Calculating time complexity of a python algorithm - python

I am trying to calculate the time complexity of this algorithm and failing horribly I think. Can anyone tell if I'm on the right track here? any help would be greatly appreciated. (:
data = [["Jacob", "91"], ["John", "81"], ["James", "71"], ["Joe", "61"]] size n
name = "Joe"
not_found = True
index = 0
marks = 0
for i in range(len(data)): # n
if name == data[i][0]: # n(3)
marks = data[i][1] # n(3)(3)
print(marks) #1
#T(n) = n + 3n +9n^2 + 1
#T(n) = 9n^2 +4n + 1
#O(n) = 9n^2

I think a better way to approach this problem is to think how many times you run the same command.
for i in range(len(data)):
if name == data[i][0]:
marks = data[i][1] # <- this command only runs n times
so this is O(n), since you run this command n times
marks = 0
for _ in range(len(data)):
for _ in range(len(data)):
marks += 1 # <- this command only runs n^2 times
so this is O(n^2)


How to tackle the Birthday Paradox Problem in Python?

I'm practicing the Birthday Paradox problem in Python. I've run it a bunch of times, with changing the random number of birthdays and **loop run number **, but the probability is either 0 or 100%, and I was unable to get other probability like 50% etc. Can someone help me look through my code and see what I did wrong? Thank you so much!!
from random import randint
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
first_day_of_year = datetime(2017, 1, 1)
num_of_ppl = 45
birthdays = []
# get 45 random birthdays list
for i in range(num_of_ppl):
new_birthday = first_day_of_year + timedelta(days = randint(0, 365))
# find if there's matched birthdays, run 10000 times
dups = 0
duplicates = set()
for i in range(10000):
for bday in birthdays:
if birthdays.count(bday) > 1:
if len(duplicates) >= 1:
dups += 1
# calculate the probability
probability = dups/10000 * 100
If you generate the birthdays list each time, the probability is as expected. Also I didn't see a need to use datetime or set objects, I just replaced them with ints and bools without changing anything functionally. Also, you can use list comprehension in order to generate the birthdays list in one line:
from random import randint
num_iterations = 10000
num_people = 45
num_duplicates_overall = 0
# generate a random birthday for each person, check if there was a duplicate,
# and repeat num_iterations times
for i in range(num_iterations):
# start with a new, empty list every time.
# get a list of random birthdays, of length num_people.
birthdays = [randint(0, 365) for _ in range(num_people)]
# Keep track of whether or not there was a duplicate for this iteration
was_duplicate = False
for bday in birthdays:
if birthdays.count(bday) > 1:
# We found a duplicate for this iteration, so we can stop checking
was_duplicate = True
if was_duplicate:
num_duplicates_overall += 1
probability = num_duplicates_overall / num_iterations
print(f"Probability: {probability * 100}%")
Output with num_iterations = 1000000 and num_people = 23:
Probability: 50.6452%
Edit: Alternatively, there's this method to check for duplicates which is supposedly faster (but mainly I like it because it's on one line):
if len(birthdays) != len(set(birthdays)):
num_duplicates_overall += 1
So, your code could look as simple as this:
from random import randint
num_iterations = 10000
num_people = 45
num_duplicates_overall = 0
for i in range(num_iterations):
birthdays = [randint(0, 365) for _ in range(num_people)]
if len(birthdays) != len(set(birthdays)):
num_duplicates_overall += 1
probability = num_duplicates_overall / num_iterations
print(f"Probability: {probability * 100}%")

Q: Expected number of coin tosses to get N heads in a row, in Python. My code gives answers that don't match published correct ones, but unsure why

