remove kth node from end of linked list - python

I am trying to remove the kth element from the END of a linked list. Here is my code
class LinkedList:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value = None
def removeKthNodeFromEnd(head, k):
if k == 0 or head is None:
temp = head
while temp is not None and k > 1:
temp =
k -= 1
if temp is None or k > 1:
return head
trailing = None
leading = head
while is not None:
trailing = leading
leading =
temp =
if trailing is None:
head =
else: =
head = LinkedList(0) = LinkedList(1) = LinkedList(2) = LinkedList(3) = LinkedList(4) = LinkedList(5) = LinkedList(6) = LinkedList(7) = LinkedList(8) = LinkedList(9)
removeKthNodeFromEnd(head, 10)
while head is not None:
head =
But this does not work and prints out all the values in the linked list from 0 to 9. Why is this the case? If the node to delete is the head node which I check by checking trailing is None, then I update head = I am changing head to be the next node. I can return head after this update and the result of head = removeKthNodeFromEnd(head, k) will give me the desired output but why can't I do it the other way without returning anything? For instance in my solution I can get rid of any element in between the first and last node including the last and works just fine. The original head gets updated and node gets removed. But when trying to update the head node head = it does not work.
One way I achieved this is by doing the following...
if trailing is None:
head.value = =
But why must I use the values? To me this seems the same as
if trailing is None:
head = =
but does not work

It doesn't work because head in that function is a local name. Assigning to a local variable never does anything to other variables, even not when they happen to have the same name (like the global head).
The "trick" you have by moving a linked list value with head.value = will not work when the list only has one node.
One way to do this, is to return the (potentially modified) value of head, and expect the caller to assign this back to their own head variable.
in removeKthNodeFromEnd make sure all return statements are like return head, and that you add a return head at the very end. In short, removeKthNodeFromEnd should always return head.
in the main program, change the call to head = removeKthNodeFromEnd(head, 10)
That will solve your issue.
Here are some ideas to make your code more elegant:
Create a separate class for maintaining the head of the linked list
Improve the constructor, so that it is easier to initialise a linked list
Add an iterator so it is easier to print a linked list
class Node: # renamed
def __init__(self, value, nxt=None):
self.value = value = nxt # is now an argument
class LinkedList: # added
def __init__(self, *values):
self.head = None
if values: # populate the list with values
for value in reversed(values):
def push_front(self, value):
self.head = Node(value, self.head)
def __iter__(self):
node = self.head
while node:
yield node.value
node =
def removeKthNodeFromEnd(self, k):
if k <= 0:
temp = self.head
for _ in range(k):
if not temp: # k is out of range
temp =
if temp:
trailing = self.head
trailing =
temp = =
self.head =
lst = LinkedList(*range(10))
And if you maintain a size attribute, you can do:
class LinkedList: # added
def __init__(self, *values):
self.head = None
self.size = 0
if values:
for value in reversed(values):
def push_front(self, value):
self.head = Node(value, self.head)
self.size += 1
def __iter__(self):
node = self.head
while node:
yield node.value
node =
def removeAt(self, k):
if 1 < k <= self.size:
trailing = self.head
for _ in range(k - 2):
trailing = =
elif 1 == k <= self.size:
self.head =
def removeKthNodeFromEnd(self, k):
self.removeAt(self.size + 1 - k)


Why does calling a function and writing statements explicitly work differently in Python?

I need an insert to head operation for a linked list that I implemented. However, doing this operation by function call (like insertToHead) and writing the statements explicitly where I need them produces different results. I wonder which property of Python leads to that difference but I couldn't figure it out.
To be more specific, let's say that I have the following class for the linked list:
class Node:
value = None
nextNode = None
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def insertToHead(self, value):
newHead = Node(value)
newHead.nextNode = self
return newHead
For a linked list with a single element (say, 2) I want to insert a node (say, 0) to the head to make linked list 0 -> 2.
I created the linked list the following way
head = Node(2)
Then I tried to insert 0 to head two ways:
Writing the statements explicitly where I need them
newHead = Node(0) = head
head = newHead
Now head is 0, not 0 -> 2.
Calling insertToHead
head = head.insertToHead(0)
head is 0 -> 2 after this statement.
Does anyone know why these two approaches result in differently?
You have a typo. should be newHead.nextNode.
A simple implementation of Singly Linked Lists:
class Node:
def __init__(self, value = None, nextNode = None):
self.value = value
self.nextNode = nextNode
class LinkedList:
def __init__(self):
self.head = None # will point to the head of the list
self.tail = None # will point to the tail of the list
self.size = 0 # size of the linked list
def insert_to_head(self, data):
# when push front, the head of the linked list will be Node()
self.head = Node(data, self.head)
if self.tail == None: # if tail is None, means it is a single element
self.tail = self.head
self.size += 1 # increase size by one
def __str__(self):
ret_str = ""
node = self.head
while node != None:
ret_str += str(node.value) + " -> "
node = node.nextNode
return ret_str
myLinkedList = LinkedList()

Linked Lists: How to remove odd numbers?

