label coordinates that fall in a specific shapefile - python

I have a data frame for individuals, each individual has X and y coordinates, and i have a .shp file
that have number of polygons.
individuals data frame look like:
the .shp file looks like:
shape length
shape area
what I want to do is to add a new column to the data frame, in order to label each coordinate with the linked Code of .shp file that this coordinate fall inside it.
to do so, I build this code :
from shapely.geometry import Point
import csv
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon
import shapefile
from shapely.geometry import shape # shape() is a function to convert geo objects through the interface
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import shapefile as shp
Individual = pd.read_csv("dataframe.csv")
sf = shapefile.Reader('path to the shape file.shp')
# function to read the shapefile
def read_shapefile(sf):
Read a shapefile into a Pandas dataframe with a 'coords'
column holding the geometry information. This uses the pyshp
fields = [x[0] for x in sf.fields][1:]
records = sf.records()
shps = [s.points for s in sf.shapes()]
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=fields, data=records)
df = df.assign(coords=shps)
return df
df = read_shapefile(sf)
I used the read_shapefile function to find all x,y points inside each feature, output DF
shape length
shape area
3.23232,2.72323,3.931226,2.543,3.435534 ....
3.23232,2.72322,3.111226,2.343,3.12312 ...
3.2323,2.23325,3.1212,2.1221,3.12321 ...
3.9232,2.23232,2.931226,1.2123,3.213 ...
the next step is to check each induvial , wheather is it fall inside any cooded points,
if yes add a new column to the Individual df contain the corresponding Code of the shape file.
I need the help of this part ^^",
I started as checking x,y in the sh data coords
Individual.["X","Y"].isin(sf .["coords"]).astype(int)
I couldn't check as there is an error.
the output need is : individuals data frame look like:


FIlter the CSV file using Shapefile in python

I have a csv file in which the 2nd and 3rd rows have lat and long values. The CSV file contains the temperature data from 2011 to 2099 in India, and I want to filter data for only the Satulaj basin using the shapefile of the Satulaj basin. How do I do this in python.
import shapefile
from shapely.geometry import shape, Point
import pandas as pd
path="D:\\THESIS\\Others\\DharamVeer_Sir\\1_Future_Climate Data\\"
df = pd.read_csv(path+"test3.csv")
path1 = "D:\\THESIS\\Others\\DharamVeer_Sir\\satulaj (1)\\Satluj\\"
# read your shapefile
r = shapefile.Reader(path1+"satulaj.shp")
# get the shapes
shapes = r.shapes()
# build a shapely polygon from your shape
polygon = shape(shapes[0])
def check(lon, lat):
# build a shapely point from your geopoint
point = Point(lon, lat)
# the contains function does exactly what you want
return polygon.contains(point)
for i in range(len(df.axes[1])):
sfile = df.values[0][i]
dst = df.values[1][i]

Counting points in overlapping polygons with GeoPandas

I have converted a 200m x 200m point grid of Greater London into a multypolygon 500m radius buffer layer for each point in the grid. What this means is that I have over 100,000 overlapping polygons.
I also have a years worth of crime data as a point layer with lat longs (over 1.1million crimes x 12 columns of data)
I am trying to find the most efficient way to count the number of crime points in each polygon buffer. As the polygon buffers are overlapping the crime points will overlap too for all of the buffers.
The spatial join in geopandas doesn't seem to work, maybe because the polygons are overlapping? If I use "inner" join I just get a blank dataframe back. If I use "left" join then I just get all the crime rows (1.1million) with the buffer polygon columns to the right all as "nan". And vice versa if I use "right" join - just the buffer rows (100,000) with crime columns as nan. See the code below:
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
from geopandas import read_file
from pandas import read_csv
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame, points_from_xy
#import buffer polygon layer
gBuffer = read_file('London')
df1 = gBuffer.head()
#import crime csv
crime = read_csv('2020-2021 London Crime.csv')
#drop nan rows from coords
crime2 = crime[crime['Longitude'].notna()]
df2 = crime2.head()
#geocode crime points
gCrime = GeoDataFrame(crime2, geometry=points_from_xy(crime2['Longitude'], crime2['Latitude']))
df3 = gCrime.head()
#set equal crs =
#spatial join data
BufferCrime = gpd.sjoin(gCrime, gBuffer, how="inner")
The other solution is to iterate over each polygon and count the number of points but this will take forever given that it has to do 100,000 x 1,100,000 iterations
# Loop over polygons with index i.
for i, poly in gBuffer.iterrows():
#list of points in this poly
pts_in_this_poly = []
#loop over all points
for j, pt in gCrime.iterrows():
if poly.geometry.contains(pt.geometry):
# Add it to the list
#Add the points
gBuffer['number of Crime points'] = gpd.GeoSeries(pts_in_polys)
Any ideas what would be the best way to solve this problem?

