I've set up a password recovery system in my application which work pretty well however I'm facing a problem with the token issued which apparently never expire, at least when it gets used multiple time by the user.
The link sent by email to the user remain valid even after changing the password x times with the same link.
I'm using the regular way I've found on internet with token_generator.make_token(user)
from django.contrib.auth.tokens import PasswordResetTokenGenerator
from six import text_type
class AppTokenGenerator(PasswordResetTokenGenerator):
def _make_hash_value(self, user, timestamp):
return (text_type(user.is_active), text_type(user.pk), text_type(timestamp))
token_generator = AppTokenGenerator()
def send_email_user_account_password_recover(request, user, language):
uidb64 = urlsafe_base64_encode(force_bytes(user.pk))
token = token_generator.make_token(user)
url_base = get_url_base(request)
email_text = emailText["user_account_password_recover"][language]
if language == "fr":
link_text = "Réinitialiser mon mot de passe"
activate_url = url_base + f"/fr/recover-password-authorised/{uidb64}/{token}/"
link_text = "Reset my password"
activate_url = url_base + f"/en/recover-password-authorised/{uidb64}/{token}/"
context = {"title": email_text["title"],
"content": email_text["text"],
"url_base": url_base,
"link": activate_url,
"link_text": link_text,
"language": language}
html_content = render_to_string("email/email-template-extends.html", context)
text_content = strip_tags(html_content)
email = EmailMultiAlternatives(
email.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html")
logger.info(f"Email user password recover for user ({user.id_code}) sent from {EMAIL_HOST_USER} to {user.email}.")
return True
logger.error(f"Email user password recover for user ({user.id_code}) could not be sent.")
return False
def AccountVerification(request, language=None, uidb64=None, verification_token=None):
if verification_token:
if not language:
if request.LANGUAGE_CODE == "fr":
return HttpResponseRedirect(f'/fr/verification/email/{uidb64}/{verification_token}/')
return HttpResponseRedirect(f'/en/verification/email/{uidb64}/{verification_token}/')
id = force_text(urlsafe_base64_decode(uidb64))
user = api.charge_user_from_id(id)
if not token_generator.check_token(user, verification_token):
logger.error(f"{get_first_part_log(request)} Link not valid anymore.")
if language == "fr":
messages.error(request, f"Le lien n'est plus valide.")
return HttpResponseRedirect("/fr/se-connecter/")
messages.error(request, f"The link is not valid anymore.")
return HttpResponseRedirect("/en/login/")
if user.is_active:
logger.info(f"{get_first_part_log(request)} User already activated, redirect to login.")
if language == "fr":
return HttpResponseRedirect("/fr/se-connecter/")
return HttpResponseRedirect("/en/login/")
user.is_active = True
user.is_email_validated = True
logger.info(f"{get_first_part_log(request)} Charging email verification completed page.")
if language == "fr":
return render(request, "fr/authentication/email-verification-completed.html", {})
return render(request, "en/authentication/email-verification-completed.html", {})
logger.error(f"{get_first_part_log(request)} An error occurred.")
if language == "fr":
messages.error(request, f"Une erreur est survenue, contactez le support (support#linkimo.fr)")
return HttpResponseRedirect("/fr/se-connecter/")
messages.error(request, f"An error occurred, please contact support (support#linkimo.fr)")
return HttpResponseRedirect("/en/login/")
My question is simple, how can I delete the token from record or make it invalid if the user already used it AND changed his password successfully ?
Thank you in advance for your help !
This doesn't fully answer your question as I don't think the tokens can be set as a one use only but you can reduce the number of seconds that the token is valid for in setting.py. The default is 3 days as per the below.
PASSWORD_RESET_TIMEOUT = 259200 # Default: 259200 (3 days, in seconds)
token_generator.check_token(user, verification_token)
if the timeout has elapsed the above would return false
I am trying to follow along with a couple online tutorials for creating a reset password feature in my app. Both these tutorials use itsdangerous TimedJSONWebSignatureSerializer, which has since been deprecated, so I'm working with an older version of itsdangerous. Probably not best practice, I know.
The issue that I'm running into is that when I'm in the reset_token function and use verify_token(), its supposed to return the variable "email" to me, which I then save in "user". The reset_token function runs through the first time to bring up the html page and on this first run through, user = the email address, as it should. However, then when I hit "submit" on my reset password page, the code runs through a second time and then user = None, which therefore makes my query not work.
