Executing command line from python that contains spaces - python

I try to automatise an image stitching process from python using the software PTGui.
I can execute the following command which works perfectly in the windows command line :
C:\Users\mw4168> "C:\Program Files\PTGui\ptgui.exe" -batch "C:\Users\mw4168\OneDrive\Desktop\PTGui Tests\3 rows\Panorama.pts"
command screenshot here
However, when I try to execute this command using os.system or subprocess.run in Python:
import os
os.system("C:\Program Files\PTGui\ptgui.exe" + "-batch" +"C:\Users\mw4168\OneDrive\Desktop\PTGui Tests\3 rows\panorama.pts")
I get this error :
'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
error screenshot here
It seems that there is an issue with the spaces within the string... Any idea on how to fix this?
Thanks a lot in advance,

Like the os.system documentation already tells you, a better solution altogether is to use subprocess instead.
r"C:\Program Files\PTGui\ptgui.exe",
r"C:\Users\mw4168\OneDrive\Desktop\PTGui Tests\3 rows\panorama.pts"])
The string you created also lacked spaces between the indvidual arguments; but letting Python pass the arguments to the OS instead also gives you more control over quoting etc.

The issue is that you're probably (as you have posted no code) not passing the C:\Program Files\PTGui\ptgui.exe as a string to the terminal but just a plain command
import os
os.system('\"C:\Program Files\PTGui\ptgui.exe\" -batch')


How to run a url from inside a python script to command line?

I have this command line text that I want to run inside my python script to the command line. Any suggestions on how to do this?
explorer "ms-drive-to:?
destination.latitude=47.680504&destination.longitude=-122.328262&destination.name=Green Lake"
If you want to effectively run this in python shell,like this: # it will open windows map
>>> !explorer "ms-drive-to:?
destination.latitude=47.680504&destination.longitude=-122.328262&destination.name=Green Lake"
If you want to run in code, do like others method.All the answers are correct.
import os
command_str = 'explorer "ms-drive-to:? destination.latitude=47.680504&destination.longitude=-122.328262&destination.name=Green Lake"'
# it will open windows map, and driving directions to Green Lake from your current location.
Be careful to use double quotes, single quotes will not be recognized correctly!
windows uwp info: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/launch-resume/launch-maps-app
Sure, you can do something like is described in this post:
Seems like you should use subprocess:
Running Bash commands in Python

Can't get working command line on prompt to work on subprocess

I need to extract text from a PDF. I tried the PyPDF2, but the textExtract method returned an encrypted text, even though the pdf is not encrypted acoording to the isEncrypted method.
So I moved on to trying accessing a program that does the job from the command prompt, so I could call it from python with the subprocess module. I found this program called textExtract, which did the job I wanted with the following command line on cmd:
"textextract.exe" "download.pdf" /to "download.txt"
However, when I tried running it with subprocess I couldn't get a 0 return code.
Here is the code I tried:
textextract = shlex.split(r'"textextract.exe" "download.pdf" /to "download.txt"')
I already tried it with shell=True, but it didn't work.
Can anyone help me?
I was able to get the following script to work from the command line after installing the PDF2Text Pilot application you're trying to use:
import shlex
import subprocess
args = shlex.split(r'"textextract.exe" "download.pdf" /to "download.txt"')
print('args:', args)
Sample screen output of running it from a command line session:
> C:\Python3\python run-textextract.py
args: ['textextract.exe', 'download.pdf', '/to', 'download.txt']
Text from "download.pdf" has been successfully extracted...
Text extraction has been completed!
The above output was generated using Python 3.7.0.
I don't know if your use of spyder on anaconda affects things or not since I'm not familiar with it/them. If you continue to have problems with this, then, if it's possible, I suggest you see if you can get things working directly—i.e. running the the Python interpreter on the script manually from the command line similar to what's shown above. If that works, but using spyder doesn't, then you'll at least know the cause of the problem.
There's no need to build a string of quoted strings and then parse that back out to a list of strings. Just create a list and pass that:
command=["textextract.exe", "download.pdf", "/to", "download.txt"]
All that shlex.split is doing is creating a list by removing all of the quotes you had to add when creating the string in the first place. That's an extra step that provides no value over just creating the list yourself.

running python code in an external shell using sublimetext?