Convert lists of Coordinates to Polygons with GeoPandas

I got lists of coordinates in the csv file(please click the pic). How should I convert them to polygons in GeoDataFrame?
Below is the coordinates of one polygon and I have thousands rows of this.
I tried the following codes:
def bike_fence_format(s):
s = s.replace('[', '').replace(']', '').split(',')
return s
df['FENCE_LOC'] = df['FENCE_LOC'].apply(bike_fence_format)
df['LAT'] = df['FENCE_LOC'].apply(lambda x: x[1::2])
df['LON'] = df['FENCE_LOC'].apply(lambda x: x[::2])
df['geom'] = Polygon(zip(df['LON'].astype(str),df['LAT'].astype(str)))
But I failed in the last step, since df['LON'] returns 'series' not 'string' type. How should I get over this problem? It's better if there is an easier way to achieve my goal.
Recreated a sample df of what your .csv file would give (depending on how your read it in with .read_csv()).
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
df = pd.DataFrame({'FENCE_LOC': ['[32250,175889],[33913,180757],[29909,182124],[28246,177257],[32250,175889]',
'[32250,175889],[33913,180757],[29909,182124],[28246,177257],[32250,175889]']}, index=[0, 1, 2])
Modified your function slightly because we want numeric values, not strings
def bike_fence_format(s):
s = s.replace('[', '').replace(']', '').split(',')
s = [float(x) for x in s]
return s
df['FENCE_LOC'] = df['FENCE_LOC'].apply(bike_fence_format)
df['LAT'] = df['FENCE_LOC'].apply(lambda x: x[1::2])
df['LON'] = df['FENCE_LOC'].apply(lambda x: x[::2])
We can use some list comprehensions to build a list of Shapely polygons.
geom_list = [(x, y) for x, y in zip(df['LON'],df['LAT'])]
geom_list_2 = [Polygon(tuple(zip(x, y))) for x, y in geom_list]
Finally, we can create a gdf using our list of Shapely polygons.
polygon_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=geom_list_2)
To make available a small representative dataset similar to what the OP posts as an image, I create this rows of data (sorry for too many decimal digits):
This data is saved as polygon_data.csv file.
For the code, modules are loaded first as
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
Then, the data is read to create a dataframe by pandas.read_csv(). To get each row of data into a single column of the dataframe, delimiter="x" is used. Since there is no x within any row of data, the whole row of data as a long string is the result.
df3 = pd.read_csv('polygon_data.csv', header=None, index_col=None, delimiter="x")
To view the content of df3, you can run
and get single column (with header: 0) dataframe:
0 [[-2247824.100899419,-4996167.43201861],[-2247...
1 [[-2247724.100899419,-4996167.43201861],[-2247...
2 [[-2247624.100899419,-4996167.43201861],[-2247...
3 [[-2247824.100899419,-4996067.43201861],[-2247...
4 [[-2247724.100899419,-4996067.43201861],[-2247...
Next, df3 is used to create a geoDataFrame. Data in each row of df3 is used to create a Polygon object to act as the geometry of the geoDataFrame polygon_df3.
geometry = [Polygon(eval(xy_string)) for xy_string in df3[0]]
polygon_df3 = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df3, \
#crs={'init': 'epsg:4326'}, #uncomment this if (x,y) is long/lat
Finally, the geoDataFrame can be plotted with a simple command:
# this plot the geoDataFrame
In this particular case with my proposed data, the output plot is:

Plotting with folium

The task is to make an adress popularity map for Moscow. Basically, it should look like this:
For my map I use public geojson:
The only data I have - points coordinates and there's no information about the district they belong to.
Question 1:
Do I have to manually calculate for each disctrict if the point belongs to it, or there is more effective way to do this?
Question 2:
If there is no way to do this easier, then, how can I get all the coordinates for each disctrict from the geojson file (link above)?
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import Point
Reading in the Moscow area shape file with geopandas
districts = gpd.read_file('mo-shape/mo.shp')
Construct a mock user dataset
moscow = [55.7, 37.6]
data = (
np.random.normal(size=(100, 2)) *
np.array([[.25, .25]]) +
my_df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['lat', 'lon'])
my_df['pop'] = np.random.randint(500, 100000, size=len(data))
Create Point objects from the user data
geom = [Point(x, y) for x,y in zip(my_df['lon'], my_df['lat'])]
# and a geopandas dataframe using the same crs from the shape file
my_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(my_df, geometry=geom) =
Then the join using default value of 'inner'
gpd.sjoin(districts, my_gdf, op='contains')
Thanks to #BobHaffner, I tried to solve the problem using geopandas.
Here are my steps:
I download a shape-files for Moscow using this link click
From a list of tuples containing x and y (latitude and logitude) coordinates I create list of Points (docs)
Assuming that in the dataframe from the first link I have polygons I can write a simple loop for checking if the Point is inside this polygon. For details read this.

python mask netcdf data using shapefile

I am using the following packages:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import geopandas as gpd
I have the following objects storing data:
<xarray.DataArray 'precip' (time: 13665, latitude: 200, longitude: 220)>
[601260000 values with dtype=float32]
* longitude (longitude) float32 35.024994 35.074997 35.125 35.175003 ...
* latitude (latitude) float32 5.0249977 5.074997 5.125 5.174999 ...
* time (time) datetime64[ns] 1981-01-01 1981-01-02 1981-01-03 ...
standard_name: convective precipitation rate
long_name: Climate Hazards group InfraRed Precipitation with St...
units: mm/day
time_step: day
geostatial_lat_min: -50.0
geostatial_lat_max: 50.0
geostatial_lon_min: -180.0
geostatial_lon_max: 180.0
This looks as follows:
I have my shapefile as a geopandas.GeoDataFrame which represents a polygon.
awash = gpd.read_file(shp_dir)
OID_ Name FolderPath SymbolID AltMode Base Clamped Extruded Snippet PopupInfo Shape_Leng Shape_Area geometry
0 0 Awash_Basin Awash_Basin.kml 0 0 0.0 -1 0 None None 30.180944 9.411263 POLYGON Z ((41.78939511000004 11.5539922500000...
Which looks as follows:
Plotted one on top of the other they look like this:
ax = awash.plot(alpha=0.2, color='black')
My question is, how do I mask the xarray.DataArray by checking if the lat-lon points lie INSIDE the shapefile stored as a geopandas.GeoDataFrame?
 So I want ONLY the precipitation values (mm/day) which fall INSIDE that shapefile.
I want to do something like the following:
masked_precip = precip_da.within(awash)
masked_precip = precip_da.loc[precip_da.isin(awash)]
I have thought about using the rasterio.mask module but I don't know what format the input data needs to be. It sounds as if it does exactly the right thing:
"Creates a masked or filled array using input shapes. Pixels are masked or set to nodata outside the input shapes"
Reposted from GIS Stack Exchange here
This is the current working solution that I have taken from this gist. This is Stephan Hoyer's answer to a github issue for the xarray project.
On top of the other packages above both affine and rasterio are required
from rasterio import features
from affine import Affine
def transform_from_latlon(lat, lon):
""" input 1D array of lat / lon and output an Affine transformation
lat = np.asarray(lat)
lon = np.asarray(lon)
trans = Affine.translation(lon[0], lat[0])
scale = Affine.scale(lon[1] - lon[0], lat[1] - lat[0])
return trans * scale
def rasterize(shapes, coords, latitude='latitude', longitude='longitude',
fill=np.nan, **kwargs):
"""Rasterize a list of (geometry, fill_value) tuples onto the given
xray coordinates. This only works for 1d latitude and longitude
1. read shapefile to geopandas.GeoDataFrame
`states = gpd.read_file(shp_dir+shp_file)`
2. encode the different shapefiles that capture those lat-lons as different
numbers i.e. 0.0, 1.0 ... and otherwise np.nan
`shapes = (zip(states.geometry, range(len(states))))`
3. Assign this to a new coord in your original xarray.DataArray
`ds['states'] = rasterize(shapes, ds.coords, longitude='X', latitude='Y')`
: **kwargs (dict): passed to `rasterio.rasterize` function
:transform (affine.Affine): how to translate from latlon to ...?
:raster (numpy.ndarray): use rasterio.features.rasterize fill the values
outside the .shp file with np.nan
:spatial_coords (dict): dictionary of {"X":xr.DataArray, "Y":xr.DataArray()}
with "X", "Y" as keys, and xr.DataArray as values
:(xr.DataArray): DataArray with `values` of nan for points outside shapefile
and coords `Y` = latitude, 'X' = longitude.
transform = transform_from_latlon(coords[latitude], coords[longitude])
out_shape = (len(coords[latitude]), len(coords[longitude]))
raster = features.rasterize(shapes, out_shape=out_shape,
fill=fill, transform=transform,
dtype=float, **kwargs)
spatial_coords = {latitude: coords[latitude], longitude: coords[longitude]}
return xr.DataArray(raster, coords=spatial_coords, dims=(latitude, longitude))
def add_shape_coord_from_data_array(xr_da, shp_path, coord_name):
""" Create a new coord for the xr_da indicating whether or not it
is inside the shapefile
Creates a new coord - "coord_name" which will have integer values
used to subset xr_da for plotting / analysis/
precip_da = add_shape_coord_from_data_array(precip_da, "awash.shp", "awash")
awash_da = precip_da.where(precip_da.awash==0, other=np.nan)
# 1. read in shapefile
shp_gpd = gpd.read_file(shp_path)
# 2. create a list of tuples (shapely.geometry, id)
# this allows for many different polygons within a .shp file (e.g. States of US)
shapes = [(shape, n) for n, shape in enumerate(shp_gpd.geometry)]
# 3. create a new coord in the xr_da which will be set to the id in `shapes`
xr_da[coord_name] = rasterize(shapes, xr_da.coords,
longitude='longitude', latitude='latitude')
return xr_da
It can be implemented as follows:
precip_da = add_shape_coord_from_data_array(precip_da, shp_dir, "awash")
awash_da = precip_da.where(precip_da.awash==0, other=np.nan)
You should have a look at the following packages:
salem and the region of interest example
Both may get you to what you want.
