Get keys of all child dictionaries - python

I have a dictionary of this kind where the values are dictionaries as well the dictionaries can have nested dictionaries in them. like this:
data = {'key1': {
'keyc': None
'keyb': None
'key2': {
'keyii': None
The dictionaries can be many (we don't know how many dictionaries can be there inside the values). How can I get all keys in all values like this?
['key1', 'key2', 'keya', 'keyb', 'keyi', 'keyii']

you could get all the keys using recursion
def get_all_keys_rec(dic):
keys = [key for key in dic]
for val in dic.values():
if type(val)==dict:
inner_keys = get_all_keys_rec(val)
return keys
['key1', 'key2', 'keya', 'keyb', 'keyc', 'keyi', 'keyii']

keys = []
for key, val in data.items():
if isinstance(val, dict):
item = val
while True:
for k, v in item.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
item = v
This outputs:
['key1', 'keya', 'keyc', 'key2', 'keyi', 'keyii']

Recursive generation, yield from should be your partner:
>>> data = {'key1': {
... 'keya': {
... 'keyc': None
... },
... 'keyb': None
... },
... 'key2': {
... 'keyi': None,
... 'keyii': None
... }
... }
>>> def get_all_keys(dct):
... def gen_all_keys(d):
... if isinstance(d, dict):
... yield from d
... for v in d.values():
... yield from gen_all_keys(v)
... return list(gen_all_keys(dct))
>>> get_all_keys(data)
['key1', 'key2', 'keya', 'keyb', 'keyc', 'keyi', 'keyii']


Change value of python nested dictionary with variable path?

How can I pass a dictionary path as an argument? I thought maybe it had something to do with *args or **kwargs but I didn't understand how to use them for this
dictionary = {
'key1': {
'attribute1': 'green',
'attribute2': 5
def SaveToFile(target, value):
with open('savefile.json', 'r') as savefile:
dictionary = json.load(savefile)
dictionary[target] = value
with open('savefile.json', 'w') as savefile:
json.dump(dictionary, savefile)
SaveToFile('["key1"]["attribute1"]', 'blue')
SaveToFile('["attribute2"]', 10)
desired output:
'key1': {
'attribute1': 'blue'
'attribute2': 10
use regex and recursion to solve this
dictionary = {
'key1': {
'attribute1': 'green',
'attribute2': 5
import re
def update_dict(d_, val, *keys):
if not keys:
return {}
key = keys[0]
if isinstance(d_[key], dict):
d_[key].update(update_dict(d_[key], val, *keys[1:]))
if key in d_:
d_[key]= val
return d_
def ChangeValue(target, value):
keys = filter(lambda x: bool(x), re.split('\[\"(.*?)\"\]', target))
update_dict(dictionary, value, *keys)
ChangeValue('["key1"]["attribute1"]', 'blue')
ChangeValue('["attribute2"]', 10)
# output {'key1': {'attribute1': 'blue'}, 'attribute2': 10}

How to change all the values in a nested dictionary in python?

I have sample data that looks like this (nested and is dynamic so it does change on the fly):
I need to recursively go through and replace all the values with -1, so the result will be something like:
I can do it if the dictionary is only one level deep like so:
result['counts'] = {x: '-1' for x in result['counts']}
How do I do it for 2 or more levels on the fly?
Also sometimes the key's can be like 1(1, 2)` or other things like so:
"(1, 2)":{
"(2, 1)":{
Is there any easy way to do this?
Use a recursive function that calls itself on each nested dict:
>>> def replace_value(d, new_val):
... return {
... k: replace_value(v, new_val) if isinstance(v, dict) else new_val
... for k, v in d.items()
... }
>>> replace_value({"foo": {"foo": "bar"}}, -1)
{'foo': {'foo': -1}}
Alternate version with the base case outside the comprehension:
>>> def replace_value(d, new_val):
... if not isinstance(d, dict):
... return new_val
... return {k: replace_value(v, new_val) for k, v in d.items()}
>>> replace_value({"foo": {"foo": "bar"}}, -1)
{'foo': {'foo': -1}}
My choice for similar tasks is remap from boltons
>>> def visitor(path, key, value):
... if not isinstance(value, dict):
... return key, -1
... return True
>>> from boltons.iterutils import remap # pip install boltons
>>> d
{'counts': {'1': {'1': 21082, '2': 14999}, '2': {'1': 9180, '2': 10023}}}
>>> remap(d, visit=visitor)
{'counts': {'1': {'1': -1, '2': -1}, '2': {'1': -1, '2': -1}}}
The visit callable accepts a path, key, and value, and should return the new key and value (or return True as a shorthand to keep old item unmodified).
I prefer this to a recursive function, because it uses a stack-based iterative approach. It is too easy to blow past the recursion limit in Python when dealing with nested data structures.

