Can you download multiple files from Google Drive asynchronously? - python

My problem is the following:
I am sending queries via the Google Drive API that fetch all files that match a certain criteria. I won't post the entire code here as it's quite extensive, but the query criteria is just to get all files that belong in folders with a certain name (for example: "I want all files that reside in folders where the folder name contains the string 'meet'").
The code I have written for this particular part, is the following:
import json
import environ
import os
import google.auth
import io
from apiclient import discovery
from httplib2 import Http
from import secretmanager
from googleapiclient.http import MediaIoBaseDownload
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
# Imported functions from a local file. Just writing to database and establishing connection
from firestore_drive import add_file, establish_db_connection
.... some other code here ...
def update_files_via_parent_folder(self, parent_id, parent_name):
page_token = None
# Set a query that fetches all files based on the ID of its parent folder
# E.g. "get all files from folder whose ID is parent_id"
query = f"'{parent_id}' in parents"
response = self.execute_query(query, page_token)
files = response.get('files', [])
while True:
# Execute the query, and extract all resulting files in the folder
for file in files:
file_id = file['id']
filename = file['name']
# Start requesting the current file from Drive, and download through a byte-stream
request = self.service.files().get_media(fileId=file_id)
fh = io.BytesIO()
downloader = MediaIoBaseDownload(fh, request)
done = False
dl_counter = 0
while done is False:
# Start downloading the file from Drive, and convert it to JSON (dictionary)
status, done = downloader.next_chunk()
prefab_json = json.loads(fh.getvalue())
# Find the proper collection-name and then add the file to database
collection_name = next(type_name for type_name in self.possible_types if type_name in parent_name)
add_file(self.db, collection_name, filename, file_content=prefab_json)
# Find out if there are more files to download in the same folder
page_token = response.get('nextPageToken', None)
if page_token is None:
if len(files) == 0:
print(f'Folder found, but contained no files.')
response = self.execute_query(query, page_token)
files = response.get('files', [])
def execute_query(self, query, page_token):
Helper function for executing a query to Google Drive. Implemented as a function due to repeated usage.
return self.service.files().list(
fields='nextPageToken, files(id, name)',
Now my question is this:
Is there a way to download the files asynchronously or in parallel in the following section?
for file in files:
file_id = ...
filename = ...
# Same as above; start download and write to database...
For reference, the point of the code is to extract files that are located on Google Drive, and copy them over to another database. I'm not concerned with local storage, only fetching from Drive and writing to a database (if this is even possible to do in parallel).
I've tried various options such as multiprocessing.pool, multiprocessing.ThreadPool, and asyncio, but I'm not sure if I actually used them correctly. I can also mention that the database used, is Firestore.
Additional note: the reason I want to do it, is because this sequential operation is extremely slow, and I want to deploy this as a cloud function (which has a maximum time limit of 540 second (9 minutes)).
Any feedback is welcome :)


Process different file types separately in AWS S3 (python)

I'm looking to process files in an S3 location and re upload them to a different location depending on the file type which is specified in the key name. I want to use pagination to be able to process in batches according to accumulated file size, but I'm unsure how to do this separately for each filetype.
I establish a connection to the boto3 client and relevant S3 locations earlier in the code and check that the locations and objects within them exist.
My code is successfully giving me the number of each filetype in the location, but is not entering any of the for loops.
Should I be putting the paginator code within the if statements for each filetype instead?
if locationExists and filesFound:
paginator = s3c.get_paginator("list_objects_v2")
operation_parameters = {'Bucket': bucket,
'Prefix': path}
page_iterator = paginator.paginate(**operation_parameters)
lastresponse_objects ="Contents[?contains(Key, `lastresponse`)][]")
snapshot_objects ="Contents[?contains(Key, `_snapshot_`)][]")
snapshotupdate_objects ="Contents[?contains(Key, `snapshotpriceupdate`)][]")
if lastresponse_objects:
total_LR_files = len(list(lastresponse_objects))
print(f'Lastresponse files: {total_LR_files}')
for file in lastresponse_objects:
# processing logic for files containing 'lastresponse'
if snapshot_objects:
total_snapshot_files = len(list(snapshot_objects))
print(f'Snapshot files: {total_snapshot_files}')
for file in snapshot_objects:
# processing logic for files containing '_snapshot_'
if snapshotupdate_objects:
total_snapshotupdate_files = len(list(snapshotupdate_objects))
print(f'Snapshot update files: {total_snapshotupdate_files}')
for file in snapshot_objects:
# processing logic for files containing 'snapshotpriceupdate'

