when i use this loop everytime it prints out the gas prices it will stay the same and wont print out the most recent gas prices
while True :
eth = Etherscan("keys")
gas_oracle = eth.get_gas_oracle()
safe_gas = gas_oracle["SafeGasPrice"]
proposed_gas = gas_oracle["ProposeGasPrice"]
fast_gas = gas_oracle["FastGasPrice"]
safe_message = "Safe:" + safe_gas + ' gwei'
proposed_gas_message = "Proposed:" + proposed_gas + " gwei"
fast_gas_message = "Fast:" + fast_gas + " gwei"
price_in_eth = int(safe_gas) * 0.00000000111
print_gas_prices = (f'gas prices :' '\n'
f' {safe_message} {proposed_gas_message} {fast_gas_message} ')
I am looking to extract tweets and write them to a CSV file, however, I cannot figure out how to get it to generate a file. I am using Tweepy to extract the tweets. I would like the CSV file to contain the following cells: User, date, tweet, likes, retweets, total, eng rate, rating, tweet id
import tweepy
import csv
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler("", "")
auth.set_access_token("", "")
api = tweepy.API(auth)
print("Authentication OK")
print("Error during authentication")
def timeline(username):
tweets = api.user_timeline(screen_name=username, count = '100', tweet_mode="extended")
for status in (tweets):
eng = round(((status.favorite_count + status.retweet_count)/status.user.followers_count)*100, 2)
if (not status.retweeted) and ('RT #' not in status.full_text) and (eng <= 0.02):
print (status.user.screen_name + ',' + str(status.created_at) + ',' + status.full_text + ",Likes: " + str(status.favorite_count) + ",Retweets: " + str(status.retweet_count) + ',Total: ' + str(status.favorite_count + status.retweet_count) + ',Engagement rate: ' + str(eng) + '%' + 'Rating: Low' + ',Tweet ID: ' + str(status.id))
elif (not status.retweeted) and ('RT #' not in status.full_text) and (0.02 < eng <= 0.09):
print (status.user.screen_name + ',' + str(status.created_at) + ',' + status.full_text + ",Likes: " + str(status.favorite_count) + ",Retweets: " + str(status.retweet_count) + ',Total: ' + str(status.favorite_count + status.retweet_count) + ',Engagement rate: ' + str(eng) + '%' + 'Rating: Good' + ',Tweet ID: ' + str(status.id))
elif (not status.retweeted) and ('RT #' not in status.full_text) and (0.09 < eng <= 0.33):
print (status.user.screen_name + ',' + str(status.created_at) + ',' + status.full_text + ",Likes: " + str(status.favorite_count) + ",Retweets: " + str(status.retweet_count) + ',Total: ' + str(status.favorite_count + status.retweet_count) + ',Engagement rate: ' + str(eng) + '%' + 'Rating: High' + ',Tweet ID: ' + str(status.id))
elif (not status.retweeted) and ('RT #' not in status.full_text) and (0.33 < eng):
print (status.user.screen_name + ',' + str(status.created_at) + ',' + status.full_text + ",Likes: " + str(status.favorite_count) + ",Retweets: " + str(status.retweet_count) + ',Total: ' + str(status.favorite_count + status.retweet_count) + ',Engagement rate: ' + str(eng) + '%' + 'Rating: Very High' + ',Tweet ID: ' + str(status.id))
tweet = timeline("twitter")
with open('tweet.csv', 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
You can look at https://docs.python.org/3/library/csv.html for the info on how to generate a csv file in Python. Quick exmaple:
import csv
with open('some_output.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
writer.writerow(["field1", "field2", "field3"])
Your function get_tweets does not return a value but you are trying to retrieve a value from that function which would result in None. Also it looks like tweet value will be list of strings. writerow method from csv.writer should get list of items and not list of lists. I have modified your code to address those issues. Let me know if it works.
def get_tweets(username):
tweets = api.user_timeline(screen_name=username, count=100)
tweets_for_csv = [tweet.text for tweet in tweets]
return tweets_for_csv
tweet = get_tweets("fazeclan")
with open('tweet.csv', 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
This is my code to create a hashtag file. The issue is it does not put the # for the first hashtag and at he end it puts a double hashtag like below.
