I am try to do topic modelling using LSA, with the following code:
and in the next line I have this:
top_n_words_lsa = get_top_n_words(10,
for i in range(len(top_n_words_lsa)):
print("Topic {}: ".format(i+1), top_n_words_lsa[i])
But I am facing this error:
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
~\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_15164/599799419.py in <module>
----> 1 top_n_words_lsa = get_top_n_words(10,
2 lsa_keys,
3 small_document_term_matrix,
4 small_count_vectorizer)
~\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_15164/2401631730.py in get_top_n_words(n, keys,
document_term_matrix, count_vectorizer)
11 if keys[i] == topic:
12 temp_vector_sum += document_term_matrix[i]
---> 13 temp_vector_sum = temp_vector_sum.toarray()
14 top_n_word_indices = np.flip(np.argsort(temp_vector_sum)[0][-n:],0)
15 top_word_indices.append(top_n_word_indices)
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'toarray'
The related helper functions are defined below:
# Define helper functions
def get_top_n_words(n, keys, document_term_matrix, count_vectorizer):
returns a list of n_topic strings, where each string contains the n most common
words in a predicted category, in order
top_word_indices = []
for topic in range(n_topics):
temp_vector_sum = 0
for i in range(len(keys)):
if keys[i] == topic:
temp_vector_sum += document_term_matrix[i]
temp_vector_sum = temp_vector_sum.toarray()
top_n_word_indices = np.flip(np.argsort(temp_vector_sum)[0][-n:],0)
top_words = []
for topic in top_word_indices:
topic_words = []
for index in topic:
temp_word_vector = np.zeros((1,document_term_matrix.shape[1]))
temp_word_vector[:,index] = 1
the_word = count_vectorizer.inverse_transform(temp_word_vector)[0][0]
top_words.append(" ".join(topic_words))
return top_words
Can you please tell me what I am missing here?
You define temp_vector_sum as 0 and then add to it. So it's an object of type int. That class doesn't define a function toarray. You could do something like: np.array([temp_vector_sum]).
My 1st time here!
I think I got a trouble in my code, could you help me?
The point is, I created a function with nltk module and I don't know where I'm going wrong when it reports me that errors:
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-94-7fe386d50c39> in <module>
----> 1 frasescomstemming = fazstemmer(base)
<ipython-input-93-e5451b452b6b> in fazstemmer(texto)
7 for (palavras, emocao) in texto:
8 comstemming = [str(stemmer.stem(p))
----> 9 for p in palavras.split() if p not in stopwords]
10 frasessstemming.append((comstemming, emocao))
11 return frasessstemming
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'split'
Here is my code:
def fazstemmer(texto):
stemmer = nltk.stem.RSLPStemmer()
frasessstemming = []
for (palavras, emocao) in texto:
comstemming = [str(stemmer.stem(p))
for p in palavras.split() if p not in stopwords]
frasessstemming.append((comstemming, emocao))
return frasessstemming
As for AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'split' This should be caused by for p in palavras.split() if p not in stopwords] You can change the type of palavras in the last loop.
def fazstemmer(texto):
stemmer = nltk.stem.RSLPStemmer()
frasessstemming = []
for (palavras, emocao) in texto:
comstemming = str(stemmer.stem(p))
palavras = str(palavras)
for p in palavras.split():
if p not in stopwords:
frasessstemming.append((comstemming, emocao))
return frasessstemming
Without an example input texto and desired output, it's hard to guess what's the data structure / type of the variables, so here's a guess.
Try this:
stemmer = nltk.stem.RSLPStemmer()
def fazstemmer(text):
for words, emotion in text:
words, emotion = str(words), str(emotion)
for word in words.split():
if word not in stopwords:
yield stemmer.stem(word), emotion
stemmed_text = list(fazstemmer(text))
Recently i starded learning python, this would be my first "useful" script (simple word learning script). I got a "TypeError: 'dict' object is not callable", but it's unrelevant in this case(alteast for me).
def discounted_price(total,discount,minprice=100):
fruits = ['Apple','Avocado','Banana','Blackberries','Blueberries','Cherries','Date Fruit','Grapes','Guava','Jackfruit','Kiwifruit']
prices = [6,5,3,10,12,7,14,15,8,7,9]
d1 = dict(zip(fruits,prices))
chart = ['Blueberries','Blueberries','Grapes','Apple','Apple','Apple','Blueberries','Guava','Jackfruit','Blueberries','Jackfruit']
fruit_price = None
counter_item = {}
for i in chart:
if i in counter_item:
counter_item[i] +=1
counter_item[i] =1
fruit_price = {}
for i, j in d1.items():
for x, y in counter_item.items():
if i == x:
total_price = 0
for i in fruit_price.values():
total_price += i
if total_price<minprice:
return discounted_price
Type error
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-38-7dbc173506d2> in <module>
30 discounted_price=total_price-discount
31 return discounted_price
---> 32 print(discounted_price(total_price(counter_item(chart),fruit_price),10,minprice=100))
TypeError: 'dict' object is not callable
I am running a sentiment analysis on a csv file and I am receiving this error message. I have tried a few things to resolve it and have not been successful. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Here is my code:
def sentimentAFINN(text):
words = pattern_split.split(text.lower())
sentiments = len(list(map(lambda word: afinn.get(word, 0), words)))
if sentiments:
sentiment = float(sum(sentiments))/math.sqrt(len(sentiments))
sentiment = 0
return sentiment
def sentimentDisplayValue(sentimentScore):
if sentimentScore > 0.1:
return "Positive"
elif sentimentScore < -0.1:
return "Negative"
return "Neutral"
totals = defaultdict(int)
for (index, row) in data.iterrows():
text = row['comment']
text_munged = munger(text)
sentimentScore = sentimentAFINN(text_munged)
sentimentDisplay = sentimentDisplayValue(sentimentScore)
totals[sentimentDisplay] = totals[sentimentDisplay] + 1
pt.add_row([text_munged, sentimentScore, sentimentDisplay])
print (pt)
print (totals)
This is my error message:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-73-b20887003b41> in <module>
4 text = row['LikelyToReferComment']
5 text_munged = munger(text)
----> 6 sentimentScore = sentimentAFINN(text_munged)
7 sentimentDisplay = sentimentDisplayValue(sentimentScore)
8 totals[sentimentDisplay] = totals[sentimentDisplay] + 1
<ipython-input-72-f95f79f94b60> in sentimentAFINN(text)
29 sentiments = len(list(map(lambda word: afinn.get(word, 0), words)))
30 if sentiments:
---> 31 sentiment = float(sum(sentiments))/math.sqrt(len(sentiments))
33 else:
TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable
Your sentiments variable is an int since its the value returned by len(). You are trying to call sum() and len() on sentiments. Both sum() and len() expect an iterable datatype.
