Multi parameter optimization for geometry modeling problem - python

My previous question was deleted because of few details, now I will try to explain in details.
I am studying the impact of a bullet with rotating discs. I assumed that rotating discs actually can deflect bullets and trying to design its geometry. Now I am considering grid pattern for tiles arrangement.
As in the first figure I have a main layer grid consisting of 3 by 3 tiles with discs inside. We place a second grid layer (with sufficient tiles number to cover the main layer as shown in the figure2) in order to:
increase the probability that the bullet hits the region with high tangential velocity (ring between 2/3d and d where d is diameter of disc)
decrease the probability of hitting the low velocity (between the center of disc and 1/3 of its diameter) region
decrease the no velocity region (the gap between disc and wall), this one must be minimized strongly since if the bullet hits there is no resistance.
It sounds a little complicated but I hope you can understand from the figure3.
There are 4 parameters for optimization:
Average tangential velocity of the armor: which is found through calculating the tang. velocity at NxN nodes of each: main and second layer and choosing the larger for the node. Then simply getting average of the NxN velocities;
Area with high velocity ratio: in the same way as finding tang. velocity we find at the nodes and if in at least one layer the point lies in high velocity region we count it as 1, else if in both layers it is not in that region we count as zero and take average (simple monte carlo)
Minimize area with low velocity - if in BOTH layers the point lies in low velocity region counted as 1 otherwise zero and take average of NxN nodes
Minimize area of zero velocity - if in BOTH layers the point lies in zero velocity region then it is counted as 1 otherwise zero and take average over NxN nodes;
Figure1: Grid pattern tiles arrangement
Figure2: Placement of second layer
Figure3: Regions categories and the position and angle definition of placement
Overall I vary dx, dy, diameter of the place layer discs, angle of placement and the values of the considered parameters. Now I need to choose the optimal one. So is there a way to run some multi objective optimization on python or matlab using the dataframe of the parameter values to choose which of the placement position, angle and diameter was the best?
Thanks, and I hope these details are enough for the question.


Algorithm to check if cylinders are overlapping in 3D

I am creating a script to generate cylinders in a 3D space, however, I would like for them to not occupy the same region in space (avoid overlapping).
The cylinders are defined by a start and end point, and all have a fixed radius.
I am storing the existing cylinder in an array called listOfCylinders which is an nDim array of shape (nCylinders, 2Points [start, end], {x,y,z} coordinates of each point)
I was able to cook up:
def detect_overlap(new_start, new_end, listOfCylinders):
starts = listOfCylinders[:, 0]
ends = listOfCylinders[:, 1]
radius = 0.1
# Calculate the distance between the new cylinder and all the existing cylinders
dists = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(new_end - new_start, starts - new_start), axis=1) / np.linalg.norm(new_end - new_start)
# Check if any of the distances are less than the sum of the radii
if np.any(dists < (2*radius)):
return True
# If no overlap or intersection is found, return False
return False
But this is not accountting for situations where there is lateral overlaping.
Does anyone have a good algorithm for this?
Best Regards
WLOG one of the cylinders is vertical (otherwise rotate space). If you look at the projections of the apparent outline onto XY, you see a circle and a rectangle ended with ellipses. (For simplicity of the equations, you can also make the second cylindre parallel to XZ.)
If these 2D shapes do not overlap, your are done. Anyway, the intersection of a circle and an ellipse leads to a quartic equation.
You can repeat this process, exchanging the roles of the two cylinders. This gives a sufficient condition of non-overlap. Unfortunately, I am not sure it is necessary, though there is a direct connection to the plane separation theorem.
For a numerical approach, you can proceed as follows:
move the cylindre in the canonical position;
generate rectangles on the oblique cylindre, by rotation around the axis and using an angular parameter;
for all sides of the rectangles, detect interference with the cylindre (this involves a system of a quadratic inequation and two linear ones, which is quite tractable);
sample the angular parameter densely enough to check for no valid intersection.
I guess that a complete analytical solution is possible, but complex, and might anyway lead to equations that need to be solved numerically.