I'm trying to write Python code to see how many coin tosses, on average, are required to get a sequences of N heads in a row.
The thing that I'm puzzled by is that the answers produced by my code don't match ones that are given online, e.g. here (and many other places)
According to that, the expected number of tosses that I should need to get various numbers of heads in a row are: E(1) = 2, E(2) = 6, E(3) = 14, E(4) = 30, E(5) = 62. But I don't get those answers! For example, I get E(3) = 8, instead of 14. The code below runs to give that answer, but you can change n to test for other target numbers of heads in a row.
What is going wrong? Presumably there is some error in the logic of my code, but I confess that I can't figure out what it is.
You can see, run and make modified copies of my code here:
Below is the code itself, outside of that runnable page. Any help figuring out what's wrong with it would be greatly appreciated!
Many thanks,
P.S. The closest related question that I could find was this one: Monte-Carlo Simulation of expected tosses for two consecutive heads in python
However, as far as I can see, the code in that question does not actually test for two consecutive heads, but instead tests for a sequence that starts with a head and then at some later, possibly non-consecutive, time gets another head.
# Click here to run and/or modify this code:
import random
# n is the target number of heads in a row
# Change the value of n, for different target heads-sequences
n = 3
possible_tosses = [ 'h', 't' ]
num_trials = 1000
target_seq = ['h' for i in range(0,n)]
toss_sequence = []
seq_lengths_rec = []
for trial_num in range(0,num_trials):
if (trial_num % 100) == 0:
print 'Trial num', trial_num, 'out of', num_trials
# (The free version of uses Python2)
target_reached = 0
toss_num = 0
while target_reached == 0:
toss_num += 1
this_toss = possible_tosses[0]
#print([toss_num, this_toss])
last_n_tosses = toss_sequence[-n:]
if last_n_tosses == target_seq:
#print('Reached target at toss', toss_num)
target_reached = 1
print 'Average', sum(seq_lengths_rec) / len(seq_lengths_rec)
You don't re-initialize toss_sequence for each experiment, so you start every experiment with a pre-existing sequence of heads, having a 1 in 2 chance of hitting the target sequence on the first try of each new experiment.
Initializing toss_sequence inside the outer loop will solve your problem:
import random
# n is the target number of heads in a row
# Change the value of n, for different target heads-sequences
n = 4
possible_tosses = [ 'h', 't' ]
num_trials = 1000
target_seq = ['h' for i in range(0,n)]
seq_lengths_rec = []
for trial_num in range(0,num_trials):
if (trial_num % 100) == 0:
print('Trial num {} out of {}'.format(trial_num, num_trials))
# (The free version of uses Python2)
target_reached = 0
toss_num = 0
toss_sequence = []
while target_reached == 0:
toss_num += 1
this_toss = possible_tosses[0]
#print([toss_num, this_toss])
last_n_tosses = toss_sequence[-n:]
if last_n_tosses == target_seq:
#print('Reached target at toss', toss_num)
target_reached = 1
print(sum(seq_lengths_rec) / len(seq_lengths_rec))
You can simplify your code a bit, and make it less error-prone:
import random
# n is the target number of heads in a row
# Change the value of n, for different target heads-sequences
n = 3
possible_tosses = [ 'h', 't' ]
num_trials = 1000
seq_lengths_rec = []
for trial_num in range(0, num_trials):
if (trial_num % 100) == 0:
print('Trial num {} out of {}'.format(trial_num, num_trials))
# (The free version of uses Python2)
heads_counter = 0
toss_counter = 0
while heads_counter < n:
toss_counter += 1
this_toss = random.choice(possible_tosses)
if this_toss == 'h':
heads_counter += 1
heads_counter = 0
print(sum(seq_lengths_rec) / len(seq_lengths_rec))
We cam eliminate one additional loop by running each experiment long enough (ideally infinite) number of times, e.g., each time toss a coin n=1000 times. Now, it is likely that the sequence of 5 heads will appear in each such trial. If it does appear, we can call the trial as an effective trial, otherwise we can reject the trial.
In the end, we can take an average of number of tosses needed w.r.t. the number of effective trials (by LLN it will approximate the expected number of tosses). Consider the following code:
N = 100000 # total number of trials
n = 1000 # long enough sequence of tosses
k = 5 # k heads in a row
ntosses = []
pat = ''.join(['1']*k)
effective_trials = 0
for i in range(N): # num of trials
seq = ''.join(map(str,random.choices(range(2),k=n))) # toss a coin n times (long enough times)
if pat in seq:
ntosses.append(seq.index(pat) + k)
effective_trials += 1
print(effective_trials, sum(ntosses) / effective_trials)
# 100000 62.19919
Notice that the result may not be correct if n is small, since it tries to approximate infinite number of coin tosses (to find expected number of tosses to obtain 5 heads in a row, n=1000 is okay since actual expected value is 62).

