I have an SQLAlchemy database that is having data added to it in real time. I want a way to be able to send a keyword or message in Teams and run an SQL call that will return in teams. It is the reverse of this post Send automated messages to Microsoft Teams using Python_
Does anyone know if this is possible? Here is my current SQL call:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import pandas as pd
myTeamsMessage = pymsteams.connectorcard(link)
pwd = "path_to_working_directory"
engine = create_engine(f'sqlite:///{pwd}\\database.db', echo=False)
FROM California_table
Thanks for reading this. I’m learning python and have run into a bit of a blocker.
I’m trying to set up a basic database to join some data together and query it.
I’ve entered the code below but get this error when I run it
no such table: customer
There is more to the error message but I think if I solve this the rest will go away…Hopefully
import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
engine = create_engine(f"sqlite:///HFSS.db")
conn = engine.connect()
customer = pd.read_excel('customer_orders.xlsx',index_col = 'CU_GTIN' * 1)
customer ## running this shows me a table
When I try to run a simple query in SQLite I get the error.
query = '''SELECT EccCustomerLevel3Name
FROM customer'''
pd.read_sql_query(query, conn)
Thanks for your time
We have data in a Snowflake cloud database that we would like to move into an Oracle database. As we would like to work toward refreshing the Oracle database regularly, I am trying to use SQLAlchemy to automate this.
I would like to do this using Core because my team is all experienced with SQL, but I am the only one with Python experience. I think it would be easier to tweak the data pulls if we just pass SQL strings. Plus the Snowflake db has some columns with JSON that seems easier to parse using direct SQL since I do not see JSON in the SnowflakeDialect.
I have established connections to both databases and am able to do select queries from both. I have also manually created the tables in our Oracle db so that the keys and datatypes match what I am pulling from Snowflake. When I try to insert, though, my Jupyter notebook just continuously says "Executing Cell" and hangs. Any thoughts on how to proceed or how to get the notebook to tell me where the hangup is?
from sqlalchemy import create_engine,pool,MetaData,text
from snowflake.sqlalchemy import URL
import pandas as pd
eng_sf = create_engine(URL( #engine for snowflake
account = 'account'
user = 'user'
password = 'password'
database = 'database'
schema = 'schema'
warehouse = 'warehouse'
role = 'role'
timezone = 'timezone'
eng_o = create_engine("oracle+cx_oracle://{}[{}]:{}#{}".format('user','proxy','password','database'),poolclass=pool.NullPool) #engine for oracle
meta_o = MetaData()
person_o = meta_o['bb_lms_person'] # other oracle tables follow this example
meta_sf = MetaData()
meta_sf.reflect(bind=eng_sf,only=['person']) # other snowflake tables as well, but for simplicity, let's look at one
person_sf = meta_sf.tables['person']
person_query = """
with eng_sf.begin() as connection:
result = connection.execute(text(person_query)).fetchall() # this snippet runs and returns result as expected
with eng_o.begin() as connection:
connection.execute(person_o.insert(),result) # this is a coinflip, sometimes it runs, sometimes it just hangs 5ever
I've checked the typical offenders. The keys for both person_o and the result are all lowercase and match. Any guidance would be appreciated.
use the metadata for the table. the fTable_Stage update or inserted as fluent functions and assign values to lambda variables. This is very safe because only metadata field variables can be used in the lambda. I am updating three fields:LateProbabilityDNN, Sentiment_Polarity, Sentiment_Subjectivity
engine = create_engine("mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect=%s" % params)
Session = sessionmaker(bind = engine)
session = Session()
fTable_Stage=Table('fTable_Stage', metadata,autoload=True,autoload_with=engine)
Sentiment_Subjectivity= round(my_valance.sentiment.subjectivity,2)\
Cloud team granted to me a Service account (SA) with BigQuery Job User role (IAM) for query from python.
