Python Websocket and Async using - python

I try to create a websocket server, I wanna make a client to exchange data from server to client, but now my data from other process, I need to make a queue accept data from other process, it makes my main websocket function blocked, the final result is that could not reconnect after client connection break, I think it blocked in the code of queue.
Here is my part of my code:
class RecorderEventHook(object):
def __init__(self, high_event_mq):
self.high_event_mq = high_event_mq
self.msg = None
self.loop = None
# #wrap_keep_alive
async def on_msg_event(self, websocket):
# async for message in websocket:
while True:
msg = self.high_event_mq.get()
await websocket.send(json.dumps(msg))
# msg
except Exception as error:
async def event_controller(self):
await websockets.serve(self.on_msg_event, 'localhost', 8888)
def start(self):
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
I try to save connected websocket object and using in other thread(in same process), but it failed and mentions
"xxxx" function never waited
I want to be able to receive data from other processes without affecting the normal reconnection of the client.
Anybody help and big appreciate.


How to pass data from a stream server in Python back into the main task?

I've adapted this TCP echo server with streams example to my needs so that I can have multiple clients send data to my device:
import asyncio
async def handle_echo(reader, writer):
data = await
message = data.decode()
addr = writer.get_extra_info('peername')
print(f"Received {message!r} from {addr!r}")
print(f"Send: {message!r}")
await writer.drain()
print("Close the connection")
async def main():
server = await asyncio.start_server(
handle_echo, '', 8888)
addrs = ', '.join(str(sock.getsockname()) for sock in server.sockets)
print(f'Serving on {addrs}')
async with server:
await server.serve_forever()
The issue that I'm having is that the clients are essentially producers for another task, but I'm not sure how to be able to consume the data. I've tried declaring and passing asyncio queues into the server and into the callback function, but I've had no luck, as the handle accepts only 2 arguments and I can't declare a queue that's inside the module as it won't be a part of the event loop that's declared in the main task.
Is there a way to do this without going back to sockets?
First: the fact that no asyncio loop is running when module level code is executed does not block the creation of an asyncio.Queue instance - just do it, if you want to use asyncio.Queue s at all: but any data structure will work for you, and maybe using a collections.deque, which is synchronous, will require less boiler plate when putting/retrieving content for it: since you will already have the data to be put/consumed in the queue, it being synchronous won't make any difference.
Second: if you don't want to have a module-level data structure for that, just create a class wrapping your handler: it will then get the reference to self. The same class can wrap other methods or code that will consume your data - for example, an "awaitable get".
import time
from collections import deque
class Handler:
def __init__(self):
self.queue = deque()
async def get(self, timeout=1):
start = time.time()
while time.time() - start <= timeout:
if not self.queue:
return self.queue.popleft()
await asyncio.sleep(.0001)
async def handle_echo(self, reader, writer):
async def main():
handler = Handler()
server = await asyncio.start_server(
handler.handle_echo, '', 8888)
addrs = ', '.join(str(sock.getsockname()) for sock in server.sockets)
print(f'Serving on {addrs}')
# pass the handler instance into other async code that will
# consume the messages:
async with server:
await server.serve_forever()

Async function blocking main thread

Hello I am wanting to create a client socket via python, and I found this example ( The only problem I am wondering about is, I have a whole other program I want to implement this with, and it seems loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks)) is blocking the whole thread and not allowing me to execute any more functions i.e print(1) after loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks)). I want to be able to listen & send messages, but I also want to be able to execute other after I begin listening, maybe this is better suited for threads and not async (I don't know much async..)
import websockets
import asyncio
class WebSocketClient():
def __init__(self):
async def connect(self):
Connecting to webSocket server
websockets.client.connect returns a WebSocketClientProtocol, which is used to send and receive messages
self.connection = await websockets.client.connect('ws://')
print('Connection stablished. Client correcly connected')
# Send greeting
await self.sendMessage('Hey server, this is webSocket client')
return self.connection
async def sendMessage(self, message):
Sending message to webSocket server
await self.connection.send(message)
async def receiveMessage(self, connection):
Receiving all server messages and handling them
while True:
message = await connection.recv()
print('Received message from server: ' + str(message))
except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed:
print('Connection with server closed')
async def heartbeat(self, connection):
Sending heartbeat to server every 5 seconds
Ping - pong messages to verify connection is alive
while True:
await connection.send('ping')
await asyncio.sleep(5)
except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed:
print('Connection with server closed')
import asyncio
from webSocketClient import WebSocketClient
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Creating client object
client = WebSocketClient()
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# Start connection and get client connection protocol
connection = loop.run_until_complete(client.connect())
# Start listener and heartbeat
tasks = [
print(1) # never gets executed