Get key values for certain fields in JSON response

My json data would look like this:
Is there a way I can get values for certain fields in the response along with their keys. So from this response, the fields for which I expect values are a, c,e,g,i,j along with the respective keys.
Eg: [a:1,c:2,e:3,g:4,i:5,j:6]. Could this be done?
My response contained something like:
Which resulted in the error. I have made the following fix for it.
def get_key_value(dct, res_dct, lst):
for k,v in dct.items():
if isinstance(v, list):
for d in v:
if isinstance(d,dict):
get_key_value(d, res_dct, lst)
elif isinstance(v, dict):
get_key_value(v, res_dct, lst)
res_dct[k] = v
# If you want to store in 'list' you can store as string
res_dct = {}
lst = []
get_key_value(staging_dict, res_dct, lst)
You can use a recursive function and store key & value if only value not list or dict.
def get_key_value(dct, res_dct, lst):
for k,v in dct.items():
if isinstance(v, list):
for d in v:
get_key_value(d, res_dct, lst)
elif isinstance(v, dict):
get_key_value(v, res_dct, lst)
res_dct[k] = v
# If you want to store in 'list' you can store as string
res_dct = {}
lst = []
get_key_value(dct, res_dct, lst)
# res_dct
{'a': 1, 'c': 2, 'e': 3, 'g': 4, 'i': 5, 'j': 6}
# lst
['a:1', 'c:2', 'e:3', 'g:4', 'i:5', 'j:6']

Find key in nested dictionary mixed with lists

I get JSON Data back from an API. The dataset is large and nested. I can access the Datenreihen key like this:
As you can see, this is a mix of dictionaries and lists.
I tried the following, but with lists it does not work :-(.
def recursive_lookup(k, d):
if k in d:
return d[k]
for v in d.values():
if isinstance(v, dict):
return recursive_lookup(k, v)
return None
# Works
recursive_lookup("Ergebnis", jsondata)
# Returns None
recursive_lookup("Datenreihen", jsondata)
Is there an easy way to access and key in my dictionary, no matter how deeply my object is nested?
This is exampledata:
"ErgA1a: KPI Zeitreihe":{
"2019 KW 27",
"2019 KW 28",
"2019 KW 29"
"Name":"Sympathie [#4]\n(Sehr sympathisch, Sympathisch)",
data.get("ErgebnisseAnalyse")[0].get("ErgA1a: KPI Zeitreihe")
recursive_lookup("ErgA1a: KPI Zeitreihe", data)
Recursive function to find value in nested dictionary based upon key field
def find_item(obj, field):
Takes a dict with nested lists and dicts,
and searches all dicts for a key of the field
if isinstance(obj, dict):
for k, v in obj.items():
if k == field:
yield v
elif isinstance(v, dict) or isinstance(v, list):
yield from find_item(v, field)
elif isinstance(obj, list):
for v in obj:
yield from find_item(v, field)
value = next(find_item(dictionary_object, field), None)
# Nested dictionary
dic = {
"a": [{"b": {"c": 1}},
{"d": 2}],
"e": 3}
# Values form various fields
print(next(find_item(dic, "a"), None)) # Output: [{'b': {'c': 1}}, {'d': 2}]
print(next(find_item(dic, "b"), None)) # Output: {'c': 1}
print(next(find_item(dic, "c"), None)) # Output: 1
print(next(find_item(dic, "d"), None)) # Output: 2
print(next(find_item(dic, "e"), None)) # Output: 3
print(next(find_item(dic, "h"), None)) # Output: None

