Multiprocessing IPC with MQTT in python - python

Trying to send and receive data between the processes using MQTT, I am able to achieve a call from one of the process using BaseManager class to main mqtt class which publishes data on MQTT which has been sent from created Process.
The code looks like below
class MqttClient:
def __init__(self): = Mqtt.Client()"localhost", 1883, 60)
def publishM(self, data): # method to be called from processes to publish data"Test", data)
class subProcess:
def __init__(self, mqttObj):
self.MqttObject = mqttObj = "Hello World"
self.MqttObject.publishM( # calling method in MqttClient using instance of it
if __name__ == "__main__":
BaseManager.register('MqttClient', MqttClient) # registering MqttClient class to baseManager
manager = BaseManager()
mqttInstance = manager.MqttClient() # Instance of MqttClient
p = Process(target=subProcess, args=(mqttInstance,)) # instance of MqttClient to process
The above code works well when a created process needs to send data over Mqtt. But I also need to send data to the process back using Mqtt. Meaning process should be subscribed to a topic and should have onmessage method to receive data from Mqtt. I know I can create one mqtt client inside process itself to begin with but the number of processes increases number of mqtt client also will increase. I would like to do with single mqtt client.
How to achieve this ? Thanks.


Paho MQTT stops receiving and publishing messages after a day or two

I have been having some interesting issues recently with Python and MQTT.
Basically, my code is subscribing to a topic, and every time there is a new message published, it tries to control a device. Now, this is a blocking function and thus is run in a separate thread, so that on_message() would return immediately.
Additionally, the code publishes a status to a topic every 60 seconds. The code runs fine in the beginning, often a day or two. The device is being controlled via subscribed MQTT messages and the status is published just fine.
Then, it suddenly stops receiving any MQTT messages and also stops publishing them. The publish() function however, does not indicate that there would be problems, and is_connected() returns True. Restarting the program allows it to run another day or two. Below is the full code.
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import json
import threading
class Controller():
def __init__(self):
self.mqtt_client = mqtt.Client()
self.pub_topic = "outgoing"
self.mqtt_client.on_message = self.on_message
self.mqtt_client.connect("", 1883, 600)
# This is a blocking function, execution takes approximately 5 minutes.
# The function only runs if there is no existing thread running it yet.
def control_device(self, input_commands):
print("Do some stuff...")
def process_mqtt(self, msg):
mqtt_msg = json.loads(msg.payload.decode('utf-8'))
payload = '{"message": "process started"}'
self.mqtt_client.publish(self.pub_topic, payload)
def on_message(self, client, userdata, msg):
thread = threading.Thread(target=self.process_mqtt, args=(msg,))
# Status is sent to the same topic every 60 seconds
def send_status_msg(self):
if minute_passed:
payload = '{"status": 0}'
self.mqtt_client.publish(self.pub_topic, payload)
def run(self):
while True:
if __name__ == "__main__":
c = Controller()
Is there something I have not understood about how the MQTT library works? I found some discussion about how you should not publish inside on_message(), but in this case it is put into a separate thread.

Dask: can't submit tasks to global client from separate multiprocessing.Process

I have 2 processes: the first one on which I create the global distributed client; the second process is a web scraper, that should get the global client and submit tasks to it and when everything is done, it sends a message to another process to tell it that he can proceed.
from dask.distributed import Client, as_completed
from multiprocessing import Process
from time import sleep
import zmq
def get(url) -> dict:
# downloads data from url
return data
def save(data) -> None:
# saves data locally
return None
def scraper(urls):
# global client
client = get_client()
# zeromq socket
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.PUB)
while True:
for future, result in as_completed([client.submit(get, url=url) for url in urls], with_results=True):
socket.send_string('All job is done for this minute, proceed.')
if __name__ == '__main__':
client = Client()
s = Process(target=scraper, *args, **kwargs)
The problem is that from the scraper function I can get the global client (I see it correctly if I print it), but I can't submit to it any kind of task. The console doesn't print any error, it's just stuck without doing nothing. I think that the cause is that the scraper function is running on a saparate multiprocessing.Process.
Any solution or workaround? Thank you.
The dask client holds open connections to the scheduler. Depending on how your systems creates new processes, you may get copies of the connections which point to nothing useful in the new process, or fail to transfer the client completely (it is not pickleable).
Instead, you should send the connection information to the child process
addr = c.scheduler_info()['address']
and in the target function do
client = Client(addr)

Pass data asynchronously to a Python Server class

I have to pass a data from my test cases to a mock server.
What is the best way to do that ?
This is what I have so far
class ThreadedUDPServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, SocketServer.UDPServer):
class ThreadedUDPRequestHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler):
def __init__(self, request, client_address, server):
def handle(self):
print #this is where i need the data
class server_wrap:
def __init__(self):
self.server = ThreadedUDPServer( ("",49555) , ThreadedUDPRequestHandler)
def set_data(self,data) = data
def start(self)
server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.server.serve_forever())
def stop(self)
server_inst = server_wrap()
#code which sets the data and expects the handle method to print the data set
The problem which i have with this code is, the execution stops at server_inst.start(), where the server goes in to an infinite listening mode
Other Solutions that I have tried, but failed:
Using global variables
Using queues
with its own main
Let me know about any other possible solutions. Thanks in advance
Update 1:
Using separate threads to send data to the socket:
def test_set_data(data)
server_inst = server_wrap()
if __name__ == "__main__":
thread = Thread(target=test_set_data, args=("foo_data))
#test code which verifies if data set is same
#works so far, able to pass data
#problem starts now
thread = Thread(target=test_set_data, args=("bar_data))
#says address already in use error
#Tried calling server.shuddown() in handle , but error persists. Also there is no in threading.Thread object
The server should go to listening mode.
You don't need the server_inst.stop until all the data was sent, and the test finishes. Maybe in you test tear down, or when the the test suite is completed.
To send data to the server, and let the handle pick it, you should open a socket on anohter thread. Then send the data to the server via this socket.
This code should look something like this:
import socket
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.send(... the data ...)
received = sock.recv(1024) # the handle can send a response
Add a function in your django code, which does run on another thread. This function will open the socket, connect, send the data and get the response. You can call it from a view, a middleware etc.

