I am currently clustering data and I used hierarchy.fcluster with the parameter "maxclust".
According to the documentation the algorithm picks a threshold thats fits.
Finds a minimum threshold r so that the cophenetic distance between any two original observations in the same flat cluster is no more than r and no more than t flat clusters are formed.
Is there a way to figure out the chosen threshold?
I have a 50 by 50 grid of evenly spaced (x,y) points. Each of these points has a third scalar value. This can be visualized using a contourplot which I have added. I am interested in the regions indicated in by the red circles. These regions of low "Z-values" are what I want to extract from this data.
2D contour plot of 50 x 50 evenly spaced grid points:
I want to do this by using clustering (machine learning), which can be lightning quick when applied correctly. The problem is, however, that the points are evenly spaced together and therefore the density of the entire dataset is equal everywhere.
I have tried using a DBSCAN algorithm with a custom distance metric which takes into account the Z values of each point. I have defined the distance between two points as follows:\
def custom_distance(point1,point2):
average_Z = (point1[2]+point2[2])/2
distance = np.sqrt(np.square((point1[0]-point2[0])) + np.square((point1[1]-point2[1])))
distance = distance * average_Z
return distance
This essentially determines the Euclidean distance between two points and adds to it the average of the two Z values of both points. In the picture below I have tested this distance determination function applied in a DBSCAN algorithm. Each point in this 50 by 50 grid each has a Z value of 1, except for four clusters that I have randomly placed. These points each have a z value of 10. The algorithm is able to find the clusters in the data based on their z value as can be seen below.
DBSCAN clustering result using scalar value distance determination:
Positive about the results I tried to apply it to my actual data, only to be disappointed by the results. Since the x and y values of my data are very large, I have simply scaled them to be 0 to 49. The z values I have left untouched. The results of the clustering can be seen in the image below:
Clustering result on original data:
This does not come close to what I want and what I was expecting. For some reason the clusters that are found are of rectangular shape and the light regions of low Z values that I am interested in are not extracted with this approach.
Is there any way I can make the DBSCAN algorithm work in this way? I suspect the reason that it is currently not working has something to do with the differences in scale of the x,y and z values. I am also open for tips or recommendations on other approaches on how to define and find the lighter regions in the data.
I'm learning about DBSCAN and apparently the most important hyperparameter is eps, from sklearn documentation:
eps float, default=0.5
The maximum distance between two samples for one to be considered as in the neighborhood of the other.
This is not a maximum bound on the distances of points within a cluster.
This is the most important DBSCAN parameter to choose appropriately for your data set and distance function.
I notice that the number 0.5 doesn't take in fact the range of the distances of our data, in other words, if I use distances from 1 to 100 will it still work the same way if I scale up those distances by a factor of x100? Or scale down by x10? Or this parameter is supposed to be used in normalized distances (max_distance = 1)?
I currently have a list with 3D coordinates which I want cluster by density into a unknown number of clusters. In addition to that I want to score the clusters by population and by distance to the centroids.
I would also like to be able to set a maximum possible distance from a certain centroid. Ideally the centroid represent a point of the data-set, but it is not absolutely necessary. I want to do this for a list ranging from approximately 100 to 10000 3D coordinates.
So for example, say i have a point [x,y,z] which could be my centroid:
Points that are closest to x,y,z should contribute the most to its score (i.e. a logistic scoring function like y = (1 + exp(4*(-1.0+x)))** -1 ,where x represents the euclidean distance to point [x,y ,z]
( https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=(1+%2B+exp(4(-1.0%2Bx)))**+-1 )
Since this function never reaches 0, it is needed to set a maximum distance, e.g. 2 distance units to set a limit to the cluster.
I want to do this until no more clusters can be made, I am only interested in the centroid, thus it should preferably be a real datapoint instead of an interpolated one it also has other properties connected to it.
I have already tried DBSCAN from sklearn, which is several orders of magnitude faster than my code, but it does obviously not accomplish what I want to do
Currently I am just calculating the proximity of every point relative to all other points and am scoring every point by the number and distance to its neighbors (with the same scoring function discussed above), then I take the highest scored point and remove all other, lower scored, points that are within a certain cutoff distance. It gets the job done and is accurate, but it is too slow.
