I am working on a binary classification using random forest algorithm
Currently, am trying to explain the model predictions using SHAP values.
So, I referred this useful post here and tried the below.
from shap import TreeExplainer, Explanation
from shap.plots import waterfall
sv = explainer(ord_test_t)
exp = Explanation(sv.values[:,:,1],
idx = 20
I like the above approach as it allows to display the feature values along with waterfall plot. So, I wish to use this approach
However, this doesn't help me get the waterfall for a specific row in ord_test_t (test data).
For example, let's consider that ord_test_t.Index.tolist() returns 3,5,8,9 etc...
Now, I want to plot the waterfall plot for ord_test_t.iloc[[9]] but when I pass exp[9], it just gets the 9th row but not the index named as 9.
When I try exp.iloc[[9]] it throws error as explanation object doesnt have iloc.
Can help me with this please?
My suggestion is as following:
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
from shap import TreeExplainer, Explanation
from shap.plots import waterfall
import shap
X, y = load_breast_cancer(return_X_y=True, as_frame=True)
idx = 9
model = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=5, n_estimators=100).fit(X, y)
explainer = TreeExplainer(model)
sv = explainer(X.loc[[idx]]) # corrected, pass the row of interest as df
exp = Explanation(
sv.values[:, :, 1], # class to explain
sv.base_values[:, 1],
data=X.loc[[idx]].values, # corrected, pass the row of interest as df
waterfall(exp[0]) # pretend you have only 1 data point which is 0th
model.predict_proba(X.loc[[idx]]) # corrected
array([[0.95752656, 0.04247344]])
I am trying to plot the SHAP waterfall plot for my dataset using the code below. I am working on binary classification problem.
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
from shap import TreeExplainer, Explanation
from shap.plots import waterfall
import shap
X, y = load_breast_cancer(return_X_y=True, as_frame=True)
idx = 9
model = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=5, n_estimators=100).fit(X, y)
explainer = TreeExplainer(model)
sv = explainer(X.iloc[[idx]]) # pass the row of interest as df
exp = Explanation(
sv.values[:, :, 1], # class to explain
sv.base_values[:, 1],
data=X.iloc[[idx]].values, # pass the row of interest as df
But I get an error like below
AttributeError: 'Index' object has no attribute 'items'
but when I manually try the values under Explanation object, they produce output successfully.
I guess the Explanation function is expecting something more but am missing it.
I verified that my X is a dataframe and my y is a Series as shown in the sample code here. Shape of X is (2986, 29) and y is (2986,)
Can help me understand what is the issue here?
update - waterfall in dataframe. This works.
explainer = TreeExplainer(model)
bv = explainer.expected_value[1]
sv = explainer(X, check_additivity=False)
sdf = pd.DataFrame({
'row_id': X.index.values.repeat(X.shape[1]),
'feature': X.columns.to_list() * X.shape[0],
'feature_value': X.values.flatten(),
'base_value': bv,
'shap_values': sv.values[:,:,1].flatten()
I am working on a binary classification using random forest model, neural networks in which am using SHAP to explain the model predictions. I followed the tutorial and wrote the below code to get the waterfall plot shown below
row_to_show = 20
data_for_prediction = ord_test_t.iloc[row_to_show] # use 1 row of data here. Could use multiple rows if desired
data_for_prediction_array = data_for_prediction.values.reshape(1, -1)
explainer = shap.TreeExplainer(rf_boruta)
# Calculate Shap values
shap_values = explainer.shap_values(data_for_prediction)
shap.plots._waterfall.waterfall_legacy(explainer.expected_value[0], shap_values[0],ord_test_t.iloc[row_to_show])
This generated the plot as shown below
However, I want to export this to dataframe and how can I do it?
I expect my output to be like as shown below. I want to export this for the full dataframe. Can you help me please?
Let's do a small experiment:
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
from shap import TreeExplainer
X, y = load_breast_cancer(return_X_y=True)
model = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=5, n_estimators=100).fit(X, y)
explainer = TreeExplainer(model)
What is explainer here? If you do dir(explainer) you'll find out it has some methods and attributes among which is:
which is of interest to you because this is base on which SHAP values add up.
sv = explainer.shap_values(X)
will give a hint sv is a list consisting of 2 objects which are most probably SHAP values for 1 and 0, which must be symmetric (because what moves towards 1 moves exactly by the same amount, but with opposite sign, towards 0).
sv1 = sv[1]
Now you have everything to pack it to the desired format:
df = pd.DataFrame(sv1, columns=X.columns)
df.insert(0, 'bv', explainer.expected_value[1])
Q: How do I know?
A: Read docs and source code.
