Pygame drawing antialiased shape and then blitting to main window - python

I want to draw antialiased shapes. I know you can use the pygame's gfxdraw module to accomplish this. However, it does seem to work only when drawing directly on the main window which is not suitable for me because I intend to use masks for collision checking.
Therefore a different surface is needed to create a mask that represents the circle.
How can you achieve this in pygame?
Minimal working example:
import pygame as pg
from pygame import gfxdraw
WIDHT, HEIGHT = 1200, 800
WIN = pg.display.set_mode((WIDHT, HEIGHT))
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
GREEN = (0, 200, 0)
RED = (200, 0, 0)
TRANS = (1, 1, 1)
class Circle(pg.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self,
radius: int,
pos: tuple[int, int],
color: tuple[int, int, int]):
self.radius = radius
self.color = color
self.image = pg.surface.Surface((radius*2, radius*2))
self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center=(pos[0], pos[1]))
pg.gfxdraw.aacircle(self.image, self.rect.width//2, self.rect.height//2, radius, color)
pg.gfxdraw.filled_circle(self.image, self.rect.width//2, self.rect.height//2, radius, color)
self.mask = pg.mask.from_surface(self.image)
def draw(self):
WIN.blit(self.image, self.rect)
def main():
circle_1 = Circle(RADIUS, (500, 500), GREEN)
running = True
while running:
for event in pg.event.get():
if event.type == pg.QUIT:
running = False
pg.gfxdraw.filled_circle(WIN, 700, 500, RADIUS, RED)
pg.gfxdraw.aacircle(WIN, 700, 500, RADIUS, RED)
if __name__ == "__main__":

You need to create a transparent pygame.Surface with the per pixel alpha format. Use the SRCALPHA flag:
self.image = pg.surface.Surface((radius*2, radius*2))
self.image = pg.surface.Surface((radius*2, radius*2), pg.SRCALPHA)
However, for the highest quality, I suggest using OpenCV/cv2 (e.g. How to make a circular countdown timer in Pygame?)


The particle is not moving so what is the problem?