Python socket multiprocessing pool of workers

I need to receive connections by sockets, read input data, do hard and long calculations and then send an answer. Queries at the same time may be a lot (i.e. 100)
I understood, that because of GIL I can't use normal threads, and tried to use C++ with boost:threads and boost:python, and running subinterpreter of python in each thread. But anyway it's not utilised all cores 100% at the same time.
So I decided to use multiprocessing, but create a static count pool of workers to serve these requests with a queue. This way, we don't waste time to fork a process, and we will not have 100 or more processess at the same time, only static count.
I am new to Python, mostly I utilised C++
So now I have this code, but it is not working. The connection opens and immediately closes, I don't know why:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
import SocketServer
import Queue
import time
import socket
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing.reduction import reduce_handle
from multiprocessing.reduction import rebuild_handle
class MultiprocessWorker(multiprocessing.Process):
def __init__(self, sq):
# base class initialization
# job management stuff
self.socket_queue = sq
self.kill_received = False
def run(self):
while not self.kill_received:
h = self.socket_queue.get_nowait()
received = client_socket.recv(1024)
print "Recieved on client: ",received
except Queue.Empty:
#Dummy timer
class MyTCPHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler):
The RequestHandler class for our server.
It is instantiated once per connection to the server, and must
override the handle() method to implement communication to the
def handle(self):
# self.request is the TCP socket connected to the client = self.request.recv(1024).strip()
#print "{} wrote:".format(self.client_address[0])
# just send back the same data, but upper-cased
#Either pipe it to worker directly like this
#pipe_to_worker.send(h) #instanceofmultiprocessing.Pipe
#or use a Queue :)
h = reduce_handle(self.request.fileno())
if __name__ == "__main__":
address = ('localhost', 8082)
server = SocketServer.TCPServer(address, MyTCPHandler)
socket_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
for i in range(5):
worker = MultiprocessWorker(socket_queue)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Is there a reason why you do not use
def reduce_socket(s):
def rebuild_socket(ds):
It seems like you could do this:
import copyreg
copyreg.pickle(type(socket.socket), reduce_socket, rebuild_socket)
and then pass the socket to the queue.
These are suggestions. Do they help?
try this:
def handle(self):
h = reduce_handle(self.request.fileno())
note the self.request.close() addition.

Connected clients list in Python Tornado

I have a Tornado WebSocket Server running in a separate process that is launched by a thread. This thread calls the publish method of my TornadoServer when it gets messages to send via websockets.
Running Tornado on a separate process was the only way I found to start the tornado loop without the thread blocking on this call.
In my thread, I start the tornado process by calling these methods on thread init method:
self.p = tornado_server.TornadoServer()
self.p.daemon = True
In this thread, I have an infinite loop that tries to get messages from a Queue and if it gets messages, it calls the self.p.publish(client, message).
So far, so good.
On the Tornado process, I basically implemented a publish/subscribe system. When a user opens a webpage, the page sends a "subscription" message for a specific "client" let's say. On the "on_message" callback I append a tuple of the WebSocketHandler instance and the client that the user wants to subscribe to a global list.
Then, the publish method should search in the list for subscribed users to the message's target client and it should call the write_message on the WebSocket stored on that list.
The only thing that it isn't working is that my "clients" list have different scopes or something.
This is the code of my tornado_server file:
import tornado.web, tornado.websocket, tornado.ioloop, multiprocessing
clients = []
class TornadoServer(multiprocessing.Process):
class WebSocketHandler(tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler):
def on_message(self, message):
global clients
print 'TORNADO - Received message:', str(message)
channel, subtopic = message.split('/')
print 'TORNADO - Subscribing:', str(subtopic)
clients.append((self, subtopic))
def on_close(self):
global clients
for websocket, client in clients:
if self == websocket:
print 'TORNADO - Removed client'
to_remove = (self, client)
def __init__(self):
self.application = tornado.web.Application([(r"/tri-anim", WebSocketHandler)])
def run(self):
def publish(self, client, message):
global clients
for websocket, websocketclient in clients:
if websocketclient == client:
No matter what I do, clients have always different scopes. When publish is called, the "clients" is always empty. Is there any way to get this working?
You're calling publish in the parent process, but the clients list is only updated in the child process. When using multiprocessing each process gets its own copy of all the variables. If you used threads instead the variables would be shared, but even then you'd need to use IOLoop.instance().add_callback to do a thread-safe handoff between the thread calling publish and the write_message function (which must be called on the IOLoop thread).
