sqlalchemy return constant dict in select - python

I am using sqlalchemy with MySql. I need to return a dict in select. Adding that dict value to fetched data is not an option. Is there any way in sqlalchemy or MySQL by which I can add JSON here
OtherTable.otherfield == 1
'label': 'Success',
'value': 'True'

Casting to JSON ought to work for MySQL (but not for Mariadb):
>>> import sqlalchemy as sa
>>> engine = sa.create_engine('mysql:///test', echo=True, future=True)
>>> with engine.connect() as conn:
... res = conn.execute(sa.select(sa.case([(True, sa.cast([{'label': 'success', 'value': True}], sa.JSON))], else_=False).label('status')))
... print(res)
[{"label": "success", "value": true}]


append in array pymongo

i want to update bookmarks array by id of _id_collection.
result = collections.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(id)},
{ 'array_of_collections': { '$elemMatch': { '_id_collection': ObjectId('5e9871582be940b6af4a9b41') }}})
print(result) # {'_id': ObjectId('5e986b4a07b94384ae8016b7'), 'array_of_collections': [{'_id_collection': ObjectId('5e9871582be940b6af4a9b41'), 'name_of_collection': 'test2', 'bookmarks': []}]}
here is my code of result of searching this object, now i can append in bookmarks array some values, but i don't know how to do it.
on this picture u can see my monbodb structure.
If you do the $elemMatch as part of the query and then use the positional operator $, you can successfully push values to your desired bookmarks array.
Try this:
import pprint
from bson import ObjectId
from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient()
db = client.tst1
coll = db.coll6
coll.update_one({"_id": ObjectId("5e9898c69c26fe7ba93476f6"),
'array_of_collections': {'$elemMatch': {'_id_collection': ObjectId("5e9898c69c26fe7ba93476f4")}}},
{'$push': {'array_of_collections.$.bookmarks': 'Pushed Value 1'}})
mlist1 = list(coll.find())
for mdoc in mlist1:
Result Document:
{'_id': ObjectId('5e9898c69c26fe7ba93476f6'),
'array_of_collections': [{'_id_collection': ObjectId('5e9898c69c26fe7ba93476f2'),
'bookmarks': [],
'name_of_collection': 'test'},
{'_id_collection': ObjectId('5e9898c69c26fe7ba93476f3'),
'bookmarks': [],
'name_of_collection': 'test2'},
{'_id_collection': ObjectId('5e9898c69c26fe7ba93476f4'),
'bookmarks': ['Pushed Value 1'],
'name_of_collection': 'test3'},
{'_id_collection': ObjectId('5e9898c69c26fe7ba93476f5'),
'bookmarks': [],
'name_of_collection': 'test4'}]}

How to protect against SQL Injection with pandas read_gbq

How do I use pandas_gbq.read_gbq safely to protect against SQL Injections as I cannot in the docs find a way to parametrize it
I've looked at the docs at a way to parametrize as well as googles website and other sources.
df_valid = read_gbq(QUERY_INFO.format(variable), project_id='project-1622', location='EU') Where query looks like SELECT name, date FROM table WHERE id = '{0}'
I can input p' or '1'='1 and it works
Per Google BigQuery docs, you have to use a specified configuration with SQL parameterized statement:
import pandas as pd
sql = "SELECT name, date FROM table WHERE id = #id"
query_config = {
'query': {
'parameterMode': 'NAMED',
'queryParameters': [
'name': 'id',
'parameterType': {'type': 'STRING'},
'parameterValue': {'value': 1}
df = pd.read_gbq(sql, project_id='project-1622', location='EU', configuration=query_config)

How to insert document with collection.update_many() into Collection (MongoDB) using Pymongo (No Duplicated)

I insert Document into Collection with collection.update() because each data I have a postID to different. I want to when I run if a post was inserted in MongoDB, the post will be updated (not insert a new post with postID overlapping with postID first). This is a structure of my data:
comment1 = [
'commentParentId': parent_content.text,
'parentId': parent_ID,
'posted': child_time.text,
'name': child_name.text
'content': child_content.text
This is my code, i used to insert data :
client = MongoClient()
db = client['comment_data2']
db.collection_data = db['comments']
for i in data_comment:
{db.collection_data.find({"postID": {"$in": i["postID"]}})},
{"$set": i},
{'upsert': True}
But I have a Error : TypeError: filter must be an instance of dict, bson.son.SON, or other type that inherits from collections.Mapping in line {'upsert': True}. And {db.collection_data.find({"postID": {"$in": i["postID"]}})} is right?
you can use this code:
{"postId": i["postID"]},
upsert = True

SQLAlchemy - Update table using list of dictionaries

I have a table containing user data and I would like to update information for many of the users using a list of dictionaries. At the moment I am using a for loop to send an update statement one dictionary at a time, but it is slow and I am hoping that there is a bulk method to do this.
user_data = [{'user_id' : '12345', 'user_name' : 'John'}, {'user_id' : '11223', 'user_name' : 'Andy'}]
connection = engine.connect()
metadata = MetaData()
for row in user_data:
stmt = update(users_table).where(users_table.columns.user_id == row['user_id'])
results = connection.execute(stmt, row)
Thanks in advance!
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import bindparam
connection = engine.connect()
stmt = users_table.update().\
where(users_table.c.id == bindparam('_id')).\
'user_id': bindparam('user_id'),
'user_name': bindparam('user_name'),
connection.execute(stmt, [
{'user_id' : '12345', 'user_name' : 'John', '_id': '12345'},
{'user_id' : '11223', 'user_name' : 'Andy', '_id': '11223'}

Children count not fetched although query fetches everything else

I have a function like so:
def search():
# Handle search conditions
query = db.session.query(
query = query.filter(and_(*conditions)) # This comes from "Handle search conditions"
query = query.outerjoin((Children, Parent.children))
return jsonify([row._asdict() for row in query.all()])
And when called, it properly returns the parents' data:
'id': 1,
'name': 'Example Parent',
'id': 2,
'name': 'Another Parent',
But it doesn't return the count of its children.
What did I do wrong, how do I make it also fetch the child count?
You need to set the label for the count column
query = db.session.query(
