summary_table.loc[d]['Num. Trade']!=0:
summary_table.loc[d]['Win. Ratio'] = 1. *num_win/summary_table.loc[d]['Num. Trade']
This is my function for calculating Simple Moving Average. I was told to try and adapt this for RSI or for EMA (Exponential Moving Average). Apparently adapting this for EMA isn't too troublesome but I can't figure it out.
def SMA(p,window=10,signal_type='buy only'):
#input price "p", look-back window "window",
#signal type = buy only (default) --gives long signals, sell only --gives sell signals, both --gives both long and short signals
#return a list of signals = 1 for long position and -1 for short position
signals = np.zeros(len(p))
if len(p)<window:
#no signal if no sufficient data
return signals
sma = list(np.zeros(window)+np.nan) #the first few prices does not give technical indicator values
sma += [np.average(p[k:k+window]) for k in np.arange(len(p)-window)]
for i in np.arange(len(p)-1):
if np.isnan(sma[i]):
continue #skip the open market time window
if sma[i]<p[i] and (signal_type=='buy only' or signal_type=='both'):
signals[i] = 1
elif sma[i]>p[i] and (signal_type=='sell only' or signal_type=='both'):
signals[i] = -1
return signals

I have two solutions to this. One is to loop through each group, then add the relevant data to the summary_table, the other is to calculate the whole series and set the RSI column as this.
I first recreated the data:
import yfinance
import pandas as pd
# initially created similar data through yfinance,
# then copied this to Excel and changed the Datetime column to match yours.
df ="AAPL", period="60d", interval="5m")
# copied it and read it as a dataframe
df = pd.read_clipboard(sep=r'\s{2,}', engine="python")
# Datetime Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume
#0 2022-03-03 09:30-05:00 168.470001 168.910004 167.970001 168.199905 168.199905 5374241
#1 2022-03-03 09:35-05:00 168.199997 168.289993 167.550003 168.129898 168.129898 1936734
#2 2022-03-03 09:40-05:00 168.119995 168.250000 167.740005 167.770004 167.770004 1198687
#3 2022-03-03 09:45-05:00 167.770004 168.339996 167.589996 167.718094 167.718094 2128957
#4 2022-03-03 09:50-05:00 167.729996 167.970001 167.619995 167.710007 167.710007 968410
Then I formatted the data and created the summary_table:
df["date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["Datetime"].str[:16], format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
# calculate percentage change from open and close of each row
df["gain"] = (df["Close"] / df["Open"]) - 1
# your summary table, slightly changing the index to use the dates above
cols = ['Num. Obs.', 'Num. Trade', 'PnL', 'Win. Ratio','RSI'] #add addtional fields if necessary
summary_table = pd.DataFrame(index=df["date"].unique(), columns=cols)
Option 1:
# loop through each group, calculate the average gain and loss, then RSI
for grp, data in df.groupby("date"):
# average gain for gain greater than 0
average_gain = data[data["gain"] > 0]["gain"].mean()
# average loss for gain less than 0
average_loss = data[data["gain"] < 0]["gain"].mean()
# add to relevant cell of summary_table
summary_table["RSI"].loc[grp] = 100 - (100 / (1 + (average_gain / average_loss)))
Option 2:
# define a function to apply in the groupby
def rsi_calc(series):
avg_gain = series[series > 0].mean()
avg_loss = series[series < 0].mean()
return 100 - (100 / (1 + (avg_gain / avg_loss)))
summary_table["RSI"] = df.groupby("date")["gain"].apply(lambda x: rsi_calc(x))
Output (same for each):
# Num. Obs. Num. Trade PnL Win. Ratio RSI
#2022-03-03 NaN NaN NaN NaN -981.214015
#2022-03-04 NaN NaN NaN NaN 501.950956
#2022-03-07 NaN NaN NaN NaN -228.379066
#2022-03-08 NaN NaN NaN NaN -2304.451654
#2022-03-09 NaN NaN NaN NaN -689.824739


How to perform sliding window correlation operation on pandas dataframe with datetime index?