How do I make "email" not turn to None on the second run through of my code?
from flask import Flask, request, render_template, session, redirect, url_for
import mysql.connector
from flask_mail import Mail, Message
from itsdangerous import TimedJSONWebSignatureSerializer as Serializer
def get_token(user, expires_sec=600):
serial = Serializer(app.config['SECRET_KEY'], expires_in=expires_sec)
return serial.dumps({'user_id': user}).decode('utf-8')
def verify_token(token):
serial = Serializer(app.config['SECRET_KEY'])
email = serial.loads(token)['user_id']
return None
return email
def send_mail(email):
token = get_token(email)
msg = Message('Password Reset Request', recipients=[email], sender='censoring this :)')
msg.body = f'''
To reset your password, please follow the link below.
{url_for('reset_token', token=token, _external=True)}
If you did not request a password reset, please ignore this message.
#app.route('/password_reset', methods=['post', 'get'])
def password_reset():
error = None
success = None
def check(s):
email_format = r'\b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+#[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z|a-z]{2,}\b'
if re.match(email_format, s):
return True
return False
if request.method == 'POST':
email = request.form.get('email')
if not check(email):
error = "*Invalid email"
query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = %s"
cursor.execute(query, (email,))
count_rows = cursor.rowcount
if count_rows < 1:
error = "*We do not have that email address on file."
success = "*Reset request sent. Please check your email."
return render_template('password_reset.html', error=error, msg=success)
#app.route('/password_reset/<token>', methods=['get', 'post'])
def reset_token(token):
error = None
success = None
user = verify_token(token)
if user is None:
error = "That token is either invalid or expired. Please try again."
return redirect(url_for('password_reset'))
if request.method == 'POST':
password = request.form.get('password')
password_2 = request.form.get('password_2')
if len(password) < 6:
error = "*Your password must have at least 6 characters."
elif password != password_2:
error = "*Passwords do not match."
query = "UPDATE users SET password=%s WHERE email=%s"
cursor.execute(query, (password, user))
success = "Your password has been created!"
return render_template('change_password.html')
i have 2 django application and i want importing users with passwords to another application
when i do this, i have problem for login
imported users cant login
Note : i have custom user model
this 2 application have SAME SECRET_KEY
and here is my login code
GetDomain = Domains.objects.filter(domain=get_domain(HTTP_HOST=request.META['HTTP_HOST'])).first()
Email = request.POST.get('mail', None)
raw_password = request.POST.get('pass', None)
recaptcha_response = request.POST.get('g-recaptcha-response', None)
if Email is None:
return HttpResponse(ajax_result(Code=200, message='ایمیل خالی است'))
if raw_password is None:
return HttpResponse(ajax_result(Code=200, message='پسورد خالی است'))
if recaptcha_response is None:
return HttpResponse(ajax_result(Code=200, message='کد امنیتی را وارد کنید'))
GetUser = User.objects.filter(email=Email).first()
if GetUser is not None and GetUser.is_active:
if GetUser.aff != GetDomain.UseBy.username:
return HttpResponse(ajax_result(Code=200, message='کاربر یافت نشد'))
if RecaptchaValidator(recaptcha_response):
if not GetUser.is_superuser and not GetUser.is_staff:
user = authenticate(username=GetUser.username, password=raw_password)
login(request, user)
except AttributeError:
return HttpResponse(ajax_result(message='اطلاعات ورود اشتباه است'))
GetUser.Browser = request.META['HTTP_USER_AGENT']
GetUser.IsLogin = True
GetUser.LastLoginIP = GetIP(request)
if GetUser.is_superuser or GetUser.is_staff:
SubmitLog(user=request.user, Part='ورود به پنل', Number=None, Information=None,
threading.Thread(target=WriteUserExtraInformation, args=(request, GetUser,), name='WI').start()
if GetUser.NeedVerify:
Context = '{"result" : "ok", "data": {"url":"/tickets/send?verify=1"}}'
if 'next' in request.GET.keys():
Context = '{"result" : "ok", "data": {"url":"' + request.GET['next'] + '"}}'
Context = '{"result" : "ok", "data": {"url":"/profile/"}}'
response = HttpResponse(Context)
response.set_cookie('app', 'True', secure=True)
return response
return HttpResponse(ajax_result(message='کد امنیتی درست وارد نشده'))
return HttpResponse(ajax_result(message='اطلاعات ورود اشتباه است'))
Soved :
its because iterations of PBKDF2PasswordHasher in django old version is : 216000
and new version iterations is : 320000
i add this code and solved !
Password = GetUser.password
if Password.split('$')[1] == '320000':
login(request, user)
except AttributeError:
return HttpResponse(ajax_result(message='auth faild'))
GetUser = User.objects.filter(username=GetUser.username).first()
user = authenticate(username=GetUser.username, password=raw_password)
login(request, user)
except AttributeError:
return HttpResponse(ajax_result(message='auth faild'))
imported users hash passwords is :
new users hash password is :
its because iterations of PBKDF2PasswordHasher in django old version is : 216000
and new version iterations is : 320000
i change my code if iterations is 216000 reset password
and done !
I have a problem with users trying to register on my application (which is a Flask app deployed on Pythonanywhere with MongoDB Atlas).
Basically when they register they receive an email with a token that they need to click on to confirm. When they click on that link they should enter the application, but instead they receive an error.
When I check the error log, this is what I see (under "/auth/register") when it calls:
existing_user = User.get_by_email(session["email"])
return super(SecureCookieSession, self).__getitem__(key)
Exception KeyError: 'email' was thrown out.
It seems that somehow the session["email"] does not work?
This is my code:
def confirm_email(token):
email = ts.loads(token, salt="email-confirm-key", max_age=7200)
return render_template("token_expired.html")
user = Database.find_one(collection="users", query={"email": email})
return redirect(url_for("register_user"))
#app.route("/auth/register", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def register_user():
existing_user = User.get_by_email(session["email"])
if existing_user is None:
email = session["email"].lower() # our website is making a request to our app
username = session["username"]
companyname = session["companyname"].lower()
password = session["password"].encode("utf-8")
hashed_password = bcrypt.hashpw(password, bcrypt.gensalt())
User.register(email, username, companyname, hashed_password)
session["companyname"] = companyname
excisting_company = Database.find_one(collection="companies", query={"email": session["email"]})
if excisting_company is None:
new_company = NewCompany(session["companyname"], session["email"])
return "A company has already been registered under your email address"
return render_template("email_already_exists.html")
return redirect(url_for("user_results"))
def get_by_email(cls, email):
find_email = Database.find_one(collection="users", query={"email": email})
if find_email is not None:
return cls(email=find_email["email"], username=find_email["username"],
companyname=find_email["companyname"], hashed_password=find_email["password"],
date=find_email["date"], _id=find_email["_id"])
I cant seem to figure out why, as when I register myself it works just fine.
Your help would be greatly appreciated here, many thanks in advance.
Here is where I set the session["email"]:
#app.route("/email_confirmation", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def confirmation():
email = request.form["email"].lower()
companyname = request.form["companyname"].lower()
password = request.form["password"]
username = request.form["username"]
session["password"] = password
session["email"] = email
session["companyname"] = companyname
session["username"] = username
existing_user = User.get_by_email(email)
if existing_user is None:
msg = Message("Confirm your email", sender=("hello#weliketalent.com"),
token = ts.dumps(email, salt="email-confirm-key")
confirm_url = url_for("confirm_email", token=token, _external=True)
msg.html = render_template("email/activate.html", confirm_url=confirm_url)
The error is telling you that there is no "email" value in session object.
I don't see you setting this value anywhere in your code. How is it supposed to get there? Somebody needs to set it somewhere before this code runs.
In addition to that, you should design your code not to crash in such cases, as this could be a security vulnerability. You can use if "email" not in session for test.
I want to test this view:
def register(request):
handle user registration
code variable is for testing purposes
if request.method== 'GET':
form = RegisterForm(auto_id=False)
code = 1
return render_to_response('register_home.html',locals(),context_instance=RequestContext(request))
elif request.method == 'POST':
form = RegisterForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
password = form.cleaned_data['password']
password_confirmation = form.cleaned_data['password_confirmation']
if password == password_confirmation:
#if True:
login = form.cleaned_data['login']
email = form.cleaned_data['email']
newsletter = form.cleaned_data['newsletter']
key = register_user(login,email,password,newsletter)
if key:
#send email
send_mail("Dziękujemy za rejestrację"," Klucz aktywacyjny to " + key,settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER,[email])
request.session['email'] = email
return redirect(register_success)
code = 4
error = "Login /email are taken"
return render_to_response('register_home.html',locals(),context_instance=RequestContext(request))
code = 3
error = "invalid password"
return render_to_response('register_home.html',locals(),context_instance=RequestContext(request))
code = 2
return render_to_response('register_home.html',locals(),context_instance=RequestContext(request))
And here is my part of my test:
def test_valid_credentials(self):
#now try to register valid user
data = {'login':'test','password':'zaq12wsx','password_confirmation':'zaq12wsx','terms':True,'newsletter':True,'email':'test#test.com'}
response = self.c.post(reverse('register'),data)
#our user should be registred
self.assertEquals(302, response.status_code,'We dont have benn redirected')
self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), 1,'No activation email was sent')
#clen email box
mail.outbox = []
#now try to add anotheer user with the same data
response = self.c.post(reverse('register'),data)
#template should be rendered with error message about used login and email
And here is the error that I got:
in test_valid_credentials
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
I tried it with get method and it works perfectly. Just with post it don't want to work.What am I doing wrong?Best regards
What is the response status? Redirects doesn't have context. Anyway, printing the response should help.