You can change your sentimentAFINN() like this
def sentimentAFINN(text):
words = pattern_split.split(text.lower())
# save your list in sentiments
sentiments = list(map(lambda word: afinn.get(word, 0), words))
# now you check length of sentiments and return accordingly
return float(sum(sentiments))/math.sqrt(len(sentiments)) if len(sentiments) > 0 else 0
I have this information and I can't get the values of the columns serviceTypes and crowding:
id name modeName disruptions lineStatuses serviceTypes crowding
0 piccadilly Piccadilly tube [] [] [{'$type': 'Tfl.Api.Presentation.Entities.Line... {'$type': 'Tfl.Api.Presentation.Entities.Crowd...
1 victoria Victoria tube [] [] [{'$type': 'Tfl.Api.Presentation.Entities.Line... {'$type': 'Tfl.Api.Presentation.Entities.Crowd...
2 bakerloo Bakerloo tube [] [] [{'$type': 'Tfl.Api.Presentation.Entities.Line... {'$type': 'Tfl.Api.Presentation.Entities.Crowd...
3 central Central tube [] [] [{'$type': 'Tfl.Api.Presentation.Entities.Line... {'$type': 'Tfl.Api.Presentation.Entities.Crowd.
I tried this code:
def split(x, index):
return x[index]
return None
dflines['serviceTypes'] = dflines.serviceTypes.apply(lambda x:split(x,0))
dflines['crowding'] = dflines.crowding.apply(lambda x:split(x,1))
def values(x):
return ';'.join('{}'.format(val) for val in x.values())
return None
m = dflines['serviceTypes'].apply(lambda x:values(x))
dflines1 = m.str.split(';', expand=True)
dflines1.columns = dflines['serviceTypes'][0].keys()
dflines2 = dflines1[['name']]
But I got this error:
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-108-8f4bb6ac731a> in <module>
14 m = dflines['serviceTypes'].apply(lambda x:values(x))
15 dflines1 = m.str.split(';', expand=True)
---> 16 dflines1.columns = dflines['serviceTypes'][0].keys()
17 dflines2 = dflines1[['name']]
18 dflines2
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'keys'
Can anyone help me?
You can pull a pandas column into a list like so:
service_types = dflines['serviceTypes']
The first value is now the the first value in the list service_types.
first_value = service_types[0]
Pandas works differently than a dictionary. I think you might be trying to treat the data frame as a dictionary. Apologies if I misunderstood or oversimplified.
Ok, it looks like service_types ( above) is a list of dictionaries. To write the column so that it only contains the type you need to index into the list and then index into the dictionary.
service_types = dflines['serviceTypes']
types_alone = []
for i in service_types:
dflines['new_column'] = types_alone
I`ve obtain this error
File "/class.py", line 246, in __init__
if d and self.rf == 2 and d["descriptionType"] in ["900000000000003001"] and d["conceptId"] in konZer.zerrenda:
TypeError: 'Desk' object is not subscriptable
I created this object
class Desk:
descriptionId = ""
descriptionStatus = ""
conceptId = ""
term = ""
And I called it in another class
class DescriptionList():
def deskJ(self,line):
er = line.strip().split('\t')
desc = Desk()
if er[1] == "0":
desc.descriptionId = er[0]
desc.descriptionStatus = er[1]
desc.conceptId = er[2]
desc.term = er[3]
return description
Then I called the function "deskJ" at init and I get the error at this part (I've deleted some parts of the function):
def __init__(self,fitx,konZer,lanZer={}):
with codecs.open(fitx,encoding='utf-8') as fitx:
lines = fitx.read().split('\n')[1:-1]
for line in lines:
d = self.deskJ(line)
if d and self.rf == 2 and d["descriptionType"] in ["900000000000003001"] and d["conceptId"] in konZer.zerrenda:
c = konZer.zerrenda[d["conceptId"]]
c["fullySpecifiedName"] = d["term"]
What am I doing wrong?
Using d["descriptionType"] is trying to access d with the key "descriptionType". That doesn't work, though, because d is a Desk object that doesn't have keys. Instead, get the attributes:
if d and self.rf == 2 and d.descriptionType in ["900000000000003001"] and d.conceptId in konZer.zerrenda: