Trying to simulate a jump process in discrete time - python

I was trying to simulate a jump process in python, defined as follows:
Actually, in order to simulate the process, I evaluate its value at each time t, building an "history" of the values the process has taken. This is done accordingly to the following function, contained in a class:
def evaluate(self, t):
return self.history[t], {} # History of the process
new_steps = t - len(self.history) # Calculate how much steps will be evaluated in order to reach t
values_to_sample = 1 + new_steps
new_values = np.zeros(values_to_sample)
temp = self.history[-1] # Take last seen value
for i in range(values_to_sample):
temp = temp + self.A*( UNKNOWN TERM - temp ) + np.random.normal(scale=self.sigma)
# UNKNOWN TERM is the element that I want to "simulate"
new_values[i] = temp
self.history = np.concatenate((self.history, new_values))
return self.history[t], {}
The problem is that I do not know how to simulate the Yt term. To my understanding, what I should do is evaluate at each new sample if a jump has occurred, but I do not know how to do that. Can someone help me understand what should I do?


How to write a python script in Maya with a condition logic

I’m starting as a programmer and currently working on a project but got stuck + have a bit of a brain fart(sorry).
I need to write a tool that will:
1 - set character rig by selecting character in the scene and set script to remember selection.
2 - evaluate whether selected character rig has a namespace or not (depending on that the next step takes different root)
if there is a namespace:
3 - find control in the character rig [namespace] + [side L\R] + [Ctrl]
4 - select target loc and snap one to another then bake animation
if there is no namespace:
3 - find control in the character rig [side L\R] + [Ctrl]
4 - select target loc and snap one to another then bake animation
I wrote parts of the script but don’t know how to put it together because I don’t know how to word this condition in the script.
Can anyone help me to put my brain back in order?
CH =, fl=True)
for c in CH:
if pm.referenceQuery(c, isNodeReferenced=True):
nameSpace = c.split(':')[0] + ':'
name = nameSpace + 'L' + '_Weapon_ctrl'
print name
name = 'L' + '_Weapon_ctrl'
print name
def bakeToObj():
Target =, fl=True)[0]
par = pm.parentConstraint([Target] + [Weapon], mo=False)
startTime = pm.playbackOptions(query=True, minTime=True)
endTime = pm.playbackOptions(query=True, maxTime=True)
pm.bakeResults(Weapon, simulation=True, t=(startTime, endTime))
return bakeToObj
I recommend to continue where you started. The list ist a very good start. Now you can create a script with all functions you need for the list of tasks and one function to call them all, e.g.:
def getSelectedCharacterRig():
sel =, fl=True)
return sel
def getCtrlName(rig):
return ctrlName
def findCtrl(ctrlName):
return ctrl
def selectTargetLoc(ctrl):
def bake(someObject):
return bakedObject
def doIt():
selection = getSelectedCharacterRig()
ctrlName = getCtrlName(selection)
This way you can see what you need an how to do it. And you will see if a function is not needed at all.

Weird results with unity ml agents python api

I am using the 3DBall example environment, but I am getting some really weird results that I don't understand why they are happening. My code so far is just a for range loop that views the reward and fills in the inputs needed with random values. However when I was doing it, never a negative reward was shown, and randomly there would be no decision steps, which would make sense, but shouldn't it just keep on simulating until there is a decision step? Any help would be greatly appreciated as other then the documentation there are little to no recourses out there for this.
env = UnityEnvironment()
behavior_names = env.behavior_specs
for i in range(50):
arr = []
behavior_names = env.behavior_specs
for i in behavior_names:
DecisionSteps = env.get_steps("3DBall?team=0")
print(DecisionSteps[0].action_mask) #for some reason it returns action mask as false when Decisionsteps[0].reward is empty and is None when not
for i in range(len(DecisionSteps[0])):
for b in range(2):
if(len(DecisionSteps[0])!= 0):
I think that your problem is that when the simulation terminates and needs to be reset, the agent does not return a decision_step but rather a terminal_step. This is because the agent has dropped the ball and the reward returned in the terminal_step will be -1.0. I have taken your code and made some changes and now it runs fine (except that you probably want to change so that you don't reset every time one of the agents drops its ball).
import numpy as np
import mlagents
from mlagents_envs.environment import UnityEnvironment
# -----------------
# This code is used to close an env that might not have been closed before
# -----------------
env = UnityEnvironment(file_name = None)
for i in range(1000):
arr = []
behavior_names = env.behavior_specs
# Go through all existing behaviors
for behavior_name in behavior_names:
decision_steps, terminal_steps = env.get_steps(behavior_name)
for agent_id_terminated in terminal_steps:
print("Agent " + behavior_name + " has terminated, resetting environment.")
# This is probably not the desired behaviour, as the other agents are still active.
actions = []
for agent_id_decisions in decision_steps:
# print(decision_steps[0].reward)
# print(decision_steps[0].action_mask)
if len(actions) > 0:
env.set_actions(behavior_name, np.array(actions))
print("Something happend when taking a step in the environment.")
print("The communicatior has probably terminated, stopping simulation early.")

