I'm trying to solve a set of transient flow equations of a body firing from a pressurised tube
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import numpy as np
# parameters
Db = 0.5 # body diameter
Lb = 2.0 # body length
mb = 1000 # body mass
Ai = 0.5 # inlet area
Ki = 1.0 # inlet loss coefficient
Li = 1.5 # inlet position
Dt = 0.6 # tube diameter
Lt = 3.0 # tube length
epsilon = 0.0001 # roughness
rho = 1000 # density
mu = 0.0011 # dynamic viscosity
par = [Db, Lb, mb, Ai, Ki, Li, Dt, Lt, epsilon, rho, mu]
# boundary conditions
pp = 5e5 # pump pressure
patm = 0.0 # atmosphere pressure
bound = [pp, patm]
# time
ts = 0.001 # time step
tmax = 2.0 # total time
t = np.linspace(0, tmax, int(tmax/ts) + 1)
# initial conditions
v0 = 0.0 # initial velocity
s0 = 0.5 # initial displacement
Qlr0 = 0.0 # initial leakage to rear
Qlf0 = 0.0 # initial leakage to front
Qf0 = 0.0 # initial front flow
initVar = [v0, s0, Qlr0, Qlf0, Qf0]
# friction factor calculation
def ff(Q, A, L):
D = 2.0 * (A / np.pi)**0.5 # hydraulic diameter
Re = (rho * (Q / A) * L) / mu # reynolds number
ff = 0.25 / (np.log10((epsilon / D)+(5.74 / Re**0.9)))**2.0 # friction factor
return ff
# main calculation
def calc_main(var, t, val):
par, bound = val
Db, Lb, mb, Ai, Ki, Li, Dt, Lt, epsilon, rho, mu = par
pp, patm = bound
vb, sb, Qlr, Qlf, Qf = var
Ab = np.pi * (Db / 2.0)**2.0 # body area
At = np.pi * (Dt / 2.0)**2.0 # tube area
Alr = At - Ab # rear leak area
Alf = At - Ab # front leak area
Af = At # front flow area
Dlr = 2.0 * (Alr / np.pi)**0.5 # hydraulic diameter of rear leak
Dlf = 2.0 * (Alf / np.pi)**0.5 # hydraulic diameter of front leak
Df = Dt # hydraulic diameter of front flow
Lr = sb # rear position
Lf = Lr + Lb # front position
Llr = max(0.0, Li - Lr) # length of rear leak
Llf = min(Lt - Li, Lf - Li) # length of front leak
Lf = max(0.0, Lt - Lf) # length of front flow
Qi = (1 / Ki)**(0.5) * Ab * ((2 * (pp - pi)) / rho)**(0.5) # inlet flow rate
dQlrdt = Alr / (rho * Llr) * (pi - pr) * ((ff(Qlr, Alr, Llr) * Qlr**2.0) / (2 * Dlr * Alr)) # rear leak derivative
dQlfdt = Alf / (rho * Llf) * (pi - pf) * ((ff(Qlf, Alf, Llf) * Qlf**2.0) / (2 * Dlf * Alf)) # front leak derivative
dQfdt = Af / (rho * Lf) * (pr - patm) * ((ff(Qf, Af, Lf) * Qf**2.0) / (2 * Df * Af)) # front flow derivative
Qf = Qi # flow continuity
Qf = Qlr + Qlf # flow continuity
Qlr = Ab * vb # flow continuity
Fb = (pr - pf) * (pi * (Db / 2.0) ** 2.0) # force on body
ab = Fb / mb # body acceleration
dvbdt = ab # body velocity derivative
dsbdt = vb # body displacement derivative
return dvbdt, dsbdt, dQlrdt, dQlfdt, dQfdt
# solve
res = odeint(calc_main, initVar, t, args=([par, bound],))
If I take out the flow equations and have pr and pf equal to pp and patm respectively, then the motion equations work fine (results below), but with the flow equations as above it complains that the pressures are undefined (understandably, I have nothing saying pf=[] or pr=[])
What I've attempted is to use a combination of fsolve and odeint to solve the simultaneous flow equations, but also solve the ODEs, to little success
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
# main calculation
def calc_main(var, t, val):
par, bound = val
Db, Lb, mb, Ai, Ki, Li, Dt, Lt, epsilon, rho, mu = par
pp, patm = bound
vb, sb, Qlr, Qlf, Qf = var
Ab = np.pi * (Db / 2.0)**2.0 # body area
At = np.pi * (Dt / 2.0)**2.0 # tube area
Alr = At - Ab # rear leak area
Alf = At - Ab # front leak area
Af = At # front flow area
Dlr = 2.0 * (Alr / np.pi)**0.5 # hydraulic diameter of rear leak
Dlf = 2.0 * (Alf / np.pi)**0.5 # hydraulic diameter of front leak
Df = Dt # hydraulic diameter of front flow
Lr = sb # rear position
Lf = Lr + Lb # front position
Llr = max(0.0, Li - Lr) # length of rear leak
Llf = min(Lt - Li, Lf - Li) # length of front leak
Lf = max(0.0, Lt - Lf) # length of front flow
def calc_fluid (var):
Qi, dQlrdt, dQlfdt, dQfdt, pi, pr, pf = var
eq1 = (1 / Ki)**(0.5) * Ab * ((2 * (pp - pi)) / rho)**(0.5) - Qi # inlet flow rate
eq2 = Alr / (rho * Llr) * (pi - pr) * ((ff(Qlr, Alr, Llr) * Qlr**2.0) / (2 * Dlr * Alr)) - dQlrdt # rear leak derivative
eq3 = Alf / (rho * Llf) * (pi - pf) * ((ff(Qlf, Alf, Llf) * Qlf**2.0) / (2 * Dlf * Alf)) - dQlfdt # front leak derivative
eq4 = Af / (rho * Lf) * (pr - patm) * ((ff(Qf, Af, Lf) * Qf**2.0) / (2 * Df * Af)) - dQfdt # front flow derivative
eq5 = Qi - Qf # flow continuity
eq6 = Qlr + Qlf - Qf # flow continuity
eq7 = Ab * vb - Qlr # flow continuity
return eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4, eq5, eq6, eq7
Qi, dQlrdt, dQlfdt, dQfdt, pi, pr, pf = fsolve(calc_fluid, [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1])
Fb = (pr - pf) * (pi * (Db / 2.0) ** 2.0) # force on body
ab = Fb / mb # body acceleration
dvbdt = ab # body velocity derivative
dsbdt = vb # body displacement derivative
return dvbdt, dsbdt, dQlrdt, dQlfdt, dQfdt
I get the error "RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars" for a few different lines while it runs, but I don't get told specifically which time step that happens at
I'm not convinced that the results I get are right, as I seem to now not move the body at all
Can anyone see what I've done wrong, or know of a better way to solve the simultaneous equations alongside the derivatives?
I've been shooting in the dark a little having not done anything quite like this before so it's possible I've gone completely off the rails with how these functions are meant to be used, any explanation is much appreciated!
Your example does has some undefined variables, so I didn't try it here.
What you have to do is to write the constraints dependent variables in a separate function and then use solve_bvp to integrate the differential equation with the boundary conditions.
The bc function is evaluated with the ya and yb being the value of your dependent variables at the beginning and the end of your interval. It will return an array of values that are 0 for the expected solution, and non-zero for other solutions.
Also, you may like to know that
has a closed form solution
I am what varies in your equations, but the coefficients of your differential equations for Q then you can use the closed form, and solving the boundary conditions for the free parameters.
I have a modified version of the spring optimization Gekko model.
Is there a way to slightly relax constraints so that the solver can still give me solutions even if they start falling out of the range of my constraints?
I'm aware of RTOL, but is there a way of specifying tolerances for individual equations?
One way to do this is create a new variable eps that has a lower bound of zero and an upper bound that is the maximum allowable violation. This becomes the deviation of the inequality constraints that can be minimized with an importance factor (e.g. 10).
eps = m.Var(lb=0,ub=0.5)
Here are modified equations with eps:
d_coil / d_wire >= 4-eps,
d_coil / d_wire <= 16+eps
and the full script:
from gekko import GEKKO
# Initialize Gekko model
m = GEKKO()
#Maximize force of a spring at its preload height h_0 of 1 inches
#The stress at Hs (solid height) must be less than Sy to protect from damage
# Constants
from numpy import pi
# Model Parameters
delta_0 = 0.4 # inches (spring deflection)
h_0 = 1.0 # inches (preload height)
Q = 15e4 # psi
G = 12e6 # psi
S_e = 45e3 # psi
S_f = 1.5
w = 0.18
# Variables
# inches (wire diameter)
d_wire = m.Var(value=0.07247, lb = 0.01, ub = 0.2)
# inches (coil diameter)
d_coil = m.Var(value=0.6775, lb = 0.0)
# number of coils in the spring
n_coils = m.Var(value=7.58898, lb = 0.0)
# inches (free height spring exerting no force)
h_f = m.Var(value=1.368117, lb = 1.0)
F = m.Var() # Spring force
# Intermediates
S_y = m.Intermediate((0.44 * Q) / (d_wire**w))
h_s = m.Intermediate(n_coils * d_wire)
k = m.Intermediate((G * d_wire**4)/(8 * d_coil**3 * n_coils))
kW = m.Intermediate((4 * d_coil - d_wire)/(4 * (d_coil-d_wire)) \
+ 0.62 * d_wire/d_coil)
n = m.Intermediate((8 * kW * d_coil)/(pi * d_wire**3))
tau_max = m.Intermediate((h_f - h_0 + delta_0) * k * n)
tau_min = m.Intermediate((h_f - h_0) * k * n)
tau_mean = m.Intermediate((tau_max + tau_min) / 2)
tau_alt = m.Intermediate((tau_max - tau_min) / 2)
h_def = m.Intermediate(h_0 - delta_0)
tau_hs = m.Intermediate((h_f - h_s) * k * n)
# Equations
eps = m.Var(lb=0,ub=0.5)
F == k * (h_f - h_0),
d_coil / d_wire >= 4-eps,
d_coil / d_wire <= 16+eps,
d_coil + d_wire < 0.75,
h_def - h_s > 0.05,
tau_alt < S_e / S_f,
tau_alt + tau_mean < S_y / S_f,
tau_hs < S_y / S_f
# Objective function
# Send to solver
# Print solution
print('Maximum force: ' + str(F[0]))
print('Optimal values: ')
print('d_wire : ' + str(d_wire[0]))
print('d_coil : ' + str(d_coil[0]))
print('n_coils : ' + str(n_coils[0]))
print('h_f : ' + str(h_f[0]))
print('eps : ' + str(eps[0]))
I'm sorry for my ignorance in using NumPy and python. I'm much more comfortable in Matlab however I've been required to convert my code from Matlab to Python. To run my script in Python takes 113 seconds meanwhile it takes 7 seconds in MATLAB. Both produce correct results albeit different due to stochasticity. The big culprit I believe is my derivative function. I profiled my python code and it says that this function accounts for 76% of the run time (It doesn't take up nearly as much percent-wise in MATLAB). I understand there is a lot of code so if anyone could help me with making my python derivative code perform more similarly to MATLAB that would be greatly appreciated! If you have any questions feel free to ask. Thank you!
## Derivative6DOF Variables
# Input Variables
# x - vehicle state = [x, y, z, u, v, w, phi, theta, psi, p, q, r, omega1, omega2, omega3, omega4]'
# dt - time step
# bigOmegasTarget - commanded rotor speeds = [omega1, omega2, omega3, omega4]'
# batterySOC - percent battery charge remaining
# m - mass of vehicle
# g - gravitational acceleration constant
# I - moment of inertia = eye([I11, I22, I33]')
# Cd0 - Profile drag coefficient of each rotor
# pitch - pitch of blade
# rho - density of air
# a - lift curve slope of the airfoil
# b - number of blades
# c - chord length of blade
# R - total length of the rotor blade
# viGuessInitial - guess induced velocity
# posProps - position of propellers from center of gravity = [x, y, z]'
# A - area of propeller
# maxCapacity - max battery capacity
# powerDrawComponents - power drawn by components from battery
# Kv - voltage coefficient of motor [rad/sec/V]
# Kt - motor torque coefficent [N*m/A]
# voltMax - max voltage supplied
# resistanceMotor - resistance of motor
# PeMax - max power possible
# Jp - inertia about each motor (includes propellor and motor) [kg*m^2]
# Output Variables
# xdot - vehicle state derivative = [u, v, w, udot, vdot, zdot, p, q, r, pdot, qdot, rdot, omegadot1 omegadot2 omegadot3 omegadot4]'
# battery - battery state = [percentRemaining, dischargeRate]'
# k - thrust-to-omega coefficient (https://andrew.gibiansky.com/blog/physics/quadcopter-dynamics/#:~:text=Each#20rotor#20contributes#20some#20torque,CDAv2.)
# b_coeff - yaw-to-omega coefficient (https://andrew.gibiansky.com/blog/physics/quadcopter-dynamics/#:~:text=Each#20rotor#20contributes#20some#20torque,CDAv2.)
# Intermediate Variables
# DCM - rotation matrix from body frame to inertial frame
# UVWp - translational velocity at each propeller = [u, v, w]'
# theta0 - root blade angle
# theta1 - linear twist of blade
# T - thrust
# vi - induced velocity iterated guess
# vPrime - effective speed of flow at the rotor
# viCalc - induced velocity calculated
# Pinduced - induced power
# Pprofile - profile power
# Qp - rotor aerodynamic torque (current motor torque)
# totalThrust - sum of each rotor thrust
# QeMax - max electric motor torque possible
# PeMax - max electric power available
# Qe - electric motor torque (desired motor torque)
# ind - index
# Maero - aerodynamic pitching, rolling and yawing moments = [x, y, z]'
# H - hub forces = [x, y, z]'
# Mgyro - gyroscopic moments = [x, y, z]'
# Cl - coefficient of lift
# AR - aspect ratio
# Cd - coefficient of drag
# lx - distance of props in x-direction
# ly - distance of props in y-direction
# LScale - pitch scalar coefficient
# MScale - roll scalar coefficient
# NScale - yaw scalar coefficient
# MThrust - differential thrust = [x, y, z]'
# F - sum of all forces acting on vehicle
# M - sum of all moments acting on vehicle
# powerDrawMotors - sum of all power draw from all 4 motors
# totalPowerDraw - total power load on battery from all components (motors, camera, electronics, etc.)
# maxBatteryPower = maxCapacity*voltMax/1000; # (Whr) Max possible power from battery at start
# State Element Vector
# x - x-position
# y - y-position
# z - z-position
# u - x-velocity
# v - y-velocity
# w - z-velocity
# udot - x-acceleration
# vdot - y-acceleration
# wdot - z-acceleration
# phi - angle about y-axis
# theta - angle about x-axis
# psi - angle about z-axis
# p - angular velocity about y-axis
# q - angular velocity about x-axis
# r - angular velocity about z-axis
# pdot - angular acceleration about y-axis
# qdot - angular acceleration about x-axis
# rdot - angular acceleration about z-axis
# omega1 - angular speed of front left rotor
# omega2 - angular speed of back right rotor
# omega3 - angular speed of front right rotor
# omega4 - angular speed of back left rotor
# omegadot1 - angular acceleration of front left rotor
# omegadot2 - angular acceleration of back right rotor
# omegadot3 - angular acceleration of front right rotor
# omegadot4 - angular acceleration of back left rotor
# percentRemaining - percent battery charge remaining
# dischargeRate - discharge rate of battery
# Additional Notes
# Mgyro Derivation Code (Page 639)
# syms p q r Omega Jp
# omega = [0; 0; Jp*Omega]; rotation about positive z-axis
# skewMatrix = [0 -r q; r 0 -p; -q p 0];
# Mgyro = -skewMatrix*omega
import numpy as np
def Derivative6DOF(x,dt,bigOmegasTarget,batterySOC,m,g,I,Cd0,pitch,rho,a,b,c,R,viGuessInitial,posProps,A,maxCapacity,powerDrawComponents,Kv,Kt,voltMax,resistanceMotor,PeMax,Jp,processNoise,theta0,theta1):
# direction cosine matrix (from bodyframe to NED)
DCM = np.array([[np.cos(x[8]) * np.cos(x[7]),- np.sin(x[8]) * np.cos(x[6]) + np.cos(x[8]) * np.sin(x[7]) * np.sin(x[6]),np.sin(x[8]) * np.sin(x[6]) + np.cos(x[8]) * np.cos(x[6]) * np.sin(x[7])],[np.cos(x[7]) * np.sin(x[8]),np.cos(x[8]) * np.cos(x[6]) + np.sin(x[8]) * np.sin(x[7]) * np.sin(x[6]),- np.cos(x[8]) * np.sin(x[6]) + np.sin(x[8]) * np.cos(x[6]) * np.sin(x[7])],[- np.sin(x[7]),np.sin(x[6]) * np.cos(x[7]),np.cos(x[7]) * np.cos(x[6])]])
# propeller velocity
UVWp = np.zeros((4,3))
for i in range(0,4):
UVWp[i,:] = x[3:6] + np.cross(x[9:12],posProps[i,:])
T = np.zeros((4,))
vi = np.ones((4,)) * viGuessInitial
# induced velocity for each rotor
for i in range(0,4):
# induced velocity
vPrime = np.sqrt(UVWp[i,0] ** 2 + UVWp[i,1] ** 2 + (UVWp[i,2] - vi[i]) ** 2)
T[i] = rho * a * b * c * R / 4 * ((UVWp[i,2] - vi[i]) * x[12 + i] * R + 2 / 3 * (x[12 + i] * R) ** 2 * (theta0 + 0.75 * theta1) + (UVWp[i,0] ** 2 + (UVWp[i,1] ** 2)) * (theta0 + 0.5 * theta1))
viCalc = T[i] / (2 * rho * A * vPrime)
# converge iterated induced velocity and calculated induced velocity
while np.abs(vi[i] - viCalc) > 1e-05:
# induced velocity
vPrime = np.sqrt(UVWp[i,0] ** 2 + UVWp[i,1] ** 2 + (UVWp[i,2] - vi[i]) ** 2)
T[i] = rho * a * b * c * R / 4 * ((UVWp[i,2] - vi[i]) * x[12 + i] * R + 2 / 3 * (x[12 + i] * R) ** 2 * (theta0 + 0.75 * theta1) + (UVWp[i,0] ** 2 + (UVWp[i,1] ** 2)) * (theta0 + 0.5 * theta1))
viCalc = T[i] / (2 * rho * A * vPrime)
# increment the induced velocity guess
vi[i] = vi[i] + 0.1 * (viCalc - vi[i])
# calculate induced power, profile power, and rotor aerodynamic torque for each rotor
Pinduced = T*(vi-UVWp[:,2])
Pprofile = (rho*Cd0*b*c*x[12:16]*R**2/8 * ((x[12:16]*R)**2 + UVWp[:,0]**2 + UVWp[:,1]**2))
Qp = 1/x[12:16]*(Pinduced + Pprofile)
# calculate total thrust
totalThrust = np.array([[0],[0],[-np.sum(T)]]).reshape((3,))
# calculate electric motor torque
QeMax = PeMax / x[12:16]
Qe = (Kt / resistanceMotor) * (bigOmegasTarget - x[12:16]) / Kv
# confirm electric motor torque isn't exceeding limit
np.where(Qe > QeMax, Qe, QeMax)
# calculate aerodynamic pitching, rolling, and yawing moments
Maero = np.zeros((3,))
Maero[0] = np.sum(np.array([[- 1],[- 1],[1],[1]]) * rho * a * b * c * R**2 * (x[12:16] * R**2 / 16 * x[9] + ((UVWp[:,2] - vi) / 8 + x[12:16] * R * theta0 / 6 + x[12:16] * R * theta1 / 8) * UVWp[:,0]))
Maero[1] = np.sum(np.array([[- 1],[- 1],[1],[1]]) * rho * a * b * c * R**2 * (x[12:16] * R**2 / 16 * x[10] + ((UVWp[:,2] - vi) / 8 + x[12:16] * R * theta0 / 6 + x[12:16] * R * theta1 / 8) * UVWp[:,1]))
Maero[2] = np.sum(np.array([[- 1],[- 1],[1],[1]]) * Qe)
# calculate hub force
H = -np.sign(x[3:6]) * np.sum(rho * Cd0 * b * c * x[12:16] * R**2 / 4 * np.array([UVWp[:,0],UVWp[:,1],np.array([[0],[0],[0],[0]]).reshape(4,)]))
# calculate gyroscopic moments
Mgyro = np.sum(x[12:16] * np.array([[-1],[-1],[1],[1]]).reshape(4,)) * Jp * np.array([-x[10], x[9], 0]).reshape((3,))
# calculate thrust-to-omega coefficient
k = T / x[12:16]**2
# calculate yaw-to-omega coefficient
Cl = 2 * T / (rho * R**2 * x[12:16]**2)
AR = R**2 / A
Cd = Cd0 + Cl**2 / (np.pi * AR * 1)
b_coeff = 0.5 * R ** 3 * rho * Cd * A
# calculate motor-mixer scalar coefficients
lx = np.abs(posProps[:,0])
ly = np.abs(posProps[:,1])
LScale = k * ly
MScale = k * lx
NScale = b_coeff
# calculate differential thrust
MThrust = np.zeros((3,))
MThrust[0] = np.sum(x[12:16]**2 * np.array([1,-1,-1,1]).reshape((4,)) * LScale)
MThrust[1] = np.sum(x[12:16]**2 * np.array([1,-1,1,-1]).reshape((4,)) * MScale)
MThrust[2] = np.sum(x[12:16]**2 * np.array([-1,-1,1,1]).reshape((4,)) * NScale)
# total force and moment acting on quadcopter in inertial frame
F = DCM # (totalThrust + H)
M = DCM # (Maero + Mgyro + MThrust)
# calculate state derivative
xdot = np.zeros((16,))
xdot[0:3] = np.array([x[3],x[4],x[5]])
xdot[3] = F[0] / m
xdot[4] = F[1] / m
xdot[5] = g + F[2] / m
xdot[6] = x[9] + np.tan(x[7]) * np.sin(x[6]) * x[10] + np.tan(x[7]) * np.cos(x[6]) * x[11]
xdot[7] = np.cos(x[6]) * x[10] - np.sin(x[6]) * x[11]
xdot[8] = 1/np.cos(x[7]) * np.sin(x[6]) * x[10] + 1/np.cos(x[7]) * np.cos(x[6]) * x[11]
xdot[9] = (M[0] + x[10] * x[11] * (I[1,1] - I[2,2])) / I[0,0]
xdot[10] = (M[1] + x[9] * x[11] * (I[2,2] - I[0,0])) / I[1,1]
xdot[11] = (M[2] + x[9] * x[10] * (I[0,0] - I[1,1])) / I[2,2]
xdot[12:16] = 1/Jp * (Qe - Qp)
xdot = xdot + np.random.randn(16,) * processNoise
# calculate battery state
powerDrawMotors = np.sum(Qp * x[12:16])
totalPowerDraw = powerDrawMotors + powerDrawComponents
maxBatteryPower = maxCapacity * voltMax / 1000
discharge = totalPowerDraw * dt / 3600 / maxBatteryPower * 100
batterySOC = batterySOC - discharge
battery = np.array([[batterySOC],[discharge]]).reshape((2,))
return xdot,battery,k,b_coeff,vi
I am trying to solve a system of geodesics orbital equations using python. They are coupled ordinary equations. I've tried different approaches, but they all yielded me a wrong shape (the shape should be some periodic function when plotting r and phi). Any idea on how to do this?
Here are my constants
G = 4.30091252525 * (pow(10, -3)) #Gravitational constant in (parsec*km^2)/(Ms*sec^2)
c = 0.0020053761 #speed of light , AU/sec
M = 170000 #mass of the central body, in solar masses
m = 10 #mass of the orbiting body, in solar masses
rs = 2 * G * M / pow(c, 2) #Schwarzschild radius
Lz= 0.000024 #Angular momemntum
h = Lz / m #Just the constant in equation
E= 1.715488e-007 #energy
And initial conditions are:
Y(0) = rs
Phi(0) = math.pi
Orbital equations
The way I tried to do it:
def rhs(t, u):
Y, phi = u
dY = np.sqrt((E**2 / (m**2 * c**2) - (1 - rs / Y) * (c**2 + h**2 / Y**2)))
dphi = L / Y**2
return [dY, dphi]
Y0 = np.array([rs,math.pi])
sol = solve_ivp(rhs, [1, 1000], Y0, method='Radau', dense_output=True)
It seems like you are looking at the spacial coordinates in an invariant plane of the geodesic equations of an object moving in Schwarzschild gravity.
One can use many different methods, which preserve as much of the underlying geometric structure of the model as possible, like symplectic geometric integrators or perturbation theory. As Lutz Lehmann pointed out in the comments, the default method for 'solve_ivp' uses as default the Dormand-Prince (4)5 stepper that utilizes the extrapolation mode, that is, the order 5 step, with the step size selection driven by the error estimate of the order 4 step.
Warning: your initial condition for Y equals Schwarzschild's radius, so these equations may fail or require special treatment (especially the time component of the equations, which you have not included here!) It may be that you have to switch to different coordinates, that remove the singularity at the even horizon. Moreover, the solutions may not be periodic curves, but quasi-periodic, so they may not close up nicely.
For a quick and dirty treatment, but possibly a fairly accurate one, I would differentiate the first equation
(dr / dtau)^2 = (E2_mc2 - c2) + (2*GM)/r - (h^2)/(r^2) + (r_schw*h^2)/(r^3)
with respect to the proper time tau, then cancel out the first derivative dr / dtau with respect to r on both sides, and end up with an equation with second derivative for the radius r on the left. Then turn this second derivative equation into a pair of first derivative equations for r and its rate of change v, i.e
dphi / dtau = h / (r^2)
dr / dtau = v
dv / dtau = - GM / (r^2) + h^2 / (r^3) - 3*r_schw*(h^2) / (2*r^4)
and calculate from the original equation for r and its first derivative dr / dtau an initial value for the rate of change v = dr / dtau, i.e. I would solve for v the equations with r=r0:
(v0)^2 = (E2_mc2 - c2) + (2*GM)/r0 - (h^2)/(r0^2) + (r_schw*h^2)/(r0^3)
Maybe some kind of python code like this may work:
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
#from ode_helpers import state_plotter
# u = [phi, Y, V, t] or if time is excluded
# u = [phi, Y, V]
def f(tau, u, param):
E2_mc2, c2, GM, h, r_schw = param
Y = u[1]
f_phi = h / (Y**2)
f_Y = u[2] # this is the dr / dt auxiliary equation
f_V = - GM / (Y**2) + h**2 / (Y**3) - 3*r_schw*(h**2) / (2*Y**4)
#f_time = (E2_mc2 * Y) / (Y - r_schw) # this is the equation of the time coordinate
return [f_phi, f_Y, f_V] # or [f_phi, f_Y, f_V, f_time]
# from the initial value for r = Y0 and given energy E,
# calculate the initial rate of change dr / dtau = V0
def ivp(Y0, param, sign):
E2_mc2, c2, GM, h, r_schw = param
V0 = math.sqrt((E2_mc2 - c2) + (2*GM)/Y0 - (h**2)/(Y0**2) + (r_schw*h**2)/(Y0**3))
return sign*V0
G = 4.30091252525 * (pow(10, -3)) #Gravitational constant in (parsec*km^2)/(Ms*sec^2)
c = 0.0020053761 #speed of light , AU/sec
M = 170000 #mass of the central body, in solar masses
m = 10 #mass of the orbiting body, in solar masses
Lz= 0.000024 #Angular momemntum
h = Lz / m #Just the constant in equation
E= 1.715488e-007 #energy
c2 = c**2
E2_mc2 = (E**2) / (c2*m**2)
GM = G*M
r_schw = 2*GM / c2
param = [E2_mc2, c2, GM, h, r_schw]
Y0 = r_schw
sign = 1 # or -1
V0 = ivp(Y0, param, sign)
tau_span = np.linspace(1, 1000, num=1000)
u0 = [math.pi, Y0, V0]
sol = solve_ivp(lambda tau, u: f(tau, u, param), [1, 1000], u0, t_eval=tau_span)
Double check the equations, mistakes and inaccuracies are possible.
Similar to many tutorials on the web, I've tried implementing a windowed-sinc lowpass filter using the following python functions:
def black_wind(w):
''' blackman window of width w'''
samps = np.arange(w)
return (0.42 - 0.5 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * samps/ (w-1)) + 0.08 * np.cos(4 * np.pi * samps/ (w-1)))
def lp_win_sinc(tw, fc, n):
''' lowpass sinc impulse response
tw = approximate transition width [fraction of nyquist freq]
fc = cutoff freq [fraction of nyquest freq]
n = length of output.
s = impulse response of windowed-sinc filter appended zero-padding
to make len(s) = n
m = int(np.ceil( 4./tw / 2) * 2)
samps = np.arange(m+1)
shift = samps - m/2
shift[m/2] = 1
h = np.sin(2 * np.pi * fc * shift)/shift
h[m/2] = 2 * np.pi * fc
h = h * black_wind(m+1)
h = h / h.sum()
s = np.zeros(n)
s[:len(h)] = h
return s
For input: 'tw = 0.05', 'fc = 0.2', 'n = 6000', the magnitude of the fft seems reasonable.
tw = 0.05
fc = 0.2
n = 6000
lp = lp_win_sinc(tw, fc, n)
f_lp = np.fft.rfft(lp)
x = np.linspace(0, 0.5, len(f_lp))
plt.plot(x, np.abs(f_lp))
magnitude of lowpass filter response
however, the phase is non-linear above ~fc.
x = np.linspace(0, 0.5, len(f_lp))
plt.plot(x, np.unwrap(np.angle(f_lp)))
phase of lowpass filter response
Given the symmetry of the non-zero-padded portion of the impulse response, I would expect the resulting phase to be linear. Can someone explain what is going on? Perhaps I'm using a numpy function incorrectly, or maybe my expectations are incorrect. I'm very grateful for any help.
based on some of the helpful comments to this question and some more work, I wrote a function that produces zero phase delay and is therefore a bit easier to interpret the np.angle() results.
def lp_win_sinc(tw, fc, n):
m = int(np.ceil( 2./tw) * 2)
samps = np.arange(m+1)
shift = samps - m/2
shift[m/2] = 1
h = np.sin(2 * np.pi * fc * shift)/shift
h[m/2] = 2 * np.pi * fc
h = h * np.blackman(m+1)
h = h / h.sum()
s = np.zeros(n)
s[:len(h)] = h
return np.roll(s, -m/2)
The main change here is using np.roll() to place the line of symmetry at t=0.
The magnitudes in the stop band are crossing zero. The phase of the coefficient after a zero crossing will jump by 180 degrees, which is confusing np.angle()/np.unwrap(). -1*180° = 1*0°
The phase as shown in your graph is in fact linear. It's a constant slope in the passband, corresponding to a constant delay in the time domain. It's a much steeper slope, which renders as wrapping around at 2pi boundaries, in the stopband. But the value of the phase in the stopband is not particularly important since those frequencies aren't going to come through the filter anyway.
I am trying to implement SABR (Stochastic alpha, beta, rho) in Python to calculate implied volatility. This link here explains SABR very accurately and concisely starting on slide 17: http://lesniewski.us/papers/presentations/MIT_March2014.pdf
The method seems easy enough, but the problem I am having is that I am getting a ZeroDivisonError every time I run the program. I believe this may be because I am choosing my initial alpha, rho, and sigma0 incorrectly during calibration. However, I cannot find online how to choose the initial values to guarantee that a minimum will be found.
Here is my code:
# args = [alpha, rho, sigma0]
# The other parameters (T, K, F0, beta, rho, marketVol) are globals
def calcImpliedVol(args):
alpha = args[0]
rho = args[1]
sigma0 = args[2]
# From MIT powerpoint, slide 21
Fmid = (F0 + K) / 2.0
gamma1 = 1.0 * beta / Fmid
gamma2 = 1.0 * beta * (beta - 1) / Fmid**2
xi = 1.0 * alpha / (sigma0 * (1 - beta)) * (F0**(1-beta) - K**(1-beta))
e = T * alpha**2 # From MIT powerpoint, slide 19
# From MIT powerpoint, slide 21
impliedVol = \
1.0 * alpha * log(F0/K) / D(rho, xi) * \
(1 + ((2 * gamma2 - gamma1**2 + 1 / Fmid**2)/24.0 * (sigma0 * Fmid**beta / alpha)**2 + \
(rho * gamma1 / 4.0) * (sigma0 * Fmid**beta / alpha) + ((2 - 3 * rho**2) / 24.0)) * e) - \
# Returns lambda function in terms of alpha, rho, sigma0
return impliedVol;
# From MIT powerpoint, slide 21
def D(rho, xi):
result = log((sqrt(1 - 2 * rho * xi + xi**2) + xi - rho) / (1-rho))
return result
# Find optimal alpha, rho, sigma0 that minimizes calcImpliedVol - marketVol
def optimize():
result = optimize.minimize(calcImpliedVol, [alpha_init, rho_init, sigma0_init])
return result
Thanks so, so much for any help!
This is a little late but bounding is the right way to go:
bounds = [(0.0001, None), (-0.9999, 0.9999), (0.0001, None)]
x_solved = minimize(obj_func, initial_guess, args=(mkt_vols, F, K, tau, beta),
method='L-BFGS-B', bounds=bounds, tol=0.00001)
alpha represents the base volatility (atm vol can be used here to as an initialization) so it is bounded by 0.0. rho is the correlation between the axes so it is bounded by -1 and 1. nu (vol of volatility) is bounded on the downside by 0.0.
The coefficient tuple is returned with:
Work with bounding the search intervals.