I have solved this problem in Python, but I would like it in VBA so that anybody can just cut/paste it into their workbooks and use it, since most of the people I work alongside are not Python-literate, or even novices in the most liberal sense of the word when it comes to programming.
The columns of interest (see below) are B, C, D. Column B represents levels of separation away from the top order (Column A). If any value in Col B is 1, Col D of that row == A (John). When BX > 1 (X is any row number), DX takes the value of the first row in B that is exactly 1 less than BX. For instance, D4 == B3, but D8 == B7, B9 == B6 and so on.
In python, I solved it like this (I know it's not very elegant):
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('workbook.csv', header=0)
levels = df['col2'].to_list()
child = df['col3'].to_list()
parent = []
length = len(levels)
indexing_container = {}
for idx in range(length):
if levels[idx]==1:
elif levels[idx]>1:
df['Parents'] = parents
This works great, the problem is I don't know VBA. Reading the docs in the meantime, but not sure how it will go. How do I write this in a VBA script?
We use Office 2019, if that makes a difference.
The following code is rather simple: It created an array of names. The column B gives the index into the array, column C the name.
The code loops over all rows, fills the name into the array and then looks for the name of the previous index.
Sub xy()
Const MaxNames = 10
Dim wb As Workbook, lastRow As Long
Set wb = Workbooks.Open("workbook.csv")
Dim names(1 To MaxNames) As String
With wb.Sheets(1)
names(1) = .Cells(2, 1)
lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
Dim row As Long
For row = 2 To lastRow
Dim index As Long
index = .Cells(row, 2)
names(index) = .Cells(row, 3)
If index > 1 Then index = index - 1
.Cells(row, 4) = names(index)
End With
End Sub
Note that I simply open the CSV file as workbook. Depending on the content of your CSV file and the settings in your Excel, this might or might not work. If you have problems (eg a whole line of data is written into one cell), you need to figure out which method of reading the data fits your need - lots of information on SO and elsewhere about that.
i'm trying to create multiple columns(couple of hundreds) using values within the same df. is there a more efficient way for me to create multiple columns in batches? below is an example where i have to manually input new column names jwrl2_rank.r1, jwrl2_rank.1r1,jwrl2_rank.2r1, etc.. attached to the formula.
i0, i1, i2 are the original column names
and rn is the value within the column.
many thanks. regards
Using a for loop should work.
Incrementing string value
By using string interpolation you could solve your problem. See here for a quick introduction. I am using f-strings in the example below.
for i in range(1, MAX_NUMBER + 1):
new_name = f"{base_name}.{i}"
Example of for loop
for i in range(MAX_NUMBER + 1):
current_iN = f"{base_name}.{i}"
new_col_name = f"{base_name}.{i}r1"
if i == 0: # compensate for missing zero in column name
current_iN = base_name
new_col_name = f"{base_name}.r1"
I'm trying to collect data from multiples xls files.
The columns names and size change in each file.
For exemple I've a different header on each file.
Columns title are differents and can have speratated columns for the same datafield.
For exemple :
What I need : Reference, Name, Qt, Price, Amout
Exemple files
'A'+'B' = Reference ('1'/'1') / 'C' = Reference / 'D' = Quantity...
'A' = Reference ('1.1') / 'B' = Reference / 'C' = Nothing / 'D' = Quantity ...
'A' = Reference + Name / 'C' = Quantity...
What is the best practice to import dataset?
Python? Machine learning?
Thank you
Wow! This sounds like a really ugly design. Ok, I am assuming at least SOME of the field names are the same, otherwise, you are not actually doing anything useful here.
Run this VBA code in Excel to align the field names, as shown above.
Sub CompareRowDifferences1()
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim i, LastColumn As Long
Set sht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transposed Fields")
LastColumn = sht.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column
With sht
For i = 1 To LastColumn
If StrComp(.Cells(1, i), .Cells(2, i), vbBinaryCompare) <> 0 Then
.Cells(2, i).Insert Shift:=xlToRight
.Cells(2, i).Value2 = "NULL AS " & .Cells(1, i).Value2
End If
Next i
End With
End Sub
I'm new to any kind of programming as you can tell by this 'beautiful' piece of hard coding. With sweat and tears (not so bad, just a little), I've created a very sequential code and that's actually my problem. My goal is to create a somewhat-automated script - probably including for-loop (I've unsuccessfully tried).
The main aim is to create a randomization loop which takes original dataset looking like this:
From this data set picking randomly row by row and saving it one by one to another excel list. The point is that the row from columns called position01 and position02 should be always selected so it does not match with the previous pick in either of those two column values. That should eventually create an excel sheet with randomized rows that are followed always by a row that does not include values from the previous pick. So row02 should not include any of those values in columns position01 and position02 of the row01, row3 should not contain values of the row2, etc. It should also iterate in the range of the list length, which is 0-11. Important is also the excel output since I need the rest of the columns, I just need to shuffle the order.
I hope my aim and description are clear enough, if not, happy to answer any questions. I would appreciate any hint or help, that helps me 'unstuck'. Thank you. Code below. (PS: I'm aware of the fact that there is probably much more neat solution to it than this)
import pandas as pd
import random
dataset = pd.read_excel("C:\\Users\\ibm\\Documents\\Psychopy\\DataInput_Training01.xlsx")
# original data set use for comparisons
imageDataset = dataset.loc[0:11, :]
# creating empty df for storing rows from imageDataset
emptyExcel = pd.DataFrame()
randomPick = imageDataset.sample() # select randomly one row from imageDataset
emptyExcel = emptyExcel.append(randomPick) # append a row to empty df
randomPickIndex = randomPick.index.tolist() # get index of the row
imageDataset2 = imageDataset.drop(index=randomPickIndex) # delete the row with index selected before
# getting raw values from the row 'position01'/02 are columns headers
randomPickTemp1 = randomPick['position01'].values[0]
randomPickTemp2 = randomPick
randomPickTemp2 = randomPickTemp2['position02'].values[0]
# getting a dataset which not including row values from position01 and position02
isit = imageDataset2[(imageDataset2.position01 != randomPickTemp1) & (imageDataset2.position02 != randomPickTemp1) & (imageDataset2.position01 != randomPickTemp2) & (imageDataset2.position02 != randomPickTemp2)]
# pick another row from dataset not including row selected at the beginning - randomPick
randomPick2 = isit.sample()
# save it in empty df
emptyExcel = emptyExcel.append(randomPick2, sort=False)
# get index of this second row to delete it in next step
randomPick2Index = randomPick2.index.tolist()
# delete the another row
imageDataset3 = imageDataset2.drop(index=randomPick2Index)
# AND REPEAT the procedure of comparison of the raw values with dataset already not including the original row:
randomPickTemp1 = randomPick2['position01'].values[0]
randomPickTemp2 = randomPick2
randomPickTemp2 = randomPickTemp2['position02'].values[0]
isit2 = imageDataset3[(imageDataset3.position01 != randomPickTemp1) & (imageDataset3.position02 != randomPickTemp1) & (imageDataset3.position01 != randomPickTemp2) & (imageDataset3.position02 != randomPickTemp2)]
# AND REPEAT with another pick - save - matching - picking again.. until end of the length of the dataset (which is 0-11)
So at the end I've used a solution provided by David Bridges (post from Sep 19 2019) on psychopy websites. In case anyone is interested, here is a link: https://discourse.psychopy.org/t/how-do-i-make-selective-no-consecutive-trials/9186
I've just adjusted the condition in for loop to my case like this:
remaining = [choices[x] for x in choices if last['position01'] != choices[x]['position01'] and last['position01'] != choices[x]['position02'] and last['position02'] != choices[x]['position01'] and last['position02'] != choices[x]['position02']]
Thank you very much for the helpful answer! and hopefully I did not spam it over here too much.
import itertools as it
import random
import pandas as pd
# list of pair of numbers
tmp1 = [x for x in it.permutations(list(range(6)),2)]
df = pd.DataFrame(tmp1, columns=["position01","position02"])
df1 = pd.DataFrame()
i = random.choice(df.index)
df1 = df1.append(df.loc[i],ignore_index = True)
df = df.drop(index = i)
while not df.empty:
val = list(df1.iloc[-1])
tmp = df[(df["position01"]!=val[0])&(df["position01"]!=val[1])&(df["position02"]!=val[0])&(df["position02"]!=val[1])]
if tmp.empty: #looped for 10000 times, was never empty
i = random.choice(tmp.index)
df1 = df1.append(df.loc[i],ignore_index = True)
df = df.drop(index=i)
I know that a few posts have been made regarding how to output the unique values of a dataframe without reordering the data.
I have tried many times to implement these methods, however, I believe that the problem relates to how the dataframe in question has been defined.
Basically, I want to look into the dataframe named "C", and output the unique values into a new dataframe named "C1", without changing the order in which they are stored at the moment.
The line that I use currently is:
C1 = pd.DataFrame(np.unique(C))
However, this returns an ascending order list (while, I simply want the list order preserved only with duplicates removed).
Once again, I apologise to the advanced users who will look at my code and shake their heads -- I'm still learning! And, yes, I have tried numerous methods to solve this problem (redefining the C dataframe, converting the output to be a list etc), to no avail unfortunately, so this is my cry for help to the Python gods. I defined both C and C1 as dataframes, as I understand that these are pretty much the best datastructures to house data in, such that they can be recalled and used later, plus it is quite useful to name the columns without affecting the data contained in the dataframe).
Once again, your help would be much appreciated.
F0 = ('08/02/2018','08/02/2018',50)
F1 = ('08/02/2018','09/02/2018',52)
F2 = ('10/02/2018','11/02/2018',46)
F3 = ('12/02/2018','16/02/2018',55)
F4 = ('09/02/2018','28/02/2018',48)
F_mat = [[F0,F1,F2,F3,F4]]
F_test = pd.DataFrame(np.array(F_mat).reshape(5,3),columns=('startdate','enddate','price'))
#convert string dates into DateTime data type
F_test['startdate'] = pd.to_datetime(F_test['startdate'])
F_test['enddate'] = pd.to_datetime(F_test['enddate'])
#convert datetype to be datetime type for columns startdate and enddate
F['startdate'] = pd.to_datetime(F['startdate'])
F['enddate'] = pd.to_datetime(F['enddate'])
#create contract duration column
F['duration'] = (F['enddate'] - F['startdate']).dt.days + 1
#re-order the F matrix by column 'duration', ensure that the bootstrapping
#prioritises the shorter term contracts
F.sort_values(by=['duration'], ascending=[True])
# create prices P
P = pd.DataFrame()
for index, row in F.iterrows():
new_P_row = pd.Series()
for date in pd.date_range(row['startdate'], row['enddate']):
new_P_row[date] = row['price']
P = P.append(new_P_row, ignore_index=True)
P.fillna(0, inplace=True)
#create C matrix, which records the unique day prices across the observation interval
C = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((1, intNbCalendarDays)))
C.columns = tempDateRange
#create the Repatriation matrix, which records the order in which contracts will be
#stored in the A matrix, which means that once results are generated
#from the linear solver, we know exactly which CalendarDays map to
#which columns in the results array
#this array contains numbers from 1 to NbContracts
R = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((1, intNbCalendarDays)))
R.columns = tempDateRange
#define a zero filled matrix, P1, which will house the dominant daily prices
P1 = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((intNbContracts, intNbCalendarDays)))
#rename columns of P1 to be the dates contained in matrix array D
P1.columns = tempDateRange
#create prices in correct rows in P
for i in list(range(0, intNbContracts)):
for j in list(range(0, intNbCalendarDays)):
if (P.iloc[i, j] != 0 and C.iloc[0,j] == 0) :
flUniqueCalendarMarker = P.iloc[i, j]
C.iloc[0,j] = flUniqueCalendarMarker
P1.iloc[i,j] = flUniqueCalendarMarker
R.iloc[0,j] = i
for k in list(range(j+1,intNbCalendarDays)):
if (C.iloc[0,k] == 0 and P.iloc[i,k] != 0):
C.iloc[0,k] = flUniqueCalendarMarker
P1.iloc[i,k] = flUniqueCalendarMarker
R.iloc[0,k] = i
elif (C.iloc[0,j] != 0 and P.iloc[i,j] != 0):
P1.iloc[i,j] = C.iloc[0,j]
#convert C dataframe into C_list, in prepataion for converting C_list
#into a unique, order preserved list
C_list = C.values.tolist()
#create C1 matrix, which records the unique day prices across unique days in the observation period
C1 = pd.DataFrame(np.unique(C))
Use DataFrame.duplicated() to check if your data-frame contains any duplicate or not.
If yes then you can try DataFrame.drop_duplicate() .
I'm trying to set conditional formatting in openpyxl to emulate highlighting duplicate values. With this simple code, I should be able to highlight consecutive duplicates (but not the first value in a duplicate sequence).
from pandas import *
data = DataFrame({'a':'a a a b b b c b c a f'.split()})
wb = ExcelWriter('test.xlsx')
ws = wb.sheets['Sheet1']
from openpyxl.style import Color, Fill
# Create fill
redFill = Fill()
redFill.start_color.index = 'FFEE1111'
redFill.end_color.index = 'FFEE1111'
redFill.fill_type = Fill.FILL_SOLID
ws.conditional_formatting.addCellIs("B1:B1048576", 'equal', "=R[1]C", True, wb.book, None, None, redFill)
However, when I open it in Excel I get an error related to conditional formatting, and the data is not highlighted as expected. Is openpyxl able to handle R1C1 style referencing?
In regards to highlighting to find duplicates of sequential values, the formula you want is
With a range starting from B2 (aka, B2:B1048576)
Note - this appears to be broken in the current 1.8.3 branch of openpyxl, but will be fixed shortly in the 1.9 branch.
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl.style import Color, Fill
wb = Workbook()
ws = wb.active
ws['B1'] = 1
ws['B2'] = 2
ws['B3'] = 3
ws['B4'] = 3
ws['B5'] = 7
ws['B6'] = 4
ws['B7'] = 7
# Create fill
redFill = Fill()
redFill.start_color.index = 'FFEE1111'
redFill.end_color.index = 'FFEE1111'
redFill.fill_type = Fill.FILL_SOLID
dxfId = ws.conditional_formatting.addDxfStyle(wb, None, None, redFill)
{'type': 'expression', 'dxfId': dxfId, 'formula': ['AND(B1<>"",B2=B1)']})
As a further reference:
If you want to highlight all duplicates:
If you want to highlight all duplicates except for the first occurence:
If you to highlight sequential duplicates, except for the last one:
Regarding RC notation - while openpyxl doesn't support excel RC notation, conditional formatting will write the formula as provided. Unfortunately, excel enables R1C1 notation only superficially as a flag, and converts all the formulas back to their A1 equivalent when saving, meaning you'd need a function to convert all R1C1 functions to their A1 equivalents for this to work.
Openpyxl doesn't support Excel RC notation.
You could use A1 notation instead which would mean that the equivalent formula is =B2 (I think).
However, you should verify that it actually works in Excel first.
My feeling is that it won't. In general conditional formatting uses absolute cell references $B$2 instead of relative cell references B1.
If it does work then convert your formula to A1 notation and that should work in Openpyxl.
You can't use R1C1 notation directly, and this answer would be a terrible way to format a range of cells, but OpenPyXL does allow you to use row and column numbers.
cell = ws.cell(r, c)
returns the worksheet cell at row r and column c, creating one if needed. Unlike the old xlrd/xlwt modules, row and column indices begin at 1, so you can read r and c directly off of a spreadsheet using the R1C1 reference style. For most purposes, you want to access .value, for example:
ws.cell(2, 3).value = 3
v = ws.cell(4, 5).value
It's not nearly as pretty as ws['R2C3'] = 3 or v = ws['R4C5'], but it helps with simple tasks.