Stuck in loop help - Python

The second 'if' statement midway through this code is using an 'or' between two conditions. This is causing the issue I just don't know how to get around it. The code is going through a data file and turning on the given relay number at a specific time, I need it to only do this once per given relay. If I use an 'and' between the conditions, it will only turn on the first relay that matches the current time and wait for the next hour and turn on the next given relay.
Could someone suggest something to fix this issue, thank you!
def schedule():
metadata, sched = dbx.files_download(path=RELAYSCHEDULE)
if not sched.content:
pass # If file is empty then exit routine
relaySchedule = str(sched.content)
commaNum = relaySchedule.count(',')
data1 = relaySchedule.split(',')
for i in range(commaNum):
data2 = data1[i].split('-')
Time1 = data2[1]
currentRN = data2[0]
currentDT =
currentHR = currentDT.hour
global RN
global T
if str(currentHR) == str(Time1):
if T != currentHR or RN != currentRN:
relaynum = int(data2[0])
relaytime = int(data2[2])
T = currentHR
RN = currentRN
k = threading.Thread(target=SendToRelay(relaynum, relaytime)).start()
Desired Inputs:
sched.content = '1-19-10,3-9-20,4-9-10,'
T = ' '
RN = ' '
T and RN are global variables because the loop is running indefinitely, they're there to let the loop know whether the specific Time(T) and Relay Number(RN) have already been used.
Desired Outputs:
If the time is 9 AM then,
T = 9
RN should be whatever the given relay number is so RN = 3, but not sure this is the right thing to use.
Sorry if this is confusing. I basically need the program to read a set of scheduled times for specific relays to turn on, I need it to read the current time and if it matches the time in the schedule it will then check which relay is within that time and turn it on for however long. Once it has completed that, I need it to go over that same set of data in case there is another relay within the same time that also needs to turn on, the issue is that if I don't use T and RN variables to check whether a previous relay has been set, it will read the file and turn on the same relay over and over.
Try printing all used variables, check if everything is, what you think it is. On top of that, sometimes whietespaces characters causes problem with comparison.
I fixed it. For anyone wondering this is the new working code:
def schedule():
metadata, sched = dbx.files_download(path=RELAYSCHEDULE)
if not sched.content:
pass # If file is empty then exit routine
relaySchedule = str(sched.content)
commaNum = relaySchedule.count(',')
data1 = relaySchedule.split(',')
for i in range(commaNum):
data2 = data1[i].split('-')
TimeSched = data2[1]
relaySched = data2[0]
currentDT =
currentHR = currentDT.hour
global RN
global T
if str(currentHR) == str(TimeSched):
if str(T) != str(currentHR):
RN = ''
T = currentHR
if str(relaySched) not in str(RN):
relaynum = int(data2[0])
relaytime = int(data2[2])
k = threading.Thread(target=SendToRelay(relaynum, relaytime)).start()
RN = str(RN) + str(relaySched)

Time elapsed between linear search and binary search using Python

I have made two Python functions below, one for sequential (linear) search and other for binary search.
I want to do these 3 things for each size value in the given list :
generate a list of random integer values (between 1 to 1000,0000) for a given list size
run a sequential search for -1 on the list and record the time elapsed by sequential search
run a binary search for -1 on the sorted list (after sorting the list), and record the time elapsed by binary search
What I have done is :
def sequentialSearch(alist, item):
pos = 0
found = False
while pos < len(alist) and not found:
if alist[pos] == item:
found = True
pos = pos + 1
return found
def binSearch(list, target):
return binSearchHelper(list, target, 0, len(list) - 1)
def binSearchHelper(list, target, left, right):
if left > right:
return False
middle = (left + right)//2
if list[middle] == target:
return True
elif list[middle] > target:
return binSearchHelper(list, target, left, middle - 1)
return binSearchHelper(list, target, middle + 1, right)
import random
import time
list_sizes = [10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000]
for size in list_sizes:
list = []
for x in range(size):
sequential_search_start_time = time.time()
sequential_search_end_time = time.time()
print("Time taken by linear search is = ",(sequential_search_end_time-sequential_search_start_time))
binary_search_start_time = time.time()
binary_search_end_time = time.time()
print("Time taken by binary search is = ",(binary_search_end_time-binary_search_start_time))
The output I am getting is :
As we know that binary search is much faster than the linear search.
So, I just want to know why it is showing the time consumed by binary search is more than the time consumed by linear search?
1) You need to account for the sorting time. Binary search works only on sorted lists so sorting takes time, which takes the time complexity for it to O(nlogn). And in your case you are sorting it after the timer has started, So it will be higher.
2) You are searching for an element that doesn't exist in the list i.e -1 which is not the average case for Binary Search. Binary search's worst case has to make so many jumps just to never find the element.
3) Please do not use list as a variable it is a python's keyword and you are clearly overriding it. Use something else.
Now if you sort the list without timing it. Results change drastically. Here are mine.
Time taken by linear search is = 9.059906005859375e-06
Time taken by binary search is = 8.58306884765625e-06
Time taken by linear search is = 1.2159347534179688e-05
Time taken by binary search is = 4.5299530029296875e-06
Time taken by linear search is = 0.00011110305786132812
Time taken by binary search is = 5.9604644775390625e-06
Time taken by linear search is = 0.0011129379272460938
Time taken by binary search is = 8.344650268554688e-06
Time taken by linear search is = 0.011270761489868164
Time taken by binary search is = 1.5497207641601562e-05
Time taken by linear search is = 0.11133551597595215
Time taken by binary search is = 1.7642974853515625e-05
What I've done is just sort the list before it was timed. Way, Way better than if you had to sort it and search it all at once.

How to speed up Python string matching code

I have this code which computes the Longest Common Subsequence between random strings to see how accurately one can reconstruct an unknown region of the input. To get good statistics I need to iterate it many times but my current python implementation is far too slow. Even using pypy it currently takes 21 seconds to run once and I would ideally like to run it 100s of times.
import random
import itertools
#test to see how many different unknowns are compatible with a set of LCS answers.
def lcs(x, y):
n = len(x)
m = len(y)
# table is the dynamic programming table
table = [list(itertools.repeat(0, n+1)) for _ in xrange(m+1)]
for i in range(n+1): # i=0,1,...,n
for j in range(m+1): # j=0,1,...,m
if i == 0 or j == 0:
table[i][j] = 0
elif x[i-1] == y[j-1]:
table[i][j] = table[i-1][j-1] + 1
table[i][j] = max(table[i-1][j], table[i][j-1])
# Now, table[n, m] is the length of LCS of x and y.
return table[n][m]
def lcses(pattern, text):
return [lcs(pattern, text[i:i+2*l]) for i in xrange(0,l)]
l = 15
#Create the pattern
pattern = [random.choice('01') for i in xrange(2*l)]
#create text start and end and unknown.
start = [random.choice('01') for i in xrange(l)]
end = [random.choice('01') for i in xrange(l)]
unknown = [random.choice('01') for i in xrange(l)]
lcslist= lcses(pattern, start+unknown+end)
count = 0
for test in itertools.product('01',repeat = l):
testlist = lcses(pattern, start+test+end)
if (testlist == lcslist):
count += 1
print count
I tried converting it to numpy but I must have done it badly as it actually ran more slowly. Can this code be sped up a lot somehow?
Update. Following a comment below, it would be better if lcses used a recurrence directly which gave the LCS between pattern and all sublists of text of the same length. Is it possible to modify the classic dynamic programming LCS algorithm somehow to do this?
The recurrence table table is being recomputed 15 times on every call to lcses() when it is only dependent upon m and n where m has a maximum value of 2*l and n is at most 3*l.
If your program only computed table once, it would be dynamic programming which it is not currently. A Python idiom for this would be
table = None
def use_lcs_table(m, n, l):
global table
if table is None:
table = lcs(2*l, 3*l)
return table[m][n]
Except using an class instance would be cleaner and more extensible than a global table declaration. But this gives you an idea of why its taking so much time.
Added in reply to comment:
Dynamic Programming is an optimization that requires a trade-off of extra space for less time. In your example you appear to be doing a table pre-computation in lcs() but you build the whole list on every single call and then throw it away. I don't claim to understand the algorithm you are trying to implement, but the way you have it coded, it either:
Has no recurrence relation, thus no grounds for DP optimization, or
Has a recurrence relation, the implementation of which you bungled.
