Using Python 3.9 and Quart 0.15.1, I'm trying to create a websocket route that will listen on a websocket for incoming request data, parse it, and send outbound response data to a client, over and over in a loop - until and unless the client sends a JSON struct with a given key "key" in the payload, at which point we can move on to further processing.
I can receive the initial inbound request from the client, parse it, and send outbound responses in a loop, but when I try to gather the second payload to parse for the presence of "key", things fall apart. It seems I can either await websocket.send_json() or await websocket.receive(), but not both at the same time.
The Quart docs suggest using async-timeout to ( to timeout if the body of a request isn't received in the desired amount of time, so I thought I'd try to send messages in a while loop, with a brief period of time spent in await websocket.receive() before timing out if a response wasn't receive()'d:
async def listen():
payload_requested = await websocket.receive()
parsed_payload_from_request = json.loads(payload_requested)
while "key" not in parsed_payload_from_request:
response = "response string"
await websocket.send_json(response)
async with timeout (1):
payload_requested = await websocket.receive()
parsed_payload_from_request = json.loads(payload_requested)
if "key" == "present":
...but that doesn't seem to work, an asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError is thrown by the timeout.
I suspect there's a better way to accomplish this using futures and asyncio, but it's not clear to me from the docs.
I think your code is timing out waiting for a message from the client. You may not need it in this case.
I've tried to write out code as you've described your needs and got this,
async def listen():
while True:
data = await websocket.receive_json()
if "key" in data:
await websocket.send_json({"key": "response"})
return # websocket closes
does it do what you want, if not what goes wrong?
I have a computationally heavy process that takes several minutes to complete in the server. So I want to send the results of every iteration to the client via websockets.
The overall application works but my problem is that all the messages are arriving at the client in one big chunk after the entire simulation finishes. I must be missing something here as I expect the await websocket.send_json() to send the message during the process and not all of them at the end.
Server python (FastAPI)
# A very simplified abstraction of the actual app.
def simulate_intervals(data):
for t in range(data.n_intervals):
state = interval(data) # returns a JAX NumPy array
yield state
def simulate(data):
for key in range(data.n_trials):
trial = simulate_intervals(data)
yield trial
async def socket(websocket: WebSocket):
await websocket.accept()
while True:
# Get model inputs from client
data = await websocket.receive_text()
# Minimal computation
nodes = distributions(data)
nodosJson = json.dumps(nodes, cls=NumpyEncoder)
# I expect this message to be sent early on,
# but the client gets it at the end with all the other messages.
await websocket.send_json({"tipo": "nodos", "datos": json.loads(nodosJson)})
# Heavy computation
trials = simulate(data)
for trialI, trial in enumerate(trials):
for stateI, state in enumerate(trial):
stateString = json.dumps(state, cls=NumpyEncoder)
await websocket.send_json(
"tipo": "estado",
"datos": json.loads(stateString),
"trialI": trialI,
"stateI": stateI,
await websocket.send_json({"tipo": "estado", "msg": "fin"})
For completeness, here is the basic client code.
const ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8000/ws');
ws.onopen = () => {
console.log('Conexión exitosa');
ws.onmessage = (e) => {
const mensaje = JSON.parse(;
botonEnviarDatos.onclick = () => {
I was not able to make it work as posted in my question, still interested in hearing from anyone who understands why it is not possible to send multiple async messages without them getting blocked.
For anyone interested, here is my current solution:
Ping pong messages from client and server
I changed the logic so the server and client are constantly sending each other messages and not trying to stream the data in a single request from the client.
This actually works much better than my original attempt because I can detect when a sockets gets disconnected and stop processing in the server. Basically, if the client disconnects, no new requests for data are sent from that client and the server never continues the heavy computation.
# A very simplified abstraction of the actual app.
def simulate_intervals(data):
for t in range(data.n_intervals):
state = interval(data) # returns a JAX NumPy array
yield state
def simulate(data):
for key in range(data.n_trials):
trial = simulate_intervals(data)
yield trial
async def socket(websocket: WebSocket):
await websocket.accept()
while True:
# Get messages from client
data = await websocket.receive_text()