Two parallely polling tasks on an event driven platform

I am currently working on a server platform, which is based on an event driven architecture. An event should enter the system via a websocket connection, and after some processing the response for it should also leave the system via the same websocket connection. The implementation logic behind the idea is, that if a connection is made to the server, I put it in a while cycle, and await it to send me data until it disconnects. The incoming data is put into a queue, from which a worker thread will pull it out and process it. On the other part, I have created a task, which is polling an outgoing event queue, and if there is an event in the queue, it sends it to the corresponding recipient. Unfortunately my current asyncio logic is flawed, in the way that polling the outgoing event queue blocks the receiving task, and I cannot wrap my head around a way to fix it. Here are some code snippets, which should represent the problem presented above:
Starting the websocket server
def run(self, address: str, port: int, ssl_context: ssl.SSLContext = None):
start_server = websockets.serve(
self.websocket_connection_handler, address, port, ssl=ssl_context)
event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
print(f'Running on {"wss" if ssl_context else "ws"}://{address}:{port}')
The dispatcher function which infinitely polls data from the outgoing queue
async def dispatch_outgoing_events(self):
while not self.exit_state.should_exit:
if len(self.outgoing_event_queue) == 0:
await asyncio.sleep(0)
event = self.outgoing_event_queue.get_event()
destination = event.destination
client_id = re.findall(
r'[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}', destination)[0]
client = self.client_store.get(client_id)
await client.websocket.send(serializer.serialize(event))
The connection handler function for the websocket
async def websocket_connection_handler(self, websocket, path):
client_id = await self.register(websocket)
while not self.exit_state.should_exit:
correlation_id = str(uuid4())
message = await websocket.recv()
event = serializer.deserialize(
message, correlation_id, client_id)
event.return_address = f'remote://websocket/{client_id}'
except Exception as e:
event = type('evt', (object,), dict(system_entry=str(
datetime.datetime.utcnow()), destination=f'remote://websocket/{client_id}'))()
e, event)
except Exception as exception:
f'client {client_id} suddenly disconnected. Reason: {type(exception).__name__} -> {exception}')

Impossible to send websockets message inside of a class

I plan to write a class WebsocketHandler that wrap the package websockets
This is the code :
import asyncio
import websockets
class WebsocketHandler:
__connection = None
def __init__(self):
async def __setConnection(self):
async with websockets.connect("ws://localhost/your/path") as websocket:
self.__connection = websocket
def send(self, msg):
print("message Send")
ws = WebsocketHandler()
For the server part I have another finished script that works (tested with other scripts in other languages) that sends me a message when I have a new connection, when I receive a message and when I have a client disconnection.
When I try it the script connect successfully to my websocket server (script print Connected and on the server side I get a new connection).
I get then a warning in my script
RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'WebSocketCommonProtocol.send' was never awaited
And then my script print Message send and it stops.
The problem is that on the server side I don't receive the fact of having a message but only the one that tells me that the client is disconnected. Basically the script does not send the message and does not produce an error.
Anyone have any idea what the problem is ?
The problem is that the WebsocketHandler class has got only one async method, namely __setConnection, which is run by calling the function. The docs say that
This function always creates a new event loop and closes it at the
That is, this is the only place where the async code could be running. Your code creates a websocket connection and closes it just after it prints "Connected". It happens because you call the websockets.connect method with async with as an asynchronous context manager which closes the connection automatically on exit. This is the first flaw, the second one is that the self.__connection.send function is a coroutine and it won't be running until you'll await on it. This is exactly what the error message is telling you about. Here is how you can fix the websocket handler class:
import asyncio
import websockets
class WebsocketHandler(object):
def __init__(self):
self.conn = None
async def connect(self, url):
self.conn = await websockets.connect(url)
async def send(self, msg):
await self.conn.send(msg)
async def close(self):
await self.conn.close()
async def main():
handler = WebsocketHandler()
await handler.connect('ws://localhost:8765')
await handler.send('hello')
await handler.send('world')
await handler.close()
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