How to condense this string compression code to make it more efficient?

I just wrote up code for problem 1.6 String Compression from Cracking the Coding Interview. I am wondering how I can condense this code to make it more efficient. Also, I want to make sure that this code is O(n) because I am not concatenating to a new string.
The problem states:
Implement a method to perform basic string compression using the counts of repeated characters. For example, the string 'aabcccccaaa' would become a2b1c5a3. If the "compressed" string would not become smaller than the original string, your method should return the original string. You can assume the string has only uppercase and lowercase letters (a - z).
My code works. My first if statement after the else checks to see if the count for the character is 1, and if it is then to just append the character. I do this so when checking the length of the end result and the original string to decide which one to return.
import string
def stringcompress(str1):
res = []
d = dict.fromkeys(string.ascii_letters, 0)
main = str1[0]
for char in range(len(str1)):
if str1[char] == main:
d[main] += 1
if d[main] == 1:
d[main] = 0
main = str1[char]
d[main] += 1
res.append(main + str(d[main]))
d[main] = 0
main = str1[char]
d[main] += 1
res.append(main + str(d[main]))
return min(''.join(res), str1)
Again, my code works as expected and does what the question asks. I just want to see if there are certain lines of code I can take out to make the program more efficient.
I messed around testing different variations with the timeit module. Your variation worked fantastically when I generated test data that did not repeat often, but for short strings, my stringcompress_using_string was the fastest method. As the strings grow longer everything flips upside down, and your method of doing things becomes the fastest, and stringcompress_using_string is the slowest.
This just goes to show the importance of testing under different circumstances. My initial conclusions where incomplete, and having more test data showed the true story about the effectiveness of these three methods.
import string
import timeit
import random
def stringcompress_original(str1):
res = []
d = dict.fromkeys(string.ascii_letters, 0)
main = str1[0]
for char in range(len(str1)):
if str1[char] == main:
d[main] += 1
if d[main] == 1:
d[main] = 0
main = str1[char]
d[main] += 1
res.append(main + str(d[main]))
d[main] = 0
main = str1[char]
d[main] += 1
res.append(main + str(d[main]))
return min(''.join(res), str1, key=len)
def stringcompress_using_list(str1):
res = []
count = 0
for i in range(1, len(str1)):
count += 1
if str1[i] is str1[i-1]:
count = 0
res.append(str1[i] + str(count+1))
return min(''.join(res), str1, key=len)
def stringcompress_using_string(str1):
res = ''
count = 0
# we can start at 1 because we already know the first letter is not a repition of any previous letters
for i in range(1, len(str1)):
count += 1
# we keep going through the for loop, until a character does not repeat with the previous one
if str1[i] is str1[i-1]:
# add the character along with the number of times it repeated to the final string
# reset the count
# and we start all over with the next character
res += str1[i-1] + str(count)
count = 0
# add the final character + count
res += str1[i] + str(count+1)
return min(res, str1, key=len)
def generate_test_data(min_length=3, max_length=300, iterations=3000, repeat_chance=.66):
assert repeat_chance > 0 and repeat_chance < 1
data = []
chr = 'a'
for i in range(iterations):
the_str = ''
# create a random string with a random length between min_length and max_length
for j in range( random.randrange(min_length, max_length+1) ):
# if we've decided to not repeat by randomization, then grab a new character,
# otherwise we will continue to use (repeat) the character that was chosen last time
if random.random() > repeat_chance:
chr = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)
the_str += chr
return data
# generate test data beforehand to make sure all of our tests use the same test data
test_data = generate_test_data()
#make sure all of our test functions are doing the algorithm correctly
print('showing that the algorithms all produce the correct output')
print('stringcompress_original: ', stringcompress_original('aabcccccaaa'))
print('stringcompress_using_list: ', stringcompress_using_list('aabcccccaaa'))
print('stringcompress_using_string: ', stringcompress_using_string('aabcccccaaa'))
print('stringcompress_original took', timeit.timeit("[stringcompress_original(x) for x in test_data]", number=10, globals=globals()), ' seconds' )
print('stringcompress_using_list took', timeit.timeit("[stringcompress_using_list(x) for x in test_data]", number=10, globals=globals()), ' seconds' )
print('stringcompress_using_string took', timeit.timeit("[stringcompress_using_string(x) for x in test_data]", number=10, globals=globals()), ' seconds' )
The following results where all taken on an Intel i7-5700HQ CPU # 2.70GHz, quad core processor. Compare the different functions within each blockquote, but don't try to cross compare results from one blockquote to another because the size of the test data will be different.
Using long strings
Test data generated with generate_test_data(10000, 50000, 100, .66)
stringcompress_original took 7.346990528497378 seconds
stringcompress_using_list took 7.589927956366313 seconds
stringcompress_using_string took 7.713812443264496 seconds
Using short strings
Test data generated with generate_test_data(2, 5, 10000, .66)
stringcompress_original took 0.40272931026355685 seconds
stringcompress_using_list took 0.1525574881739265 seconds
stringcompress_using_string took 0.13842854253813164 seconds
10% chance of repeating characters
Test data generated with generate_test_data(10, 300, 10000, .10)
stringcompress_original took 4.675965586924492 seconds
stringcompress_using_list took 6.081609410376534 seconds
stringcompress_using_string took 5.887430301813865 seconds
90% chance of repeating characters
Test data generated with generate_test_data(10, 300, 10000, .90)
stringcompress_original took 2.6049783549783547 seconds
stringcompress_using_list took 1.9739111725413099 seconds
stringcompress_using_string took 1.9460854974553605 seconds
It's important to create a little framework like this that you can use to test changes to your algorithm. Often changes that don't seem useful will make your code go much faster, so the key to the game when optimizing for performance is to try out different things, and time the results. I'm sure there are more discoveries that could be found if you play around with making different changes, but it really matters on the type of data you want to optimize for -- compressing short strings vs long strings vs strings that don't repeat as often vs those that do.

