I want to plot a lot of point in a scatterplot which form a trajectory.
If I plot it with plt.scatter(). The scatterplot shows the outtake where my actual trajectory is.
What I want to plot is a scatterplot of a fixed scale/shape, lets say x from -3 to 12 and y from -3 to 12, independent of the location of the final points/trajectory.
Thanks for your help,
I'm trying to use matplotlib and contourf to generate some filled (polar) contour plots of velocity data. I have some data (MeanVel_Z_Run16_np) I am plotting on theta (Th_Run16) and r (R_Run16), as shown here:
fig,ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection':'polar'})
levels = np.linspace(-2.5,4,15)
cplot = ax.contourf(Th_Run16,R_Run16,MeanVel_Z_Run16_np,levels,cmap='plasma')
rlabels = ax.get_ymajorticklabels()
for label in rlabels:
cbar = plt.colorbar(cplot,pad=0.1,ticks=[0,3,6,9,12,15])
cbar.set_label(r'$V_{Z}$ [m/s]')
This generates the following plot:
Velocity plot with 15 levels:
Which looks great (and accurate), outside of that random straight orange line roughly between 90deg and 180deg. I know that this is not real data because I plotted this in MATLAB and it did not appear there. Furthermore, I have realized it appears to relate to the number of contour levels I use. For example, if I bump this code up to 30 levels instead of 15, the result changes significantly, with odd triangular regions of uniform value:
Velocity plot with 30 levels:
Does anyone know what might be going on here? How can I get contourf to just plot my data without these strange misrepresentations? I would like to use 15 contour levels at least. Thank you.
Hi i have a dataset i am displaying in Plotly Polar.
However all the datalabels are horizontal, so they overlap each other and make it hard to read the plot.
Is there a way to have the data-labels turned so they are radially distributed?
fig = px.scatter_polar(df, r="data", theta="Group", text="individual_data_label")
How can i turn the data labels, so they are in line with the theta angle already defined for the data points?
Thanks for your help!
I need to plot a logarithmic y-axis between 0 and 1 like the graph in the picture.
I need the points on the y-axis to be [0.005,0.010,0.050,0.100,0.500,1] like the graph in the picture. how can I choose which values will show on the axis?
use plt.yscale('log') to make logarithmic scale and plt.axis([1,10000,0.004,1]) for plot borders
use plt.yticks([0.005,0.010,0.050,0.100,0.500,1],[0.005,0.010,0.050,0.100,0.500,1]) to choose the values that will show
I'm trying to plot two datasets (called Height and Temperature) on different y axes.
Both datasets have the same length.
Both datasets are linked together by a third dataset, RH.
I have tried to use matplotlib to plot the data using twiny() but I am struggling to align both datasets together on the same plot.
Here is the plot I want to align.
The horizontal black line on the figure is defined as the 0°C degree line that was found from Height and was used to test if both datasets, when plotted, would be aligned. They do not. There is a noticable difference between the black line and the 0°C tick from Temperature.
Rather than the two y axes changing independently from each other I would like to plot each index from Height and Temperature at the same y position on the plot.
Here is the code that I used to create the plot:
#Define number of subplots sharing y axis
f, ax1 = plt.subplots()
#Set axis parameters
ax1.set_ylabel('Height $(km)$')
ax1.set_ylim([np.nanmin(Height), np.nanmax(Height)])
#Plot RH
ax1.plot(RH, Height, label='Original', lw=0.5)
ax1.set_xlabel('RH $(\%)$')
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax2.plot(RH, Temperature, label='Original', lw=0.5, c='black')
ax2.set_ylabel('Temperature ($^\circ$C)')
ax2.set_ylim([np.nanmin(Temperature), np.nanmax(Temperature)])
Any help on this would be amazing. Thanks.
Maybe the atmosphere is wrong. :)
It sounds like you are trying to align the two y axes at particular values. Why are you doing this? The relationship of Height vs. Temperature is non-linear, so I think you are setting the stage for a confusing graph. Any particular line you plot can only be interpreted against one vertical axis.
If needed, I think you will be forced to "do some math" on the limits of the y axes. This link may be helpful:
align scales
I've got a simple plot in matplotlib. Every time that I plot a data, the graph render an exact Y axis to my plot. What I want is to add some space or allowance on my Y-axis. My maximum value in plot is 5
I want my graph to show at least up to 6 or 10 on it's Y-axis.
How ?