HDBSCAN on Movielens Latent embeddings does not cluster well - python

I am working on a recommendation algorithm, and that has right now boiled down to finding the right clustering algorithm for the job.
The data I'm working with is the MovieLens 100K dataset, from which I've extracted movie titles, genres and tags, and concatenated them into single documents (one for each movie). This gives me about 10000 documents. These have then been vectorized with TFDIF, which I have then autoencoded to 64-dim feature vectors (loss=0.0014 down from 22.14 in 30 epochs). The AutoEncoder is able to reconstruct the data well.
Currently, I am working with HDBSCAN, as it should be able to handle datasets with varying density, with non-globular clustering, arbitrary cluster shapes, etc etc. It should be the correct algorithm to use here. The
2D representation of the original 64-dimensional data (gathered by TSNE) shows what seems to be a decently clusterable space, but I cannot get the HDBSCAN algorithm to work properly. Setting the min_cluster_size to 15-30 gives me this, any higher and it sees all points as noise, and lowering gives me this. Or, it just clusters a large majority of points into 1 cluster, with some additional very small clusters, and the rest as noise, like this. It just seems like it can't handle the data, but it does seem to be clusterable to me.
My Questions:
How can fiddling with parameters help HDBSCAN to cluster this space?
Is there a better algorithm for clustering such a space?
Or is the data simply non-clusterable, from what you can see in the plots?
Thanks so much in advance, I've been struggling with this for hours now.


Clustering Subsets of a big dataset (2d and multi-dimensional)

How do you cluster a subset of a big dataset?
I have a big dataset of ~200000 points, and they are high dimensional data. There are around ~25000 of different meaningful combinations of the points, each containing around 10-200 points, and I would like to assess the clustering properties of those combinations. I have used umap on the high dimensional data to reduce them to 2d, so analyzing umap is appropriate, but analyzing on the original data would be better.
Traditional clustering methods (kmeans, hierarchical clustering and dbscan) could not account for the what is considered a cluster -- the points are located in a small space as supposed to the entire space even in 2d, and they also generally cluster poorly because of the small amount of data because they would specify multiple clusters when those were actually outliers. I have made some progress with the level-set tree method in that regards, but the behavior of the algorithm is not always controllable (only doable for very typical cases). Is there any methods that you would suggest?

K Means Clustering: What does it mean about my input features if the Elbow Method gives me a straight line?

I am trying to cluster retail data in order to extract groupings of customers based on 6 input features. The data has a shape of (1712594, 6) in the following format:
I've spilt the 'Department' categorical variable into binary n-dimensional array using Pandas get_dummies(). I'm aware this is not optimal but I just wanted to test it out before trying out Gower Distances.
The Elbow method gives the following output:
I'm using Python and Scikitlearn's KMeans because the dataset is so large and the more complex models are too computationally demanding for Google Colab.
I'm aware that columns 1-5 are extremely correlated but the data is limited Sales data and little to no data is captured about Customers. KMeans is very sensitive to inputs and this may affect the WCSS in the Elbow Method and cause the straight line but this is just an inclination and I don't have any quantitative backing to support the argument. I'm a Junior Data Scientist so knowledge about technical foundations of Clustering models and algorithms is still developing so forgive me if I'm missing something.
There were massive outliers that were skewing the data (this is a Building Goods company and therefore most of their sale prices and quantities fall within a certain range. But ~5% of the data contained massive quantity entries (eg. a company buying 300000 bricks at R3/brick) or massive price entries (eg. company buying an expensive piece of equipment).
I've removed them and maintained ~94% of the data. I've also removed the returns made by customers (ie. negative quantities and prices) under the inclination that I may create a binary variable 'Returned' to capture this feature. Here are some metrics:
These are some metrics before removing the outliers:
and these are the metrics after Outlier removal:
KMeans uses Euclidean distances. I've used both Scikitlearn's StandardScaler and RobustScaler when scaling without any significant changes in both. Here are some distribution plots and scatter plots for the 3 numeric variables:
Anybody have any practical/intuitive reasoning as to why this may be happening? Open to any alternative methods to use as well and any help would be much appreciated! Thanks
I am not an expert, in my experience with scikit learn cluster analysis I find that when the features are really similar in magnitude K-means clustering usually does not fulfill the job. I will first try to use a StandardScaler to see if normalizing the data makes the clustering more efficient. the elbow plot shows that with more n_neighbors you get higher accuracy, and by the looks of the plot and the plots you provide, I would think the data is too similar, making it hard to separate into groups (clusters). Adding an additional feature made up of your data can do the trick.
I would try normalizing the data first, standard scaler.
If the groups are still not very clear with a simple plot of the data I would create another column made up of the combination of the others columns.
I would not suggest using DBSCAN, since the eps parameter (distance) would have to be tunned very finely and as you mention is more computationally expensive.

Is there a way to partially cluster data which contains clusters but does not wholly consist of clusters?

I have some 2D data (x,y) and I need to identify where there are many data points all close to each other in the x direction. There are 3 obvious clusters where all the x points are close together and the rest of the data does not fall into them. I was going to use a k-means clustering algorithm but that seems to be for clustering ALL of the data whereas I just want to label the 3 clusters data in the data that are obviously clusters and label the rest as normal data.
The data is in separate csv files which I process and then read into one big dataframe. So far while processing the data, I have filtered out files where processed data exceeds a certain length but this obviously means that sometimes part of the cluster is left out of the file or normal data is left out.
You could try something like DBSCAN which allows classification of points as "noise", and seems to be what you're after. There's a hierarchical version of this affiliated with the scikit project known as hdbscan
Google finds are various documents describing alternatives to k-means clustering.
The hdbscan docs also have a good description of comparing alternatives.

