How do I save the table generated by pandas.read_csv? - python

I created a csv file and used pandas.read_csv in order to access it. I used
euler_tens = pd.read_csv(filename)
and you can see that this table displays when I simply run the variable name. How do I simply save this image as a png file? This table is exactly what I needed, but now I can't seem to get that image, and I don't want to just screenshot it.

You can try with dataframe-image module
pip install dataframe-image
import pandas as pd
import dataframe_image as dfi
euler_tens = pd.read_csv(filename)
dfi.export(euler_tens, 'dataframe.png')


Why do Pandas dataframe's data types change after exporting into a CSV file

I did export the following dataframe in Google Colab. Whichever method I used, when I import it later, my dataframe appears as pandas.core.series.Series, not as an array.
from google.colab import drive
path = '/content/drive/My Drive/output.csv'
with open(path, 'w', encoding = 'utf-8-sig') as f:
After importing the dataframe looks like below
Note: The first image and second image can be different order in terms of numbers (It can be look as a different dataset). Please don't get hung up on this. Don't worry. Those images are just an example.
Why does column, which is originally an array before exporting, converts to series after exporting?
The code below gives the same result. Can't export original structure.
from google.colab import files
Edit: I am looking for a solution is there any way to keep original structure (e.g. array) while exporting.
Actually that is how pandas work. When you try to insert a list or an numpy array into a pandas dataframe, it converts that array to a series always. If you want to turn the series back to a list/array use Series.values, Series.array or Series.to_numpy() . refer this
I got an idea from your comments. You are asking to save dframe into a file while preserving its all properties. You are actually (intentionally or unintentionally) asking how to SERIALIZE the data frame. You have to use pickle for this. Refer this
Note : Pandas has inbuilt pickle support. So you can directly export dframe into pickle file like in this example

How to convert a pandas plot into an image

I am working on an app which will be able to show a graph of the company's performance in stocks, I wanted to turn the pandas plot of that company into an image without saving it. Can someone tell me what to do?
from fastquant import get_pse_data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
df = get_pse_data(symbol, '2019-01-01', '2020-01-01')
ma30 = df.close.rolling(30).mean()
close_ma30 = pd.concat([df.close, ma30], axis=1).dropna()
I am actually thinking of adding this plot derived from a pandas dataframe close_ma30 = pd.concat([df.close, ma30], axis=1).dropna() into my html code:
I want to create a python function that will allow me to return it as an image for a django code. Thank you for the help!
You can use Dataframe-image to convert a pandas plot into a image, you can Visit
dataframe_image has the ability to export both normal and styled DataFrames as images from within a Python script. Pass your normal or styled DataFrame to the export function along with a file location to save it as an image.
>>> import dataframe_image as dfi
>>> dfi.export(df_styled, 'df_styled.png')
You may also export directly from the DataFrame or styled DataFrame using the dfi.export and export_png methods, respectively.
>>> df.dfi.export('df.png')
>>> df_styled.export_png('df_styled.png)
As a Python Library
Dataframe_image can also be used outside of the notebook as a normal Python library. In a separate Python script, import the dataframe_image package and pass the file name of your notebook to the convert function.
>>> import dataframe_image as dfi
>>> dfi.convert('path/to/your_notebook.ipynb',
By default, the new file(s) will be saved in the same directory where the notebook resides. Do not run this command within the same notebook that is being converted.
From the Command Line
The command line tool dataframe_image will be available upon installation with the same options as the convert function from above.
dataframe_image --to=pdf "my notebook with dataframes.ipynb"
Finding Google Chrome
You must have Google Chrome (or Brave) installed in order for dataframe_image to work. The path to Chrome should automatically be found. If Chrome is not in a standard location, set it with the chrome_path parameter.
Using matplotlib instead of Chrome
If you do not have Chrome installed or cannot get it to work properly, you can alternatively use matplotlib to convert the DataFrames to images. Select this option by setting the table_conversion parameter to 'matplotlib'.
Publish to Medium
Closely related to this package is jupyter_to_medium, which publishes your notebooks directly and quickly as Medium blog posts.
You must have the following Python libraries installed.

Problem with csv data imported on jupyter notebook

I'm new on this site so be indulgent if i make a mistake :)
I recently imported a csv file on my Jupyter notebook for a student work. I want use some of data of specific column of this file. The problem is that after import, the file appear as a table with 5286 lines (which represent dates and hours of measures) in a single column (that compiles all variables separated by ; that i want use for my work).
I don't know how to do to put this like a regular table.
I used this code to import my csv from my board :
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv('/work/Weather_data/data 1998-2003.csv','error_bad_lines = false')
Desired output: the same data in multiple columns, separated on ;.
You can try this:
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv('<location>', sep=';')

Import data tables in Python

I am new to Python, coming from MATLAB. In MATLAB, I used to create a variable table (copy from excel to MATLAB) in MATLAB and save it as a .mat file and whenever I needed the data from the MATLAB, I used to import it using:
A = importdata('Filename.mat');
[Filename is 38x5 table, see the attached photo]
Is there a way I can do this in Python? I have to work with about 35 such tables and loading everytime from excel is not the best way.
In order to import excel tables into your python environment you have to install pandas.
Check out the detailed guideline.
import pandas as pd
xl = pd.ExcelFile('myFile.xlsx')
I hope this helps.
Use pandas:
import pandas as pd
dataframe = pd.read_csv("your_data.csv")
dataframe.head() # prints out first rows of your data
Or from Excel:
dataframe = pd.read_excel('your_excel_sheet.xlsx')

python pandas read_excel return an AssertionError: importing a file with images

I can't use the read_excel method from pandas library in my Ipython note book.
After some test and cleaning in the Excel file, I understood their is a complete column of drawings (or images). When I deleted this column I stop the error message. Does somebody know how to configure read_excel option to collect only dataes? This is my code:
import pandas as pd
import os
# File selection
userfilepath = r'C:\Temp'
filename = "exportCS12.xlsx"
filenameCS12 = os.path.join(userfilepath, filename)
# workbook upload
df = pd.read_excel(filenameCS12, sheetname='Sheet1')
Pandas import was not working due to a none clean excel file. Problem sovlve with openpyxl, able to navigate in excel only in validated areas.
