tKinter switch color on hotkey click - python

I have a program that opens a window and a circle at the center that is filled green at the start. I want this circle to change from red to green and green to red each time I press a button (r in this code) however I can only change the color once
from tkinter import *
import keyboard
if __name__ == '__main__':
window = Tk()
window.title("On Record")
window.configure(width=500, height=300)
myCanvas = Canvas(window)
def daire(x, y, r, canvasName, color): # center coordinates, radius
x0 = x - r
y0 = y - r
x1 = x + r
y1 = y + r
return canvasName.create_oval(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill=color)
# move window center
winWidth = window.winfo_reqwidth()
winwHeight = window.winfo_reqheight()
posRight = int(window.winfo_screenwidth() / 2 - winWidth / 2)
posDown = int(window.winfo_screenheight() / 2 - winwHeight / 2)
window.geometry("+{}+{}".format(posRight, posDown))
color = "green"
def onKeyPress(event):
counter = 0
counter = counter + 1
if counter % 2 == 0:
color = "green"
color = "red"
daire(190, 135, 120, myCanvas, color)
window.bind("r", onKeyPress)
daire(190, 135, 120, myCanvas, "green")

The problem was the event function is reliant on counter being odd or even, but it auto resets it to 0 every time is is run. One solution to this is to place the counter outside of the function and call it as a global.
from tkinter import *
import keyboard
if __name__ == '__main__':
window = Tk()
window.title("On Record")
window.configure(width=500, height=300)
myCanvas = Canvas(window)
def daire(x, y, r, canvasName, color): # center coordinates, radius
x0 = x - r
y0 = y - r
x1 = x + r
y1 = y + r
return canvasName.create_oval(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill=color)
# move window center
winWidth = window.winfo_reqwidth()
winwHeight = window.winfo_reqheight()
posRight = int(window.winfo_screenwidth() / 2 - winWidth / 2)
posDown = int(window.winfo_screenheight() / 2 - winwHeight / 2)
window.geometry("+{}+{}".format(posRight, posDown))
color = "green"
counter = 0
def onKeyPress(event):
global counter
counter += 1
if counter % 2 == 0:
color = "green"
color = "red"
daire(190, 135, 120, myCanvas, color)
window.bind("r", onKeyPress)
daire(190, 135, 120, myCanvas, color)
Out of interest do you actually need to be able to track how many times r is pressed? Its implied by your script but not explicitly stated. Otherwise theres more streamlined ways of doing this by referring directly to tkinter elements, as is often done with button toggles as displayed in this post.


How to use time.sleep() to draw circles Tkinter?

I wrote a program to explore Tkinter & try out object-oriented programming. My goal is to draw concentric circles, starting with the outside and moving in.
The drawing works fine, but my time-delay between circles isn't working. I can see the count-down (with print) but it doesn't draw anything until after the count-down ends.
Possibly this is related to the creation of the object? Nothing happens until the object is finished being created? IDK.
Here's my code:
import tkinter as tk
import time
root = tk.Tk()
size = 1000
myCanvas = tk.Canvas(root, bg="white", height=size, width=size)
# draw circle
class Circle:
def __init__(self, rt, dia, color, x=0, y=0):
self.rt = rt
self.dia = dia
self.color = color
self.x = x # center cord x
self.y = y # center cord y
def draw_circle(self):
r = self.dia / 2
up_left = (self.x - r, self.y + r)
low_right = (self.x + r, self.y - r)
cord = up_left + low_right
self.rt.create_oval(cord, fill=self.color, outline="")
coord2 = 0, 300, 300, 0
#arc = myCanvas.create_oval(coord2, fill="blue")
def PickColor(r, g, b):
r = r % 250
g = g % 250
b = b % 250
return('#%02x%02x%02x' % (r, g, b))
class ConcentricCircles:
def __init__(self, rt, quantity):
self.rt = rt
self.quantity = quantity
def draw_circles(self):
q = self.quantity
circles = []
i = 0
for c in range(q, 1, -1):
incr = size/(1.5*q-0.001*c*c*c)
circles += [Circle(self.rt, incr*c, PickColor(110, 15*c^3-c^2, 300*c^5-c^4), size/2, size/2)]
i += 1
a = ConcentricCircles(myCanvas, 30).draw_circles()
Here's what it draws:
When you use the sleep() function, the application suspends updates to the GUI. This means that the drawing of circles is also suspended. But you can force the application to update the GUI before it continues with update_idletasks(), see example below. I chose to make the update in the Circle.draw_circle() function:
def draw_circle(self):
r = self.dia / 2
up_left = (self.x - r, self.y + r)
low_right = (self.x + r, self.y - r)
cord = up_left + low_right
self.rt.create_oval(cord, fill=self.color, outline="")
self.rt.update_idletasks() # Updates the canvas
When you use sleep() the application is busy all the time it sleeps. You might want to research the after() function which schedules a function call but does not lock the app.