First of all, I am new to programming.
To run python code in an external shell window, I followed the instructions given on this page
My problem is that if I save the python file in any path that contains a folder name with a space, it gives me this error:
C:\Python34\python.exe: can't open file 'C:\Program': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Does not work:
C:\Program Files\Python Code
could someone help me fix the problem???
Here is the code:
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
import subprocess
class PythonRunCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self):
command = 'cmd /k "C:\Python34\python.exe" %s' % sublime.active_window().active_view().file_name()
subprocess methods accept a string or a list. Passing as a string is the lazy way: just copy/paste your command line and it works. That is for hardcoded commands, but things get complicated when you introduce parameters known at run-time only, which may contain spaces, etc...
Passing a list is better because you don't need to compose your command and escape spaces by yourself. Pass the parameters as a list so it's done automatically and better that you could do:
command = ['cmd','/k',r"C:\Python34\python.exe",sublime.active_window().active_view().file_name()]
And always use raw strings (r prefix) when passing literal windows paths or you may have some surprises with escape sequences meaning something (linefeed, tab, unicode...)
In this particular case, if file associations are properly set, you only need to pass the python script without any other command prefix:
command = [sublime.active_window().active_view().file_name()]
(you'll need shell=True added to the subprocess command but it's worth it because it avoids to hardcode python path, and makes your plugin portable)

Python: system command

I spend a few hours writing a little script.
Basically what it does is create a new text file and fills it up with whatever.
I zip the text file --using zipfile-- and here's where my problem lies.
I want to run the Windows system command:
copy /b "imgFile.jpg" + "zipFile.zip" newImage.jpg
To merge the image "imgFile.jpg" and the zip "zipFile.zip".
os.system("copy /b \"imgFile.jpg\" + \"zipFile.zip\" newImage.jpg")
When I run my script, it all seems to go fine.
But when it's done and I try to extract the 'newImage.jpg' file, it gives me:
The archive is either in unknown format or damaged
This ONLY happens when I run the system command within the script.
It works fine when I use the shell. It even works if I use a separate script.
I've double checked my zip file. Everything is in good shape.
Is there something I'm doing wrong? Something I'm not seeing?
Have you tried using shutil?
import shutil
shutil.copy(src, dst)
There may be a problem with the way Python is passing the arguments to the shell command. Try using subprocess.call. This method takes arguments as an array and passes them that way to the command:
import subprocess
subprocess.call(["copy", "/b", '"imgFile.jpg" + "zipFile.zip"', "newImage.jpg"])

When I write a python script to run Devenv with configure "Debug|Win32" it does nothing

Update: When I use the subprocess.call instead of subprocess.Popen, the problem is solved - does anybody know what's the cause? And there came another problem: I can't seem to find a way to control the output... Is there a way to redirect the output from subprocess.call to a string or something like that? Thanks!
I'm trying to use Devenv to build projects, and it runs just fine when i type it in command prompt like devenv A.sln /build "Debug|Win32" - but when I use a python to run it using Popen(cmd,shell=true) where cmd is the same line as above, it shows nothing. If I remove the |, change it to "Debug" only, it works....
Does anybody know why this happens? I've tried putting a \ before |, but still nothing happened..
This is the code I am using:
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
cmd = ' "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\\Common7\\IDE\\devenv" solution.sln /build "Debug|Win32" '
p = Popen(cmd,shell=True,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE)
lines = []
for line in p.stdout.readlines():
out = string.join(lines)
print out
if out.strip():
print out.strip('\n')
...which doesn't work, however, if I swap Debug|Win32 with Debug, it works perfectly..
Thanks for every comment here
There is a difference between devenv.exe and devenv.com, both of which are executable and live in the same directory (sigh). The command lines used in the question and some answers don't say which they want so I'm not sure which will get used.
If you want to call from the command line then you need to ensure you use devenv.com, otherwise you're likely to get a GUI popping up. I think this might be the cause of some (but not all) of the confusion.
See section in the python documentation.
On Windows, Python automatically adds the double quotes around the project configuration argument i.e Debug|win32 is passed as "Debug|win32" to devenv. You DON'T need to add the double quotes and you DON'T need to pass shell=True to Popen.
Use ProcMon to view the argument string passed to devenv.
When shell = False is used, it will treat the string as a single command, so you need to pass the command/arugments as a list.. Something like:
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
cmd = [
r"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\devenv", # in raw r"blah" string, you don't need to escape backslashes
p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
out = p.stdout.read() # reads full output into string, including line breaks
print out
try double quoting like: 'devenv A.sln /build "Debug|Win32"'
Looks like Windows' shell is taking that | as a pipe (despite the quotes and escapes). Have you tried shell=False instead?