listen to multiple socket with websockets and asyncio

I am trying to create a script in python that listens to multiple sockets using websockets and asyncio, the problem is that no matter what I do it only listen to the first socket I call.
I think its the infinite loop, what are my option to solve this? using threads for each sockets?
async def start_socket(self, event):
payload = json.dumps(event)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# this should not block the rest of the code
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
def test(self):
# I want to be able to add corotines at a different time
# some code
this is what I did eventually, that way its not blocking the main thread and all subscriptions are working in parallel.
def subscribe(self, payload):
ws = websocket.WebSocket(sslopt={"cert_reqs": ssl.CERT_NONE})
while True:
result = ws.recv()
print("Received '%s'" % result)
def start_thread(self, loop):
def start_socket(self, **kwargs):
worker_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
worker = Thread(target=self.start_thread, args=(worker_loop,))
worker_loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self.subscribe, payload)
def listen(self):
# code
# code
Your code appears incomplete, but what you've shown has two issues. One is that run_until_complete accepts a coroutine object (or other kind of future), not a coroutine function. So it should be:
# note parentheses after your_async_function()
the problem is that no matter what I do it only listen to the first socket I call. I think its the infinite loop, what are my option to solve this? using threads for each sockets?
The infinite loop is not the problem, asyncio is designed to support such "infinite loops". The problem is that you are trying to do everything in one coroutine, whereas you should be creating one coroutine per websocket. This is not a problem, as coroutines are very lightweight.
For example (untested):
async def subscribe_all(self, payload):
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# create a task for each URL
for url in url_list:
tasks.append(loop.create_task(self.subscribe_one(url, payload)))
# run all tasks in parallel
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
async def subsribe_one(self, url, payload):
async with websockets.connect(url) as websocket:
await websocket.send(payload)
while True:
msg = await websocket.recv()
One way to efficiently listen to multiple websocket connections from a websocket server is to keep a list of connected clients and essentially juggle multiple conversations in parallel.
E.g. A simple server that sends random # to each connected client every few secs:
import os
import asyncio
import websockets
import random
websocket_clients = set()
async def handle_socket_connection(websocket, path):
"""Handles the whole lifecycle of each client's websocket connection."""
print(f'New connection from: {websocket.remote_address} ({len(websocket_clients)} total)')
# This loop will keep listening on the socket until its closed.
async for raw_message in websocket:
print(f'Got: [{raw_message}] from socket [{id(websocket)}]')
except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError as cce:
print(f'Disconnected from socket [{id(websocket)}]...')
async def broadcast_random_number(loop):
"""Keeps sending a random # to each connected websocket client"""
while True:
for c in websocket_clients:
num = str(random.randint(10, 99))
print(f'Sending [{num}] to socket [{id(c)}]')
await c.send(num)
await asyncio.sleep(2)
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
socket_server = websockets.serve(handle_socket_connection, 'localhost', 6789)
print(f'Started socket server: {socket_server} ...')
print(f"Successfully shutdown [{loop}].")
A simple client that connects to the server and listens for the numbers:
import asyncio
import random
import websockets
async def handle_message():
uri = "ws://localhost:6789"
async with websockets.connect(uri) as websocket:
msg = 'Please send me a number...'
print(f'Sending [{msg}] to [{websocket}]')
await websocket.send(msg)
while True:
got_back = await websocket.recv()
print(f"Got: {got_back}")
Mixing up threads and asyncio is more trouble than its worth and you still have code that will block on the most wasteful steps like network IO (which is the essential benefit of using asyncio).
You need to run each coroutine asynchronously in an event loop, call any blocking calls with await and define each method that interacts with any awaitable interactions with an async
See a working e.g.:
