Not able to install django and use an existing django project - python

I am studying Django for the first time and everything was going well until the last day. Today when I tried opening my Django project, the terminal returns an error saying :-
Unable to create process using
'C:\Users\User1\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\python.exe runserver'
Thinking that it might be an issue with the virtual env, I tried checking my Python Interpreter to make sure I am currently in my venv.
Fortunately, I am currently using my venv but Pycharm indicates me to Install Python Packaging Tools.
I tried the link to install it but it notifies a Non Zero Exit Code(101) and Invalid Python SDK error.
Googling for the error asked me to check the path in Environment Variables where two are present -
Recently I had added MingW Compiler to the path and that was it. I've never touched the path of Python.
I would like to mention that there are no errors in creating a new virtual envirnoment nor activating it. But things get worse when I try to pip install django. CMD tells that unable to create process.
Please help! I am actually stuck with my project.

Happy to say that I have fixed the issue.
Steps followed include :
Uninstalled Python,Deleted Path,Restarted my pc
Downloaded and Installed Python 3.10.2 from the official site.
Upgraded pip
Installed virtualenv using pip install virtualenv
Tested it creating env using - py -m venv "environment name"
pip install django works + started a project and the setup was successful.

First, try to run any python file (not in your project).
If it works, then the problem is with your django project or the env (try to create a new env and move your files to it).
At last, I think you should reinstall python; this will fix the problem I guess.


Package management issue with Poetry virtual environment and Django

I spent a good deal of time the past two days trying to use poetry correctly. I'm not new to poetry and have used it for a while. But in this DJANGO project I just started with a buddy, after adding packages, some of them needed to be added again via 'python -m pip install '. Once I did that, the django project passed a check and I could also migrate tables. It really bothers me that I'm using a virtual management package that doesn't appear to always work. I like poetry and want to use it. Some of the packages I had to pip install are django and pymysql. I also use pyenv. I'm running python version 3.10.6. I did things such as deleting the .venv folder (mine gets created in the project directory) checking with pip freeze that these packages are not already installed, and then doing a poetry update to re-create .venv. Any suggestions or ideas? I really need to focus on my django project and not be farting around all the time with package issues so I would like to either fix this or at least have a better idea of what is going wrong so I can avoid it.

PyCharm projects uses each others pip and python files

I am working on several projects on the same PyCharm. Like I "attached" them all together. But I recently noticed some weird behaviors. Like when I import a library I haven't installed yet to my script. It shows me a little error as expected. But when I try to install that using python -m pip install my_library, it tells me that it has already installed. I recently noticed that this is because it's using and other pip from another project. I doesn't use the one in the venv folder in the project. Also to run the scripts sometimes it uses python.exe from pythons original directory. It's a whole mess and I have no idea how I can solve it. Sometimes my projects requires different versions of the same library and you can imagine what happens when I change the version.
I make sure each project is using their own interpreter. Don't know what else to do other than this. I am using Python3.6.4 PyCharm2018.3.2 running on Windows10
it sounds like all your projects are configured to use the system's interpreter instead of the virtual environment you set up for each of them.
Follow this instruction to fix it
In terms of using different version of the python library, you can address that by specifying it in requirements.txt file, which you can put in your venv folder for each project. then you can just do pip install -r requirements.txt after you set up your venv. (you need to ensure that the venv is activated - you don't need to worry about this if you have configured the project in PyCharm to use the venv's python interpreter.) You can check this by going to Terminal in your PyCharm and you should see (venv_name) hostusername#host:~/project_folder$

PTVS cant find Python interpreter?

I just copied my Flask project from one machine to another. I have same version of Python installed on both the machines. When I loaded the project in the new machine, it said my virtual environment is unavailable. So I initially tried to install it from requirements.txt file but it failed without any helpful error message.
So I deleted the virtual env in Visual Studio and tried to create another one. Now it complains that it cannot find any Python interpreters on my machine. I tried uninstall/reinstall Python but it didn't work. Also, the Python location is added in the PATH environment variable and all the modules in the requirements.txt file are downloaded from pip individually.
So the modules are installed, python is installed and the project is there but the virtual env won't setup because of the below reason. Any way that I can fix this ? This is PTVS15 and Python 3.6.1
Fixed it myself. I went ahead and added the environment manually by specifying the Python installation paths in the Add Environment tab. It took a while to detect the interpreter even in this way but it finally worked. I am now able to build my app.