How can I change the size of my python turtle window?

I am currently trying to draw a Mandelbrot set in python with turtle. However, my problem has nothing to do with the Mandelbrot. I can't change the size of my turtle window. How can I do that?
I tried to initialize a screen and set the screen size with the screensize method. Nothing changes if I do this.
This is my code for drawing the set. I pasted the whole code because I don't know what I did wrong that the screen size doesn't change.
from turtle import *
height = 360
width = 360
screen = Screen()
screen.screensize(width, height)
tu = Turtle()
def decreasePoint(n, start1, stop1, start2, stop2):
return ((n - start1) / (stop1 - start1)) * (stop2 - start2) + start2
for x in range(width):
for y in range(height):
a = decreasePoint(x, 0, width, -2, 2)
b = decreasePoint(y, 0, height, -2, 2)
ca = a
cb = b
n = 0
z = 0
while n < 100:
aa = a * a - b * b
bb = 2 * a * b
a = aa + ca
b = bb + cb
n += 1
if abs(a + b) > 16:
bright = 'pink'
if (n == 100):
bright = 'black'
tu.goto(x , y)
tu.pendown(), bright)
Instead of:
screen.screensize(width, height)
screen.setup(width, height)
The screensize() method sets the amount of area the turtle can roam, but doesn't change the screen size (despite the name), just the scrollable area. Also, to simplify your code, speed it up and produce a more detailed result, I suggest the following rework:
from turtle import Screen, Turtle
WIDTH, HEIGHT = 360, 360
screen = Screen()
screen.setup(WIDTH + 4, HEIGHT + 8) # fudge factors due to window borders & title bar
screen.setworldcoordinates(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT)
turtle = Turtle()
def scalePoint(n, start1, stop1, start2, stop2):
return (n - start1) * (stop2 - start2) / (stop1 - start1) + start2
for x in range(WIDTH):
real = scalePoint(x, 0, WIDTH, -2, 2)
for y in range(HEIGHT):
imaginary = scalePoint(y, 0, HEIGHT, -2, 2)
c = complex(real, imaginary)
z = 0j
color = 'pink'
for _ in range(100):
if abs(z) >= 16.0:
z = z * z + c
color = 'black'
turtle.goto(x, y), color)

How to display and update a score on screen?

My question is about displaying and updating text, in order to display the score on screen.
I would like to create a score like the real game that would appear on the screen. But after researching Google, I have not found anyone wishing to increase a score on the screen ...
Indeed, I would like the score to increase each time the bird passes between the pipes and therefore whenever the pipes have an X of 67 pixels. So does anyone know how to do this?
from tkinter import *
import random
from random import randint
def sauter(event):
canvas.move(image_oiseau, 0, -10*DY)
def deplacement():
global tuyx,tuyx2,h,H,oisx,oisy,solx,sol2x
x0, y0, x1, y1 = canvas.bbox(image_oiseau)
if y1 < 416:
canvas.move(image_oiseau, 0, DY)
if solx >= -144:
if sol2x >= 144:
if tuyx>=-28:
if tuyx2>=-28:
DY = 5
fenetre = Tk()
canvas = Canvas(fenetre, width=LARGEUR, height=HAUTEUR)
fond = PhotoImage(file="background-day.png")
fond2 = PhotoImage(file="background-night.png")
F= random.choice(fond)
canvas.create_image(144,256, anchor=CENTER,image=F)
tuyau_haut = PhotoImage(file="tuyau_vers_le_haut.png")
image_tuyau_haut = canvas.create_image(tuyx,h,anchor=CENTER,image=tuyau_haut)
image_tuyau_haut2 = canvas.create_image(tuyx2,H,anchor=CENTER,image=tuyau_haut)
tuyau_bas = PhotoImage(file="tuyau_vers_le_bas.png")
image_tuyau_bas = canvas.create_image(tuyx,h,anchor=CENTER,image=tuyau_bas)
image_tuyau_bas2 = canvas.create_image(tuyx2,H,anchor=CENTER,image=tuyau_bas)
sol = PhotoImage(file="sol-day.png")
image_sol = canvas.create_image(144,512, anchor=S,image=sol)
image_sol2 = canvas.create_image(432,512, anchor=S,image=sol)
oiseau = PhotoImage(file="yellowbird-midflap.png")
oiseau2 = PhotoImage(file="bluebird-midflap.png")
oiseau3 = PhotoImage(file="redbird-midflap.png")
image_oiseau=canvas.create_image(oisx,oisy, anchor=W,image=O)
Could someone explain the problem to me because I thought it would be easy :(
Here are the pictures of the game :)
Here are the pictures of the game
Here is one approach to display the scores: It uses a tk.Label, that is updated at the same time the score increases.
The trigger that increases the score is currently a random call to on_change; you can modify this to be a test if a pipe x coordinates becomes lower than the bird x coordinates (the bird successfully crossed the obstacle)
You can, if you want relocate the score label on the canvas.
import random
import tkinter as tk
WIDTH, HEIGHT = 500, 500
def create_pipes():
pipes = []
for x in range(0, WIDTH, 40):
y1 = random.randrange(50, HEIGHT - 50)
y0 = y1 + 50
pipes.append(canvas.create_line(x, 0, x, y1))
pipes.append(canvas.create_line(x, y0, x, HEIGHT))
return pipes
def move_pipes():
for pipe in pipes:
canvas.move(pipe, -2, 0)
x, y0, _, y1 = canvas.coords(pipe)
if x < 0:
canvas.coords(pipe, WIDTH+20, y0, WIDTH+20, y1)
if random.randrange(0, 20) == 10:
root.after(40, move_pipes)
def on_change():
global score
score += 1
score_variable.set(f'score: {score}')
root = tk.Tk()
tk.Button(root, text='start', command=move_pipes).pack()
score = 0
score_variable = tk.StringVar(root, f'score: {score}')
score_lbl = tk.Label(root, textvariable=score_variable)
canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT, bg="cyan")
pipes = create_pipes()

Calculating disctance between 2 coordinates using click events

I can display an image on my panel, what I need is to click on 2 spots in the picture and calculate the distance between them. I am having trouble with the event handler and how to use it similarly to a scanner in Java. For example, if I run the program and click once somewhere in the image, it runs all 3 methods at once which leads to give an error.
root = Tk()
img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("target.PNG"))
#img = cv2.imread("target.PNG")
panel = Label(root, image = img)
panel.pack(side = "bottom", fill = "both", expand = "yes")
def leftClick(event):
global x0,y0
x0 = event.x
y0 = event.y
return x0, y0
panel.bind("<Button-1>", leftClick)
def rightClick(event):
global x1,y1
x1 = event.x
y1 = event.y
return x1, y1
panel.bind("<Button-1>", rightClick)
def getDistance(event):
distance = math.sqrt( ((x0-x1)**2)+((y0-y1)**2) )
panel.bind("<Button-1>", getDistance)
What I'm looking for is to execute each step once at a time. The final step to calculate the distance can be done outside a method it doesn't really matter. I just need to get the coordinates to work first. Please let me know how I could proceed to solve this.
You Can Try This Two:
Process 1(Uses mouse left click, right click, middle(scroll) click):
The following code takes
(x0, y0) from mouse-left-click
(x1, y1) from mouse-right-click
and then prints distance between them on mouse-middle(scroll)-click
from tkinter import *
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
import math
root = Tk()
img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("Logo.png"))
panel = Label(root, image=img)
panel.pack(side="bottom", fill="both", expand="yes")
x0 = 0
y0 = 0
x1 = 0
y1 = 0
def leftClick(event):
global x0, y0
x0 = event.x
y0 = event.y
# return [x0, y0]
panel.bind("<Button-1>", leftClick)
def rightClick(event):
global x1, y1
x1 = event.x
y1 = event.y
# return x1, y1
panel.bind("<Button-3>", rightClick)
def getDistance(event):
global x0, y0, x1, y1
distance = math.sqrt(((x0 - x1)**2)+((y0 - y1)**2))
panel.bind("<Button-2>", getDistance)
Process 2(Uses only mouse left click):
The following code takes
(x0, y0) from first mouse-left-click
(x1, y1) from second mouse-left-click
and then prints distance between them on third mouse-left-click
from tkinter import *
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
import math
root = Tk()
img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("Logo.png"))
panel = Label(root, image=img)
panel.pack(side="bottom", fill="both", expand="yes")
counter = 0
x0 = 0
x1 = 0
y0 = 0
y1 = 0
def getDistance(event):
global counter, x0, y0, x1, y1
if counter == 0:
x0 = event.x
y0 = event.y
counter += 1
elif counter == 1:
x1 = event.x
y1 = event.y
counter += 1
elif counter == 2:
distance = math.sqrt(((x0 - x1)**2)+((y0 - y1)**2))
counter = 0
panel.bind("<Button-1>", getDistance)
Below is a demo for count distance from a start point to a end point, which takes a DRAG operation with mouse left button.
import tkinter as tk
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
import math
start_point_x, start_point_y, end_point_x, end_point_y = 0, 0, 0, 0
def mouse_left_down_detection(event):
global start_point_x, start_point_y
start_point_x = event.x
start_point_y = event.y
def mouse_left_release_detection(event):
global end_point_x, end_point_y
end_point_x = event.x
end_point_y = event.y
print(start_point_x, start_point_y, end_point_x, end_point_y)
print(get_instance(start_point_x, start_point_y, end_point_x, end_point_y))
def get_instance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
return math.sqrt((pow(abs(x2-x1), abs(x2-x1))+pow(abs(y2-y1), abs(y2-y1))))
image_path = "andy.jpg"
root = tk.Tk()
img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(
panel = tk.Label(root, image=img)
# Bind event mouse left down
panel.bind("<Button-1>", mouse_left_down_detection)
# Bind event mouse left release and calculate distance
panel.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", mouse_left_release_detection)
panel.pack(side="bottom", fill="both", expand="yes")