I hope I could be somewhat clear with what I want to do.
Use the neighbor search function of sklearn to find points within the maximum distance 2 fast. Only do this once compute the logistic weights only once.
Then do the remainder using ony this precomputed data?
I implemented a K-Means algorithm in Python. First I apply PCA and whitening to the input data. Then I use k-means to successfully subtract k centroids out of the data.
How can I use those centroids to understand the "features" learnt? Are the centroids already the features (doesn't seem like this to me) or do I need to combine them with the input data again?
Because of some answers: K-means is not "just" a method for clustering, instead it's a vector quantization method. That said the goal of k-means is to describe a dataset with a reduced number of feature vectors. Therefore there are big analogies to methods like Sparse Filtering/ Learning regarding the potential outcome.
Code Example
# Perform K-means, data already pre-processed
centroids = k_means(matrix_pca_whitened,1000)
# Assign data to centroid
idx,_ = vq(song_matrix_pca,centroids)
The clusters produced by the K-mean algorithms separate your input space into K regions. When you have new data, you can tell which region it belongs to, and thus classify it.
The centroids are just a property of these clusters.
You can have a look at the scikit-learn doc if you are unsure, and at the map to make sure you choose the right algorithm.
This is sort of a circular question: "understand" requires knowing something about the features outside of the k-means process. All that k-means does is to identify k groups of physical proximity. It says "there are clumps of stuff in these 'k' places, and here's how the all the points choose the nearest."
What this means in terms of the features is up to the data scientist, rather than any deeper meaning that k-means can ascribe. The variance of each group may tell you a little about how tightly those points are clustered. Do remember that k-means also chooses starting points at random; an unfortunate choice can easily give a sub-optimal description of the space.
A centroid is basically the "mean" of the cluster. If you can ascribe some deeper understanding from the distribution of centroids, great -- but that depends on the data and features, rather than any significant meaning devolving from k-means.
Is that the level of answer you need?
The centroids are in fact the features learnt. Since k-means is a method of vector quantization we look up which observation belongs to which cluster and therefore is best described by the feature vector (centroid).
By having one observation e.g. separated into 10 patches before, the observation might consist of 10 feature vectors max.
Method: K-means with k=10
Dataset: 20 observations divided into 2 patches each = 40 data vectors
We now perform K-means on this patched dataset and get the nearest centroid per patch. We could then create a vector for each of the 20 observations with the length 10 (=k) and if patch 1 belongs to centroid 5 and patch 2 belongs to centroid 9 the vector could look like: 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 1 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 1 - 0.
This means that this observation consists of the centroids/ features 5 and 9. You could also measure use the distance between patch and centroid instead of this hard assignment.
I have been trying to implement DBSCAN using scikit and am so far failing to determine the values of epsilon and min_sample which will give me a sizeable number of clusters. I tried finding the average value in the distance matrix and used values on either side of the mean but haven't got a satisfactory number of clusters:
labels = db.labels_
# Number of clusters in labels, ignoring noise if present.
n_clusters_ = len(set(labels)) - (1 if -1 in labels else 0)
print('Estimated number of clusters: %d' % n_clusters_)
Estimated number of clusters: 1
Estimated number of clusters: 1
Also so other information:
The average distance between any 2 points in the distance matrix is 16.8354
the min distance is 1.0
the max distance is 258.653
Also the X passed in the code is not the distance matrix but the matrix of feature vectors.
So please tell me how do i determine these parameters
plot a k-distance graph, and look for a knee there. As suggested in the DBSCAN article.
(Your min_samples might be too high - you probably won't have a knee in the 100-distance graph then.)
Visualize your data. If you can't visually see clusters, there might be no clusters. DBSCAN cannot be forced to produce an arbitrary number of clusters. If your data set is a Gaussian distribution, it is supposed to be a single cluster only.
Try changing the min_samples parameter to a lower value. This parameter affects the minimum size of each cluster formed. May be, the possible clusters to be formed are all small sized and the parameter you are using right now is too high for them to be formed.