While using Iterrow(), I would like to create a "temporary" dataframe which would include several previous rows (not consecutive) from my initial dataframe identified using the index.
For each step of the Iterrow(), I will create the "temporary" dataframe including 4 previous prices from the initial df and all prices separated by 4 hours. I will then calculate the average of these prices. Objective is to be able to change numbers of prices and gap between prices easily.
I tried several way to get the previous rows but without success. I understand that as my index is a timestamp I need to use timedelta but it doesn't work.
My initial dataframe "df":
2022-04-01 00:00:00 124.39
2022-04-01 01:00:00 121.46
2022-04-01 02:00:00 118.75
2022-04-01 03:00:00 121.95
2022-04-01 04:00:00 121.15
... ...
2022-04-09 13:00:00 111.46
2022-04-09 14:00:00 110.90
2022-04-09 15:00:00 109.59
2022-04-09 16:00:00 110.25
2022-04-09 17:00:00 110.88
My code :
from datetime import timedelta
df_test = None
dt_test = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Price','Price_Avg'])
dt_Avg = None
dt_Avg = pd.DataFrame(columns=['PreviousPrices'])
for index, row in df.iterrows():
Price = row['Price']
#Creation of a temporary Df to stock 4 previous prices, each price separated by 4 hours :
for i in range (0,4):
delta = 4*(i+1)
PrevPrice = df.loc[(index-timedelta(hours= delta)),'Price']
myrow_dt_Avg = {'PreviousPrices': PrevPrice}
dt_Avg = dt_Avg.append(myrow_dt_Avg, ignore_index=True)
#Calculation of the Avg of the 4 previous prices :
Price_Avg = dt_Avg['PreviousPrices'].sum()/4
#Clear dt_Avg :
dt_Avg = dt_Avg[0:0]
myrow_df_test = {'Price':Price,'Price_Avg': Price_Avg}
df_test = df_test.append(myrow_df_test, ignore_index=True)
The line PrevPrice = df.loc[(index-timedelta(hours= delta)),'Price'] is bugging, do you have any idea?
I have multiple Dataframes for macroeconomic timeseries. In each of these Dataframes I want to add a column showing the Year over Year percentage change. Ideally I would do this with a for loop so I don't have to repeat the process multiple times. However, the series do not have the same frequency. For example, GDP is quarterly, PCE is monthly and S&P returns are daily. So, I cannot specify the number of periods. Since my dataframe is already in Datetime index I would like to specify that I want to the percentage change to be calculated based on the dates. Is that possible?
Please see examples of my Dataframes below:
Date GDP
1947-01-01 2.034450e+12
1947-04-01 2.029024e+12
1947-07-01 2.024834e+12
1947-10-01 2.056508e+12
1948-01-01 2.087442e+12
2021-04-01 1.936831e+13
2021-07-01 1.947889e+13
2021-10-01 1.980629e+13
2022-01-01 1.972792e+13
2022-04-01 1.969946e+13
[302 rows x 1 columns]
Date PCE
1960-01-01 1.695549
1960-02-01 1.706421
1960-03-01 1.692806
1960-04-01 1.863354
1960-05-01 1.911975
2022-02-01 6.274030
2022-03-01 6.638595
2022-04-01 6.269216
2022-05-01 6.324989
2022-06-01 6.758935
[750 rows x 1 columns]
Date SPX
1928-01-03 17.76
1928-01-04 17.72
1928-01-05 17.55
1928-01-06 17.66
1928-01-09 17.59
2022-08-19 4228.48
2022-08-22 4137.99
2022-08-23 4128.73
2022-08-24 4140.77
2022-08-25 4199.12
[24240 rows x 1 columns]
Instead of doing this:
gdp['GDP] = gdp['GDP'].pct_change(4)
pce['PCE'] = pce['PCE'].pct_change(12)
spx['SPX'] = spx['SPX'].pct_change(252)
I would like a for loop to do it for all Dataframes without specifying the periods but specifying that I want the percentage change from Year to Year.
d = {'Date': [ '2021-02-01',
'PCE': [ 1.695549, 1.706421, 1.692806, 1.863354, 1.911975,
6.274030, 6.638595, 6.269216, 6.324989, 6.758935]}
pce = pd.DataFrame(d)
pce = pce.set_index('Date')
pce.index = pce.to_datetime(pce.index)
You could create a new dataframe with a copy of the datetime index as a new column, resample the new dataframe with annual frequency ('A') and count all unique values in the Date column.
pce_annual_rows = pce.index.to_frame()
resampled_annual = pce_annual_rows.resample('A').count()
Next you can get the second last Date-count value and use that as your periods values in the pct_change method.