I follow a youtube video '' and in the video he make a class that represent a ball and he used pymunk to make a body and added it to the space and after that he created a method inside the ball class that will use pygame to draw the ball and I did almost like him
import pygame
import pymunk
fps = 60
dt = 1/fps
dsX = 800 # screen width
dsY = 500 # screen height
display = pygame.display.set_mode((dsX, dsY))
space = pymunk.Space()
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
def convert_cor(point): # convet the coordinates from pymunk to pygame coordinates
return point[0], dsY - point[1]
class Particle: # v: velocity, pos: position[x, y], r: radius of particle(Circle)
def __init__(self, pos = [0, 0], v = [0, 0], r = 10, color = (255, 0, 0)):
self.pos = pos
self.v = v
self.r = r
self.color = color
self.body = pymunk.Body()
self.body.position = self.pos
self.body.velocity = self.v # this is the veclocity
self.shape = pymunk.Circle(self.body, self.r)
self.shape.dencity = 1
self.shape.elasticity = 1
space.add(self.body, self.shape)
def draw(self):, self.color, convert_cor(self.pos), self.r)
class Box: # thickness of the sides of the box and L1, L2, L3, L4 are the sides of the box
def __init__(self, thickness, color):
self.thickness = thickness
self.color = color
L1 = pymunk.Body(body_type = pymunk.Body.STATIC)
L2 = pymunk.Body(body_type = pymunk.Body.STATIC)
L3 = pymunk.Body(body_type = pymunk.Body.STATIC)
L4 = pymunk.Body(body_type = pymunk.Body.STATIC)
L1_shape = pymunk.Segment(L1, (0, 0), (dsX, 0), self.thickness)
L2_shape = pymunk.Segment(L2, (dsX, 0), (dsX, dsY), self.thickness)
L3_shape = pymunk.Segment(L3, (dsX, dsY), (0, dsY), self.thickness)
L4_shape = pymunk.Segment(L4, (0, dsY), (0, 0), self.thickness)
space.add(L1, L1_shape)
space.add(L2, L2_shape)
space.add(L3, L3_shape)
space.add(L4, L4_shape)
def draw(self):
pygame.draw.line(display, self.color, convert_cor((0, 0)), convert_cor((dsX, 0)), self.thickness * 2)
pygame.draw.line(display, self.color, convert_cor((dsX, 0)), convert_cor((dsX, dsY)), self.thickness * 2)
pygame.draw.line(display, self.color, convert_cor((dsX, dsY)), convert_cor((0, dsY)), self.thickness * 2)
pygame.draw.line(display, self.color, convert_cor((0, dsY)), convert_cor((0, 0)), self.thickness * 2)
def Sim(): # the infinite while loop as a function
box = Box(2, (0, 255, 255))
particle = Particle(pos =[dsX/2, dsY/2], v = [-200, 500]) # here i gave the position and the velocity
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
display.fill((255, 255, 255))
The thing is, I did also a class that will add a rigid sides for the display and i drew the sides from the Box class using the method 'draw' The problem is in the time 5:58 in the video he gave the ball velocity and it start moving and in my code it does not move. any idea why it doen't move?
note: I called the ball particle in my code
You error is both a typo and using the wrong variable.
Inside your particles draw function...
def draw(self):, self.color, convert_cor(self.pos), self.r)
# New
def draw(self):, self.color, convert_cor(self.body.position), self.r)
You have to use the body's position cause that is the position of the physics body in pymunk's space.
class Particle: # v: velocity, pos: position[x, y], r: radius of particle(Circle)
def __init__(self, pos, v, r=10, color=(255, 0, 0)):
# Old
self.shape.dencity = 1
# New
self.shape.density = 1
Since density was not set to anything Pymunk was having a divide by zero error so it wouldn't update the body's position.
self.body.position = self.pos
To be clear about the problem:
From what I could find in the documentation, pymunk.Body.position is a property; it expects you to pass either an ordinary Python tuple or a Vec2d (not a list, although anything it's relying on internally to handle a tuple probably handles a list just fine), and calls some internal code written in another programming language. The effect is that, instead of storing your list object and then making changes to the list (which would be visible in your class, since it would be the same object), it just gets the initial values out of your list, and then doesn't use the list object.
This means that when Pymunk applies physics calculations, self.body.position changes, but self.pos does not. So the current self.pos is useless; we can't use it to check the object position.
If you don't need to do that, then there is no need to create a self.pos at all - just feed self.body.position = pos directly, and make sure to use self.body.position when drawing.
If you do, I recommend using your own property instead of trying to set self.pos. Do the above, and then add to the class:
def pos(self):
return self.body.position
And if you want to change the position from your code (but you probably shouldn't! Why else are you using the physics engine in the first place?), also add:
def pos(self, value):
self.body.position = value

Drawing non pixelated circles in pygame [duplicate]

Like, color, pos, radius, width), I want to get antialiased circle.
But, there is no option about width on pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle().
Anyone knows alternative way?
Neither the pygame.draw module nor the
pygame.gfxdraw module provide a function for an antialiased circle with an scalable thickness. While can draw a circle with different width, can draw a thin, antialiased circle.
You can try to stitch the circle with a for the body and on the edges. However, the quality is low and can depend on the system:
def drawAACircle(surf, color, center, radius, width):
pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(surf, *center, 100, color)
pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(surf, *center, 100-width, color), color, center, radius, width)
I recommend drawing a image with an antialiased circle and blit the image. You can create the image using OpenCV (opencv-python). See OpenCV - Drawing Functions.
Minimal example:
import pygame
import cv2
import numpy
def drawAACircle(surf, color, center, radius, width):
circle_image = numpy.zeros((radius*2+4, radius*2+4, 4), dtype = numpy.uint8)
circle_image =, (radius+2, radius+2), radius-width//2, (*color, 255), width, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)
circle_surface = pygame.image.frombuffer(circle_image.flatten(), (radius*2+4, radius*2+4), 'RGBA')
surf.blit(circle_surface, circle_surface.get_rect(center = center))
window = pygame.display.set_mode((300, 300))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
run = True
while run:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
run = False
window.fill((32, 32, 32))
drawAACircle(window, (255, 0, 0), window.get_rect().center, 100, 20)

Can I use an image on a moving object within Pygame as opposed to to a color?