I am working with stock data coming from Yahoo Finance.
def load_y_finance_data(y_finance_tickers: list):
df = pd.DataFrame()
print("Loading Y-Finance data ...")
for ticker in y_finance_tickers:
df[ticker.replace("^", "")] =
auto_adjust=True, # only download adjusted data
print("Done loading Y-Finance data!")
return df
x = load_y_finance_data(["^VIX", "^GSPC"])
1990-01-02 17.240000 359.690002
1990-01-03 18.190001 358.760010
1990-01-04 19.219999 355.670013
1990-01-05 20.110001 352.200012
1990-01-08 20.260000 353.790009
DataSize=(8301, 2)
Here I want to perform a sliding window operation for every 50 days period, where I want to get correlation (using corr() function) for 50 days slice (day_1 to day_50) of data and after window will move by one day (day_2 to day_51) and so on.
I tried the naive way of using a for loop to do this and it works as well. But it takes too much time. Code below-
data_size = len(x)
period = 50
df = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(data_size-period):
df.loc[i, "GSPC_VIX_corr"] = x[["GSPC", "VIX"]][i:i+period].corr().loc["GSPC", "VIX"]
0 -0.703156
1 -0.651513
2 -0.602876
3 -0.583256
4 -0.589086
How can I do this more efficiently? Is there any built-in way I can use?
Thanks :)
You can use the rolling windows functionality of Pandas with many different aggreggations, including corr(). Instead of your for loop, do this:

Python/Pandas: Search for date in one dataframe and return value in column of another dataframe with matching date

I have two dataframes, one with earnings date and code for before market/after market and the other with daily OHLC data.
First dataframe df:
Second dataframe af:
I want to take a date from the first dataframe and find the open and/or close price in the second dataframe. Depending on anncTod value, I want to find the close price of the previous day (if =0900) or the open and close price on the following day (else). I'll use these numbers to calculate the overnight, intraday and close-to-close move which will be stored in new columns on df.
I'm not sure how to search matching values and fetch values from that row but a different column. I'm trying to do this with a df.iloc and a for loop.
Here's the full code:
import pandas as pd
import requests
import datetime as dt
ticker = 'TGT'
## pull orats earnings dates and store in pandas dataframe
url = f'{ticker}'
response = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True)
data = response.json()
df = pd.DataFrame(data['data'])
## reduce number of dates to last 28 quarters and remove updatedAt column
n = len(df.index)-28
df.drop(index=df.index[:n], inplace=True)
df = df.iloc[: , 1:-1]
## import daily OHLC stock data file
loc = f"C:\\Users\\anon\\Historical Stock Data\\us3000_tickers_daily\\{ticker}_daily.txt"
af = pd.read_csv(loc, delimiter=',', names=['Datetime','Open','High','Low','Close','Volume'])
## create total return, overnight and intraday columns in df
df['Total Move'] = '' ##col #2
df['Overnight'] = '' ##col #3
df['Intraday'] = '' ##col #4
for date in df['earnDate']:
if df.iloc[date,1] == '0900':
priorday = af.loc[af.index.get_loc(date)-1,0]
priorclose = af.loc[priorday,4]
open = af.loc[date,1]
close = af.loc[date,4]
df.iloc[date,2] = close/priorclose
df.iloc[date,3] = open/priorclose
df.iloc[date,4] = close/open
I get an error:
if df.iloc[date,1] == '0900':
ValueError: Location based indexing can only have [integer, integer slice (START point is INCLUDED, END point is EXCLUDED), listlike of integers, boolean array] types
Converting the date columns to integers creates another error. Is there a better way I should go about doing this?
Ideal output would look like (made up numbers, abbreviated output):
Total Move
Overnight Move
Intraday Move
But would include all the dates given in the first dataframe.
I swapped df.iloc for df.loc and that seems to have solved that problem. The new issue is searching for variable 'date' in the second dataframe af. I have simplified the code to just print the value in the 'Open' column while I trouble shoot.
Here is updated and simplified code (all else remains the same):
import pandas as pd
import requests
import datetime as dt
ticker = 'TGT'
## pull orats earnings dates and store in pandas dataframe
url = f'{ticker}'
response = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True)
data = response.json()
df = pd.DataFrame(data['data'])
## reduce number of dates to last 28 quarters and remove updatedAt column
n = len(df.index)-28
df.drop(index=df.index[:n], inplace=True)
df = df.iloc[: , 1:-1]
## set index to earnDate
df = df.set_index(pd.DatetimeIndex(df['earnDate']))
## import daily OHLC stock data file
loc = f"C:\\Users\\anon\\Historical Stock Data\\us3000_tickers_daily\\{ticker}_daily.txt"
af = pd.read_csv(loc, delimiter=',', names=['Datetime','Open','High','Low','Close','Volume'])
## create total return, overnight and intraday columns in df
df['Total Move'] = '' ##col #2
df['Overnight'] = '' ##col #3
df['Intraday'] = '' ##col #4
for date in df['earnDate']:
if df.loc[date, 'anncTod'] == '0900':
print(af.loc[date,'Open']) ##this is line generating error
I now get KeyError:'2015-11-18'
To use loc to access a certain row, that assumes that the label you search for is in the index. Specifically, that means that you'll need to set the date column as index. EX:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'earnDate': ['2015-11-18', '2015-11-19', '2015-11-20'],
'anncTod': ['0900', '1000', '0800'],
'Open': [111, 222, 333]})
df = df.set_index(df["earnDate"])
for date in df['earnDate']:
if df.loc[date, 'anncTod'] == '0900':
print(df.loc[date, 'Open'])
# prints
# 111

How to slice on DateTime objects more efficiently and compute a given statistic at each iteration?