turtle - How to get mouse cursor position in window?

How would I go about finding the current position of the mouse pointer in the turtle screen? I want it so I have the mouse position before I click and while im moving the cursor. I have searched google and this website can't find anything besides how to get the position after a click.
turtle.getcanvas() returns a Tkinter Canvas.
Like with a Tkinter window, you can get the current mouse pointer coordinates by winfo_pointerx and .winfo_pointery on it:
canvas = turtle.getcanvas()
x, y = canvas.winfo_pointerx(), canvas.winfo_pointery()
# or
# x, y = canvas.winfo_pointerxy()
If you want to only react to movement instead of e.g. polling mouse pointer positions in a loop, register an event:
def motion(event):
x, y = event.x, event.y
print('{}, {}'.format(x, y))
canvas = turtle.getcanvas()
canvas.bind('<Motion>', motion)
Note that events only fire while the mouse pointer hovers over the turtle canvas.
All these coordinates will be window coordinates (with the origin (0, 0) at the top left of the turtle window), not turtle coordinates (with the origin (0, 0) at the canvas center), so if you want to use them for turtle positioning or orientation, you'll have to do some transformation.
Following up on this answer, here's an example of one way to normalize the Tkinter coordinates for turtle using the canvas.bind('<Motion>', motion) approach (canvas.winfo_pointerxy() didn't provide values that made sense to me, although I didn't look into it much):
import turtle
def on_motion(event):
x = event.x - turtle.window_width() / 2
y = -event.y + turtle.window_height() / 2
turtle.goto(x, y)
print(x, y)
turtle.getcanvas().bind("<Motion>", on_motion)
Using this in a real-time app rather than only on motion:
import turtle
def on_motion(event):
global mouse_x, mouse_y
mouse_x = event.x - turtle.window_width() / 2
mouse_y = -event.y + turtle.window_height() / 2
def tick():
print(mouse_x, mouse_y)
turtle.goto(mouse_x, mouse_y)
win.ontimer(tick, frame_delay_ms)
mouse_x, mouse_y = 0, 0
turtle.getcanvas().bind("<Motion>", on_motion)
frame_delay_ms = 1000 // 30
win = turtle.Screen()
Putting it into a more full-featured app without global:
import turtle
from math import sin
def add_mouse_listener():
def on_motion(event):
nonlocal x, y
x = event.x - turtle.window_width() / 2
y = -event.y + turtle.window_height() / 2
turtle.getcanvas().bind("<Motion>", on_motion)
x, y = 0, 0
return lambda: (x, y)
def color(c, a):
return sin(c + a) / 2 + 0.5
def colors(r, ra, g, ga, b, ba):
return color(r, ra), color(g, ga), color(b, ba)
def main():
ra = 0
ba = 0
ga = 0
r = 0.5
b = 0
g = 1
frame_delay_ms = 1000 // 30
mouse_pos = add_mouse_listener()
win = turtle.Screen()
def tick():
nonlocal ra, ba, ga
turtle.color(colors(r, ra, g, ga, b, ba))
ra += 0.03
ba += 0.0311
ga += 0.032
x, y = mouse_pos()
turtle.setheading(turtle.towards(x, y))
win.ontimer(tick, frame_delay_ms)
if __name__ == "__main__":