Python code not working as intended

I started learning Python < 2 weeks ago.
I'm trying to make a function to compute a 7 day moving average for data. Something wasn't going right so I tried it without the function.
moving_average = np.array([])
i = 0
for i in range(len(temp)-6):
sum_7 = np.array([])
avg_7 = 0
missing = 0
total = 7
j = 0
for j in range(i,i+7):
if pd.isnull(temp[j]):
total -= 1
missing += 1
if missing == 7:
moving_average = np.append(moving_average, np.nan)
if not pd.isnull(temp[j]):
sum_7 = np.append(sum_7, temp[j])
if j == (i+6):
avg_7 = sum(sum_7)/total
moving_average = np.append(moving_average, avg_7)
If I run this and look at the value of sum_7, it's just a single value in the numpy array which made all the moving_average values wrong. But if I remove the first for loop with the variable i and manually set i = 0 or any number in the range of the data set and run the exact same code from the inner for loop, sum_7 comes out as a length 7 numpy array. Originally, I just did sum += temp[j] but the same problem occurred, the total sum ended up as just the single value.
I've been staring at this trying to fix it for 3 hours and I'm clueless what's wrong. Originally I wrote the function in R so all I had to do was convert to python language and I don't know why sum_7 is coming up as a single value when there are two for loops. I tried to manually add an index variable to act as i to use it in the range(i, i+7) but got some weird error instead. I also don't know why that is.
Hey you can using rolling() function and mean() function from pandas.
Link to the documentation :
df['moving_avg'] = df['your_column'].rolling(7).mean()
This would give you some NaN values also, but that is a part of rolling mean because you don't have all past 7 data points for first 6 values.
Seems like you misindented the important line:
moving_average = np.array([])
i = 0
for i in range(len(temp)-6):
sum_7 = np.array([])
avg_7 = 0
missing = 0
total = 7
j = 0
for j in range(i,i+7):
if pd.isnull(temp[j]):
total -= 1
missing += 1
if missing == 7:
moving_average = np.append(moving_average, np.nan)
# The following condition should be indented one more level
if not pd.isnull(temp[j]):
sum_7 = np.append(sum_7, temp[j])
if j == (i+6):
# this ^ condition does not do what you meant
# you should use a flag instead
avg_7 = sum(sum_7)/total
moving_average = np.append(moving_average, avg_7)
Instead of a flag you can use a for-else construct, but this is not readable. Here's the relevant documentation.
Shorter way to do this:
moving_average = np.array([])
for i in range(len(temp)-6):
ngram_7 = [t for t in temp[i:i+7] if not pd.isnull(t)]
average = (sum(ngram_7) / len(ngram_7)) if ngram_7 else np.nan
moving_average = np.append(moving_average, average)
This could be refactored further:
def average(ngram):
valid = [t for t in temp[i:i+7] if not pd.isnull(t)]
if not valid:
return np.nan
return sum(valid) / len(valid)
def ngrams(seq, n):
for i in range(len(seq) - n):
yield seq[i:i+n]
moving_average = [average(k) for k in ngrams(temp, 7)]

Longest expected head streak in 200 coinflips

I was trying to calculate the expected value for the longest consecutive heads streak in 200 coin flips, using python. I came up with a code which I think does the job right but it's just not efficient because of the amount of calculations and data storage it requires, and I was wondering if someone could help me out with this, making it faster and more efficient (I took only one course of python programming in last semester without any previous knowledge of the subject).
My code was
import numpy as np
from itertools import permutations
counter = 0
sett = 0
rle = []
matrix = np.zeros(200)
for i in range (0,200):
matrix[i] = 1
for j in permutations(matrix):
for k in j:
if k == 1:
counter += 1
if counter > sett:
sett == counter
counter == 0
After finding rle, I'd iterate over it to get how many streaks of which length there are, and their sum divided by 2^200 would give me the expected value I'm looking for.
Thanks in advance for help, much appreciated!
You don't have to try all the permutations (in fact you cannot), but you can do a simple Monte Carlo style simulation. Repeat the 200 coin flips many times. Average the lengths of longest streaks you get and this will be a good approximation of the expected value.
def oneTrial (noOfCoinFlips):
s = numpy.random.binomial(1, 0.5, noOfCoinFlips)
maxCount = 0
count = 0
for x in s:
if x == 1:
count += 1
if x == 0:
count = 0
maxCount = max(maxCount, count)
return maxCount
numpy.mean([oneTrial(200) for x in range(10000)])
Output: 6.9843
Also see this thread for exact computation without using Python simulation.
This is an answer to a slightly different question. But, as I had invested an hour and half of my time into it, I didn't wanna scrape it off.
Let E(k) denote a k head streak, i.e., you get k consecutive heads from the first toss onwards.
E(0): T { another 199 tosses that we do not care about }
E(1): H T { another 198 tosses... }
E(198): { 198 heads } T H
E(199): { 199 heads } T
E(200): { 200 heads }
Note that P(0) = 0.5, which is P(tails in first toss)
whereas P(1) = 0.25 , i.e., P(heads in first toss and tails in the second)
P(0) = 2**-1
P(1) = 2**-2
P(198) = 2**-199
P(199) = 2**-200
P(200) = 2**-200 #same as P(199)
Which means if you toss a coin 2**200 times, you'd get
E(0) 2**199 times
E(1) 2**198 times
E(198) 2**1 times
E(199) 2**0 times and
E(200) 2**0 times.
Thus, the expected value reduces to
(0*(2**199) + 1*(2**198) + 2*(2**197) + ... + 198*(2**1) + 199*(2**0) + 200*(2**0))/2**200
This number is virtually equal to 1.
Expected_value = 1 - 2**-200
How I got the difference.
>>> diff = 2**200 - sum([ k*(2**(199-k)) for k in range(200)], 200*(2**0))
>>> diff
This can be generalized to n tosses as
f(n) = 1 - 2**(-n)