If I recall correctly, you can do something like this with pandas
import pandas as pd
shap_values = explainer.shap_values(data_for_prediction)
shap_values_df = pd.DataFrame(shap_values)
to get the feature names, you should do something like this (if data_for_prediction is a dataframe):
feature_names = data_for_prediction.columns.tolist()
shap_df = pd.DataFrame(shap_values.values, columns=feature_names)
I'm a currenty using that :
def getShapReport(classifier,X_test):
shap_values = shap.TreeExplainer(classifier).shap_values(X_test)
shap.summary_plot(shap_values, X_test)
shap.summary_plot(shap_values[1], X_test)
return pd.DataFrame(shap_values[1])
It first displays the shap values for the model, and for each prediction after that, and finally it returns the dataframe for the positive class(i'm on an imbalance context)
It is for a Tree explainer and not a waterfall, but it is basically the same.
I am using the AirPassengers dataset to predict a timeseries. For the model I am using, I chosen to use auto_arima to forecast the predicted values. However, it seems that the chosen order by the auto_arima is unable to fit the model. The corresponding chart is produced.
What can I do to get a better fit?
My code for those that want to try:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
%matplotlib inline
from pmdarima import auto_arima
df = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AileenNielsen/TimeSeriesAnalysisWithPython/master/data/AirPassengers.csv")
df = df.rename(columns={"#Passengers":"Passengers"})
df.Month = pd.to_datetime(df.Month)
model = auto_arima(train,trace=True,error_action='ignore', suppress_warnings=True)
forecast = model.predict(n_periods=24)
forecast = pd.DataFrame(forecast,index = test.index,columns=['Prediction'])
plt.plot(train, label='Train')
plt.plot(test, label='Valid')
plt.plot(forecast, label='Prediction')
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
Thank you for reading. Any advice is appreciated.
This series is not stationary, and no amount of differencing (notice that the amplitude of the variations keeps increasing) will make it so. However, transforming the data first by taking logs should do better (experiment shows that it does do better, but not what I would call well). Setting the seasonality (as I suggest in the comment by m=12, and taking logs produces this: which is essentially perfect.
The problem was that I did not specify the m, in this case, I assigned the value of m to be 12, denoting that it is a monthly cycle, that each data row is a month. That's how I understand it. source
Feel free to comment, I'm not entirely sure as I am new to using ARIMA.
model = auto_arima(train,m=12,trace=True,error_action='ignore', suppress_warnings=True)
Just add m=12,to denote that the data is monthly.
I would like to perform a simple linear regression using statsmodels and I've tried several different methods by now but I just don't get it to work. The code that I have constructed now doesn't give me any errors but it also doesn't show me the result
I am trying to create a model for the variable "Direction" which takes the value 0 if the return for the corresponding date was negative and 1 if it was positive. The explinatory variables are the (5) lags of the returns. The df13 contains the lags and also the direction for each observed date. I tried this code and as I mentioned it doesn't give an error but says " Optimization terminated successfully.
Current function value: 0.682314
Iterations 5
However, I would like to see the typical table with all the beta values, their significance etc.
Also, what would you say, since Direction is a binary variable may it be better to use a logit instead of a linear model? However, in the assignment it appeared as a linear model.
And lastly, I am sorry its not displayed here correctly but I don't know how to write as code or insert my dataframe
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import os
import itertools
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
import statsmodels.api as sm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from statsmodels.sandbox.regression.predstd import wls_prediction_std
X = df13[['Lag1', 'Lag2', 'Lag3', 'Lag4', 'Lag5']]
Y = df13['Direction']
X = sm.add_constant(X)
model = sm.Logit(Y.astype(float), X.astype(float)).fit()
predictions = model.predict(X)
print_model = model.summary
Edit: I'm sure it has to be a logit regression so I updated that part
I don't know if this is unintentional, but it looks like you need to define X and Y separately:
X = df13[['Lag1', 'Lag2', 'Lag3', 'Lag4', 'Lag5']]
Y = df13['Direction']
Secondly, I'm not familiar with statsmodel, but I would try converting your dataframes to numpy arrays. You can do this with
Xnum = X.to_numpy()
ynum = y.to_numpy()
And try passing those to the regressors.
I am using make_blobs from sklearn package.
from sklearn.datasets.samples_generator import make_blobs
I want to create sample data with imbalance features. Example I want 400 of FeatureA and 50 of FeatureB.
ByDefault below code is generating both features in equal numbers:-
X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=450, centers=2, cluster_std=[10.0, 2],random_state=22,n_features=2)
Following is the count plot created for the data generated from above code:-
Please suggest as how can I achieve my requirement?
I think you want to create 2 class of data with predetermined std and center one 400 and others be 50. I set "centers=None" .Am I right? I use this code and it gives what you want. please refer to this link:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=[400,50], centers=None, cluster_std=[10.0, 2],random_state=22,n_features=2)
Zero0=np.where(y == 0)[0]
One1=np.where(y == 1)[0]