I am dealing with a pandas dataframe where the index is a DateTime object and the columns represent minute-by-minute returns on several stocks from the SP500 index, together with a column of returns from the index. It's fairly long (100 stocks, 1510 trading days, minute-by-minute data each day) and looks like this (only three stocks for the sake of example):
2014-01-02 9:30 0.032 -0.01 0.164 0.007
2014-01-02 9:31 -0.012 0.02 0.001 -0.004
2014-01-02 9:32 -0.015 0.031 0.004 -0.001
I am trying to compute the betas of each stock for each different day and for each 30-minute window. The beta of a stock in this case is defined as the covariance between its returns and the SPY returns divided by the variance of SPY in the same period. My desired output is a 3-dimensional numpy array beta_HF where beta_HF[s, i, j], for instance, means the beta of stock s at day i at window j. At this moment, I am computing the betas in the following way (let returns be full dataframe):
trading_days = pd.unique(
window = "30min"
moments = pd.date_range(start = "9:30", end = "16:00", freq = window).time
def dispersion(trading_days, moments, df, verbose = True):
index = 'SPY'
beta_HF = np.zeros((df.shape[1] - 1, len(trading_days), len(moments) - 1))
for i, day in enumerate(trading_days):
daily_data = df[ == day]
start_time = dt.time(9,30)
for j, end_time in enumerate(moments[1:]):
moment_data = daily_data.between_time(start_time, end_time)
covariances = np.array([moment_data[index].cov(moment_data[symbol]) for symbol in df])
beta_HF[:, i,j] = covariances[1:]/covariances[0]
if verbose == True:
if np.remainder(i, 100) == 0:
print("Current Trading Day: {}".format(day))
The dispersion() function generates the correct output. However, I understand that I am looping over long iterables and this is not very efficient. I seek a more efficient way to "slice" the dataframe at each 30-minute window for each day in the sample and compute the covariances. Effectively, for each slice, I need to compute 101 numbers (100 covariances + 1 variance). On my local machine (a 2013 Retina i5 Macbook Pro) it's taking around 8 minutes to compute everything. I tested it on a research server of my university and the computing time was basically the same, which probably implies that computing power is not the bottleneck but my code has low quality in this part. I would appreciate any ideas on how to make this faster.
One might point out that parallelization is the way to go here since the elements in beta_HF never interact with each other. So this seems to be easy to parallelize. However, I have never implemented anything with parallelization so I am very new to these concepts. Any ideas on how to make the code run faster? Thanks a lot!
You can use pandas Grouper in order to group your data by frequency. The only drawbacks are that you cannot have overlapping windows and it will iterate over times that are not existant.
The first issue basically means that the window will slide from 9:30-9:59 to 10:00-10:29 instead of 9:30-10:00 to 10:00-10:30.
The second issue comes to play during holidays and night when no trading takes place. Hence, if you have a large period without trading then you might want to split the DataFrame and combine them afterwards.
Create example data
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
time = pd.date_range(start="2014-01-02 09:30",
end="2014-01-02 16:00", freq="min")
time = time.append( pd.date_range(start="2014-01-03 09:30",
end="2014-01-03 16:00", freq="min") )
df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.rand(time.shape[0], 4)-0.5,
index=time, columns=['SPY','AAPL','AMZN','T'])
define the range you want to use
freq = '30min'
obs_per_day = len(pd.date_range(start = "9:30", end = "16:00", freq = "30min"))
trading_days = len(pd.unique(
make a function to calculate the beta values
def beta(df):
if df.empty: # returns nan when no trading takes place
return np.nan
mat = df.to_numpy() # numpy is faster than pandas
m = mat.mean(axis=0)
mat = mat - m[np.newaxis,:] # demean
dof = mat.shape[0] - 1 # degree of freedom
if dof != 0: # check if you data has more than one observation
mat =[:,0]) / dof # covariance with first column
return mat[1:] / mat[0] # beta
return np.zeros(mat.shape[1] - 1) # return zeros for to short data e.g. 16:00
and in the end use pd.groupby().apply()
res = df.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq=freq)).apply(beta)
res = np.array( [k for k in res.values if ~np.isnan(k).any()] ) # remove NaN
res = res.reshape([trading_days, obs_per_day, df.shape[1]-1])
Note that the result is in a slightly different shape than yours.
The results also differ a bit because of the different window sliding. To check whether the results are the same, simply try somthing like this
trading_days = pd.unique(
# Your result
moments1 = pd.date_range(start = "9:30", end = "10:00", freq = "30min").time
beta(df[ == trading_days[0]].between_time(moments1[0], moments1[1]))
# mine
moments2 = pd.date_range(start = "9:30", end = "10:00", freq = "29min").time
beta(df[ == trading_days[0]].between_time(moments[0], moments2[1]))