My guess is
key = register_user(login,email,password,newsletter)
throws an exception on duplicate register attempts and thus the handler does not generate a response.
I created a django application with a user login/registration page. I am trying to implement a facebook login also possible along with my django login. For doing so i was following this link : enter link description here. As the documentaion says, i have created a file called FaebookConnectMiddleware.py and put in settings.py folder; and changed the db name to my db name. Now the facebook log in works fine, but after it logs in, its redirected to that same page (django registration page,dats where i put FB login button).How can i redirect it to another page in my application. Can somebody help me to solve this. I will paste FacebookConnectMiddleware.py code here.
# FacebookConnectMiddleware.py
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login, logout
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.conf import settings
import md5
import urllib
import time
import simplejson
from datetime import datetime
# These values could be placed in Django's project settings
# More info here: http://nyquistrate.com/django/facebook-connect/
REST_SERVER = 'http://api.facebook.com/restserver.php'
# You can get your User ID here: http://developers.facebook.com/tools.php?api
MY_FACEBOOK_UID = 'xxx#gmail.com'
NOT_FRIEND_ERROR = 'You must be my Facebook friend to log in.'
PROBLEM_ERROR = 'There was a problem. Try again later.'
ACCOUNT_DISABLED_ERROR = 'Your account is not active.'
ACCOUNT_PROBLEM_ERROR = 'There is a problem with your account.'
class FacebookConnectMiddleware(object):
def process_request(self, request):
# Set the facebook message to empty. This message can be used to dispaly info from the middleware on a Web page.
request.facebook_message = None
# Don't bother trying FB Connect login if the user is already logged in
if not request.user.is_authenticated():
# FB Connect will set a cookie with a key == FB App API Key if the user has been authenticated
signature_hash = self.get_facebook_signature(request.COOKIES, True)
# The hash of the values in the cookie to make sure they're not forged
if(signature_hash == request.COOKIES[FACEBOOK_API_KEY]):
# If session hasn't expired
if(datetime.fromtimestamp(float(request.COOKIES[FACEBOOK_API_KEY+'_expires'])) > datetime.now()):
# Make a request to FB REST(like) API to see if current user is my friend
are_friends_params = {
'api_key': FACEBOOK_API_KEY,
'session_key': request.COOKIES[FACEBOOK_API_KEY + '_session_key'],
'call_id': time.time(),
'v': '1.0',
'uids2': request.COOKIES[FACEBOOK_API_KEY + '_user'],
'format': 'json',
are_friends_hash = self.get_facebook_signature(are_friends_params)
are_friends_params['sig'] = are_friends_hash
are_friends_params = urllib.urlencode(are_friends_params)
are_friends_response = simplejson.load(urllib.urlopen(REST_SERVER, are_friends_params))
# If we are friends
if(are_friends_response[0]['are_friends'] is True):
# Try to get Django account corresponding to friend
# Authenticate then login (or display disabled error message)
django_user = UniversityDetails.objects.get(username=request.COOKIES[FACEBOOK_API_KEY + '_user'])
user = authenticate(username=request.COOKIES[FACEBOOK_API_KEY + '_user'],
password=md5.new(request.COOKIES[FACEBOOK_API_KEY + '_user'] + settings.FACEBOOK_SECRET_KEY).hexdigest())
if user is not None:
if user.is_active:
login(request, user)
self.facebook_user_is_authenticated = True
request.facebook_message = ACCOUNT_DISABLED_ERROR
self.delete_fb_cookies = True
request.facebook_message = ACCOUNT_PROBLEM_ERROR
self.delete_fb_cookies = True
except User.DoesNotExist:
# There is no Django account for this Facebook user.
# Create one, then log the user in.
# Make request to FB API to get user's first and last name
user_info_params = {
'method': 'Users.getInfo',
'api_key': FACEBOOK_API_KEY,
'call_id': time.time(),
'v': '1.0',
'uids': request.COOKIES[FACEBOOK_API_KEY + '_user'],
'fields': 'first_name,last_name',
'format': 'json',
user_info_hash = self.get_facebook_signature(user_info_params)
user_info_params['sig'] = user_info_hash
user_info_params = urllib.urlencode(user_info_params)
user_info_response = simplejson.load(urllib.urlopen(REST_SERVER, user_info_params))
# Create user
user = UniversityDetails.objects.create_user(request.COOKIES[FACEBOOK_API_KEY + '_user'], '',
md5.new(request.COOKIES[FACEBOOK_API_KEY + '_user'] +
user.first_name = user_info_response[0]['first_name']
user.last_name = user_info_response[0]['last_name']
# Authenticate and log in (or display disabled error message)
user = authenticate(username=request.COOKIES[FACEBOOK_API_KEY + '_user'],
password=md5.new(request.COOKIES[FACEBOOK_API_KEY + '_user'] + settings.FACEBOOK_SECRET_KEY).hexdigest())
if user is not None:
if user.is_active:
login(request, user)
self.facebook_user_is_authenticated = True
request.facebook_message = ACCOUNT_DISABLED_ERROR
self.delete_fb_cookies = True
request.facebook_message = ACCOUNT_PROBLEM_ERROR
self.delete_fb_cookies = True
# Not my FB friend
request.facebook_message = NOT_FRIEND_ERROR
self.delete_fb_cookies = True
# Cookie session expired
self.delete_fb_cookies = True
# Cookie values don't match hash
self.delete_fb_cookies = True
# Logged in
# If FB Connect user
# IP hash cookie set
if 'fb_ip' in request.COOKIES:
real_ip = request.META['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']
except KeyError:
real_ip = request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']
# If IP hash cookie is NOT correct
if request.COOKIES['fb_ip'] != md5.new(real_ip + FACEBOOK_SECRET_KEY + settings.FACEBOOK_SECRET_KEY).hexdigest():
self.delete_fb_cookies = True
# FB Connect user without hash cookie set
self.delete_fb_cookies = True
# Something else happened. Make sure user doesn't have site access until problem is fixed.
request.facebook_message = PROBLEM_ERROR
self.delete_fb_cookies = True
def process_response(self, request, response):
# Delete FB Connect cookies
# FB Connect JavaScript may add them back, but this will ensure they're deleted if they should be
if self.delete_fb_cookies is True:
response.delete_cookie(FACEBOOK_API_KEY + '_user')
response.delete_cookie(FACEBOOK_API_KEY + '_session_key')
response.delete_cookie(FACEBOOK_API_KEY + '_expires')
response.delete_cookie(FACEBOOK_API_KEY + '_ss')
response.delete_cookie('fbsetting_' + FACEBOOK_API_KEY)
self.delete_fb_cookies = False
if self.facebook_user_is_authenticated is True:
real_ip = request.META['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']
except KeyError:
real_ip = request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']
response.set_cookie('fb_ip', md5.new(real_ip + FACEBOOK_SECRET_KEY + settings.FACEBOOK_SECRET_KEY).hexdigest())
# process_response() must always return a HttpResponse
return response
# Generates signatures for FB requests/cookies
def get_facebook_signature(self, values_dict, is_cookie_check=False):
signature_keys = []
for key in sorted(values_dict.keys()):
if (is_cookie_check and key.startswith(FACEBOOK_API_KEY + '_')):
elif (is_cookie_check is False):
if (is_cookie_check):
signature_string = ''.join(['%s=%s' % (x.replace(FACEBOOK_API_KEY + '_',''), values_dict[x]) for x in signature_keys])
signature_string = ''.join(['%s=%s' % (x, values_dict[x]) for x in signature_keys])
signature_string = signature_string + FACEBOOK_SECRET_KEY
return md5.new(signature_string).hexdigest()
views These functions does the login/registration for the django application.
def registrationForm(request):
if request.method == "POST":
firstName = request.POST.get("firstName")
lastName = request.POST.get("lastName")
email = request.POST.get("email")
password = request.POST.get("password")
sex = request.POST.get("sex")
birthday = request.POST.get("birthday")
send_mail('Email Verification', 'You have registered successfully', 'xx#gmail.com',
['xx#gmail.com'], fail_silently=False)
return render_to_response('login.html')
return render_to_response("registrationForm.html")
def login(request):
if request.POST:
#sessionObj = request.session['active_token']
# print sessionObj
password = request.POST.get("password")
user = UniversityDetails.objects.filter(email=email,password=password)
if(not user):
return render_to_response("registrationForm.html",{'invalid': True })
return render_to_response("login.html")
return render_to_response("registrationForm.html")
<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js"></script>
appId:'114322105313139', cookie:true,
status:true, xfbml:true
<fb:login-button perms="email,user_checkins" onlogin=”location.reload(false);">Login with Facebook</fb:login-button>
I think you just need to declare the variable at the top of your class as false
class FacebookConnectMiddleware(object):
facebook_user_is_authenticated = False