Data not decrypting correctly - data from csv - python

My input ciphertext from my csv doesnt seem to be decrypting properly. It decrypts as a random string of bytes. I've checked my key and IV and they are exactly the same from encryption, Its just the decryption that doesnt seem to work properly.
I wondered if the way I have put my encrypted data into my csv, or retrieved it is the issue? maybe it alters the bytes etc? if not im stumped. I've been on this issue for days, help!
Program works like this:
User inputs credentials -- encrypt -- generate unique ID and hash values and stores in db -- store ciphertext in csv // user inputs ID -- matches in db and fetches encryption key stored with ID -- Fetches matching ID ciphertext from CSV, puts into pandas dataframe and decrypts ciphertext with key
def decoder():
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import hashlib
from secrets import token_bytes
Select enc_key FROM Login where ID = (?);
(L_ID_entry.get(), ))
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row is not None:
keys = row[0]
#design padding function for encryption
def padded_text(data_in):
while len(data_in)% 16 != 0:
data_in = data_in + b"0"
return data_in
#calling stored key from main file and reverting back to bytes
key_original = keys
print("Key original above")
cipher =, mode, IV2.encode('utf8'))
print("IV2 above")
#padding data
p4 = padded_text(df1.tobytes())
p5 = padded_text(df2.tobytes())
p6 = padded_text(df3.tobytes())
#decrypting data
d_fname = cipher.decrypt(p4)
d_sname = cipher.decrypt(p5)
d_email = cipher.decrypt(p6)
#connecting to db
conn = sqlite3.connect('login_details.db')
cursor = conn.cursor()
print("Connected to SQLite")
except sqlite3.Error as error:
print("Failure, error: ", error)
#downloading txt from dropbox and converting to dataframe to operate on
import New_user
import ast
_, res = client.files_download("/user_details/enc_logins.csv")
with io.BytesIO(res.content) as csvfile:
with open("enc_logins.csv", 'rb'):
df = pd.read_csv(csvfile, names=['ID', 'Fname', 'Sname', 'Email'], encoding='utf-8')
newdf = df[df['ID'] == L_ID_entry.get()]
df1 = newdf['Fname'].values
df2 = newdf['Sname'].values
df3 = newdf['Email'].values


DSA key format not supported

I am trying to do a P2MS script.
For my script, I am saving the keys into a text file with DER format instead of the usual PEM file. Both key and signatures are saved in a text file and hexlify. Below is my code for the P2MS execution.
from Crypto.PublicKey import DSA
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
from Crypto.Signature import DSS
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
import binascii
message = b"helpsmepls"
# Read scriptPubKey and scriptSig from files
with open('scriptPubKey.txt', 'r') as f:
readscriptPubKey =
with open('scriptSig.txt', 'r') as f:
scriptSig =
tempholder = readscriptPubKey.split()
# Removing the first character and last character
removeend = tempholder[1:-1]
scriptPubKey = []
# Removing front extra headings
for count, x in enumerate(removeend):
w = bytes(removeend[count][1:-1], encoding = 'utf-8')
# Splitting the Signatures
signatures = scriptSig.split()
hash_obj =
# Going through the pubkeys based on the number of signatures generated
for o, sig in enumerate(signatures):
pub_key = DSA.import_key(bytes.fromhex(scriptPubKey[o].decode("utf-8")))
hash_obj =
verifier =, 'fips-183-3')
# Verifying if the Public key and signatures match, loop will break if False is encountered
if verifier.verify(hash_obj, sig):
d = True
d = False
if d == True:
print("The message is authentic.")
else: print("The message is not authentic.")
Unfortunately before my code can reach the verification, it encountered an error.
Full traceback
It seems my DSA key format has an error, but I am not too sure why is it giving me that error.
I have also tried unhexlifying my input from the public key text file, but it also did not work. I have tried to hex decode the input to get the DER format of the input, but my type is still just bytes. I am not so sure how to properly import the key with the appropriate DSA key format from a txt file. I am able to do that with a PEM file but would just like to find out how to execute it with a txt file.
My expected outcome is the DSA key is imported properly and i am able to verify the public key with the signatures.