The second last, because if there is an incomplete year at the end, you probably end up with a wrong periods value. This assumes, that you have more than 1 year of data in every dataframe, otherwise you'll get an IndexError.
periods_per_year = resampled_annual['Date'].iloc[-2]
pce['ROC'] = pce['PCE'].pct_change(periods_per_year)
This produces the following output:
2021-02-01 1.695549 NaN
2021-03-01 1.706421 NaN
2021-04-01 1.692806 NaN
2021-05-01 1.863354 NaN
2021-06-01 1.911975 NaN
2022-02-01 6.274030 2.700294
2022-03-01 6.638595 2.890362
2022-04-01 6.269216 2.703446
2022-05-01 6.324989 2.394411
2022-06-01 6.758935 2.535054
This solution isn't very nice, maybe someone comes up with another, less complicated idea.
To build your for-loop to do this for every dataframe, you'd probably better use the same column name for the columns you want to apply the pct_change method on.
I am working on some code that will rearrange a time series. Currently I have a standard time series. I have a three columns with with the header being [Date, Time, Value]. I want to reformat the dataframe to index with the date and use a header with the time (i.e. 0:00, 1:00, ... , 23:00). The dataframe will be filled in with the value.
Here is the Dataframe currently have
essentially I'd like to mve the index toa single day and show the hours through the columns.
Use pivot:
df = df.pivot(index='Date', columns='Time', values='Total')
Output (first 10 columns and with random values for Total):
>>> df.pivot(index='Date', columns='Time', values='Total').iloc[0:10]
time 00:00:00 01:00:00 02:00:00 03:00:00 04:00:00 05:00:00 06:00:00 07:00:00 08:00:00 09:00:00
2019-01-01 0.732494 0.087657 0.930405 0.958965 0.531928 0.891228 0.664634 0.432684 0.009653 0.604878
2019-01-02 0.471386 0.575126 0.509707 0.715290 0.337983 0.618632 0.413530 0.849033 0.725556 0.186876
You could try this.
Split the time part to get only the hour. Add hr to it.
df = pd.DataFrame([['2019-01-01', '00:00:00',-127.57],['2019-01-01', '01:00:00',-137.57],['2019-01-02', '00:00:00',-147.57],], columns=['Date', 'Time', 'Totals'])
df['hours'] = df['Time'].apply(lambda x: 'hr'+ str(int(x.split(':')[0])))
print(pd.pivot_table(df, values ='Totals', index=['Date'], columns = 'hours'))
hours hr0 hr1
2019-01-01 -127.57 -137.57
2019-01-02 -147.57 NaN
I have a dataframe with a column of dates of the form
Given an integer number k, let's say k=5, I would like to generate an array of the next k years after the maximum date of the column. The output should look like:
Let's use pd.to_datetime + max to compute the largest date in the column date then use pd.date_range to generate the dates based on the offset frequency one year and having the number of periods equals to k=5:
strt, offs = pd.to_datetime(df['date']).max(), pd.DateOffset(years=1)
dates = pd.date_range(strt + offs, freq=offs, periods=k).strftime('%Y-%m-%d').tolist()
['2020-01-01', '2021-01-01', '2022-01-01', '2023-01-01', '2024-01-01']
Here you go:
import pandas as pd
# this is your k
k = 5
# Creating a test DF
array = {'dt': ['2018-01-01', '2019-01-01']}
df = pd.DataFrame(array)
# Extracting column of year
df['year'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['dt']).year
year1 = df['year'].max()
# creating a new DF and populating it with k years
years_df = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range (1,k+1):
row = {'dates':[str(year1 + i) + '-01-01']}
years_df = years_df.append(pd.DataFrame(row))
The output:
I need to find the timeframe from the master based on the input time.
