issue with defining new coordinates with walls [duplicate] - python

I try to implement beam collision detection with a predefined track mask in Pygame. My final goal is to give an AI car model vision to see a track it's riding on:
This is my current code where I fire beams to mask and try to find an overlap:
import math
import sys
import pygame as pg
RED = (255, 0, 0)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
beam_surface = pg.Surface((500, 500), pg.SRCALPHA)
def draw_beam(surface, angle, pos):
# compute beam final point
x_dest = 250 + 500 * math.cos(math.radians(angle))
y_dest = 250 + 500 * math.sin(math.radians(angle))
beam_surface.fill((0, 0, 0, 0))
# draw a single beam to the beam surface based on computed final point
pg.draw.line(beam_surface, BLUE, (250, 250), (x_dest, y_dest))
beam_mask = pg.mask.from_surface(beam_surface)
# find overlap between "global mask" and current beam mask
hit = mask.overlap(beam_mask, (pos[0] - 250, pos[1] - 250))
if hit is not None:
pg.draw.line(surface, BLUE, mouse_pos, hit), GREEN, hit, 3)
surface = pg.display.set_mode((500, 500))
mask_surface = pg.image.load("../assets/mask.png")
mask = pg.mask.from_surface(mask_surface)
clock = pg.time.Clock()
while True:
for e in pg.event.get():
if e.type == pg.QUIT:
mouse_pos = pg.mouse.get_pos()
surface.fill((0, 0, 0))
surface.blit(mask_surface, mask_surface.get_rect())
for angle in range(0, 120, 30):
draw_beam(surface, angle, mouse_pos)
Let's describe what happens in the code snippet. One by one, I draw beams to beam_surface, make masks from them, and find overlap with background mask defined by one rectangle and a circle (black color in gifs). If there is a "hit point" (overlap point between both masks), I draw it with a line connecting hit point and mouse position.
It works fine for angles <0,90>:
But it's not working for angles in range <90,360>:
Pygame's overlap() documentation tells this:
Starting at the top left corner it checks bits 0 to W - 1 of the first row ((0, 0) to (W - 1, 0)) then continues to the next row ((0, 1) to (W - 1, 1)). Once this entire column block is checked, it continues to the next one (W to 2 * W - 1).
This means that this approach will work only if the beam hits the mask approximately from the top left corner. Do you have any advice on how to make it work for all of the situations? Is this generally a good approach to solve this problem?

Your approach works fine, if the x and y component of the ray axis points in the positive direction, but it fails if it points in the negative direction. As you pointed out, that is caused by the way pygame.mask.Mask.overlap works:
Starting at the top left corner it checks bits 0 to W - 1 of the first row ((0, 0) to (W - 1, 0)) then continues to the next row ((0, 1) to (W - 1, 1)). Once this entire column block is checked, it continues to the next one (W to 2 * W - 1).
To make the algorithm work, you have to ensure that the rays point always in the positive direction. Hence if the ray points in the negative x direction, then flip the mask and the ray vertical and if the ray points in the negative y direction than flip the ray horizontal.