Export MS SQL table with `null` values to CSV

I am trying to figure out how to create a csv file that contains the null values I have in my MS SQL database table. Right now the script I am using fills up the null values with '' (empty strings). How I am supposed to instruct the csv Writer to keep the null values?
example of source table
ID,Date,Entitled Key
10000003,2020-11-22 00:00:00,805
import csv
import os
import pyodbc
filePath = os.getcwd() + '/'
fileName = 'rigs_latest.csv'
server = 'ip-address'
database = 'db-name'
username = 'admin'
password = 'password'
# Database connection variable.
connect = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};SERVER=' +
server+';DATABASE='+database+';UID='+username+';PWD=' + password)
cursor = connect.cursor()
sqlSelect = "SELECT * FROM my_table"
results = cursor.fetchall()
# Extract the table headers.
headers = [i[0] for i in cursor.description]
# Open CSV file for writing.
csvFile = csv.writer(open(filePath + fileName, 'w', newline=''),
delimiter=',', lineterminator='\r\n',
quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, escapechar='\\')
# Add the headers and data to the CSV file.
Example of the result after running the above script:
ID,Date,Entitled Key
10000003,2020-11-22 00:00:00,805
The main reason why I would like to keep the null values is that I would like to convert that csv file into series of insert SQL statements and execute those against Aurora Serverless PostgreSQL database. The database doesn't accept empty strings for the type date and results in that error: ERROR: invalid input syntax for type date: ""
As described in the docs for the csv module, the None value is written to CSV as '' (empty string) by design. All other non-string values call str first.
So if you want your CSV to have the string null instead of '' then you have to modify the values before they reach the CSV writer. Perhaps:
results = [
['null' if val is None else val for val in row] for row in results

Problems opening DBF files in python

I am trying to open en transform several DBF files to a dataframe. Most of them worked fine, but for one of the files I receive the error:
"UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xf6 in position 15: invalid start byte"
I have read this error on some other topics such as opening csv and xlsx and other files. The proposed solution was to include encoding = 'utf-8'
in the reading the file part. I haven't found a solution for DBF files unfortunately and I have very limited knowledge on DBF files.
What I have tried so far:
from dbfread import DBF
dbf = DBF('file.DBF')
dbf = pd.DataFrame(dbf)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x81 in position 8: character maps to <undefined>
from simpledbf import Dbf5
dbf = Dbf5('file.DBF')
dbf = dbf.to_dataframe()
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xf6 in position 15: invalid start byte
# this block of code copied from
import pysal as ps
def dbf2DF(dbfile, upper=True): #Reads in DBF files and returns Pandas DF
db = ps.table(dbfile) #Pysal to open DBF
d = {col: db.by_col(col) for col in db.header} #Convert dbf to dictionary
#pandasDF = pd.DataFrame(db[:]) #Convert to Pandas DF
pandasDF = pd.DataFrame(d) #Convert to Pandas DF
if upper == True: #Make columns uppercase if wanted
pandasDF.columns = map(str.upper, db.header)
return pandasDF
dfb = dbf2DF('file.DBF')
AttributeError: module 'pysal' has no attribute 'open'
And last, if I try to install the dbfpy module, I receive:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Any suggestions on how to solve this?
Try using my dbf library:
import dbf
table = dbf.Table('file.DBF')
Print it to see if an encoding is present in the file:
print table # print(table) in Python 3
One of my test tables looks like this:
Table: tempy.dbf
Type: dBase III Plus
Codepage: ascii (plain ol ascii)
Status: DbfStatus.CLOSED
Last updated: 2019-07-26
Record count: 1
Field count: 2
Record length: 31
0) name C(20)
1) desc M
The important line being the Codepage line -- it sounds like that is not properly set for your DBF file. If you know what it should be, you can either open it with that codepage (temporarily) with:
table = dbf.Table('file.DBF', codepage='...')
Or you can change it permanently (updates the DBF file) with:
table.codepage = dbf.CodePage('cp1252') # for example
from simpledbf import Dbf5
dbf2 = Dbf5('/Users/.../TCAT_MUNICIPIOS.dbf', codec='latin')
df2 = dbf2.to_dataframe()
install library DBF
conda install DBF
from dbfread import DBF
db_in_dbf = DBF('paht/database.dbf) this line uplodad the database
df = pd.DataFrame(db_in_dbf ) this line converts a dataframe of pandas
For all those who helped me on this issue for myself where I had to fix a corrupt .dbf file (so came from a .dbf and had to be returned to a .dbf). My particular issue was dates throughout the .dbf were... just very wrong... and tried and failed via many methods, with many errors, to crack and reassemble it... before succeeding with the below:
#Modify dbase3 file to recast null date fields as a default date and
#reimport back into dbase3 file
import collections
import datetime
from typing import OrderedDict
import dbf as dbf1
from simpledbf import Dbf5
from dbfread import DBF, FieldParser
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
#Default date to overwrite NaN values
blank_date =, 1, 1)
#Read in dbase file from Old Path and point to new Path
old_path = r"C:\...\ex.dbf"
new_path = r"C:\...\newex.dbf"
#Establish 1st rule for resolving corrupted dates
class MyFieldParser(FieldParser):
def parse(self, field, data):
return FieldParser.parse(self, field, data)
except ValueError:
return blank_date
#Collect the original .DBF data while stepping over any errors
table = DBF(old_path, None, True, False, MyFieldParser, collections.OrderedDict, False, False, False,'ignore')
#Grab the Header Name, Old School Variable Format, and number of characters/length for each variable
dbfh = Dbf5(old_path, codec='utf-8')
headers = dbfh.fields
hdct = {x[0]: x[1:] for x in headers}
keys = hdct.keys()
#Position of Type and Length relative to field name
ftype = 0
characters = 1
# Reformat and join all old school DBF Header fields in required format
fields = list()
for key in keys:
ftemp = hdct.get(key)
k1 = str(key)
res1 = ftemp[ftype]
res2 = ftemp[characters]
if k1 == "decimal_field_name":
fields.append(k1 + " " + res1 + "(" + str(res2) + ",2)")
elif res1 == 'N':
fields.append(k1 + " " + res1 + "(" + str(res2) + ",0)")
elif res1 == 'D':
fields.append(k1 + " " + res1)
elif res1 == 'L':
fields.append(k1 + " " + res1)
fields.append(k1 + " " + res1 + "(" + str(res2) + ")")
addfields = '; '.join(str(f) for f in fields)
#load the records of the.dbf into a dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(iter(table))
#go ham reformatting date fields to ensure they are in the correct format
df['DATE_FIELD1'] = df['DATE_FIELD1'].replace(np.nan, blank_date)
df['DATE_FIELD1'] = pd.to_datetime(df['DATE_FIELD1'])
# eliminate further errors in the dataframe
df = df.fillna('0')
#drop added "record index" field from dataframe
df.set_index('existing_primary_key', inplace=False)
#initialize defaulttdict and convert the dataframe into a .DBF appendable format
dd = collections.defaultdict(list)
records = df.to_dict('records',into=dd)
#create the new .DBF file
new_table = dbf1.Table(new_path, addfields)
#append the dataframe to the new .DBF file
for record in records:

Store Gtk.Textbuffer in SQL database. Encoding troubles

I'm working on a note taking app using python2/Gtk3/Glade.
The notes are stored in a MySQL Database and displayed in a TextView widget.
I can load/store/display plain text fine. However I want the ability to add images to the note page, and store them in the the data has to be serialised and I'm having some trouble figuring out how to encode/decode the serialised data going in and out of the Database. I'm getting unicode start byte errors. If was working with files I could just open the file in binary mode, but I'm storing as a string in a Database. I've tried encoding/decoding as UTF-8 and ASCII using bytes() and string.encode()[see the sample code below] and a few other ways but none work.
I am using this function to add the image to the textview buffer:
def _AddImagetoNode(self,oWidget):
filenm = None
seliter = self.GetTreeSelection(self.treeview)
filenm = self.FileOpenDiag("Select an Image To Insert.","Image","*.png,*.jpg,*.bmp")
if filenm == None:
#filenm = "/home/drift/Pictures/a.png"
buf = self.dataview.get_buffer()
pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(filenm)
#pixbuf.scale_simple(dest_width, dest_height, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR)
buf.insert_pixbuf(buf.get_end_iter(), pixbuf)
This is the function that stores the textview buffer:
def SaveDataView(self):
global DataViewNode
global DataViewIsImage
if len(self.GetProjectName()) == 0:
buf = self.dataview.get_buffer()
format = buf.register_serialize_tagset()
data2 = buf.serialize(buf, format, buf.get_start_iter(), buf.get_end_iter())
#convert bytes(data) to string
data = data2.decode(encoding='UTF-8') #<< i think my problem is here
print("save b4 decode >>>>>>:%s"%data2)
sql = "UPDATE " + self.GetProjectName() + " SET tDataPath=%s WHERE tNodeID=%s"
val = (data, DataViewNode)
This is the function that loads the Buffer:
def UpdateDataView(self, nodeid):
global DataViewNode
#global DataViewIsFile
if self.GetProjectName() != None and DataViewNode != None:
buf = self.dataview.get_buffer()
enc = self.DbGetNodeData(nodeid)
#convert string(enc) to bytes
data = enc.encode(encoding='UTF-8')#<<< i think my problem is here
print("update after decode >>>>>>>>>: %s"%data)
########### load
format = buf.register_deserialize_tagset()
buf.deserialize(buf, format, buf.get_end_iter(),data)
I'm using mysql.connector to connect to a mariadb.
This is the sql connection string:
self.mariadb_connection = mariadb.connect(user='box', password='box', host='localhost', database='Boxer',charset='utf8')
This is the error im getting.
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 402, in
self.SaveDataView() File "", line 334, in SaveDataView
data = data2.decode(encoding='UTF-8') UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb4 in position 174: invalid start byte
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 398, in
self.SaveDataView() File "", line 334, in SaveDataView
data = data2.decode(encoding='UTF-8') UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb4 in position 174: invalid start byte
With this code I can add/edit plain text in the text view and successfully save/load it but as soon as I add the image, I'm get the encoding errors. Any help would be appreciated.
Here is a more complete example:
def example (self):
#retrieve info from first textview
buf = self.builder.get_object('textbuffer1')
format = buf.register_serialize_tagset()
data = buf.serialize(buf, format, buf.get_start_iter(), buf.get_end_iter())
#run db update to prove it can be inserted into a database
db = psycopg2.connect(database= 'silrep_restore3', host='',
user='postgres', password = 'true',
port = '5432')
c = db.cursor()
c.execute("UPDATE products SET byt = %s WHERE id = 1", (psycopg2.Binary(data),))
#append info to second treeview as a proof of concept
c.execute("SELECT byt FROM products WHERE id = 1")
data = c.fetchone()[0]
buf = self.builder.get_object('textbuffer2')
format = buf.register_deserialize_tagset()
buf.deserialize(buf, format, buf.get_end_iter(), data)
Since you are using MySQL, I recommend reading this article about inserting and retrieving data like you are.
For my example I used a bytea column. In MySQL this is may be a BLOB or BINARY type.
P.S. Sorry for not having a complete MySQL example in my answer. I would have posted a comment, but comments are pathetic for proper formatting.
Got it workings. thanks to theGtknerd your answer was the key. for anyone else having trouble with this i ended up using the BLOB type for the MySQL field type for the column im working with. I tried BINARY[it returnd malformed serialize data] AND VARBINARY [wouldnt even allow me to create the table] so i ended up using the LONGBLOB type.
here is the working code for anyone that needs it.
def UpdateDataView(self, nodeid):
global DataViewNode
#global DataViewIsFile
if self.GetProjectName() != None and DataViewNode != None:
buf = self.dataview.get_buffer()
data = self.DbGetNodeData(nodeid)
if data =='':
format = buf.register_deserialize_tagset()
buf.deserialize(buf, format, buf.get_end_iter(),data)
def SaveDataView(self):
global DataViewNode
global DataViewIsImage
if len(self.GetProjectName()) == 0:
buf = self.dataview.get_buffer()
enc = buf.get_text(buf.get_start_iter(),buf.get_end_iter(),False)
format = buf.register_serialize_tagset()
data = buf.serialize(buf, format, buf.get_start_iter(), buf.get_end_iter())
sql = "UPDATE " + self.GetProjectName() + " SET tDataPath=%s WHERE tNodeID=%s"
val = (data, DataViewNode)
and im using this to create the table
sql = "CREATE TABLE %s (tParentNodeID TEXT,tNodeTxt TEXT,tNodeID TEXT,tDataPath LONGBLOB)" %pName

Encrypt data in PostgreSQL and decrypt the data in Python

I have data in my database that I need to encrypt. I will then download the database to csv files. I have a python program that can decrypt the specific columns in a csv file. The problem is that I don't get my data out from the python program.
sql function:
crypted TEXT;
key BYTEA;
key := digest(convert_to(pass, 'utf-8'), 'sha256');
iv := digest(convert_to(CONCAT(data , 'salt'), 'utf-8'), 'md5');
crypted := encode(encrypt_iv(convert_to(data, 'utf-8'), key, iv, 'aes'), 'base64');
RETURN crypted;
$crypted$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
python program:
import csv
import time
import base64
from hashlib import sha256, md5
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
password = 'Password'
inputFile = 'test.txt'
outputFile = 'out.txt'
delimiter = ';'
columns = [0]
backend = default_backend()
key = sha256(password.encode('utf-8')).digest()
iv = md5((password + 'salt').encode('utf-8')).digest()
cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.CBC(iv), backend=backend)
def encrypt(input):
input = bytes(input, 'utf-8')
length = 16 - (len(input) % 16)
input += bytes([length])*length
encryptor = cipher.encryptor()
return base64.b64encode(encryptor.update(input) + encryptor.finalize()).decode("utf-8")
def decrypt(input):
input = base64.b64decode(input)
decryptor = cipher.decryptor()
data = decryptor.update(input) + decryptor.finalize()
data = data[:-data[-1]] #Remove padding
return data.decode('utf-8')
def main():
start_time = time.time()
with open(inputFile, 'r') as csvfileIn:
with open(outputFile, 'w', newline='') as csvfileOut:
spamreader = csv.reader(csvfileIn, delimiter=delimiter)
spamwriter = csv.writer(csvfileOut, delimiter=delimiter)
firstRow = True
for row in spamreader:
if not firstRow:
for pos in columns:
row[pos] = decrypt(row[pos])
firstRow = False
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
If I encrypt the file with the encrypt function written in the python program then I get the correct result if i would decrypt it.
If I would call the sql funcion as AESEncrypt('data', 'Password') then it returns the base64 string Ojq6RKg7NgDx8YFdLzfVhQ==
But after decryption I get the empty string as result and not the string data. If I look at the print statment before the utf-8 decode step in the decryption function it prints out the following on the console b'', so it looks like it could be something wrong with the padding. If I would print before I remove the padding I get b'\x85\x90sz\x0cQS\x9bs\xeefvA\xc63-'. If I will encrypt a long sentence then I will actually see parts of the text in the byte outputs above.
Do anyone know what I have done wrong?