Document Clustering in python using SciKit

I recently started working on Document clustering using SciKit module in python. However I am having a hard time understanding the basics of document clustering.
What I know ?
Document clustering is typically done using TF/IDF. Which essentially
converts the words in the documents to vector space model which is
then input to the algorithm.
There are many algorithms like k-means, neural networks, hierarchical
clustering to accomplish this.
My Data :
I am experimenting with linkedin data, each document would be the
linkedin profile summary, I would like to see if similar job
documents get clustered together.
Current Challenges:
My data has huge summary descriptions, which end up becoming 10000's
of words when I apply TF/IDF. Is there any proper way to handle this
high dimensional data.
K - means and other algorithms requires I specify the no. of clusters
( centroids ), in my case I do not know the number of clusters
upfront. This I believe is a completely unsupervised learning. Are
there algorithms which can determine the no. of clusters themselves?
I've never worked with document clustering before, if you are aware
of tutorials , textbooks or articles which address this issue, please
feel free to suggest.
I went through the code on SciKit webpage, it consists of too many technical words which I donot understand, if you guys have any code with good explanation or comments please share. Thanks in advance.
My data has huge summary descriptions, which end up becoming 10000's of words when I apply TF/IDF. Is there any proper way to handle this high dimensional data.
My first suggestion is that you don't unless you absolutely have to, due to memory or execution time problems.
If you must handle it, you should use dimensionality reduction (PCA for example) or feature selection (probably better in your case, see chi2 for example)
K - means and other algorithms requires I specify the no. of clusters ( centroids ), in my case I do not know the number of clusters upfront. This I believe is a completely unsupervised learning. Are there algorithms which can determine the no. of clusters themselves?
If you look at the clustering algorithms available in scikit-learn, you'll see that not all of them require that you specify the number of clusters.
Another one that does not is hierarchical clustering, implemented in scipy. Also see this answer.
I would also suggest that you use KMeans and try to manually tweak the number of clusters until you are satisfied with the results.
I've never worked with document clustering before, if you are aware of tutorials , textbooks or articles which address this issue, please feel free to suggest.
Scikit has a lot of tutorials for working with text data, just use the "text data" search query on their site. One is for KMeans, others are for supervised learning, but I suggest you go over those too to get more familiar with the library. From a coding, style and syntax POV, unsupervised and supervised learning are pretty similar in scikit-learn, in my opinion.
Document clustering is typically done using TF/IDF. Which essentially converts the words in the documents to vector space model which is then input to the algorithm.
Minor correction here: TF-IDF has nothing to do with clustering. It is simply a method for turning text data into numerical data. It does not care what you do with that data (clustering, classification, regression, search engine things etc.) afterwards.
I understand the message you were trying to get across, but it is incorrect to say that "clustering is done using TF-IDF". It's done using a clustering algorithm, TF-IDF only plays a preprocessing role in document clustering.
For the large matrix after TF/IDF transformation, consider using sparse matrix.
You could try different k values. I am not an expert in unsupervised clustering algorithms, but I bet with such algorithms and different parameters, you could also end up with a varied number of clusters.
This link might be useful. It provides good amount of explanation for k-means clustering with a visual output http://brandonrose.org/clustering

Is there a good and easy way to visualize high dimensional data?

Can someone please tell me if there is a good (easy) way to visualize high dimensional data? My data is currently 21 dimensions but I would like to see how whether it is dense or sparse. Are there techniques to achieve this?
Parallel coordinates are a popular method for visualizing high-dimensional data.
What kind of visualization is best for your data in particular will depend on its characteristics-- how correlated are the different dimensions?
Principal component analysis could be helpful if the dimensions are correlated.
The buzzword I would search for is multidimensional scaling. It is a technique to develop a projection from the high dimensional space to a lower space (2 or 3 dimensional) in such a way that points which are close in the full space will be close in the projection.
It is often used for visualising the output of clustering algorithms (i.e. if your clusters are compact in the MDS projection there is a good chance they are also in the full space).
Edit: This wouldn't necessarily help with determining if the data is dense or sparse, because you lose the scale in the projection, but it would show whether it is uniform or clumpy (perhaps thats what you mean).
Not sure what kind of patterns you would like to see from the data. t-SNE and its faster variant Barnes-Hut-SNE do a very good job in visualizing groups of related concepts for high-dimensional data. It is available through R.
There is a short tutorial on using it against high-dimensional data with about 300 dimensions.
I was looking for ways to visualize high dimensional data and found this t-SNE technique that has been used effectively. Might help others as well.
Take a look at http://www.ggobi.org (tours, parallel coordinates, scatterplot matrices) can be used for real-valued variables. Also http://cranvas.org for more recent. The tourr package in R.
Try using http://hypertools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/.
HyperTools is a library for visualizing and manipulating high-dimensional data in Python.
Star Schema.
Works well for high-dimensional data.
If the cardinality of your fact table is close to the product of your dimension sizes, you have dense data.
If the cardinality of your fact table is smaller than the product of your dimension sizes, you have sparse data.
In the middle you have a judgement call.
The curios.IT data exploration software is designed for the visualization of high dimensional data: data is shown as a collection of 3D objects (one for each data group) which can show up to 13 variables at the same time. The relationships between data variables and visual features are much easier to remember than with other techniques (like parallel coordinates).