Error downloading a file from Google Drive

I exported some images from Google Earth Engine to Google Drive. I need to download those images to a local drive using a Python script. Then, I tried to use oauth2client, apiclient as I saw here:
I got a list of files in Drive and the corresponding IDs, then I use the ID to try to download the file using the gdown lib:'{file_data["id"]}',
I got the following error message:
Access denied with the following error:
Cannot retrieve the public link of the file. You may need to change
the permission to 'Anyone with the link', or have had many accesses.
You may still be able to access the file from the browser:<id>
As I got the Drive file list, I suppose that the Drive authentication is ok. If I use the error message suggested link in the browser, I can download the file. If a check file properties at Drive, I can see:
Who can access: not shared.
What should I do to download the files?
This is the complete code:
import os
from apiclient import discovery
from httplib2 import Http
from oauth2client import client, file, tools
import gdown
class GoogleDrive(object):
# define API scope
def __init__(self, secret_credentials_file_path = './credentials'):
self.DriveFiles = None
SCOPE = '' = file.Storage(f'{secret_credentials_file_path}{os.sep}credentials.json')
self.credentials =
if not self.credentials or self.credentials.invalid:
flow = client.flow_from_clientsecrets(f'{secret_credentials_file_path}{os.sep}client_secret.json',
self.credentials = tools.run_flow(flow,
oauth_http = self.credentials.authorize(Http()) ='drive', 'v3', http=oauth_http)
def RetrieveAllFiles(self):
results = []
page_token = None
while True:
param = {}
if page_token:
param['pageToken'] = page_token
files =**param).execute()
# append the files from the current result page to our list
# Google Drive API shows our files in multiple pages when the number of files exceed 100
page_token = files.get('nextPageToken')
if not page_token:
except Exception as error:
print(f'An error has occurred: {error}')
self.DriveFiles = results
def GetFileData(self, filename_to_search):
for file_data in self.DriveFiles:
if file_data.get('name') == filename_to_search:
return file_data
return None
def DownloadFile(self, filename_to_download, download_path):
file_data = self.GetFileData(f'{filename_to_download}.tif')'{file_data["id"]}',
Google drive may not be the best tool for this, you may want to upload them into a RAW file hosting service like Imgur and download it to a file using requests, you can then read the file using the script or you don't even have to write it to the file and just use image.content instead to specify the image. Here's an example:
image = requests.get("")
with open("image.png", 'wb') as file:
(You can specify the location of where you want the file to download by adding the PATH before the file name, like this:)
image = requests.get("")
with open("C://Users//Admin//Desktop//image.png", 'wb') as file:
Solution 1.
Access denied with the following error:
Cannot retrieve the public link of the file. You may need to change
the permission to 'Anyone with the link', or have had many accesses.
You may still be able to access the file from the browser:<id>
In the sharing tab on gdrive (Right click on image, open Share or Get link), please change privacy to anyone with the link. Hopefully your code should work.
Solution 2.
If you can use Google Colab, then you can mount gdrive easily and access files there using
from google.colab import drive
Google has this policy that they do not accept your regular google-/gmail-password. They only accept so called "App Passwords" that you need to create for your google-account in order to authenticate if you are using thirdparty apps

Copy files between two GCS bucket which is partitioned by date

I have a requirement to copy the file between two bucket detailed below -
Bucket A /folder A is source inbound box for daily files which are created as f1_abc_20210304_000 > I want to scan the latest file in folder A (10 files every day) and copy the latest file and next > Copy it in to Bucket B/Folder B / FILE name (ie from 10 files) / 2021/03/04 and drop the files in 04 folder.
Any suggestion how I should proceed with the design?
Did you want to do this copy task using Airflow?
If yes, Airflow provide GCSToGCSOperator
One approach is by using client libraries, for the example below I'm using the python client library for google cloud storage.
from import storage
from google.oauth2 import service_account
import os
# as mention on
key_path = "credentials.json"
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(key_path)
storage_client = storage.Client(credentials=credentials)
bucket_name = "source-bucket-id"
destination_bucket_name = "destination-bucket-id"
source_bucket = storage_client.bucket(bucket_name)
# prefix 'original_data' is the folder where i store the data
array_blobs = source_bucket.list_blobs(prefix='original_data')
filtered_dict = []
for blob in array_blobs:
if str('.csv'):
#add additional logic to handle the files you want to ingest
orderedlist = sorted(filtered_dict, key=lambda d: d['time'], reverse=True)
latestblob = orderedlist[0]['name']
# prefix 'destination_data' is the folder where i want to move the data
destination_blob_name = "destination_data/{}".format(os.path.basename(latestblob))
source_blob = source_bucket.blob(latestblob)
destination_bucket = storage_client.bucket(destination_bucket_name)
blob_copy = source_bucket.copy_blob(source_blob, destination_bucket, destination_blob_name)
"Blob {} in bucket {} copied to blob {} in bucket {}.".format(,,,,
For a bit of context on the code, what I did was to use the google cloud storage python client, log in, get the list of files from my source folder original_data inside bucket source-bucket-id and add the relevant files ( you can modify the pick up logic by adding your own criteria which fits your situation ). After that I pick up the latest files based on time creation and use that name to move it into my destination-bucket-id. As a note, destination_bucket_name variable includes the folder where I want to allocate the file and also the end filename.
UPDATE: I miss the airflow tag. So on that case you should use the operator that comes with google provider which is GCSToGCSOperator. The parameters to pass can be obtained using a python operator and pass it to your operator. It will work like this:
def get_gcs_params(**kwargs):
date = kwargs["next_ds"]
# logic should be as displayed on
# ...
return {"source_objects":source,"destination_object":destination}
gcs_params = get_gcs_params()
copy_file = GCSToGCSOperator(
source_objects= gcs_params.output['source_objects'],
destination_object= gcs_params.output['destination_object'],
For additional guidance you can check the cloud storage examples list. I use Copy an object between buckets for guidance.

How to read file using sharepoint REST API in Python

I am an absolute beginner when it comes to working with REST APIs with python. We have received a share-point URL which has multiple folders and multiples files inside those folders in the 'document' section. I have been provided an 'app_id' and a 'secret_token'.
I am trying to access the .csv file and read them as a dataframe and perform operations.
The code for operation is ready after I downloaded the .csv and did it locally but I need help in terms of how to connect share-point using python so that I don't have to download such heavy files ever again.
I know there had been multiple queries already on this over stack-overflow but none helped to get to where I want.
I did the following and I am unsure of what to do next:
import json
from office365.runtime.auth.user_credential import UserCredential
from office365.sharepoint.client_context import ClientContext
from office365.runtime.http.request_options import RequestOptions
site_url = "https://<company-name>"
ctx = ClientContext(site_url).with_credentials(UserCredential("{app_id}", "{secret_token}"))
Above for site_url, should I use the whole URL or is it fine till
This is what I have so far, next I want to read files from respective folders and convert them into a dataframe? The files will always be in .csv format
The example hierarchy of the folders are as follows:
Documents --> Folder A, Folder B
Folder A --> a1.csv, a2.csv
Folder B --> b1.csv, b2.csv
I should be able to move to whichever folder I want and read the files based on my requirement.
Thanks for the help.
This works for me, using a Sharepoint App Identity with an associated client Id and client Secret.
First, I demonstrate authenticating and reading a specific file, then getting a list of files from a folder and reading the first one.
import pandas as pd
import json
import io
from office365.sharepoint.client_context import ClientCredential
from office365.sharepoint.client_context import ClientContext
from office365.sharepoint.files.file import File
#Authentication (shown for a 'modern teams site', but I think should work for a site:
site="https://<>/sites/<site name>/<sub-site name>"
#Read credentials from a json configuration file:
spo_conf = json.load(open(r"conf\spo.conf", "r"))
client_credentials = ClientCredential(spo_conf["RMAppID"]["clientId"],spo_conf["RMAppID"]["clientSecret"])
ctx = ClientContext(site).with_credentials(client_credentials)
#Read a specific CSV file into a dataframe:
folder_relative_url = "/sites/<site name>/<sub site>/<Library Name>/<Folder Name>"
filename = "MyFileName.csv"
response = File.open_binary(ctx, "/".join([folder_relative_url, filename]))
df = pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO(response.content))
#Get a list of file objects from a folder and read one into a DataFrame:
def getFolderContents(relativeUrl):
contents = []
library = ctx.web.get_list(relativeUrl)
all_items = library.items.filter("FSObjType eq 0").expand(["File"]).get().execute_query()
for item in all_items: # type: ListItem
cur_file = item.file
return contents
fldrContents = getFolderContents('/sites/<site name>/<sub site>/<Library Name>')
response2 = File.open_binary(ctx, fldrContents[0].serverRelativeUrl)
df2 = pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO(response2.content))
Some References:
Related SO thread.
Office365 library github site.
Getting a list of contents in a doc library folder.
Additional notes following up on comments:
The site path doesn't not include the full url for the site home page (ending in .aspx) - it just ends with the name for the site (or sub-site, if relevant to your case).
You don't need to use a configuration file to store your authentication credentials for the Sharepoint application identity - you could just replace spo_conf["RMAppID"]["clientId"] with the value for the Sharepoint-generated client Id and do similarly for the client Secret. But this is a simple example of what the text of a JSON file could look like:
"clientId": "my-client-id",
"clientSecret": "my-client-secret",