get list of all nested keys in a json

I have a huge json in the format something like :
"Name1": {
"NNum": "11",
"Node1": {
"SubNodeA": "Thomas",
"SubNodeB": "27"
"Node2": {
"SubNodeA": "ZZZ",
"SubNodeD": "XXX",
"SubNodeE": "yy"
"Node3": {
"child1": 11,
"child2": {
"grandchild": {
"greatgrandchild1": "Rita",
"greatgrandchild2": "US"
The format or keys are not defined and can go to any depth
I would like to get the list of keys like
keyList= ["Name1.NNum","Name1.Node1.SubNodeA",""Name1.Node1.SubNodeB","Name1.Node2.SubNodeA","Name1.Node2.SubNodeD","Name1.Node2.SubNodeE","Name1.Node3.child1","Name1.Node3.child2.grandchild.greatgrandchild1","Name1.Node3.child2.grandchild.greatgrandchild2"]
A snapshot of the code
def extract_values(obj):
"""Pull all values of specified key from nested JSON."""
arr = []
key_list = []
parent = ""
def extract(obj, arr,parent):
"""Recursively search for values of key in JSON tree."""
if isinstance(obj, dict):
grandparent = ""
for k, v in obj.items():
print ("k ............",k)
parent = grandparent
temp_parent = k
print ("parent >>>>> ",parent)
if isinstance(v, (dict, list)):
parent = temp_parent
print ("IF VALUE DICT .. parent ", parent)
extract(v, arr,parent)
grandparent = parent
parent = parent + "_" + temp_parent
print ("!!!! NOT DICT :).... **** parent ... ", parent)
elif isinstance(obj, list):
for item in obj:
extract(item, arr)
#print ("arr >>>>>>>>>> ", arr)
return arr
results = extract(obj, arr,parent)
return results
but this does not give the expected output.
Expected Output:
keyList= ["Name1.NNum","Name1.Node1.SubNodeA",""Name1.Node1.SubNodeB","Name1.Node2.SubNodeA","Name1.Node2.SubNodeD","Name1.Node2.SubNodeE","Name1.Node3.child1","Name1.Node3.child2.grandchild.greatgrandchild1","Name1.Node3.child2.grandchild.greatgrandchild2"]
Can anybody help me with this.
Thanks in advance
You can use recursion:
d = {'Name1': {'NNum': '11', 'Node1': {'SubNodeA': 'Thomas', 'SubNodeB': '27'}, 'Node2': {'SubNodeA': 'ZZZ', 'SubNodeD': 'XXX', 'SubNodeE': 'yy'}, 'Node3': {'child1': 11, 'child2': {'grandchild': {'greatgrandchild1': 'Rita', 'greatgrandchild2': 'US'}}}}}
def keys(d, c = []):
return [i for a, b in d.items() for i in ([c+[a]] if not isinstance(b, dict) else keys(b, c+[a]))]
result = list(map('.'.join, keys(d)))
['Name1.NNum', 'Name1.Node1.SubNodeA', 'Name1.Node1.SubNodeB', 'Name1.Node2.SubNodeA', 'Name1.Node2.SubNodeD', 'Name1.Node2.SubNodeE', 'Name1.Node3.child1', 'Name1.Node3.child2.grandchild.greatgrandchild1', 'Name1.Node3.child2.grandchild.greatgrandchild2']
def getKeys(object, prev_key = None, keys = []):
if type(object) != type({}):
return keys
new_keys = []
for k, v in object.items():
if prev_key != None:
new_key = "{}.{}".format(prev_key, k)
new_key = k
new_keys.extend(getKeys(v, new_key, []))
return new_keys
This solution assumes that the inner types that might have children are dictionaries.
You can do simple recursion:
d = {
"Name1": {
"NNum": "11",
"Node1": {
"SubNodeA": "Thomas",
"SubNodeB": "27"
"Node2": {
"SubNodeA": "ZZZ",
"SubNodeD": "XXX",
"SubNodeE": "yy"
"Node3": {
"child1": 11,
"child2": {
"grandchild": {
"greatgrandchild1": "Rita",
"greatgrandchild2": "US"
def get_keys(d, curr_key=[]):
for k, v in d.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
yield from get_keys(v, curr_key + [k])
elif isinstance(v, list):
for i in v:
yield from get_keys(i, curr_key + [k])
yield '.'.join(curr_key + [k])
['Name1.NNum', 'Name1.Node1.SubNodeA', 'Name1.Node1.SubNodeB', 'Name1.Node2.SubNodeA', 'Name1.Node2.SubNodeD', 'Name1.Node2.SubNodeE', 'Name1.Node3.child1', 'Name1.Node3.child2.grandchild.greatgrandchild1', 'Name1.Node3.child2.grandchild.greatgrandchild2']
What about this?
from collections import Mapping
def extract_paths(base_path, dd):
new_paths = []
for key, value in dd.items():
new_path = base_path + ('.' if base_path else '') + key
if isinstance(value, Mapping):
new_paths.extend(extract_paths(new_path, value))
return new_paths
extract_paths('', your_dict)
Use isinstance to check the dict or not called by function recursively. If dict append to path recursively else print the path
def print_nested_keys(dic,path=''):
for k,v in dic.items():
if isinstance(v,dict):
yield from print_nested_keys(v,path)
yield path
>>> [*print_nested_keys(d)] # Here, d is your nested dictionary