Pandas capitalization of compound interests

I am writing an emulation of a bank deposit account in pandas.
I got stuck with Compound interest (It is the result of reinvesting interest, so that interest in the next period is then earned on the principal sum plus previously accumulated interest.)
So far I have the following code:
import pandas as pd
from pandas.tseries.offsets import MonthEnd
from datetime import datetime
# Create a date range
start = '21/11/2017'
now =
date_rng = pd.date_range(start=start, end=now, freq='d')
# Create an example data frame with the timestamp data
df = pd.DataFrame(date_rng, columns=['Date'])
# Add column (EndOfMonth) - shows the last day of the current month
df['LastDayOfMonth'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date']) + MonthEnd(0)
# Add columns for interest, Sasha, Artem, Total, Description
df['Debit'] = 0
df['Credit'] = 0
df['Total'] = 0
df['Description'] = ''
# Iterate through the DataFrame to set "IsItLastDay" value
for i in df:
df['IsItLastDay'] = (df['LastDayOfMonth'] == df['Date'])
# Add the transaction of the first deposit
df.loc[df.Date == '2017-11-21', ['Debit', 'Description']] = 10000, "First deposit"
# Calculate the principal sum (It the summ of all deposits minus all withdrows plus all compaund interests)
df['Total'] = (df.Debit - df.Credit).cumsum()
# Calculate interest per day and Cumulative interest
# 11% is the interest rate per year
df['InterestPerDay'] = (df['Total'] * 0.11) / 365
df['InterestCumulative'] = ((df['Total'] * 0.11) / 365).cumsum()
# Change the order of columns
df = df[['Date', 'LastDayOfMonth', 'IsItLastDay', 'InterestPerDay', 'InterestCumulative', 'Debit', 'Credit', 'Total', 'Description']]
The output file looks fine, but I need the following:
The "InterestCumulative" column adds to the "Total" column at the last day of each months (compounding the interests)
At the beggining of each month the "InterestCumulative" column should be cleared (Because the interest were added to the Principal sum).
How can I do this?
You're going to need to loop, as your total changes depending on previous rows, which then affects the later rows. As a result your current interest calculations are wrong.
total = 0
cumulative_interest = 0
total_per_day = []
interest_per_day = []
cumulative_per_day = []
for day in df.itertuples():
total += day.Debit - day.Credit
interest = total * 0.11 / 365
cumulative_interest += interest
if day.IsItLastDay:
total += cumulative_interest
if day.IsItLastDay:
cumulative_interest = 0
df.Total = total_per_day
df.InterestPerDay = interest_per_day
df.InterestCumulative = cumulative_per_day
This is unfortunately a lot more confusing looking, but that's what happens when values depend on previous values. Depending on your exact requirements there may be nice ways to simplify this using math, but otherwise this is what you've got.
I've written this directly into stackoverflow so it may not be perfect.

calculating slope on a rolling basis in pandas df python

I have a dataframe :
2012-01-06 80.435059 1277.810059
2012-01-09 81.560600 1280.699951
2012-01-10 83.962914 1292.079956
2017-09-16 144.56653 2230.567646
and I want to find the slope of the stock / and S&P index for the last 63 days for each period. I have tried :
x = 0
temp_dct = {}
for date in df.index:
x += 1
max(x, (len(df.index)-64))
temp_dct[str(date)] = np.polyfit(df['^GSPC'][0+x:63+x].values,
However I feel this is very "unpythonic" , but I've had trouble integrating rolling/shift functions into this.
My expected output is to have a column called "Beta" that has the slope of the S&P (x values) and stock (y values) for all dates available
# this will operate on series
def polyf(seri):
return np.polyfit(seri.index.values, seri.values, 1)[0]
# you can store the original index in a column in case you need to reset back to it after fitting
df.index = df['^GSPC']
df['slope'] = df['CAT'].rolling(63, min_periods=2).apply(polyf, raw=False)
After running this, there will be a new column store the fitting result.