Projected Area calculation of a cube

I am working on measuring the projected area of a cube facing the sun for my spacecraft coursework. The cube is of 1x1x1 dimensions, and constantly rotates due to its orbit. Using a program called "STK", data for the angle shift according to a reference was obtained. So now I have the shift of orientation of the cube every 30 minutes but now I need to calculate how much of the projected area will be exposed to the sun (I can assume the Sunlight is coming from a single direction).
I need to be able to translate the coordinate shift in orientation of the cube to how much of a projected area will be facing the sun at each interval of time. Let me give you an example:
At the initial time, the cube is facing you (you are the sun...because you are my sunshine ;) ) and no shift has occurred, hence the projected area will be 1 m^2.
After 30 mins, there has been a shift only on the x axis of 45 degrees. Now the projected area is 1.4142 m^2 (since cos 45 * 1 = 0.7071 and now you have 2 faces facing you).
After 60 mins, only a shift in the y axis occurs (45 degrees). Now you have 3 partial faces of the cube facing you and possess a projected area of 1.707 m^2.
This isn't to hard to do with little shifts, but I need to do this for multiple (more than a 100 shifts). I am thinking of writing a python program that rotates a 3D object and measures the projected area at each interval. Any recommendations on libraries that allow 3D body definition and rotation? libraries that can measure areas of projected surfaces?
Establish a unit vector perpendicular to each face of the cube. Depending on the output of your rotation program, you may be using angular rotations from the base axes or you can take vector cross product of 2 edges of face (be careful w/ right hand rule to ensure result faces outward)
take the dot product of each of the resultant 6 vectors individually with a vector "pointing to the sun"
drop any negative results (facing away from sun)
sum the remainder
Unit vectors will suffice because the surface area of each face is 1 sq unit.

Scipy / Numpy Reimann Sum Height

I am working on a visualization that models the trajectory of an object over a planar surface. Currently, the algorithm I have been provided with uses a simple trajectory function (where velocity and gravity are provided) and Runge-Kutta integration to check n points along the curve for a point where velocity becomes 0. We are discounting any atmospheric interaction.
What I would like to do it introduce a non-planar surface, say from a digital terrain model (raster). My thought is to calculate a Reimann sum at each pixel and determine if the offset from the planar surface is equal to or less than the offset of the underlying topography from the planar surface.
Is it possible, using numpy or scipy, to calculate the height of a Reimann rectangle? Conversely, the area of the rectangle (midpoint is fine) would work, as I know the width nd can calculate the height.
For computing Reimann sums you could look into numpy.cumsum(). I am not sure if you can do a surface or only an array with this method. However, you could always loop through all the rows of your terrain and store each row in a two dimensional array as you go. Leaving you with an array of all the terrain heights.

Width of an arbitrary polygon

I need a way to characterize the size of sets of 2-D points, so I can determine whether to render them as individual points in a space or as representative polygons, dependent on the scale of the viewport. I already have an algorithm to calculate the convex hull of the set to produce the representative polygon, but I need a way to characterize its size. One obvious measure is the maximum distance between points on the convex hull, which is the diameter of the set. But I'm really more interested in the size of its cross-section perpendicular to its diameter, to figure out how narrow the bounding polygon is. Is there a simple way to do this, given the sorted list of vertices and and the indices of the furthest points (ideally in Python)?
Or alternatively, is there an easy way to calculate the radii of the minimal area bounding ellipse of a set of points? I have seen some approaches to this problem, but nothing that I can readily convert to Python, so I'm really looking for something that's turnkey.
You can compute:
the size of its cross-section perpendicular to its diameter
with the following steps:
Find the convex hull
Find the two points a and b which are furthest apart
Find the direction vector d = (a - b).normalized() between those two
Rotate your axes so that this direction vector lies horizontal, using the matrix:
[ d.x, d.y]
[-d.y, d.x]
Find the minimum and maximum y value of points in this new coordinate system. The difference is your "width"
Note that this is not a particularly good definition of "width" - a better one is:
The minimal perpendicular distance between two distinct parallel lines each having at least one point in common with the polygon's boundary but none with the polygon's interior
Another useful definition of size might be twice the average distance between points on the hull and the center
center = sum(convexhullpoints) / len(convexhullpoints)
size = 2 * sum(abs(p - center) for p in convexhullpoints) / len(convexhullpoints)

Point wrapping algorithm - A blocked Swinging door

I'm trying to some some code in python. Basically what it does is simulates a door (viewed from above) on an (x,y) coordinate system. The task is given a list of points, determine which the door will hit first, if any.
Determining if a point is within range to be hit by the door is simple enough, determining which point gets hit first is proving to be difficult, as the door can swing clockwise or counter clockwise, and has a rather large, and variable range of swing (in terms of radians/degrees). The issue is mostly that I'm not sure what conditions need to be true for the point to be hit first.
I do have the angles calculated, but concerned about special cases such as when the door is at 1 degree, and swinging clockwise towards points at angles 180, 190, and 300 for example.
Calculate the angle from the door hinge to each of the points; whichever is closest to the current angle of the door itself (hinge to door edge) will be hit first when rotating.
If the cycling is giving you trouble: notice that for any given angle, you can subtract it from 360 to get its complement; whichever is the smaller of the two is the closer way to get to it. So:
Calculate all angles for the points a1 ... aN
Subtract them all from the door angle to get difference angles d1...dN
Replace each dN with min( dN, 360 - dN ) to get the "shorter" approach
Pick the minimum
This can be simplified if you think in terms of the difference between the angle of door and the angle of each point relative to the hinge of the door.
You then find the angle with this formula:
length of vector from hinge to door: A
length of vector from hinge to point: B
angle = (A * B)/(A^2 + B^2)