# "tipo" is basically the type of data being sent from client or server to the other one.
# In this case, "tipo": "inicio" is the client sending inputs and requesting for a certain data in response.
if data["tipo"] == "inicio":
# Minimal computation
nodes = distributions(data)
nodosJson = json.dumps(nodes, cls=NumpyEncoder)
# In this first interaction, the client gets the first message without delay.
await websocket.send_json({"tipo": "nodos", "datos": json.loads(nodosJson)})
# Since this is a generator (def returns yield) it does not actually
# trigger that actual computationally heavy process.
trials = simulate(data)
# define some initial variables to count the iterations
trialI = 0
stateI = 0
trialsLen = args.number_trials
statesLen = 600
# load the first trial (also a generator)
# without the for loop used before, the counters and next()
# allow us to do the same as being done before in the for loop
trial = next(trials)
# With the use of generators and next() it is possible to keep
# this first message light on the server and send the first response
# as quickly as possible.
# This type of message asks for the next instance of the simluation
# without processing the entire model.
elif data["tipo"] == "sim":
# check if we are within the limits (before this was a nested for loop)
if trialI < trialsLen and stateI < statesLen:
# Trigger the next instance of the simulation
state = next(trial)
# update counter
stateI = stateI + 1
# Send the message with 1 instance of the simulation.
stateString = json.dumps(state, cls=NumpyEncoder)
await websocket.send_json(
"tipo": "estado",
"datos": json.loads(stateString),
"trialI": trialI,
"stateI": stateI,
# Check if the second loop is done
if stateI == statesLen:
# update counter of first loop
trialI = trialI + 1
# update counter of second loop
stateI = 0
# Check if there are more pending trials,
# otherwise stop and notify the client we are done.
trial = next(trials)
except StopIteration:
await websocket.send_json({"tipo": "fin"})
Just the part that actually changed:
ws.onmessage = (e) => {
const mensaje = JSON.parse(;
// Simply check the type of incoming message so it can be processed
if (mensaje.tipo === 'fin') {
} else if (mensaje.tipo === 'nodos') {
} else if (mensaje.tipo === 'estado') {
// After receiving a message, ping the server for the next one
tipo: 'sim',
This seems like reasonable solution to keep the server and client working together. I am able to show in the client the progress of a long simulation and the user experience is much better than having to wait for a long time for the server to respond. Hope it helps other with a similar problem.
I got a similar issue, and was able to resolve it by adding a small await asyncio.sleep(0.1) after sending json messages. I have not dived into asyncios internals yet, but my guess is that websocker.send shedules a message to be sent, but since the async function continues to run it never has a chance to do it in the background. Sleeping the async function makes asyncio pick up other tasks while it is waiting.
I´m developing a bot that sends messages to the discord channel every second, however when I run the program and only sent 10 messages and after only print [1/1] Webhook status code 400: {"embeds": ["Must be 10 or fewer in length."]}. I don't find why is this happening, I'm using discord_webhook library and python to do this. Here is my code
async def __scrape_api(session, pid):
async with session.get(API_URL + pid) as response:
data = await response.json()
print(f"scrape {data}")
if not __search_product(pid):
name = data["name"]
image_url = data['skus'][0]['image']
for size in data['skus']:
if size['available']:
message = DiscordEmbed(title=f'{name}', url=f'{PRODUCT_URL_0}{size["sku"]}{PRODUCT_URL_1}',
description=f'talla: {size["dimensions"]["Tallas Calzado"]}\nPrecio: {size["bestPriceFormated"]}')
response = webhook.execute()
# save to database
__insert_new_product(pid, name, image_url, data['available'])
I found the solution for this after few minutes of taking a deeper look inside it's code. Basically each embed you send over is being held in the webhook object, once you made 10 requests with embeds then it gives you that error. All you have to do is:
I'd like to embed some async code in my Python Project to make the http request part be asyncable . for example, I read params from Kafka, use this params to generate some urls and put the urls into a list. if the length of the list is greater than 1000, then I send this list to aiohttp to batch get the response.
I can not change the whole project from sync to async, so I could only change the http request part.
the code example is:
async def async_request(url):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as client:
resp = await client.get(url)
result = await resp.json()
return result
async def do_batch_request(url_list, result):
task_list = []
for url in url_list:
task = asyncio.create_task(async_request(url))
batch_response = asyncio.gather(*task_list)
def batch_request(url_list):
batch_response = [], batch_response))
return batch_response
url_list = []
for msg in kafka_consumer:
url = msg['url']
if len(url_list) >= 1000:
batch_response = batch_request(url_list)
As we know, will create an even loop to run the async function and then close the even loop. My problem is that, will my method influence the performance of the async code? And do you have some better way for my situation?
There's no serious problem with your approach and you'll get speed benefit from asyncio. Only possible problem here is that if later you'll want to do something async in other place in the code you'll not be able to do it concurrently with batch_request.
There's not much to do if you don't want to change the whole project from sync to async, but if in the future you'll want to run batch_request in parallel with something, keep in mind that you can run it in thread and wait for result asynchronously.
I am using aiohttp session along with a semaphore within a custom class:
async def get_url(self, url):
async with self.semaphore:
async with self.session.get(url) as response:
text_response = await response.text()
read_response = await
json_response = await response.json()
await asyncio.sleep(random.uniform(0.1, 0.5))
except aiohttp.client_exceptions.ContentTypeError:
json_response = {}
return {
'json': json_response,
'text': text_response,
'read': read_response,
'status': response.status,
'url': response.url,
I have two questions:
Is it correct/incorrect to to have multiple await statements within a single async function? I need to return both the response.text() and However, depending on the URL, the response.json() may or may not be available so I've thrown everything into a try/except block to catch this exception.
Since I am using this function to loop through a list of different RESTful API endpoints, I am controlling the number of simultaneous requests through the semaphore (set to max of 100) but I also need to stagger the requests so they aren't log jamming the host machine. So, I thought I could accomplish this by adding an asyncio.sleep that is randomly chosen between 0.1-0.5 seconds. Is this the best way to enforce a small wait in between requests? Should I move this to the beginning of the function instead of near the end?
It is absolutely fine to have multiple awaits in one async function, as far as you know what you are awaiting for, and each of them are awaited one by one, just like the very normal sequential execution. One thing to mention about aiohttp is that, you'd better call read() first and catch UnicodeDecodeError too, because internally text() and json() call read() first and process its result, you don't want the processing to prevent returning at least read_response. You don't have to worry about read() being called multiple times, it is simply cached in the response instance on the first call.
Random stagger is an easy and effective solution for sudden traffic. However if you want to control exactly the minimum time interval between any two requests - for academic reasons, you could set up two semaphores:
def __init__(self):
# something else
self.starter = asyncio.Semaphore(0)
self.ender = asyncio.Semaphore(30)
Then change get_url() to use them:
async def get_url(self, url):
await self.starter.acquire()
async with self.session.get(url) as response:
# your code
Because starter was initialized with zero, so all get_url() coroutines will block on starter. We'll use a separate coroutine to control it:
async def controller(self):
last = 0
while self.running:
await self.ender.acquire()
sleep = 0.5 - (self.loop.time() - last) # at most 2 requests per second
if sleep > 0:
await asyncio.sleep(sleep)
last = self.loop.time()
And your main program should look something like this:
def run(self):
for url in [...]:
So at first, the controller will release starter 30 times evenly in 15 seconds, because that is the initial value of ender. After that, the controller would release starter as soon as any get_url() ends, if 0.5 seconds have passed since the last release of starter, or it will wait up to that time.
One issue here: if the URLs to fetch is not a constant list in memory (e.g. coming from network constantly with unpredictable delays between URLs), the RPS limiter will fail (starter released too early before there is actually a URL to fetch). You'll need further tweaks for this case, even though the chance of a traffic burst is already very low.
How to wait for a response from client after sending the client something using django-channels?
Whenever Group.send() is called from function send_to_client() and upon receiving the message by client, send_to_client() is expecting a response back from client which is getting received on websocket.receive channel.
Is there a way to return the response_msg in send_to_client() function?
Now I have reached here
Sample Code for
def ws_receive(message):
response_msg = message.content['text']
return response_msg
def send_to_client(param1, param2, param3):
"text" : json.dumps({
"First" : param1,
"Second" : param2,
So once the message reaches at the client side, the client will send a response back to the server which will be received by the ws_receive(message) function through the websocket.receive channel which is defined in the file,
channel_patterns = [
route("websocket.receive", ws_receive),
Is there a way to do this so that my function would look like this?
def send_to_client(...):
response_msg = #response message from client
Since you are recieving via a websocket, I am not sure if you would be able to even tell if the recieving thing is directly as a response for your request. I would rather put an id variable or something in the ongoing request, and maybe ask the client to put that id in the response as well. That might require both the sender and reciever to know the value of id as well (probably store in the db?)
Also, it do not seem logical to be blocked waiting for the response from websocket as well.