Use pygame.transform.flip() top create 4 masks. Not flipped, flipped horizontal, flipped vertical and flipped vertical and horizontal:
mask = pg.mask.from_surface(mask_surface)
mask_fx = pg.mask.from_surface(pg.transform.flip(mask_surface, True, False))
mask_fy = pg.mask.from_surface(pg.transform.flip(mask_surface, False, True))
mask_fx_fy = pg.mask.from_surface(pg.transform.flip(mask_surface, True, True))
flipped_masks = [[mask, mask_fy], [mask_fx, mask_fx_fy]]
Determine if the direction of the ray:
c = math.cos(math.radians(angle))
s = math.sin(math.radians(angle))
Get the flipped mask dependent on the direction of the ray:
flip_x = c < 0
flip_y = s < 0
filpped_mask = flipped_masks[flip_x][flip_y]
Compute the flipped target point:
x_dest = 250 + 500 * abs(c)
y_dest = 250 + 500 * abs(s)
Compute the flipped offset:
offset_x = 250 - pos[0] if flip_x else pos[0] - 250
offset_y = 250 - pos[1] if flip_y else pos[1] - 250
Get the nearest intersection point of the flipped ray and mask and unflip the intersection point:
hit = filpped_mask.overlap(beam_mask, (offset_x, offset_y))
if hit is not None and (hit[0] != pos[0] or hit[1] != pos[1]):
hx = 500 - hit[0] if flip_x else hit[0]
hy = 500 - hit[1] if flip_y else hit[1]
hit_pos = (hx, hy)
pg.draw.line(surface, BLUE, mouse_pos, hit_pos), GREEN, hit_pos, 3)
See the example:
import math
import sys
import pygame as pg
RED = (255, 0, 0)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
beam_surface = pg.Surface((500, 500), pg.SRCALPHA)
def draw_beam(surface, angle, pos):
c = math.cos(math.radians(angle))
s = math.sin(math.radians(angle))
flip_x = c < 0
flip_y = s < 0
filpped_mask = flipped_masks[flip_x][flip_y]
# compute beam final point
x_dest = 250 + 500 * abs(c)
y_dest = 250 + 500 * abs(s)
beam_surface.fill((0, 0, 0, 0))
# draw a single beam to the beam surface based on computed final point
pg.draw.line(beam_surface, BLUE, (250, 250), (x_dest, y_dest))
beam_mask = pg.mask.from_surface(beam_surface)
# find overlap between "global mask" and current beam mask
offset_x = 250 - pos[0] if flip_x else pos[0] - 250
offset_y = 250 - pos[1] if flip_y else pos[1] - 250
hit = filpped_mask.overlap(beam_mask, (offset_x, offset_y))
if hit is not None and (hit[0] != pos[0] or hit[1] != pos[1]):
hx = 499 - hit[0] if flip_x else hit[0]
hy = 499 - hit[1] if flip_y else hit[1]
hit_pos = (hx, hy)
pg.draw.line(surface, BLUE, pos, hit_pos), GREEN, hit_pos, 3), (255, 255, 0), mouse_pos, 3)
surface = pg.display.set_mode((500, 500))
#mask_surface = pg.image.load("../assets/mask.png")
mask_surface = pg.Surface((500, 500), pg.SRCALPHA)
mask_surface.fill((255, 0, 0)), (0, 0, 0, 0), (250, 250), 100)
pg.draw.rect(mask_surface, (0, 0, 0, 0), (170, 170, 160, 160))
mask = pg.mask.from_surface(mask_surface)
mask_fx = pg.mask.from_surface(pg.transform.flip(mask_surface, True, False))
mask_fy = pg.mask.from_surface(pg.transform.flip(mask_surface, False, True))
mask_fx_fy = pg.mask.from_surface(pg.transform.flip(mask_surface, True, True))
flipped_masks = [[mask, mask_fy], [mask_fx, mask_fx_fy]]
clock = pg.time.Clock()
while True:
for e in pg.event.get():
if e.type == pg.QUIT:
mouse_pos = pg.mouse.get_pos()
surface.fill((0, 0, 0))
surface.blit(mask_surface, mask_surface.get_rect())
for angle in range(0, 359, 30):
draw_beam(surface, angle, mouse_pos)
Not,the algorithm can be further improved. The ray is always drawn on the bottom right quadrant of the beam_surface. Hence the other 3 quadrants are no longer needed and the size of beam_surface can be reduced to 250x250. The start of the ray is at (0, 0) rather than (250, 250) and the computation of the offsets hast to be slightly adapted:
beam_surface = pg.Surface((250, 250), pg.SRCALPHA)
def draw_beam(surface, angle, pos):
c = math.cos(math.radians(angle))
s = math.sin(math.radians(angle))
flip_x = c < 0
flip_y = s < 0
filpped_mask = flipped_masks[flip_x][flip_y]
# compute beam final point
x_dest = 500 * abs(c)
y_dest = 500 * abs(s)
beam_surface.fill((0, 0, 0, 0))
# draw a single beam to the beam surface based on computed final point
pg.draw.line(beam_surface, BLUE, (0, 0), (x_dest, y_dest))
beam_mask = pg.mask.from_surface(beam_surface)
# find overlap between "global mask" and current beam mask
offset_x = 499-pos[0] if flip_x else pos[0]
offset_y = 499-pos[1] if flip_y else pos[1]
hit = filpped_mask.overlap(beam_mask, (offset_x, offset_y))
if hit is not None and (hit[0] != pos[0] or hit[1] != pos[1]):
hx = 499 - hit[0] if flip_x else hit[0]
hy = 499 - hit[1] if flip_y else hit[1]
hit_pos = (hx, hy)
pg.draw.line(surface, BLUE, pos, hit_pos), GREEN, hit_pos, 3)


Why my raycasting keeps going through walls?

here's my code, ignore unused stuff and its overal messiness
import sys, pygame, time, math
size = width, height = 640, 640
black = 0, 0, 0
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
ball = pygame.image.load("ball.png")
map = pygame.image.load("map.png")
ballrect = ball.get_rect()
ballrect.x = 262
ballrect.y = 582
direction = math.pi
FOV = math.pi / 3
def cast_rays():
start_angle = direction - HALF_FOV
for ray in range(CASTED_ARRAYS):
for depth in range(MAX_DEPTH):
target_x = (ballrect.centerx) - math.sin(start_angle) * depth
target_y = (ballrect.centery) + math.cos(start_angle) * depth
if screen.get_at((int(target_x), int(target_y))) == (223, 113, 38):
pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 255, 255), (ballrect.centerx, ballrect.centery),
(target_x, target_y))
start_angle += STEP_ANGLE
while 1:
screen.blit(map, (0, 0))
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]:
direction -= 0.1
if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]:
direction += 0.1
if keys[pygame.K_UP]:
ballrect.centerx += -math.sin(direction) * 5
ballrect.centery += math.cos(direction) * 5
if keys[pygame.K_DOWN]:
ballrect.centerx -= -math.sin(direction) * 5
ballrect.centery -= math.cos(direction) * 5
screen.blit(ball, ballrect)
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
so far, it's behaving this way:
it works, but it doesn't. i've tinkered the numbers, sometimes it gets better adding to the x, to the y, but it doesn't work completely. If you guys wanna try on your computer, here are the files needed for:
(it's tiny)
so, what's going on?
You need to read the color of the map instead of the color of the screen. You draw the lines on the screen, each line "cuts a small piece of the wall:
if screen.get_at((int(target_x), int(target_y))) == (223, 113, 38):
if map.get_at((int(target_x), int(target_y))) == (223, 113, 38):
Alternatively you can draw the lines after casting the rays:
def cast_rays():
targets = []
for ray in range(CASTED_ARRAYS):
angle = direction - HALF_FOV + ray * STEP_ANGLE
s, c = math.sin(angle), math.cos(angle)
for depth in range(MAX_DEPTH):
target = (round(ballrect.centerx - s * depth), round(ballrect.centery + c * depth))
if screen.get_at(target) == (223, 113, 38):
start = (ballrect.centerx, ballrect.centery)
for target in targets:
pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 255, 255), start, target)

Pygame moving circles

im new to python and im working on moving circles in pygame. Im trying to put the circles in a group and move them. I am stuck. Right now, im trying to put the circles into a list, but i keep getting a error. I've been working on this project for too long, and Im about to give up. Any help would be appreciated
import pygame
import math
import sys
#setting colors
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
ORANGE = (255, 127, 0)
YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)
PURPLE = (160, 32, 240)
#setting what order the colors go in
#how many circles per color
intGroup = 5
#the space between each circle
turnangle = 360/35
#width of screen
width = 600
#height of screen
height = 600
#radius of circles
radius = 100
#making the screen
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
#if the code is running, then continue
running = True, BLUE, (0, 0), radius, width=2)
alpha = turnangle
circles = []
alpha = turnangle
for i in range(intGroup):
for cl in listCircleColor:
if alpha > 0 and alpha < 90:, cl, (300 + radius * math.cos(math.radians(alpha)), 300 + radius * math.sin(math.radians(alpha))), radius, width=2)
# second quarter of circles
if alpha > 90 and alpha < 180:, cl, (300 - radius * math.cos(math.radians(180 - alpha)), 300 + radius * math.sin(math.radians(180 - alpha))), radius, width=2)
# third quarter of circles
if alpha > 180 and alpha < 270:, cl, (300 - radius * math.cos(math.radians(270 - alpha)), 300 - radius * math.sin(math.radians(270 - alpha))), radius, width=2)
# last quarter of circles
if alpha > 270 and alpha < 360:, cl, (300 + radius * math.cos(math.radians(360 - alpha)), 300 - radius * math.sin(math.radians(360 - alpha))), radius, width=2)
alpha = alpha + turnangle
circle = [, cl, (300 + radius * math.cos(math.radians(alpha)), 300 + radius * math.sin(math.radians(alpha))), radius, width=2)]
circles={'circles': circle.get_rect()}
circlesToMove = []
finishedMovingAllFive = False
for circle in circlesToMove:
circle[1] += circle[3][0] * speed
circle[2] += circle[3][1] * speed
for circle in circles:
#updating display
#exit only when user clicks on exit button
while running:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
exit() doesn't create an object. draws a circle on the screen (on a surface) and recturns a pygame.Rect object with the bounding box of the circle.
You must create a list with the data of the circles. Each element in the list has to contain the center point and the color of the circle
circles = []
alpha = turnangle
for i in range(intGroup):
for cl in listCircleColor:
x = 300 + radius * math.cos(math.radians(alpha))
y = 300 + radius * math.sin(math.radians(alpha))
circles.append(([x, y], cl))
alpha = alpha + turnangle
Move and draw the circles in the application loop with:
running = True
while running:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
for circle in circles:
circle[0][0] += 1
for center, color in circles:, color, center, radius, 2)

Issue finding side of collision for Circle-Rectangle collision

I have found a function that works quite well for detecting collisions between a circle and a rectangle, and also finding the point of contact. I then use that point to determine which side of the rectangle the circle hit so I can reflect the circle. However, when the center of the circle is inside the rectangle, the function gives the closest point as the center of circle, and it handles it as hitting a vertex rather than a side. Here is my code:
def collide_rect(box, ball_):
left = box.rect.left
right = left + box.rect.width
top =
bottom = top + box.rect.height
#find the closest point
closest = (max(left, min([0], right)), max(top, min([1], bottom)))
dx =[0] - closest[0]
dy =[1] - closest[1]
#handle the collsion
if math.hypot(dx, dy) <= ball.radius:
#Hit on the top or bottom
if left <= closest[0] <= right and (closest[1] == top or closest[1] == bottom):
ball_.vector = (ball_.vector[0], -1*ball_.vector[1])
#Hit on the side
elif top <= closest[1] <= bottom and (closest[0] == left or closest[0] == right):
ball_.vector = (-1*ball_.vector[0], ball_.vector[1])
#Hit a vertex
ball_.vector = (-1*ball_.vector[0], -1*ball_.vector[1])
return True
return False
Note that ball_.vector is the circle's direction vector and ball.radius is a class variable.
Any help with a better way to find the side of collision would be greatly appreciated!
You can find the side of the rectangle by finding the point on the rectangle that lies on the straight line given by the center of the circle and the center of the rectangle.
The point on the rectangle and the circle can be computed by the minimum relation of the offset between the center points and the size of the rectangle.
In the following algorithm, the rectangle is defined by the center point (r_cpt) and the size (r_size) and the circle is defined by the center point (c_cpt) and the radius (c_rad):
def intersectRectangleCircle(r_cpt, r_size, c_cpt, c_rad):
v2_c_cpt = pygame.math.Vector2(c_cpt)
v2_r_cpt = pygame.math.Vector2(r_cpt)
offset = v2_c_cpt - v2_r_cpt
if offset.x == 0 and offset.y == 0:
return [v2_c_cpt, v2_r_cpt]
if offset.x == 0:
ratio = r_size[1] / abs(offset.y)
elif offset.y == 0:
ratio = r_size[0] / abs(offset.x)
ratio = min(r_size[0] / abs(offset.x), r_size[1] / abs(offset.y))
ratio *= 0.5
p1 = v2_r_cpt + (offset * ratio)
p2 = v2_c_cpt - offset
return [p1, p2]
The direction to the circle is the given by the vector from the center point of the rectangle to the point on the rectangle contour:
isect_pts = intersectRectangleCircle(rect_center, rect_size, circle_center, circle_diameter/2)
dx, dy = isect_pts[0].x - rect_center[0], isect_pts[1].y - rect_center[1]
See the example, (dx, dy) is represented by the magenta colored line:
import pygame
import math
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((500, 500))
def intersectRectangleCircle(r_cpt, r_size, c_cpt, c_rad):
v2_c_cpt = pygame.math.Vector2(c_cpt)
v2_r_cpt = pygame.math.Vector2(r_cpt)
offset = v2_c_cpt - v2_r_cpt
if offset.x == 0 and offset.y == 0:
return [v2_c_cpt, v2_r_cpt]
if offset.x == 0:
ratio = r_size[1] / abs(offset.y)
elif offset.y == 0:
ratio = r_size[0] / abs(offset.x)
ratio = min(r_size[0] / abs(offset.x), r_size[1] / abs(offset.y))
ratio *= 0.5
p1 = v2_r_cpt + (offset * ratio)
p2 = v2_c_cpt - offset
return [p1, p2]
def inBetween(p1, p2, px):
v = pygame.math.Vector2(p2) - pygame.math.Vector2(p1)
d = v.length()
if d == 0:
return False
vx = pygame.math.Vector2(px) - pygame.math.Vector2(p1)
dx =
return dx >= 0 and dx <= d
done = False
while not done:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
done = True
rect_center = screen.get_rect().center
rect_size = screen.get_width() // 5, screen.get_height() // 10
rect = pygame.Rect(rect_center[0] - rect_size[0] // 2, rect_center[1] - rect_size[1] // 2, *rect_size)
circle_center = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
circle_diameter = min(*screen.get_size()) // 5
isect_pts = intersectRectangleCircle(rect_center, rect_size, circle_center, circle_diameter/2)
dx, dy = isect_pts[0].x - rect_center[0], isect_pts[1].y - rect_center[1]
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 0), rect, 3), (0, 0, 0), circle_center, circle_diameter // 2, 3)
pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 0, 255), rect_center, circle_center, 1)
pygame.draw.line(screen, (255, 0, 255), rect_center, (round(isect_pts[0].x), round(isect_pts[0].y)), 3)
for i in range(2):
px, py = round(isect_pts[i].x), round(isect_pts[i].y)
col = (255, 0, 0) if inBetween(rect_center, circle_center, (px, py)) else (0, 255, 0)
pygame.draw.line(screen, col, (px-5, py), (px+5, py), 3)
pygame.draw.line(screen, col, (px, py-5), (px, py+5), 3)

Python - How to speed up smoothness in pygame?

I'm wondering how to speed up the smoothness of my code written in Python using pygam. I'm guessing I have to make this more efficient somehow? When this is run, some balls move around randomly in a set area, however, the new position of each ball is not smooth at all, there is a jump between each movement as the cycle is very slow. How do I fix this? Or is there any suggestions on how to improve it?
This is my code so far:
import pygame
from pygame import *
import random
size = width, height = 800, 600
screen = display.set_mode(size)
pygame.display.set_caption("Year 12: Ideal Gas Simulation")
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
def initBall():
for n in range(40):
ballx = random.randint(0, 800) # randomly setting the x position
bally = random.randint(0, 600) # randomly setting the y position
dirx = random.randint(-5,5) # randomly setting the x speed
diry = random.randint(-5,5) # randomly setting the y speed
data=[ballx, bally, dirx, diry]
# returning a list with all the data the ball needs
return List # returning the list
def drawScreen(List):
draw.rect(screen, WHITE, (0, 0, 800, 600))
for x in range(40):
BALLY=List[x][1], GREEN, (BALLX,BALLY),radius)
pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLACK, (100-radius,100-radius,600+(2*radius),400+(2*radius)), 1)
def moveBall(List):
for x in range(40):
SPEEDX=List[x][2]#####data[BALLX]== the first index of each list [x][0]
SPEEDY=List[x][3]##data[BALLSPEEDX]= List[x][2]
# increases the position of the ball
# checks to see if the ball is hitting the walls in the x direction
if BALLX > 700:
List[x][0] = 700#NORMALLY 800
elif BALLX < 100:#NORMALLY 0
List[x][0] = 100
# checks to see if the ball is hitting the walls in the y direction
if BALLY < 100:
List[x][1] = 100#NORMALLY 0
elif BALLY > 500:
List[x][1] = 500#NORMALLY 600
return List#return updated list
while running==True:
for evnt in event.get():
if evnt.type==QUIT:
if evnt.type==MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
In addition to skrx's answer, you can also refactor the code and avoid a lot of duplicate calls. Also, indexing the BALLS array directly might improve performance slightly.
Generally, avoid naming variables inside functions with uppercase. These names are typically given to constants defined at the top of your file.
The version I came up with is below:
import array
import pygame
import random
from pygame import *
size = WIDTH, HEIGHT = 800, 600
screen = display.set_mode(size)
pygame.display.set_caption("Year 12: Ideal Gas Simulation")
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
WHITE = (255,255,255)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
BALLS = []
myClock = time.Clock()
def initBalls():
for n in range(40):
props = array.array('i', [
random.randint(0, WIDTH),
random.randint(0, HEIGHT),
random.randint(-5, 5),
random.randint(-5, 5),
def drawScreen():
draw.rect(screen, WHITE, (0, 0, 800, 600))
props = (100-RADIUS, 100-RADIUS, 600+(2*RADIUS), 400+(2*RADIUS))
pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLACK, props, 1)
f = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 60)
text = f.render("PV=nRT", True,(0, 0, 0))
screen.blit(text,(300, HEIGHT / 20))
for i in range(len(BALLS)):, GREEN, BALLS[i][:2],RADIUS)
def moveBalls():
for i in range(len(BALLS)):
if BALLS[i][0] > 700:
BALLS[i][0] = 700
BALLS[i][2] *= -1
elif BALLS[i][0] < 100:
BALLS[i][0] = 100
BALLS[i][2] *= -1
BALLS[i][0] += BALLS[i][2]
if BALLS[i][1] < 100:
BALLS[i][1] = 100
BALLS[i][3] *= -1
elif BALLS[i][1] > 500:
BALLS[i][1] = 500
BALLS[i][3] *= -1
BALLS[i][1] += BALLS[i][3]
def main():
while True:
for evnt in event.get():
if evnt.type == QUIT:
elif evnt.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
mx, my = evnt.pos
button = evnt.button
if __name__ == "__main__":
Call pygame.display.flip() only once per frame.
def drawScreen(List):
draw.rect(screen, WHITE, (0, 0, 800, 600))
for x in range(40):
BALLY=List[x][1], GREEN, (BALLX,BALLY),radius)
# display.flip() # Don't call `display.flip()` here.
pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLACK, (100-radius,100-radius,600+(2*radius),400+(2*radius)), 1)
pygame.display.flip() # Call it here.
I also recommend to use a pygame.time.Clock to limit the frame rate.
# Define the font object as a global constant.
FONT = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 60)
# If the text doesn't change you can also define it here.
TEXT = FONT.render("PV=nRT", True, (0,0,0))
# Instantiate a clock to limit the frame rate.
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
running = True
while running: # `== True` is not needed.
for evnt in event.get():
if evnt.type == QUIT:
running = False
# Better use `pygame.quit` and `sys.exit` to quit.
List = moveBall(List)
clock.tick(30) # Limit frame rate to 30 fps.

Pygame Stop Light Event [duplicate]

This question already exists:
Need Help Creating A Stop Light Event In Pygame (Python 3) [closed]
Closed 9 years ago.
I'm trying to create the last example in lab # 8 for the Program Arcade Games Book.
The last thing I'm trying to implement is a stoplight that changes colors based on three events and timers.
I understand that I have to use pygame.time.set_timer() at one point, but I haven't been exposed to event handling in Pygame yet. I don't know how I should go about making three separate events that would turn each corresponding traffic light its bright color.
This is what I have so far, and if you omit the line 258 to 266, the animation works using Pygame and Python 3 (I tried concatenating the "events" but its just not working obviously).
Here's a revised version where I tried to use timers to literally just change the color instead of making separate events but its not working in this case either ;(
import random
import math
# Requirements:
# Modify the prior Create-a-Picture lab, or start a new one.
# Animate the image. Try one or more of the following:
# Move an item across the screen.
# Move an item back and forth.
# Move up/down/diagonally.
# Move in circles.
# Have a person wave his/her arms.
# Create a stoplight that changes colors.
# import statement
import pygame
# Define colors:
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
DULLRED = (153, 50, 51)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
DULLGREEN = (55, 154, 54)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
LIGHTBLUE = (103, 255, 246)
YELLOW = (252, 255, 31)
DULLYELLOW = (156, 157, 50)
# initialize pygame:
# screen:
size = (700, 500)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
# Set the caption:
pygame.display.set_caption("Chapter 8 Lab")
# Clock:
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
# FPS:
FPS = 60
# boolean variable for game:
done = False
# For loop for white circles:
whiteCircleList = []
for i in range(25):
x = random.randrange(0, 700)
y = random.randrange(0, 50)
# For Loop for Blue Circles:
blueCircleList = []
for i in range(100):
circleX = random.randrange(0, 500)
circleY = random.randrange(0, 700)
blueCircleList.append([circleX, circleY])
# Light Blue Circle For Loop:
lightBlueCircleList = []
for i in range(100):
circleX = random.randrange(0, 500)
circleY = random.randrange(0, 700)
lightBlueCircleList.append([circleX, circleY])
# Surfboard's Rectangle (x-pos, y-pos, x-length, y-length):
surfboardRect = pygame.Rect(325, 225, 50, 150)
boardY = 255.
rectYChange = -5
phase = 0
# Diagonal Rectangle in Top Left Corner:
topLeftDiagonalRect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 10, 10)
# Diagonal Rectangle in Top Right Corner:
topRightDiagonalRect = pygame.Rect(500, 1, 10, 10)
# Diagonal Rectangle Vectors for Top Left Rectangle:
topLeftDiagonalRectXChange = 5
topLeftDiagonalRectYChange = 5
# Diagonal Rectangle Vectors for Top Right Rectangle:
topRightDiagonalRectXChange = -5
topRightDiagonalRectYChange = -5
# Angle for Hand Rotation
handAngle = 0
# Variable for Traffic Light Cover:
currentTopColor = DULLRED
currentMiddleColor = DULLYELLOW
currentBottomColor = GREEN
while not done:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
done = True
# Game Logic:
phase += 1
if phase > 180:
phase = phase * -1
# Save exact position as a float to avoid floating point errors:
boardY += math.cos(math.radians(phase))*2
surfboardRect.y = int(boardY)
# Clear the screen:
# Drawing Code:
# Falling Down circles:
for i in range(len(whiteCircleList)):, WHITE, [whiteCircleList[i][0], whiteCircleList[i][1]], 3)
whiteCircleList[i][1] += 5
# If the rectangles have hit the bottom of the screen, make them appear 10 pixels above the top:
if whiteCircleList[i][1] > 450:
x = random.randrange(0, 700)
whiteCircleList[i][0] = x
y = random.randrange(-50, -10)
whiteCircleList[i][1] = y
# Red Falling Up Circles:
for i in range(len(blueCircleList)):, BLUE, [blueCircleList[i][0], blueCircleList[i][1]], 5, 5)
blueCircleList[i][1] -= 5
if blueCircleList[i][1] < 50:
circleX = random.randrange(0,700)
circleY = random.randrange(400, 500)
blueCircleList[i][0] = circleX
blueCircleList[i][1] = circleY
# Light Blue Falling Up Circles:
for i in range(len(lightBlueCircleList)):, LIGHTBLUE, [lightBlueCircleList[i][0], lightBlueCircleList[i][1]], 3, 3)
lightBlueCircleList[i][1] -= 5
if lightBlueCircleList[i][1] < 50:
circleX = random.randrange(0, 700)
circleY = random.randrange(400, 450)
lightBlueCircleList[i][0] = circleX
lightBlueCircleList[i][1] = circleY
# Revised Surfboard Rectangle Code:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLACK, surfboardRect, 0)
# Top Left Diagonal Rectangle Code:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLACK, topLeftDiagonalRect, 0)
# Add The Top Left Diagonal Rectangle Change Vectors
topLeftDiagonalRect.x += topLeftDiagonalRectXChange
topLeftDiagonalRect.y += topLeftDiagonalRectYChange
# Top and Bottom Screen Collision:
if topLeftDiagonalRect.y >= 500 or topLeftDiagonalRect.y <= 0:
topLeftDiagonalRectYChange = topLeftDiagonalRectYChange * -1
# Left and Right Screen Collision:
if topLeftDiagonalRect.x <= 0 or topLeftDiagonalRect.x >= 700:
topLeftDiagonalRectXChange = topLeftDiagonalRectXChange * -1
# Draw the top right rectangle:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLACK, topRightDiagonalRect, 0)
# Add the change vectors for the Top Right Rectangle:
topRightDiagonalRect.x += topRightDiagonalRectXChange
topRightDiagonalRect.y += topRightDiagonalRectYChange
# Top and Bottom Screen Collision:
if topRightDiagonalRect.y <= 0 or topRightDiagonalRect.y >= 500:
topRightDiagonalRectYChange = topRightDiagonalRectYChange * -1
# Left and Right Screen Collision:
if topRightDiagonalRect.x <= 0 or topRightDiagonalRect.x >= 700:
topRightDiagonalRectXChange = topRightDiagonalRectXChange * -1
# Person Waving His Arms:
# Head:, WHITE, [575, 300], 15)
# Body:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLUE, [560, 315, 30, 60], 0)
# Left Rotating Hand:
# Left Hand's Original Dimensions:
# pygame.draw.line(screen, WHITE, [560, 315], [540, 295], 5)
# Original Hand's x position based on the rotating circle idea:
# handX = 40 * math.sin(handAngle) + 560
# Original Hand's y position based on the rotating circle idea:
# handY = 40 * math.cos(handAngle) + 315
handPosition = (40 * math.sin(handAngle) + 560, 40 * math.cos(handAngle) + 315)
pygame.draw.line(screen, WHITE, [560, 315], handPosition, 4)
# Increase the hand angle by 0.05 Radians:
handAngle = handAngle + 0.05
# Reset the angle after a full sweep:
pi = 3.141592653
if handAngle > 2 * pi:
handAngle = handAngle - 2*pi
# Right Immobile Hand:
pygame.draw.line(screen, WHITE, [590, 315], [590, 340], 4)
# Left Leg:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, WHITE, [560, 375, 10, 20], 0)
# Right Leg:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, WHITE, [580, 375, 10, 20], 0)
# Left Shoe Ellipse
# Ellipse Notes: ellipse(Surface, color, Rect, width=0) -> Rect
pygame.draw.ellipse(screen, BLACK, [550, 390, 20, 15], 0)
# Right Shoe Ellipse:
pygame.draw.ellipse(screen, BLACK, [580, 390, 20, 15], 0)
# Add in a changing traffic light
# Rectangle for Traffic Light:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, WHITE, [50, 350, 50, 100], 0)
# Traffic Light Post:
pygame.draw.rect(screen,BLACK, [65, 450, 20, 40], 0)
# Top light:, currentTopColor, [75, 370], 12)
# Second light:, currentMiddleColor, [75, 400], 12)
# Third light:, currentBottomColor, [75, 430], 12)
# Three events must be cycled to change each of the traffic light colors
# from their dull versions to their fullest color forms
# The question is, can this be achieved through a timer?
# 60 frames per second is on the timer itself so every 180 frames would mean
# 3 seconds, or every 300 frames would mean 5 seconds
# DOCS on set timer: set_timer(eventid, milliseconds)
## turnRedLightOn =, RED, [75, 370], 12)
## +, DULLYELLOW, [75, 400], 12)
## +, DULLGREEN, [75, 430], 12)
# Turn the top light red and all other lights dull every three seconds
pygame.time.set_timer(currentTopColor = RED, 3000)
pygame.time.set_timer(currentMiddleColor = DULLYELLOW, 3000)
pygame.time.set_timer(currentBottomColor = DULLGREEN, 3000)
# Turn the middle light yellow and all other lights dull every six seconds
pygame.time.set_timer(currentTopColor = DULLRED, 6000)
pygame.time.set_timer(currentMiddleColor = YELLOW, 6000)
pygame.time.set_timer(currentBottomColor = DULLGREEN, 6000)
# Turn the bottom light green and all other lights dull every nine seconds
pygame.time.set_timer(currentTopColor = DULLRED, 9000)
pygame.time.set_timer(currentMiddleColor = DULLYELLOW, 9000)
pygame.time.set_timer(currentBottomColor = GREEN, 9000)
# Update the screen:
# Clock FPS:
# Quit after main game loop ends:
The set_timer shouldn't execute in every cycle of the main loop, you can call it outside and it will repeat itself every 3000ms.
# Current Light
light_on = 0 # 0-red 1-yellow 2-green
LIGHTS_EVENT = pygame.USERVENT + 0 # Event code for Lights change
pygame.time.set_timer(LIGHTS_EVENT, 3000)
while not done:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
done = True
if event.type == LIGHTS_EVENT:
light_on += 1
if light_on == 3:
light_on = 0
currentTopColor = DULLRED
currentMiddleColor = DULLYELLOW
currentBottomColor = DULLGREEN
if light_on == 0:
currentTopColor = RED
if light_on == 1:
currentMiddleColor = YELLOW
if light_on == 2:
currentBottomColor = GREEN
# Top light:
