I have a program in python which in which I use Listboxes, buttons and labels. So today I came conflicting with a problem. I wanted to make my listbox appear when a button is clicked and disappear when the same button is clicked again. How can I achieve this? I tried using the winfo_ismapped() method but didnt seem to work. I think I might have done something crazy. If so, please point it out and give me a corrected answer. Else please tell me a better way to do it.
My Code:
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
root = tk.Tk()
def showMenu():
overlay = Listbox(root, bg="green", height=22, width=58)
if overlay.winfo_ismapped() == 0:
button = tk.Button(root,text="place/remove", command=showMenu)
Actually it comes when I press the button but hide after I press it again.
In the same way I have another issue with these labels too.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
def placeFun():
successtext = tk.Label(root, text="Success", anchor='nw', bg="#212121", fg="#ff3300",font=("Consolas", 15, "bold"))
if successtext.winfo_ismapped() == 0:
button = tk.Button(root, text='place/rem', width=25, command=placeFun)
Please Note: I want a professional way to handle this, I said it because, I know a way in which we use variables like:
globalvartimes = 0
def somefunc():
if times % 2 == 0:
show the listbox
global times
times += 2
remove the listbox
times += 1
*This shows the listbox when times is even and remove it when it's odd.
These makes the code look non-professional and long.
The problem is every time showMenu() is called another Listbox is created. To fix that, create the Listbox outside of the function (so it's a global).
(I also noticed you misspelled the name of place_forget() method.)
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
root = tk.Tk()
def showMenu():
if overlay.winfo_ismapped(): # Placed?
overlay = Listbox(root, bg="green", height=22, width=58)
button = tk.Button(root,text="place/remove", command=showMenu)
This looks like it is what is wrong with your Label example, too.
Note: If you want to write "professional" code, I suggest you read (and start following) the
PEP 8 - Style Guide for Python Code.
0 iq Question incoming, i wanna know is there a way i can show and hide a tkinter gui with insert key, ive searched online but wasnt able to find an answer, for example like csgo menus.
Thank you.
Please make sure to always include what you have tried and your research. Follow these guidelines to create a minimal reproducible example.
What you are trying to accomplish can be done with this Tkinter template:
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
# Open new window
def launch():
global second
second = Toplevel()
second.title("Child Window")
# Show the window
def show():
if event.keysym == "Insert"
# Hide the window
def hide():
if event.keysym == "Insert"
# Add Buttons
Button(root, text="launch Window", command=launch).pack(pady=10)
Button(root, text="Show", command=show).pack(pady=10)
Button(root, text="Hide", command=hide).pack(pady=10)
I have a problem where the tkinter Scale widget seems to get stuck whenever I run a seemingly big function.
This is the code:
from tkinter import Tk, Button, Frame, Scale
root = Tk()
slider = Scale(root, orient='horizontal')
frame = Frame(root)
num = 0
def buttons():
for widget in frame.winfo_children():
for i in range(50):
Button(frame, text='Button' + str(i)).pack()
def basic():
global num
num += 1
if num <= 100:
slider.after(100, basic)
if __name__ == '__main__':
root.bind('<space>', lambda x: buttons())
What I want my program to do is update the slider normally even when I press 'Space' (meaning calling the buttons() function)
If you watch closely each time you press Space the slider will get stuck a little.
Since I'm using the slider for an Mp3 player in order to show time elapsed, this loss of time is extremely important for example for audio files of 10 or so seconds since the slider falls behind a lot making it seem as if it's working wrong \
I'd also like to point out that destroying the buttons and then repacking them is necessary for me.
I suspect that this happens because the program has to go over the buttons() function something that takes time since it's creating 50 buttons. Or am I mistaken?
Can I avoid that lag?
PS: As I mentioned in my comment:
I normally have a button that renames a (button) which is a song and in order for them to alphabetically ordered after renaming i need to recall the function that draws them. If I only configure tha name of the button (and not redraw them), it will stay in place and not move down or up depending on its name, while on the actual directory the order will change leading to inappropriate behavior such as playing the same song
Here are some images for better understanding:
Thanks in advance!
Look at this code:
import tkinter as tk
def config_buttons():
# Get the `text` of the first button
starting_value = int(buttons[0].cget("text")) + 1
# Iterate over all of the buttons
for i, button in enumerate(buttons, start=starting_value):
# Change the button's `text` and `command` atributes
button.config(text=i, command=lambda i=i:print("Clicked %i"%i))
root = tk.Tk()
buttons = []
add_button = tk.Button(root, text="+1 on all buttons", command=config_buttons)
for i in range(50):
button = tk.Button(root, text=i, command=lambda i=i:print("Clicked %i"%i))
When the add_button buttons is pressed, I iterate over all of the buttons and change their text and command attributes. As I am not creating new buttons, the function runs very fast.
You can implement something similar in your code. Basically, avoid creating new buttons and just update the ones you already have on the screen.
I know there are better ways about this, but I cant figure out what's
wrong about this code, or at least, why it wont function the way I want it. Currently I made a simple test program to try my concept away from my
main code.
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
test = True
def click():
global test
test = False
button = Button(root, text="Hi", command=click)
if test:
Everything runs fine but when I press the button all I get is the message "working" without the button going away.
In your code python checks if test is True and as it is, it packs the button and moves on. What you need to use is <tkinter widget>.pack_forget(). It removes the widget from the screen without destroying it. If you later call pack it should put it back in its original place. This is your code with the pack_forget:
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
def click():
button = Button(root, text="Hi", command=click)
In a program I am working on there is a tkinter label/button which starts the card game (the program I am using) and a other window that has a string stating 'Welcome to the card game'.
Here is the tkinter section of the code:
import tkinter
window = tkinter.Tk()
from tkinter import *
def quit():
global root
root = Tk()
while True:
label = tkinter.Label(window, text = "Welcome to the card game! (During name registration only use characters)").pack()
Button(root, text="Start Game", command=quit).pack()
However when I run the program they each appear in their own window screens when it would be more convenient for the user to have the options in one single window.
Is there anyway to merge them?
EDIT - (Having the button and text using root has fixed the problem.)
There is a lot going on here that should not be in such a small set of code.
Lets break it down.
First your imports. You are importing from tkinter multiple times. You only need to import once and you can use everything with the proper prefix. The preferred method is import tkinter as tk this way you don't overwrite any other imports or built in methods.
Next we need to get rid of one of your instances of Tk() as tkinter should only ever have one. For other windows use Toplevel().
In your quit function you do not need to define global as you are not assigning values here so the function will look in the global namespace for root.
Next Lets delete the empty print statement.
Next make sure both your label and button have the same container assigned to them. This is the reason why you are seeing them in different windows.
Next rename your function as quit is a built in method and should not be overwritten.
Lastly we remove the while statement as the mainloop() is already looping the Tk instance. You do not need to manage this yourself.
Here is what your code should look like (a 2nd window serves no purpose here):
import tkinter as tk
def root_quit():
root = tk.Tk()
tk.Label(root, text="Welcome to the card game! (During name registration only use characters)").pack()
tk.Button(root, text="Start Game", command=root_quit).pack()
Here is an example using Toplevel just so you can get an idea of how it is used.
import tkinter as tk
def root_quit():
def game_window():
top = tk.Toplevel(root)
tk.Button(top, text='exit', command=root_quit).pack()
root = tk.Tk()
tk.Label(root, text="Welcome to the card game! (During name registration only use characters)").pack()
tk.Button(root, text="Start Game", command=game_window).pack()
I'm trying to delete the radiobuttons from my GUI using a Clear button. I found this example question
I know that I have to create a reference list for the Radionbutttons when creating them with a loop. And I can remove a button with grid_remove(). The point where I'm failing is to create the reference list. I'm getting a IndentationError: unexpected indent when i enter master.buttons.grid(column=val, row=2) into the Loop. This is my reduced code example:
import Tkinter as tk
master = tk.Tk()
var_step = IntVar()
step_mgl=session.odbs[path].steps.keys() #Imports the names of the steps from a file
while i < len(step_mgl):
steps.append((step_mgl[i], i+1))
def clear():
for button in master.buttons:
del master.buttons
for txt, val in steps:
master.buttons.grid(column=val, row=2)
I tried so many things but i can't get this fixed, it's always the same Error. Thank you guys.