I need help using python and pandas. I want to find the ship nearest Lat= 45.82019 and Lon= -129.73671.
Here is the imported data
import os
import pandas as pd
master_df = pd.DataFrame()
for file in os.listdir(os.getcwd()): #combine all csv file
if file.endswith('.csv'):
master_df = master_df.append(pd.read_csv(file))
master_df.to_csv('Combined File.CSV', index = False)
df = pd.read_csv('Combined File.CSV')
my data output:
After finding the ship nearest given specific lat&lon, I would like to get all info about that ship.
I'm trying to merge a series of xlsx files into one, which works fine.
However, when I read a file, columns containing ints are transformed into floats (or dates?) when I merge and output them to csv. I have tried to visualize this in the picture. I have seen some solutions to this where dtype is used to "force" specific columns into int format. However, I do not always know the index nor the title of the column, so i need a more scalable solution.
Anyone with some thoughts on this?
Thank you in advance
#specify folder with xlsx-files
xlsFolder = "{}/system".format(directory)
dfMaster = pd.DataFrame()
#make a list of all xlsx-files in folder
xlsFolderContent = os.listdir(xlsFolder)
xlsFolderList = []
for file in xlsFolderContent:
if file[-5:] == ".xlsx":
for xlsx in xlsFolderList:
xl = pd.ExcelFile("{}/{}".format(xlsFolder, xlsx))
for sheet in xl.sheet_names:
if "_Errors" in sheet:
dfSheet = xl.parse(sheet)
dfSheet.fillna(0, inplace=True)
dfMaster = dfMaster.append(dfSheet)
print("len of dfMaster:", len(dfMaster))
Data sample:
Try to use dtype='object' as parameter of pd.read_csv or (ExcelFile.parse) to prevent Pandas to infer the data type of each column. You can also simplify your code using pathlib:
import pandas as pd
import pathlib
directory = pathlib.Path('your_path_directory')
xlsFolder = directory / 'system'
data = []
for xlsFile in xlsFolder.glob('*.xlsx'):
sheets = pd.read_excel(xlsFile, sheet_name=None, dtype='object')
for sheetname, df in sheets.items():
if '_Errors' in sheetname:
pd.concat(data).to_csv(xlsxFolder / dfMaster.csv, sep=';')
I am trying to add data from several files in a folder to a data frame. Each .csv file has varying lengths but has the same number of columns. I am trying to add all of them to one data frame with ignoring the index so that the new data frame is just vertically combined. For some reason every time I try to concatenate the data I am left with ~ 363 columns when there should only be 9. Each csv file has the same number of columns so I am confused.
import os
import pandas as pd
import glob
cwd = os.getcwd()
folder = cwd +'\\downloads\\prepared_csv_files\\prepared_csv_files\\'
all_files = glob.glob(folder + "/*.csv")
li = []
for filename in all_files:
df = pd.read_csv(filename, index_col=None, header=0)
frame = pd.concat(li, axis=0, ignore_index=True)
I have also tried
final_df = pd.DataFrame(li, columns = ['tool','pressure'])
# and I name all columns not doing it now
here final is the name of the final dataset.
I am assuming tool and pressure are the columns name in your all .csv files
final = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['tool','pressure'])
for filename in all_files:
df = pd.read_csv(filename)
df = pd.DataFrame(df)
final = pd.concat([final,df],ignore_index= True,join="inner")
I need to copy 2 columns from Excel file 'Input.xlsx' to a new Excel file 'Output.xlsx'. I tried the following code using Pandas, but in the 'Output.xlsx' file data turn out written all in the first row, I do not have 2 columns of data anymore. Can you help me fixing the code?
Here is the code:
import pandas as pd
document1 = pd.ExcelFile('C:\\Users\\PycharmProjects\\Input.xlsx')
df1=pd.read_excel(document1, sheets, usecols=[' Speed of sound (c) [m/s]',' Outlet Temperature (T out) [°C]'])
appended_data.to_excel('Output.xlsx', index=False)
For a single file:
import pandas as pd
fn = 'C:\\Users\\PycharmProjects\\Input.xlsx'
df = pd.read_excel(fn, usecols=[' Speed of sound (c) [m/s]',' Outlet Temperature (T out) [°C]'])
df.to_excel('Output.xlsx', index=False)
For multiple files:
import pandas as pd
fns = ['Input1.xlsx', 'Input2.xlsx']
column_names = [' Speed of sound (c) [m/s]',' Outlet Temperature (T out) [°C]']
input_dfs = []
for fn in fns:
input_df = pd.read_excel(fn, usecols=column_names)
output_df = pd.concat(input_dfs)
output_df.to_excel('Output.xlsx', index=False)
I have a code that merges all txt files from a directory into a dataframe
follow the code below
import pandas as pd
import os
import glob
files = []
files = [pd.read_csv(file, delimiter='\t')
for file in glob.glob(os.path.join(diretorio ,"*.txt"))]
df = pd.concat(files, ignore_index=True)
that gives result to this table
I needed to add a date column to this table, but I only have the date available at the end of the filename.
How can I get the date at the end of the filename and put it inside the dataframe.
I have no idea how to do this
Assuming the file naming pattern is constant, you can parse the end of the filename for every iteration of the loop this way :-
from datetime import datetime
files = []
for file in glob.glob(os.path.join(diretorio ,"*.txt")):
df_f = pd.read_csv(file, delimiter='\t')
df_f['date'] = datetime.strptime(file[-11:-4], "%d%m%Y")
df = pd.concat(files, ignore_index=True)
import pandas as pd
import os
files = []
for filename in os.listdir(diretorio):
if filename.endswith(".csv"):
df = pd.read_csv(diretorio + filename, sep=";")
df['Date'] = filename.split('.')[0].split("_")[-1]
df = pd.concat(files, ignore_index=True)
I have 200 .txt files and need to extract one row data from each file and create a different dataframe.
For example (abc1.txt,abc2.txt, .etc) set of files and i need to extract 5th row data from each file and create a dataframe. When reading files, columns need to be separated by '/t' sign.
like this
data = pd.read_csv('abc1.txt', sep="\t", header=None)
I can not figure out how to do all this with a loop. Can you help?
Here is my answer:
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
path = Path('path/to/dir')
files = path.glob('*.txt')
to_concat = []
for f in files:
df = pd.read_csv(f, sep="\t", header=None, nrows=5).loc[4:4]
result = pd.concat(to_concat)
I have used nrows to read only first 5 rows and then .loc[4:4] to get dataframe rather than series (when you use .loc[4].
Here you go:
import os
import pandas as pd
directory = 'C:\\Users\\PC\\Desktop\\datafiles\\'
aggregate = pd.DataFrame()
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
if filename.endswith(".txt"):
data = pd.read_csv(directory+filename, sep="\t", header=None)
row5 = pd.DataFrame(data.iloc[4]).transpose()
aggregate = aggregate.append(row5)