I wanted to insert 100,000 records into a delta table using databricks. I am trying to insert data by using a simple for loop , something like -
revision_date = '01/04/2022'
for i in range( 0 , 100,000):
spark.sql(""" insert into db.delta_table_name values ( 'Class1' , '{revision_date}' + i """)
The problem is , it takes awfully long to insert data using insert statement in databricks. It took almost 5+ hours to complete this. Can anyone suggest an alternative or a solution for this problem in databricks.
My Cluster configuration is - 168 GB, 24 core, DBR 9.1 LTS,Spark 3.1.2
The loop through enormous INSERT operations on Delta Table costs a lot because it involves a new Transaction Logging for every single INSERT command. May read more on the doc.
Instead, it would be better to create a whole Spark dataframe first and then execute just one WRITE operation to insert data into Delta Table. The example code below will do in less than a minute.
from pyspark.sql.functions import expr, row_number, lit, to_date, date_add
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
columns = ['col1']
rows = [['Class1']]
revision_date = '01/04/2022'
# just create a one record dataframe
df = spark.createDataFrame(rows, columns)
# duplicate to 100,000 records
df = df.withColumn('col1', expr('explode(array_repeat(col1,100000))'))
# create date column
df = df.withColumn('revision_date', lit(revision_date))
df = df.withColumn('revision_date', to_date('revision_date', 'dd/MM/yyyy'))
# create sequence column
w = Window().orderBy(lit('X'))
df = df.withColumn("col2", row_number().over(w))
# use + operation to add date
df = df.withColumn("revision_date", df.revision_date + df.col2)
# drop unused column
df = df.drop("col2")
# write to the delta table location
I am trying to import a table that contains 81462 rows in a dataframe using the following code:
sql_conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={SQL Server}; SERVER=server.database.windows.net; DATABASE=server_dev; uid=user; pwd=pw')
query = "select * from product inner join brand on Product.BrandId = Brand.BrandId"
df = pd.read_sql(query, sql_conn)
And the whole process takes a very long time. I think that I am already 30-minutes in and it's still processing. I'd assume that this is not quite normal - so how else should I import it so the processing time is quicker?
Thanks to #RomanPerekhrest. FETCH NEXT imported everything within 1-2 minutes.
SELECT product.Name, brand.Name as BrandName, description, size FROM Product inner join brand on product.brandid=brand.brandid ORDER BY Name OFFSET 1 ROWS FETCH NEXT 80000 ROWS ONLY
I am trying to optimize the performance of a simple query to a SQLite database by using indexing. As an example, the table has 5M rows, 5 columns; the SELECT statement is to pick up all columns and the WHERE statement checks for only 2 columns. However, unless I have all columns in the multi-column index, the performance of the query is worse than without any index.
Did I index the column incorrectly, or when selecting all columns, am I supposed to include all of them in the index in order to improve performance?
Below each case # is the result I got when creating the SQLite database in hard-disk. However, for some reason using the ':memory:' mode made all the indexing cases faster than without index.
import sqlite3
import datetime
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
import time
# Simulate the data
size = 5000000
apps = [f'{i:010}' for i in range(size)]
dates = np.random.choice(pd.date_range('2016-01-01', '2019-01-01').to_pydatetime().tolist(), size)
prod_cd = np.random.choice([f'PROD_{i}' for i in range(30)], size)
models = np.random.choice([f'MODEL{i}' for i in range(15)], size)
categories = np.random.choice([f'GROUP{i}' for i in range(10)], size)
# create a db in memory
conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:', detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES)
c = conn.cursor()
# Create table and insert data
c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS experiment")
c.execute("CREATE TABLE experiment (appId TEXT, dtenter TIMESTAMP, prod_cd TEXT, model TEXT, category TEXT)")
c.executemany("INSERT INTO experiment VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", zip(apps, dates, prod_cd, models, categories))
# helper functions
def time_it(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
start = time.time()
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
print("time for {} function is {}".format(func.__name__, time.time() - start))
return result
return wrapper
def read_db(query):
df = pd.read_sql_query(query, conn)
return df
def run_query(query):
output = c.execute(query).fetchall()
# The main query
query = "SELECT * FROM experiment WHERE prod_cd IN ('PROD_1', 'PROD_5', 'PROD_10') AND dtenter >= '2018-01-01'"
run_query("EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN " + query)
df = read_db(query)
>>> time for read_db function is 2.4783718585968018
run_query("DROP INDEX IF EXISTs idx")
run_query("CREATE INDEX idx ON experiment(prod_cd, dtenter)")
run_query("EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN " + query)
df = read_db(query)
>>> time for read_db function is 3.221407890319824
run_query("DROP INDEX IF EXISTs idx")
run_query("CREATE INDEX idx ON experiment(prod_cd, dtenter, appId, category)")
run_query("EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN " + query)
df = read_db(query)
>>>time for read_db function is 3.176532745361328
run_query("DROP INDEX IF EXISTs idx")
run_query("CREATE INDEX idx ON experiment(prod_cd, dtenter, appId, category, model)")
run_query("EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN " + query)
df = read_db(query)
>>> time for read_db function is 0.8257918357849121
The SQLite Query Optimizer Overview says:
When doing an indexed lookup of a row, the usual procedure is to do a binary search on the index to find the index entry, then extract the rowid from the index and use that rowid to do a binary search on the original table. Thus a typical indexed lookup involves two binary searches.
Index entries are not in the same order as the table entries, so if a query returns data from most of the table's pages, all those random-access lookups are slower than just scanning all table rows.
