Hello StackOverflow Community,
I have been interested in calculating anomalies for data in pandas 1.2.0 using Python 3.9.1 and Numpy 1.19.5, but have been struggling to figure out the most "Pythonic" and "pandas" way to complete this task (or any way for that matter). Below I have some created some dummy data and put it into a pandas DataFrame. In addition, I have tried to clearly outline my methodology for calculating monthly anomalies for the dummy data.
What I am trying to do is take "n" years of monthly values (in this example, 2 years of monthly data = 25 months) and calculate monthly averages for all years (for example group all the January values togeather and calculate the mean). I have been able to do this using pandas.
Next, I would like to take each monthly average and subtract it from all elements in my DataFrame that fall into that specific month (for example subtract each January value from the overall January mean value). In the code below you will see some lines of code that attempt to do this subtraction, but to no avail.
If anyone has any thought or tips on what may be a good way to approach this, I really appreciate your insight. If you require further clarification, let me know. Thanks for your time and thoughts.
#Import packages
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
#Create a pandas dataframe with some data that will represent:
#Column of dates for two years, at monthly resolution
#Column of corresponding values for each date.
#Create two years worth of monthly dates
dates = pd.date_range(start='2018-01-01', end='2020-01-01', freq='MS')
#Create some random data that will act as our data that we want to compute the anomalies of
values = np.random.randint(0,100,size=25)
#Put our dates and values into a dataframe to demonsrate how we have tried to calculate our anomalies
df = pd.DataFrame({'Dates': dates, 'Values': values})
#Anomalies will be computed by finding the mean value of each month over all years
#And then subtracting the mean value of each month by each element that is in that particular month
#Group our df according to the month of each entry and calculate monthly mean for each month
monthly_means = df.groupby(df['Dates'].dt.month).mean()
#Now, how do we go about subtracting these grouped monthly means from each element that falls
#in the corresponding month.
#For example, if the monthly mean over 2 years for January is 20 and the value is 21 in January 2018, the anomaly would be +1 for January 2018
#Example lines of code I have tried, but have not worked
#ValueError:Unable to coerce to Series, length must be 1: given 12
#anomalies = socal_csv.groupby(socal_csv['Date'].dt.month) - monthly_means
#TypeError: unhashable type: "list"
#anomalies = socal_csv.groupby(socal_csv['Date'].dt.month).transform([np.subtract])
You can use pd.merge like this :
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
dates = pd.date_range(start='2018-01-01', end='2020-01-01', freq='MS')
values = np.random.randint(0,100,size=25)
df = pd.DataFrame({'Dates': dates, 'Values': values})
monthly_means = df.groupby(df['Dates'].dt.month.mean()
0 33.333333
1 19.500000
2 -29.500000
3 -22.500000
4 -24.000000
5 -3.000000
6 10.000000
7 2.500000
8 14.500000
9 -17.500000
10 44.000000
11 31.000000
12 -11.666667
13 -19.500000
14 29.500000
15 22.500000
16 24.000000
17 3.000000
18 -10.000000
19 -2.500000
20 -14.500000
21 17.500000
22 -44.000000
23 -31.000000
24 -21.666667
You can use abs() if you want absolute difference
A one-line solution is:
df = pd.DataFrame({'Values': values}, index=dates)
df.groupby(df.index.month).transform(lambda x: x-x.mean())
I have data about three variables where I want to find the largest X values of one variable on a per day basis. Previously I wrote some code to find the hour where the max value of the day occurred, but now I want to add some options to find more max hours per day.
I've been able to find the Top X values per day for all the days, but I've gotten stuck on narrowing it down to the Top X Values from the Top X Days. I've included pictures detailing what the end result would hopefully look like.
Identified Top 2 Hours
df = pd.DataFrame(
'var_1': [0.83,0.97,0.69,0.73,0.66,0.68,0.78,0.82,1.05,1.05,1.08,0.88,0.96,0.81,0.71,0.88,1.08,1.02,0.88,0.79,0.91,0.91,0.80,0.96],
'var_2': [47.90,42.85,67.37,57.18,66.13,59.96,52.63,54.75,32.54,36.58,36.99,37.23,46.94,52.80,68.79,50.84,37.79,43.54,48.04,38.01,42.22,47.13,50.96,44.19],
'var_3': [99.02,98.10,98.99,99.12,98.78,98.90,99.09,99.20,99.22,99.11,99.18,99.24,99.00,98.90,98.87,99.07,99.06,98.86,98.92,99.32,98.93,98.97,98.99,99.21],})
# Get the top 2 var2 values each day
top_two_var2_each_day = df.groupby(['ID', 'Year', 'Month', 'Day'])['var_2'].nlargest(2)
top_two_var2_each_day = top_two_var2_each_day.reset_index()
# set level_4 index to the current index
top_two_var2_each_day = top_two_var2_each_day.set_index('level_4')
# use the index from the top_two_var2 to get the rows from df to get values of the other variables when top 2 values occured
top_2_all_vars = df[df.index.isin(top_two_var2_each_day.index)]
End Goal Result
I figure the best way would be to average the two hours to identify what days have the largest average, then go back into top_2_all_vars dataframe and grab the rows where the Days occur. I am unsure how to proceed.
mean_day = top_2_all_vars.groupby(['ID', 'Year', 'Month', 'Day'],as_index=False)['var_2'].mean()
top_2_day = mean_day.nlargest(2, 'var_2')
Final Dataframe
This is the result I am trying to find. A dataframe consisting of the Top 2 values of var_2 from each of the Top 2 days.
Code I previously used to find the single largest value of each day, but I don't know how I would make it work for more than a single max per day
# For each ID and Day, Find the Hour where the Max Amount of var_2 occurred and save the index location
df_idx = df.groupby(['ID', 'Year', 'Month', 'Day',])['var_2'].transform(max) == df['var_2']
# Now the hour has been found, store the rows in a new dataframe based on the saved index location
top_var2_hour_of_each_day = df[df_idx]
Using Groupbys may be not the best way to go about it, but I am open to anything.
This is one approach:
If your data spans multiple months its a lot harder dealing with it when the month and day are in different columns. So First I made a new column called 'Date' which just combines the month and the day.
df['Date'] = df['Month'].astype('str')+"-"+df['Day'].astype('str')
Next we need the top two values of var_2 per day, and then average them. So we can create a really simple function to find exactly that.
def topTwoMean(series):
top = series.sort_values(ascending = False).iloc[0]
second = series.sort_values(ascending = False).iloc[1]
return (top+second)/2
We then use our function, sort by the average of var_2 to get the highest 2 days, then save the dates to a list.
maxDates = df.groupby('Date').agg({'var_2': [topTwoMean]})\
.sort_values(by = ('var_2', 'topTwoMean'), ascending = False)\
Finally we filter by the dates chosen above, then find the highest two of var_2 on those days.
.apply(lambda x: x.sort_values('var_2', ascending = False).head(2))\
.reset_index(drop = True)
ID Year Month Day Hour var_1 var_2 var_3 Date
0 ID_1 2018 6 12 21 0.69 67.37 98.99 6-12
1 ID_1 2018 6 12 22 0.73 57.18 99.12 6-12
2 ID_1 2018 6 13 11 0.66 66.13 98.78 6-13
3 ID_1 2018 6 13 12 0.68 59.96 98.90 6-13