def star1():
global angle
x = int(math.cos(angle) * 100) + 800
y = int(math.sin(angle) * 65) + 400, white, (x, y), 17)
angle += 0.02
The parameters pygame gives for the here only allow for an RGB color to be used to color the figure. I am wondering if there is a way I can pass an image as a color, or use a different method that allows me to place an image on the object/circle. The circles move around so the image also needs to stay with the circle as it moves.
Create a transparent pygame.Surface with the desired size
Draw a white circle in the middle of the Surface
Blend the image (my_image) on this Surface using the blend mode BLEND_RGBA_MIN:
size = 100
circular_image = pygame.Surface((size, size), pygame.SRCALPHA), (255, 255, 255), (size//2, size//2), size//2)
image_rect = my_image.get_rect(center = circular_image.get_rect().center)
circular_image.blit(my_image, image_rect, special_flags=pygame.BLEND_RGBA_MIN)
Minimal example:
import pygame
window = pygame.display.set_mode((300, 300))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
def create_circular_image(size, image):
clip_image = pygame.Surface((size, size), pygame.SRCALPHA), (255, 255, 255), (size//2, size//2), size//2)
image_rect = my_image.get_rect(center = clip_image.get_rect().center)
clip_image.blit(my_image, image_rect, special_flags=pygame.BLEND_RGBA_MIN)
return clip_image
def create_test_image():
image = pygame.Surface((100, 100))
ts, w, h, c1, c2 = 25, 100, 100, (255, 64, 64), (32, 64, 255)
[pygame.draw.rect(image, c1 if (x+y) % 2 == 0 else c2, (x*ts, y*ts, ts, ts))
for x in range((w+ts-1)//ts) for y in range((h+ts-1)//ts)]
return image
my_image = create_test_image()
circular_image = create_circular_image(100, my_image)
rect = circular_image.get_rect(center = window.get_rect().center)
run = True
while run:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
run = False
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
rect.x += (keys[pygame.K_RIGHT] - keys[pygame.K_LEFT]) * 5
rect.y += (keys[pygame.K_DOWN] - keys[pygame.K_UP]) * 5
window.fill((64, 64, 64))
window.blit(circular_image, rect)
See also:
how to make circular surface in PyGame
How to fill only certain circular parts of the window in PyGame?
Write a function that draws an image on a given x, y and pass these x, y values used in the circle function.
Basicly it's just win.blit(image, (x,y)). Don't forget to subtruct radius value. So the image matchs with circle.

How do you draw an antialiased circular line of a certain thickness? How to set width on pygame.gfx.aacircle()?

Like, color, pos, radius, width), I want to get antialiased circle.
But, there is no option about width on pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle().
Anyone knows alternative way?
Neither the pygame.draw module nor the
pygame.gfxdraw module provide a function for an antialiased circle with an scalable thickness. While can draw a circle with different width, can draw a thin, antialiased circle.
You can try to stitch the circle with a for the body and on the edges. However, the quality is low and can depend on the system:
def drawAACircle(surf, color, center, radius, width):
pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(surf, *center, 100, color)
pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(surf, *center, 100-width, color), color, center, radius, width)
I recommend drawing a image with an antialiased circle and blit the image. You can create the image using OpenCV (opencv-python). See OpenCV - Drawing Functions.
Minimal example:
import pygame
import cv2
import numpy
def drawAACircle(surf, color, center, radius, width):
circle_image = numpy.zeros((radius*2+4, radius*2+4, 4), dtype = numpy.uint8)
circle_image =, (radius+2, radius+2), radius-width//2, (*color, 255), width, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)
circle_surface = pygame.image.frombuffer(circle_image.flatten(), (radius*2+4, radius*2+4), 'RGBA')
surf.blit(circle_surface, circle_surface.get_rect(center = center))
window = pygame.display.set_mode((300, 300))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
run = True
while run:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
run = False
window.fill((32, 32, 32))
drawAACircle(window, (255, 0, 0), window.get_rect().center, 100, 20)

Show PyMunk with PyGame - Python

I am trying to learn PyMunk and I used their basic example from the website:
import pymunk
space = pymunk.Space()
space.gravity = 0,-1000
body = pymunk.Body(1,1666)
body.position = 50,100
poly = pymunk.Poly.create_box(body)
space.add(body, poly)
while True:
But it does not create a window, does not show anything. How to use PyGame to create the graphical window?
What that example does is create a simulation, add a box shaped object inside and then run the simulation infinitely. The code doesn't print or draw anything, so you will not actually see the output. To get a better understanding and something on screen I suggest you start with the tutorial:
Pymunk is a 2d rigid body physics library, which means that what it does is simulate how objects move and interact with each other in 2 dimensions. Its not made for drawing to the screen or read input.
You can of course use it as is without anything else, and just print out the result of the simulation. But more common is that you want to draw to the screen, read input and so on. One way to do that is by using the game library Pygame that helps out with drawing to the screen, reading input, having a game loop and so on.
Pymunk itself does have some helper functions so that you can easily connect it with Pygame (and a couple of other libraries), but this is not the core part. Usually these helper functions are good for when you want something quick-n-dirty such as a prototype and you don't have need to customize the drawing.
Now, this said, if you want to see something you can add a print statement to the while loop, so it becomes like this:
while True:
Then it will print out the position of the ball each step of the simulation, and you can see that its changing all the time (because of the gravity that is set on the space).
There are more advanced examples included in Pymunk that are both interactive and show something on screen. These examples depends on mostly either Pygame or Pyglet, but the principle is the same in case you have a different library you want to use it with.
Here's an example that shows how I use Pymunk in combination with pygame. The Entity class is a pygame.sprite.Sprite subclass to which I attach a pymunk.Body and a pymunk.Shape as well as a reference to the pm.Space, so that the bodies and shapes can be added and removed from it. The position of the sprite's rect gets set to the self.body.position each frame, so that we get the correct blit position for the self.image and can simply draw all sprites by calling self.sprite_group.draw(self.screen).
import math
import pygame as pg
import pymunk as pm
from pymunk import Vec2d
def flipy(p):
"""Convert chipmunk coordinates to pygame coordinates."""
return Vec2d(p[0], -p[1]+600)
class Entity(pg.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, pos, space):
self.image = pg.Surface((46, 52), pg.SRCALPHA)
pg.draw.polygon(self.image, (0, 50, 200),
[(0, 0), (48, 0), (48, 54), (24, 54)])
self.orig_image = self.image
self.rect = self.image.get_rect(topleft=pos)
vs = [(-23, 26), (23, 26), (23, -26), (0, -26)]
mass = 1
moment = pm.moment_for_poly(mass, vs)
self.body = pm.Body(mass, moment)
self.shape = pm.Poly(self.body, vs)
self.shape.friction = .9
self.body.position = pos = space, self.shape)
def update(self, dt):
pos = flipy(self.body.position) = pos
self.image = pg.transform.rotate(
self.orig_image, math.degrees(self.body.angle))
self.rect = self.image.get_rect(
# Remove sprites that have left the screen.
if pos.x < 20 or pos.y > 560:, self.shape)
def handle_event(self, event):
if event.type == pg.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pg.K_a:
self.body.angular_velocity = 5.5
elif event.key == pg.K_w:
self.body.apply_impulse_at_local_point(Vec2d(0, 900))
class Game:
def __init__(self):
self.done = False
self.clock = pg.time.Clock()
self.screen = pg.display.set_mode((800, 600))
self.gray = pg.Color('gray68') = pg.Color('red')
# Pymunk stuff. = pm.Space() = Vec2d(0.0, -900.0)
self.static_lines = [
pm.Segment(, (60, 100), (370, 100), 0),
pm.Segment(, (370, 100), (600, 300), 0),
for lin in self.static_lines:
lin.friction = 0.8
# A sprite group which holds the pygame.sprite.Sprite objects.
self.sprite_group = pg.sprite.Group(Entity((150, 200),
def run(self):
while not self.done:
self.dt = self.clock.tick(30) / 1000
def handle_events(self):
for event in pg.event.get():
if event.type == pg.QUIT:
self.done = True
if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
for sprite in self.sprite_group:
def run_logic(self): # Update physics.
self.sprite_group.update(self.dt) # Update pygame sprites.
def draw(self):
self.screen.fill(pg.Color(140, 120, 110))
for line in self.static_lines:
body = line.body
p1 = flipy(body.position + line.a.rotated(body.angle))
p2 = flipy(body.position + line.b.rotated(body.angle))
pg.draw.line(self.screen, self.gray, p1, p2, 5)
# Debug draw. Outlines of the Pymunk shapes.
for obj in self.sprite_group:
shape = obj.shape
ps = [pos.rotated(shape.body.angle) + shape.body.position
for pos in shape.get_vertices()]
ps = [flipy((pos)) for pos in ps]
ps += [ps[0]]
pg.draw.lines(self.screen,, False, ps, 1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