Pycharm doesn't have Django, or pyenv, or let me install python modules. Completely lost

I'm trying to work with python in PyCharm, and set up a virtualenv for my project. What I imagine should be the way this works is that I set up a project to pull from a repository. It's a Django project, so I enable Django support. Setting up a pyenv is good hygiene, so I set the interpreter to use a pyenv. PyCharm supposedly includes pyenv, so I don't need to install it from my os, and I was under the impression that either Django came with it as well, or I could install it from PyCharm.
Instead of any of that working the way it seems like it should and has been described, pyenv doesn't appear to be installed:
$ pyenv
No command 'pyenv' found, did you mean:
Command 'p7env' from package 'libnss3-tools' (main)
Command 'pyvenv' from package 'python3-venv' (universe)
pyenv: command not found
$ virtualenv
The program 'virtualenv' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt-get install virtualenv
Of course, the only reason I'm even caring about that is that going to Settings --> Project --> Project Interpreter to install new modules doesn't work, either with or without a Pycharm-created virtualenv. I made a post to the Jetbrains forums here, but I'm not expecting a response, as they seem almost completely abandoned.
Then I thought I'd try enabling Django support, so that I could at least get that module working. But instead it says that Django isn't installed; In the Run/Debug configuration, at the bottom it says Django is not importable, the django icon has an x on it, and of course, every import django statement is underlined in red, indicating it can't be imported. My versions are:
Ubuntu 15.10
PyCharm 5.0.4
Python 2.7.10
So why does everything seem to be broken? What am I missing? If I have to install outside of pycharm, I don't really care, I'm just trying to set everything up the right way, so that nothing steps on anything else, and everything works as intended. Pycharm seemed to "volunteer" to handle everything, and I'm just trying to make that work. Using a pyenv seems to be what everyone recommends, and I'm just trying to do that. Any help at all would be appreciated.
To install Django on your virtualenv using pyenv please use the following command line:
pyenv activate <virtualenv_name>
pip install django
Or (for example if pyenv fails to activate your virtualenv due to some reason) it is possible to just execute pip using the full path:
<path_to_virtualenv_folder>/bin/pip install django
Then select the Python interpreter from your virtualenv as a project interpreter in PyCharm.
Normally PyCharm should be able to install packages, if it doesn't work please submit an issue to PyCharm tracker. not being recognized suddenly

I tried starting a new Django project yesterday but when I did " startproject projectname" I got an error stating: " is not recognized as an internal or external command." The strange thing is, when I first installed Django, I made a few projects and everything worked fine. But now after going back a few months later it has suddenly stopped working.
I've tried looking around for an answer and all I could find is that this typically has to do with the system path settings, however, I know that I have the proper paths set up so I don't understand what's happening. Does anybody have any idea what's going on?
First check the django was installed properly.
import django
If you got exception, try to uninstall and install django.
i recommend to do this by pip:
$> easy_install pip
$> pip uninstall django
$> pip install django
Then check the file C:\Python26\Scripts\ exists.
you may replace c:\python26 by your local python installation path.
if you not found the file, so uninstall and install django, see EDIT 1 above.
then add C:\Python26 and C:\Python26\Scripts to your path. see here
From python documents:
to the current setting for the PATH environment variable, which you will find in the properties window of “My Computer” under the “Advanced” tab. Note that if you have sufficient privilege you might get a choice of installing the settings either for the Current User or for System. The latter is preferred if you want everybody to be able to run Python on the machine.
i am totally new to coding, so pardon my amateur answers.
I had similar problem - i realized that while my Django was installed on C Drive, my files were saved on D drive and i was trying to run django-admin from D drive in the command prompt which was giving the above error. what worked for me was the following
Located the Django-admin.exe and file which was in below path
copied both these files into the D drive folder where i was trying to create new projects
then on the terminal command prompt (which was set to D Drive projects) ran django-admin startproject [filename] and it created a new file [filename]in that folder and this error was resolved
You can try with following code
py -m django startproject add_your_project_name_here
As per this link you may try,
python -m django <command> [options].
Where python is the version of the python you are using.
Usage python -m django startproject <projectname>.