I am currently taking an online computer science introductory course and have just learned the concept of a linked list. Though I understand the concept of linked lists, I still am unsure as how to deal with linked lists.
As such, I seek out help in solving the following problem, which will be of significant help for my understanding of linked lists:
Write a function (not in LinkedList class definition) that given a linked list, will change that linked list to filter out odd numbers. Immediately after the function returns, the linked list will only have even numbers.
I am unsure as to how to access the nodes in the list and check whether they are odd or even and remove or keep them accordingly.
I apologize if this seems like a trivial question, but I would appreciate any help that might help me learn.
The code for the linked list and node classes (as provided by the online course):
class Node:
def __init__(self, data=None, next_node=None): = data = next_node
def __str__(self):
return str(
class LinkedList:
def __init__(self):
self.length = 0
self.head = None
def print_list(self):
node = self.head
while node is not None:
print(node, end=' ')
node =
def add_at_head(self, node): = self.head
self.head = node
self.length += 1
def remove_node_after(self, node):
if is not None:
temp = = = None
self.length -= 1
def remove_first_node(self):
if self.head is None:
temp = self.head
self.head = = None
self.length -= 1
def print_backward(self):
def print_nodes_backward(node):
if is not None:
if node is not None:
print(node, end=' ')
if self.head is not None:
Let's say you have a bare-bones simple linked list that looks like this:
class LinkedList:
class ListNode:
def __init__(self, data): = data = None
def __init__(self):
self.head = None
def add(self, data):
if self.head is None:
self.head = LinkedList.ListNode(data)
current_node = self.head
while is not None:
current_node = = LinkedList.ListNode(data)
def __str__(self):
ret = "["
current_node = self.head
while current_node is not None:
ret = ret + str(
if is not None:
ret = ret + ", "
current_node =
ret = ret + "]"
return ret
In other words, the LinkedList contains a single head, which is a ListNode. Every element in the Linked List is contained in a ListNode, and each ListNode points towards the next element in the list.
As you can see, for adding an element to the list, we either create a node at the head if the list is empty (i.e. self.head is None), or we traverse to the end of the list by continuously jumping to the .next element for each ListNode, starting from the head. We also use this paradigm for printing a string representation of our list.
So, to remove any node from the linked list, we can simply change the node that references it, so that the node we want to remove gets skipped. At which point it will disappear.
To remove all list nodes containing odd-numbered data, we might do something like this:
def remove_odds(self):
# special case: head node
# remove odd head elements by simply setting head to the next element after
while (self.head is not None) and ( % 2 == 1):
self.head =
# regular case: the rest of the nodes
current_node = self.head
while (current_node is not None) and ( is not None):
# if the next node's data is odd, then
if % 2 == 1:
# skip that node by pointing this node's .next to the next node's .next =
# otherwise, move forwards in the list
current_node =
Proof of concept:
>>> lst = LinkedList()
>>> lst.add(2)
>>> lst.add(5)
>>> lst.add(6)
>>> lst.add(3)
>>> lst.add(7)
>>> lst.add(8)
>>> lst.add(10)
>>> lst.add(1)
>>> lst.add(4)
>>> print(lst)
[2, 5, 6, 3, 7, 8, 10, 1, 4]
>>> lst.remove_odds()
>>> print(lst)
[2, 6, 8, 10, 4]
Copied from comment: The idea is to iterate through the list head-to-tail while remembering the previous node; when you find a garbage node, apply remove_node_after to the remembered node, or move the head to the current node if we haven't had time to remember anything yet.
The code would be something like this (untested):
class LinkedList:
# ...
def delete_if(self, pred):
prev = None
curr = self.head
while curr:
if pred(
if prev:
self.head = curr
prev = curr
curr =
llist.delete_if(lambda x: x % 2 == 1) # delete if odd
# Mahmoud AL-Mokdad
# this course on Udemy By SEfactoru right😁
# use my code 😉
def filter_even(ll):
first_node = ll.head
while (first_node is not None) and ( % 2 != 0):
first_node = ll.head
node = first_node
while node is not None and is not None:
if % 2 != 0:
node =

unable to access next node for Linked List while reversing a Linked List in python

I am a bit new to python and I have seen the correct solutions to the reversing the linkedlist problem but I wanted to know why my solution does not work. In particular, reverse function stays inside the while loop for the code below because of "" line
class Node:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value = None
class LinkedList:
def __init__(self):
self.head = None
def append(self, value):
if self.head is None:
self.head = Node(value)
node = self.head
node = = Node(value)
def __iter__(self):
node = self.head
while node:
yield node.value
node =
def __repr__(self):
return str([v for v in self])
def reverse(linked_list):
new_list = LinkedList()
if linked_list is None:
return new_list
node = linked_list.head
new_list.head = node
prev = node
node =
new_list.head = node = prev
return new_list
if __name__ == "__main__":
a = LinkedList()
b = [1,2,3,4,5]
for item in b:
print a
c = reverse(a)
print c
If you tag your question with Python3 please make sure it runs in python 3.
The reason is because you are mixing up points and creating an infinite loop. Print the value and it may help you find the bug. I am going to use the values to point out the issue.
# First node that comes in value = 1
print(node.value) #
prev = node # prev = 1
node = # node = 2
new_list.head = node # You are setting the head = 2 (i.e. head = = prev # You are setting next of head = 1 (i.e. =
# however this also set = 1
# So going into the next loop: node.value = 2 and = 1
Because of this pointer confusion you are forever looping between your first and second node.
This is how your reverse can look:
def reverse(linked_list):
new_list = LinkedList()
if linked_list is None:
return new_list
node = linked_list.head
new_list.head = Node(node.value)
node =
prev_head = new_list.head
new_list.head = Node(node.value) = prev_head
return new_list
With it I got desired output of print c: [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
General advise: create new Node instead of assignment to node in initial list.
It's a little easier to reason about this (at least to me) if you think about two references:
• One to the remaining part of the original list you haven't seen
• One to the head of the new list
At each iteration move the remaining up and set the old remaining to the head of the new list. Order is important here — as you've seen it's easy to accidentally change next on two different variables that are pointing the same node if you're not careful:
def reverse(linked_list):
new_list = LinkedList()
if linked_list is None:
return new_list
remaining = linked_list.head
while remaining:
prev_head = new_list.head # the old head becomes the first link
new_list.head = remaining # new head becomese the first remaining
remaining = # move remaing one up the chain = prev_head # point the new head to the previous
return new_list

Add Node function not working singly linked list python

I'm a Noob, struggling to understand and implement a singly linked list, that adds items at the tail. I believe the only code that is not working is the add function, which I can't figure out the logic for. I believe I want to set the first node to be the head, and then insert each other element at the tail, changing the pointer for head to point to the 2nd item when adding it, then the pointer for the 2nd item to point to the third etc., but can't figure out how to go about coding that (to deal with an unknown number of strings, here 3 for simplicity.
strings = ["one", "two", "three"]
class Node:
def __init__(self,data,nextNode=None):
# populate the Node, with data and pointer = data
self.nextNode = nextNode
def getData(self):
# method to get value of this node
def setData(self,val):
# set value of node to val = val
def getNextNode(self):
# get the pointer to the next node
return self.nextNode
def setNextNode(self,val):
# set pointer to the next node
self.nextNode = val
class LinkedList:
def __init__(self, head = None, tail = None):
# initial properties of linked list, size 0
self.head = head
self.tail = tail
self.size = 0
def getSize(self):
# get size of linked list
return self.size
def addNode(self,data):
# Head should point to first node, which will have a value, and a Null pointer
if (self.size == 0):
newNode = Node(data, self.tail)
self.head.getNextNode() = newNode
# All additional nodes should be inserted at tail, and with the pointers for the prior nodes changed to point to the new node
newNode = Node(data, self.tail)
self.tail = newNode
self.size += 1
return True
def printNode(self):
curr = self.head
while curr:
print(, curr.nextNode)
curr = curr.getNextNode()
mylist = LinkedList()
for i in strings:
# desired output: Head -> one --> two --> three/Tail
There were many little mistakes, please find them in code below. And let me know if you don't understand something.
One important change is a new node shouldn't have access to its next node. Its already the last node, so there can't be any node next to it. Also please pay close attention to else block of addNode function.
strings = ["one", "two", "three","four","five"]
class Node:
def __init__(self,data):
# populate the Node, with data and pointer = data
self.nextNode = None
def getData(self):
# method to get value of this node
def setData(self,val):
# set value of node to val = val
def getNextNode(self):
# get the pointer to the next node
return self.nextNode
def setNextNode(self,val):
# set pointer to the next node
self.nextNode = val
class LinkedList:
def __init__(self, head = None, tail = None):
# initial properties of linked list, size 0
self.head = head
self.tail = tail
self.size = 0
def getSize(self):
# get size of linked list
return self.size
def addNode(self,data):
# Head should point to first node, which will have a value, and a Null pointer
if (self.size == 0):
self.head = Node(data)
self.tail = self.head
self.size = 1
# All additional nodes should be inserted at tail, and with the pointers for the prior nodes changed to point to the new node
newNode = Node(data)
self.tail.nextNode = newNode
self.tail = newNode
self.size += 1
return True
def printNode(self):
curr = self.head
while curr:
print(, curr.nextNode)
curr = curr.getNextNode()
mylist = LinkedList()
for i in strings:

Doubly linked lists in Python

I'm working on a project where I manipulate a lot of sorted lists of elements, and I need to be able to remove any of these quickly. Since I don't need any kind of indexation, I thought that the doubly linked list structure would be best. I couldn't find any good pre-made module so I made my own:
class Node: # nodes for doubly-linked lists
def __init__(self, val, dll):
self.val = val = None
self.prev = None
self.dll = dll
class DLList: # doubly-linked lists
def __init__(self):
self.first = None
self.last = None
self.len = 0
# def __iter__(self):
# self.curr = self.first
# return self
# def __next__(self):
# if self.curr == None:
# raise StopIteration
# self.curr =
# if self.curr == None:
# raise StopIteration
# return self.curr
def append(self, val): # add a node with value val at the end of the list
node = Node(val, self)
node.prev = self.last
self.last = node
if self.first == None: # <=> if self was empty
self.first = node
self.len += 1
def appendleft(self, val): # same as previous, but at the beginning of the list
node = Node(val, self) = self.first
self.first = node
if self.last == None:
self.last = node
self.len += 1
def nodeat(self, i): # gives the ith node (starting at 0)
if i == -1:
return None
if i > self.len or i < -1:
raise IndexError('index out of range')
curr = self.first
for j in range(i):
curr =
return curr
def remove(self, node): # remove a given node in the list
if node.dll != self: #cannot remove a node that is not in the list
raise ValueError('node not in list')
p = node.prev
n =
v = node.val
node.dll = None
if p != None: = n
self.first = n
if n != None:
n.prev = p
self.last = p
self.len -= 1
return v
def add(self, val, i): # add a node at the ith place in the list
node = Node(val, self)
if i > self.len:
raise IndexError('index out of range')
self.len += 1
previ = self.nodeat(i)
node.prev = previ.prev = previ
previ.prev = node
def clear(self): # empty the list
self.first = None
self.last = None
self.len = 0
def extend(self, iterable): # add the elements of iterable in order at the end of the list
for i in iterable:
self.len += 1
def extendleft(self, iterable): # same as previous, but at the beginning (and in reverse order)
for i in iterable:
self.len += 1
def dll_to_list(self): # return a python list with the elements of the doubly-linked list
res = []
curr = self.first
while curr != None:
curr =
return res
def is_empty(self): # check whether the list is empty
return self.len == 0
Since I would lose time checking that the item I want to remove is in the list by browsing it, I added a pointer toward the list a Node is in inside the node, so that I can check that I'm not removing things from the wrong list.
Those lists are stocked in a Python dictionary, and at some point I started getting 'node not in list' errors. Does anyone know how it could appear? I never use anything but the methods listed here to manipulate the lists...
Otherwise, does anyone know about a well-coded module that I could use in place of this one?
A doubly linked list has links going both directions.
def append(self, val): # add a node with value val at the end of the list
node = Node(val, self) # new node, ok
node.prev = self.last # ok, the new nodes prev is the last node of your list
self.last = node # ok, your new node is now the last of your list
if self.first == None: # yeah, ok, if its empty its also the first one now
self.first = node
self.len += 1
but ... you do not set the back-direction: = node # before node.prev = self.last
Similar in your other appends. You have to always clear/reset/set all the links in both directions if you add/remove things into a doubly-linked-list:
( Red are all the changed variabels on append )
Essentially your list is not complete - if you operate / iterate on it, things will go missing in unexpected ways