Index lookups are more efficient than a table scan only if your WHERE condition filters out much more rows than are returned.
SQLite assumes that lookups on indexed columns have a high selectivity. You can get better estimates by running ANALYZE after filling the table.
But if all your queries are in a form where an index does not help, it wold be a better idea to not use an index at all.
When you create an index over all columns used in the query, the additional table accesses are no longer necessary:
If, however, all columns that were to be fetched from the table are already available in the index itself, SQLite will use the values contained in the index and will never look up the original table row. This saves one binary search for each row and can make many queries run twice as fast.
When an index contains all of the data needed for a query and when the original table never needs to be consulted, we call that index a "covering index".
I have two lists : one contains the column names of categorical variables and the other numeric as shown below.
cat_cols = ['stat','zip','turned_off','turned_on']
num_cols = ['acu_m1','acu_cnt_m1','acu_cnt_m2','acu_wifi_m2']
These are the columns names in a table in Redshift.
I want to pass these as a parameter to pull only numeric columns from a table in Redshift(PostgreSql),write that into a csv and close the csv.
Next I want to pull only cat_cols and open the csv and then append to it and close it.
my query so far:
#1.Pull num data:
seg = ['seg1','seg2']
sql_data = str(""" SELECT {num_cols} """ + """FROM public.""" + str(seg) + """ order by random() limit 50000 ;""")
df_data = pd.read_sql(sql_data, cnxn)
# Write to csv.
df_data.to_csv("df_sample.csv",index = False)
#2.Pull cat data:
sql_data = str(""" SELECT {cat_cols} """ + """FROM public.""" + str(seg) + """ order by random() limit 50000 ;""")
df_data = pd.read_sql(sql_data, cnxn)
# Append to df_seg.csv and close the connection to csv.
with open("df_sample.csv",'rw'):
## Append to the csv ##
This is the first time I am trying to do selective querying based on python lists and hence stuck on how to pass the list as column names to select from table.
Can someone please help me with this?
If you want, to make a query in a string representation, in your case will be better to use format method, or f-strings (required python 3.6+).
Example for the your case, only with built-in format function.
seg = ['seg1', 'seg2']
num_cols = ['acu_m1','acu_cnt_m1','acu_cnt_m2','acu_wifi_m2']
query = """
SELECT {} FROM public.{} order by random() limit 50000;
""".format(', '.join(num_cols), seg)
If you want use only one item from the seg array, use seg[0] or seg[1] in format function.
I hope this will help you!
I have a list of data in one of the pandas dataframe column for which I want to query SQL Server database. Is there any way I can query a SQL Server DB based on data I have in pandas dataframe.
select * from table_name where customerid in pd.dataframe.customerid
In SAP, there is something called "For all entries in" where the SQL can query the DB based on the data available in the array, I was trying to find something similar.
If you are working with tiny DataFrame, then the easiest way would be to generate a corresponding SQL:
In [8]: df
id val
0 1 21
1 3 111
2 5 34
3 12 76
In [9]: q = 'select * from tab where id in ({})'.format(','.join(['?']*len(df['id'])))
In [10]: q
Out[10]: 'select * from tab where id in (?,?,?,?)'
now you can read data from SQL Server:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
conn = create_engine(...)
new = pd.read_sql(q, conn, params=tuple(df['id']))
NOTE: this approach will not work for bigger DF's as the generated query (and/or list of bind variables) might bee too long either for Pandas to_sql() function or for SQL Server or even for both.
For bigger DFs I would recommend to write your pandas DF to SQL Server table and then use SQL subquery to filter needed data:
df[list_of_columns_to_save].to_sql('tmp_tab_name', conn, index=False)
q = "select * from tab where id in (select id from tmp_tab_name)"
new = pd.read_sql(q, conn, if_exists='replace')
This is a very familiar scenario and one can use the below code to Query SQL using a very large pandas dataframe. The parameter n needs to be manipulated based on your SQL server memory. For me n=25000 worked.
n = 25000 #chunk row size
## Big_frame dataframe divided into smaller chunks of n into a list
list_df = [big_frame[i:i+n] for i in range(0,big_frame.shape[0],n)]
## Create another dataframe with columns names as expected from SQL
big_frame_2 = pd.DataFrame(columns=[<Mention all column names from SQL>])
## Print total no. of iterations
print("Total Iterations:", len(list_df))
for i in range(0,len(list_df)):
print("Iteration :",i)
temp_frame = list_df[i]
testList = temp_frame['customer_no']
## Pass smaller chunk of data to SQL(here I am passing a list of customers)
temp_DF = SQL_Query(tuple(testList))
## Append all the data retrieved from SQL to big_frame_2
big_frame_2=big_frame_2.append(temp_DF, ignore_index=True)
So I have a local dataframe called Frames which has a column item.
I want to extract information from a Google BigQuery dataset Sales. Sales has a column itemnumber and I want to get only those values that exist in Frames.item
I need to execute something along these lines:
df = gbq.read_gbq('SELECT * FROM Usales.Sales where itemnumber in frames.item LIMIT 1000', project_id='Project')
df = gbq.read_gbq('SELECT * FROM Usales.Sales where itemnumber in ({}) LIMIT 1000'.format(', '.join('"{0}"'.format(item) for item in frames['item'].tolist())), project_id='project')
You need to separate out the portion that applies GBQ part from pandas DataFrame apply part.
def getDataForAnItem(item):
# process item using gbq
return gbq.read_gbq('SELECT * FROM Usales.Sales where itemnumber in frames."+str(item)+" LIMIT 1000', project_id='Project')
resultDF = df['item'].apply(getDataForAnItem)