cust_id starttime
0 1 2000-01-01 09:00:03
1 2 2000-01-01 18:01:03
output i needed is
cust_id starttime timeframe
0 1 2000-01-01 09:00:03 morning
1 2 2000-01-01 18:01:03 evening
Code for creating master timeframe details
mastdf={'timeframe':['morning','latemorning','midnoon','evening'],'start_time':['8:00:00','11:00:00','13:00:00','17:00:00'],'end_time':['10:59:59','13:59:59','16:59:59','7:59:59']}enter code here
Code for creating input dataframe
inputdf={'cust_id':[1,2],'starttime':['2000-01-01 09:00:03', '2000-01-01 18:01:03']}
Use cut for binning but first convert values to timedeltas by to_timedelta, create bins with add endpoint 24H and for timeframe between 00:00:00 to 8:00:00 is used fillna by last value of column timeframe:
mastdf = pd.DataFrame(mastdf)
print (mastdf)
timeframe start_time end_time
0 morning 8:00:00 10:59:59
1 latemorning 11:00:00 13:59:59
2 midnoon 13:00:00 16:59:59
3 evening 17:00:00 7:59:59
inputdf={'cust_id':[1,2],'starttime':['2000-01-01 09:00:03', '2000-01-01 18:01:03']}
inputdf = pd.DataFrame(inputdf)
inputdf['starttime'] = pd.to_datetime(inputdf['starttime'])
start = pd.to_timedelta(mastdf['start_time']).tolist() + [pd.Timedelta(24, unit='h')]
s = pd.to_timedelta(inputdf['starttime'].dt.strftime('%H:%M:%S'))
last = mastdf['timeframe'].iat[-1]
inputdf['timeframe'] = pd.cut(s,
labels=mastdf['timeframe'], right=False).fillna(last)
print (inputdf)
cust_id starttime timeframe
0 1 2000-01-01 09:00:03 morning
1 2 2000-01-01 18:01:03 evening
(newbie to python and pandas)
I have a data set of 15 to 20 million rows, each row is a time-indexed observation of a time a 'user' was seen, and I need to analyze the visit-per-day patterns of each user, normalized to their first visit. So, I'm hoping to plot with an X axis of "days after first visit" and a Y axis of "visits by this user on this day", i.e., I need to get a series indexed by a timedelta and with values of visits in the period ending with that delta [0:1, 3:5, 4:2, 6:8,] But I'm stuck very early ...
I start with something like this:
rng = pd.to_datetime(['2000-01-01 08:00', '2000-01-02 08:00',
'2000-01-01 08:15', '2000-01-02 18:00',
'2000-01-02 17:00', '2000-03-01 08:00',
'2000-03-01 08:20','2000-01-02 18:00'])
df = DataFrame({'uid':uid,'misc':misc,'ts':rng})
grouped = df.groupby('uid')
firstseen = grouped.first()
The ts values are unique to each uid, but can be duplicated (two uid can be seen at the same time, but any one uid is seen only once at any one timestamp)
The first step is (I think) to add a new column to the DataFrame, showing for each observation what the timedelta is back to the first observation for that user. But, I'm stuck getting that column in the DataFrame. The simplest thing I tried gives me an obscure-to-newbie error message:
df['sinceseen'] = df.ts - firstseen.ts[df.uid]
ValueError: cannot reindex from a duplicate axis
So I tried a brute-force method:
def f(row):
return row.ts - firstseen.ts[row.uid]
df['sinceseen'] = Series([{idx:f(row)} for idx, row in df.iterrows()], dtype=timedelta)
In this attempt, df gets a sinceseen but it's all NaN and shows a type of float for type(df.sinceseen[0]) - though, if I just print the Series (in iPython) it generates a nice list of timedeltas.
I'm working back and forth through "Python for Data Analysis" and it seems like apply() should work, but
def fg(ugroup):
ugroup['sinceseen'] = ugroup.index - ugroup.index.min()
return ugroup
df = df.groupby('uid').apply(fg)
gives me a TypeError on the "ugroup.index - ugroup.index.min(" even though each of the two operands is a Timestamp.
So, I'm flailing - can someone point me at the "pandas" way to get to the data structure Ineed?
Does this help you get started?
>>> df = DataFrame({'uid':uid,'misc':misc,'ts':rng})
>>> df = df.sort(["uid", "ts"])
>>> df["since_seen"] = df.groupby("uid")["ts"].apply(lambda x: x - x.iloc[0])
>>> df
misc ts uid since_seen
0 2000-01-01 08:00:00 u1 0 days, 00:00:00
2 A123 2000-01-01 08:15:00 u1 0 days, 00:15:00
4 2000-01-02 17:00:00 u1 1 days, 09:00:00
1 x1 2000-01-02 08:00:00 u2 0 days, 00:00:00
3 1.23 2000-01-02 18:00:00 u2 0 days, 10:00:00
5 2000-03-01 08:00:00 u2 59 days, 00:00:00
6 2000-03-01 08:20:00 u2 59 days, 00:20:00
7 u3 2000-01-02 18:00:00 u3 0 days, 00:00:00
[8 rows x 4 columns]