passiveincome, #onlinemarketing, #wahmlife, #cash, #entrepreneurlifestyle, #makemoneyonline, #makemoneyfast, #entrepreneurlifestyle, #mlm, #mlm
How do I get the code to remove the double output and put the # at the beginning?
import random, os, sys
basepath = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) + "/"
outputpath = "C:/Users/matth/OneDrive/Desktop/Create hashtags/"
paragraphsmin = 9
paragraphsmax = 9
sentencemin = 1
sentencemax = 1
keywords = []
for line in open(basepath + "/base.txt", "r"):
keywordlist = []
keyword = open(basepath + "/text-original.txt", "r")
for line in keyword:
keywordlist.append(line.replace("\n", "\n"))
def type(name):
value = name[random.randint(0,len(name)-1)]
return value
def xyz(num):
s1 = '' + type(keywordlist).strip()
return eval('s' + str(num))
def s1():
return '' + type(keywordlist).strip()
def randomSentence():
sent = eval("s" + str(random.randint(1,1)) + "()")
return sent
for keyword in keywords:
outputfile = open(outputpath + keyword.replace(" ", " ") + ".txt", "w")
for p in range(1,random.randint(paragraphsmin,paragraphsmax) + 1):
for s in range(1,random.randint(sentencemin,sentencemax) + 1):
sentence = randomSentence()
if str(sentence)[0] == "\"":
outputfile.write("" + str(sentence)[0] + str(sentence)[1] + str(sentence)[2:] + " ")
outputfile.write("" + str(sentence)[0] + str(sentence)[1:] + ", #")
outputfile.write(sentence.replace("", "") + "")
Try replacing
outputfile.write("" + str(sentence)[0] + str(sentence)[1:] + ", #")
outputfile.write("#" + str(sentence)[0] + str(sentence)[1:] + ", ")
This is kind of related to my previous question, unanswered, from here:Inserting random values based on condition
for row in range(len(df)):
while df["Full_Input_Length"][row] >= 55:
df["Input3"][row] = np.random.choice(sentence_list, size=len(df))
df["Full_Input"][row] = np.array2string(df['TitleTag'][row]).replace("'","") + " " + np.array2string(df['Input2'][row]).replace("'","") + " " + np.array2string(df['Input3'][row]).replace("'","") + " " + np.array2string(df['Input4'][row]).replace("'","") + " " + np.array2string(df['Input5'][row]).replace("'","")
df["Full_Input_Length"][row] = len(df["Full_Input"][row])
I stuck to my initial plan and continued my attempts to write down this for loop properly. The error I am getting is on line 4, where it says
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'size'
Basically I am trying to concatenate multiple strings into column Full_Input. I would assume that now the problem is at df["Full_Input"][row] but I am not quite sure how to write it properly so my code would run. I tried different ways but none worked - other errors popped up.
What am I getting wrong? Is there any other way of doing this?