Convert .pdf to .docx on Adobe pdf services API (using Python)

I'm trying to write a Python program converting ".pdf" files to ".docx" ones, using Adobe PDF Server API (free trial).
I've found literature enabling to transform any ".pdf" file to a ".zip" file containing ".txt" files (restoring text data) and ".excel" files (returning tabular data).
import logging
import os.path
from adobe.pdfservices.operation.auth.credentials import Credentials
from adobe.pdfservices.operation.exception.exceptions import ServiceApiException, ServiceUsageException, SdkException
from adobe.pdfservices.operation.pdfops.options.extractpdf.extract_pdf_options import ExtractPDFOptions
from adobe.pdfservices.operation.pdfops.options.extractpdf.extract_element_type import ExtractElementType
from adobe.pdfservices.operation.execution_context import ExecutionContext
from import FileRef
from adobe.pdfservices.operation.pdfops.extract_pdf_operation import ExtractPDFOperation
logging.basicConfig(level=os.environ.get("LOGLEVEL", "INFO"))
# get base path.
base_path =os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath("C:/"))))
# Initial setup, create credentials instance.
credentials = Credentials.service_account_credentials_builder()\
.from_file(base_path + "\\pdfservices-api-credentials.json") \
#Create an ExecutionContext using credentials and create a new operation instance.
execution_context = ExecutionContext.create(credentials)
extract_pdf_operation = ExtractPDFOperation.create_new()
#Set operation input from a source file.
source = FileRef.create_from_local_file(base_path + "/resources/trs_pdf_file.pdf")
# Build ExtractPDF options and set them into the operation
extract_pdf_options: ExtractPDFOptions = ExtractPDFOptions.builder() \
.with_element_to_extract(ExtractElementType.TEXT) \
.with_element_to_extract(ExtractElementType.TABLES) \
#Execute the operation.
result: FileRef = extract_pdf_operation.execute(execution_context)
# Save the result to the specified location.
result.save_as(base_path + "/output/")
except (ServiceApiException, ServiceUsageException, SdkException):
logging.exception("Exception encountered while executing operation")
But I can't yet get the conversion done to a ".docx" file, event after changing the name of the extracted file to name.docx
I went to read the litterature of adobe.pdfservices.operation.pdfops.options.extractpdf.extract_pdf_options.ExtractPDFOptions() but didn't found ways to tune the extraction and change it from ".zip" to ".docx". What things can I try next?
Unfortunately, right now the Python SDK is only supporting the Extract portion of our PDF services. You could use the services via the REST APIs ( as an alternative.