But i got that issue
403 request failed: the user does not have
'bigquery.readsessions.create' permission to project
But this SA is worked in Java. Looking for ideas to solve this, thanks ^^
My simple code here:
import pandas as pd
import google.cloud.bigquery as gbq
gbq_client = gbq.Client.from_service_account_json('credentials/credentials_bigquery.json')
#function query
def query_job(client,query):
query_job = client.query(query) # Make an API request.
df_from_bq = query_job.to_dataframe()
return df_from_bq
qr_user = """
user = query_job(gbq_client,qr_user)
Is it possible to make SQLAlchemy do cross server joins?
If I try to run something like
engine = create_engine('mssql+pyodbc://SERVER/Database')
query = sql.text('SELECT TOP 10 * FROM [dbo].[Table]')
with engine.begin() as connection:
data = connection.execute(query).fetchall()
It works as I'd expect. If I change the query to select from [OtherServer].[OtherDatabase].[dbo].[Table] I get an error message "Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\\ANONYMOUS LOGON"
Looks like there's an issue with how you authenticate to SQL server.
I believe you can connect using the current Windows user, the URI syntax is then mssql+pyodbc://SERVER/Database?trusted_connection=yes (I have never tested this, but give it a try).
Another option is to create a SQL server login (ie. a username/password that is defined within SQL server, NOT a Windows user) and use the SQL server login when you connect.
The database URI then becomes: mssql+pyodbc://username:password#SERVER/Database.
mssql+pyodbc://SERVER/Database?trusted_connection=yes threw an error when I tried to it. It did point me in the right direction though.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, sql
import urllib
params = urllib.quote_plus(string)
engine = create_engine('mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect={0}'.format(params))
query = sql.text('SELECT TOP 10 * FROM [CrossServer].[datbase].[dbo].[Table]')
with engine.begin() as connection:
data = connection.execute(query).fetchall()
It's quite complicated if you suppose to alter different servers through one connection.
But if you need to perform a query to a different server under different credentials you should add linked server first with sp_addlinkedserver. Then it should be added credentials to the linked server with sp_addlinkedsrvlogin. Have you tried this?
I'm creating an iOS client for App.net and I'm attempting to setup a push notification server. Currently my app can add a user's App.net account id (a string of numbers) and a APNS device token to a MySQL database on my server. It can also remove this data. I've adapted code from these two tutorials:
How To Write A Simple PHP/MySQL Web Service for an iOS App - raywenderlich.com
Apple Push Notification Services in iOS 6 Tutorial: Part 1/2 - raywenderlich.com
In addition, I've adapted this awesome python script to listen in to App.net's App Stream API.
My python is horrendous, as is my MySQL knowledge. What I'm trying to do is access the APNS device token for the accounts I need to notify. My database table has two fields/columns for each entry, one for user_id and a one for device_token. I'm not sure of the terminology, please let me know if I can clarify this.
I've been trying to use peewee to read from the database but I'm in way over my head. This is a test script with placeholder user_id:
import logging
from pprint import pprint
import peewee
from peewee import *
db = peewee.MySQLDatabase("...", host="localhost", user="...", passwd="...")
class MySQLModel(peewee.Model):
class Meta:
database = db
class Active_Users(MySQLModel):
user_id = peewee.CharField(primary_key=True)
device_token = peewee.CharField()
# This is the placeholder user_id
userID = '1234'
token = Active_Users.select().where(Active_Users.user_id == userID)
This then prints out:
<class '__main__.User'> SELECT t1.`id`, t1.`user_id`, t1.`device_token` FROM `user` AS t1 WHERE (t1.`user_id` = %s) [u'1234']
If the code didn't make it clear, I'm trying to query the database for the row with the user_id of '1234' and I want to store the device_token of the same row (again, probably the wrong terminology) into a variable that I can use when I send the push notification later on in the script.
How do I correctly return the device_token? Also, would it be easier to forgo peewee and simply query the database using python-mysqldb? If that is the case, how would I go about doing that?
The call User.select().where(User.user_id == userID) returns a User object but you are assigning it to a variable called token as you're expecting just the device_token.
Your assignment should be this:
matching_users = Active_Users.select().where(Active_Users.user_id == userID) # returns an array of matching users even if there's just one
if matching_users is not None:
token = matching_users[0].device_token