Full code:
df['TitleTag'] = np.nan
for col in range(len(df)):
condlist = [df['BrandId'][col] != 2, df['BrandId'][col] == 2]
choicelist = [df['Name'][col] + ' fra ' + df['BrandName'][col], df['Name'][col]]
df['TitleTag'][col] = np.select(condlist, choicelist)
df['Input1'] = np.nan
for col in range(len(df)):
condlist = [df['BrandId'][col] != 2, df['BrandId'][col] == 2]
choicelist = [df['Name'][col] + ' fra ' + df['BrandName'][col], np.nan]
df['Input1'][col] = np.select(condlist, choicelist)
symbol_list = (['-','=>','|','->'])
df["Input2"] = np.random.choice(symbol_list, size=len(df))
sentence_list = (['Køb online her','Sammenlign priser her','Tjek priser fra 4 butikker','Se produkter fra 4 butikker', 'Stort udvalg fra 4 butikker','Sammenlign og køb'])
df["Input3"] = np.random.choice(sentence_list, size=len(df))
symbol_list2 = (['-','|'])
df["Input4"] = np.random.choice(symbol_list2, size=len(df))
df["Input5"] = "Site.dk"
df["Full_Input"] = df['TitleTag'].astype(str) + " " + df['Input2'].astype(str) + " " + df['Input3'].astype(str) + " " + df['Input4'].astype(str) + " " + df['Input5'].astype(str)
df["Full_Input_Length"] = df["Full_Input"].apply(len)
for col in range(len(df)):
while df["Full_Input_Length"][col] >= 55:
df["Input3"][col] = np.random.choice(sentence_list, size=len(df))
df["Full_Input"][col] = np.array2string(df['TitleTag'][col]).replace("'","") + " " + np.array2string(df['Input2'][col]).replace("'","") + " " + np.array2string(df['Input3'][col]).replace("'","") + " " + np.array2string(df['Input4'][col]).replace("'","") + " " + np.array2string(df['Input5'][col]).replace("'","")
df["Full_Input_Length"][col] = len(df["Full_Input"][col])
I have the following code which prints the data I have available but currently looks bad and cluttered:
has_printed = 0
output = ''
is_banner_printed = 0
if time.time() > next_print_time:
output = output + (' ' + datetime.now().strftime("%I:%M:%S %p") + ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------c')
is_banner_printed = 1
if is_banner_printed or not(len(self.post_list)):
output = ''
for i, post in enumerate(self.post_list):
output = output + (' Age: ' + datetime.fromtimestamp(self.utils.get_submission_age(post.created_utc)).strftime("%M:%S") +
' | URL: http://url.com/' + post.id +
' | Score: ' + str(post.score).ljust(6, ' ') + ... )
if i == 0:
output = '\n' + output
output = output + '\n'
if output is not '' and time.time() > next_print_time and is_banner_printed:
has_printed = 1
next_print_time = time.time() + self.PRINT_RATE
if has_printed:
print(' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------c\n\n\n')
elif is_banner_printed and output is '':
next_print_time = time.time() + self.PRINT_RATE
I wonder if it's possible to clean this mess to make the actual code readable?
Maybe this question was asked before but since I could not find a proper answer, I dare to ask a similar one. My problem is, I have been trying to scrape a Turkish car sale web site which is named 'Sahibinden'. I use jupyter notebook and sublime editors.Once I try to get the data written in a csv file, the Turkish letter changes to different characters. I tried. 'UTF-8 Encoding', '# -- coding: utf-8 --', ISO 8859-9, etc. but I could not solve the problem. The other issue is that Sublime editor does not create the csv file despite I did not have any problem on the jupyter notebook. You will find the csv file output in the image link. If someone can reply me I would appreciate it.
Note: the program works and no problem once I run print command on the editors.
Thanks a lot.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException
import unicodedata
with open ('result1.csv','w') as f:
f.write('brand, model, year, oil_type, gear, odometer, body, hp,
eng_dim, color, warranty, condition, price, safe,
in_fea, outs_fea, mul_fea,pai_fea, rep_fea, acklm \n')
chrome_path = r"C:\Users\Mike\Desktop\chromedriver.exe"
driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_path)
def final_page(fn_20):
for lur in fn_20:
brand = driver.find_element_by_xpath('''//*[#id="classifiedDetail"]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/ul/li[3]/span''')
brand = brand.text
brand = brand.encode("utf-8")
print (brand)
model = driver.find_element_by_xpath('''//*[#id="classifiedDetail"]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/ul/li[5]/span''')
model = model.text
model = model.encode("utf-8")
print (model)
year = driver.find_element_by_xpath('''//*[#id="classifiedDetail"]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/ul/li[6]/span''')
year = year.text
year = year.encode("utf-8")
print (year)
oil_type = driver.find_element_by_xpath('''//*[#id="classifiedDetail"]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/ul/li[7]/span''')
oil_type = oil_type.text
oil_type = oil_type.encode("utf-8")
print (oil_type)
gear = driver.find_element_by_xpath('''//*[#id="classifiedDetail"]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/ul/li[8]/span''')
gear = gear.text
gear = gear.encode("utf-8")
print (gear)
odometer = driver.find_element_by_xpath('''//*[#id="classifiedDetail"]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/ul/li[9]/span''')
odometer = odometer.text
odometer = odometer.encode("utf-8")
print (odometer)
body = driver.find_element_by_xpath('''//*[#id="classifiedDetail"]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/ul/li[10]/span''')
body = body.text
body = body.encode("utf-8")
print (body)
hp = driver.find_element_by_xpath('''//*[#id="classifiedDetail"]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/ul/li[11]/span''')
hp = hp.text
hp = hp.encode("utf-8")
print (hp)
eng_dim = driver.find_element_by_xpath('''//*[#id="classifiedDetail"]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/ul/li[12]/span''')
eng_dim = eng_dim.text
eng_dim = eng_dim.encode("utf-8")
print (eng_dim)
color = driver.find_element_by_xpath('''//*[#id="classifiedDetail"]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/ul/li[14]/span''')
color = color.text
color = color.encode("utf-8")
print (color)
warranty = driver.find_element_by_xpath('''//*[#id="classifiedDetail"]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/ul/li[15]/span''')
warranty = warranty.text
warranty = warranty.encode("utf-8")
print (warranty)
condition = driver.find_element_by_xpath('''//*[#id="classifiedDetail"]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/ul/li[19]/span''')
condition = condition.text
condition = condition.encode("utf-8")
print (condition)
price = driver.find_element_by_xpath('''//*[#id="classifiedDetail"]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/h3''')
price = price.text
price = price.encode("utf-8")
print (price)
safe = ''
safety1 = driver.find_elements_by_xpath('''//div[#id='classifiedProperties']/ul[1]/li[#class='selected']''')
for ur in safety1:
ur1 = ur.text
ur1 = ur1.encode("utf-8")
safe +=ur1 + ', '
print (safe)
in_fea = ''
in_features = driver.find_elements_by_xpath('''//div[#id='classifiedProperties']/ul[2]/li[#class='selected']''')
for ins in in_features:
ins1 = ins.text
ins1 = ins1.encode("utf-8")
in_fea += ins1 + ', '
print (in_fea)
outs_fea = ''
out_features = driver.find_elements_by_xpath('''//div[#id='classifiedProperties']/ul[3]/li[#class='selected']''')
for outs in out_features:
out1 = outs.text
out1 = out1.encode("utf-8")
outs_fea += out1 + ', '
print (outs_fea)
mul_fea = ''
mult_features = driver.find_elements_by_xpath('''//div[#id='classifiedProperties']/ul[4]/li[#class='selected']''')
for mults in mult_features:
mul = mults.text
mul = mul.encode("utf-8")
mul_fea += mul + ', '
print (mul_fea)
pai_fea = ''
paint = driver.find_elements_by_xpath('''//div[#class='classified-pair custom-area ']/ul[1]/li[#class='selected']''')
for pai in paint:
pain = pai.text
pain = pain.encode("utf-8")
pai_fea += pain + ', '
print (pai_fea)
rep_fea = ''
replcd = driver.find_elements_by_xpath('''//div[#class='classified-pair custom-area']/ul[2]/li[#class='selected']''')
for rep in replcd:
repa = rep.text
repa = repa.encode("utf-8")
rep_fea += rep + ', '
print (rep_fea)
acklm = driver.find_element_by_xpath('''//div[#id='classified-detail']/div[#class='uiBox'][1]/div[#id='classifiedDescription']''')
acklm = acklm.text
acklm = acklm.encode("utf-8")
print (acklm)
with open ('result1.csv', 'a') as f:
f.write (brand + ',' [enter image description here][1]+ model + ',' + year + ',' + oil_type + ',' + gear + ',' + odometer + ',' + body + ',' + hp + ',' + eng_dim + ',' + color + ',' + warranty + ',' + condition + ',' + price + ',' + safe + ',' + in_fea + ',' + outs_fea + ',' + mul_fea + ',' + pai_fea + ',' + rep_fea + ',' + acklm + '\n')
except Exception as e:
print (e)
import codecs
file = codecs.open("utf_test", "w", "utf-8")
file.write("test with utf-8")
or this also works for me
with codecs.open("utf_test", "w", "utf-8-sig") as temp:
temp.write("this is a utf-test\n")