I'm new to tkinter gui framework of python
I have a doubt in treeview widget of the tkinter gui
my doubt is how to resize the treeview widget so that i can place the two treeview widget aside photos attached below and i doing a project on mysql database so for the frontend i used tkinter gui
Screenshot of output
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
from PIL import Image,ImageTk
import os
import pickle
import mysql.connector as sql
from tkinter import messagebox
def click_home():
"""set to default home tab where details like no. of students, employees, department shows """
home_frame = Frame(root)
home_frame.place(x=120, y=105, height=440, width=910)
home_dashboard_frame = ImageTk.PhotoImage(home_dashboard_fram_r)
home_panel = Label(home_frame, image=home_dashboard_frame, bg="white")
home_panel.image= home_dashboard_frame
home_panel.pack(fill='both', expand='yes')
def click_manage():
""" opens new frame from where one can go to manage students, employees, departments, course, section
and batch"""
manage_frame = Frame(root, bg="white")
manage_frame.place(x=120, y=105, height=440, width=910)
manage_dashboard_frame_r = Image.open('files\\manage_frame1.png')
manage_dashboard_frame = ImageTk.PhotoImage(manage_dashboard_frame_r)
manage_panel = Label(manage_frame, image=manage_dashboard_frame, bg="white")
manage_panel.image = manage_dashboard_frame
manage_panel.pack(fill='both', expand='yes')
student = ImageTk.PhotoImage(student_r)
student_button = Button(manage_frame, image=student, relief=FLAT, borderwidth=0,activebackground="white", bg="white", cursor="hand2")
student_button.image = student
student_button.place(x=120, y=115)
employee = ImageTk.PhotoImage(employee_r)
employee_button = Button(manage_frame, image=employee, relief=FLAT, borderwidth=0,activebackground="white", bg="white", cursor="hand2")
employee_button.image =employee
employee_button.place(x=395, y=115)
department = ImageTk.PhotoImage(department_r)
department_button = Button(manage_frame, image=department, relief=FLAT, borderwidth=0,activebackground="white", bg="white", cursor="hand2")
department_button.image = department
department_button.place(x=672, y=115)
course = ImageTk.PhotoImage(course_r)
course_button = Button(manage_frame, image=course, relief=FLAT, borderwidth=0,activebackground="white", bg="white", cursor="hand2")
course_button.image = course
course_button.place(x=121, y=300)
section = ImageTk.PhotoImage(section_r)
section_button = Button(manage_frame, image=section, relief=FLAT, borderwidth=0,activebackground="white", bg="white", cursor="hand2")
section_button.image = section
section_button.place(x=396, y=300)
batch = ImageTk.PhotoImage(batch_r)
batch_button = Button(manage_frame, image=batch, relief=FLAT, borderwidth=0,activebackground="white", bg="white", cursor="hand2")
batch_button.image = batch
batch_button.place(x=673, y=300)
def click_view():
""" Displays partial data into tree view of students, employees, departments, courses when clicked view tab
on interface """
view_frame = Frame(root, bg="white")
view_frame.place(x=120, y=105, height=440, width=910)
view_dashboard_frame = ImageTk.PhotoImage(view_dashboard_frame_r)
view_panel = Label(view_frame, image=view_dashboard_frame, bg="white")
view_panel.pack(fill='both', expand='yes')
department_view_label = Label(view_frame, text="View Department Information ", bg="white", fg="#4f4e4d",font=("yu gothic ui", 13, "bold"))
department_view_label.place(x=770, y=290)
course_view_label = Label(view_frame, text="View Course Information ", bg="white", fg="#4f4e4d",font=("yu gothic ui", 13, "bold"))
course_view_label.place(x=170, y=290)
# ========================================================================
# ============================Displaying Student Information==============
# ========================================================================
student_view_label = Label(view_frame, text="View Students Information ", bg="white", fg="#4f4e4d",font=("yu gothic ui", 13, "bold"))
student_view_label.place(x=170, y=6)
view_student_frame = Frame(view_frame, bg="white")
view_student_frame.place(x=10, y=40, height=250, width=575)
style = ttk.Style()
style.configure("Treeview.Heading", font=('yu gothic ui', 10, "bold"), foreground="red")
style.configure("Treeview", font=('yu gothic ui', 9, "bold"), foreground="#f29b0f")
scroll_y = Scrollbar(view_student_frame, orient=VERTICAL)
scroll_x = Scrollbar(view_student_frame, orient=HORIZONTAL)
view_student_tree = ttk.Treeview(view_student_frame,columns=("STUDENT ID", "STUDENT NAME", "COURSE ENROLLED", "PHONE NO."),xscrollcommand=scroll_x.set, yscrollcommand=scroll_y.set,height=2)
scroll_x.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)
scroll_y.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
# ==========================TreeView Heading====================
view_student_tree.heading("STUDENT ID", text="STUDENT ID")
view_student_tree.heading("STUDENT NAME", text="STUDENT NAME")
view_student_tree.heading("COURSE ENROLLED", text="COURSE ENROLLED")
view_student_tree.heading("PHONE NO.", text="PHONE NO.")
view_student_tree["show"] = "headings"
# ==========================TreeView Column====================
view_student_tree.column("STUDENT ID", width=50)
view_student_tree.column("STUDENT NAME", width=50)
view_student_tree.column("COURSE ENROLLED", width=50)
view_student_tree.column("PHONE NO.", width=50)
view_student_tree.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
# ========================================================================
# =========================Displaying instructor Information==============
# ========================================================================
view_employee_frame = Frame(view_frame, bg="white")
view_employee_frame.place(x=595, y=40, height=250, width=575)
employee_view_label = Label(view_frame, text="View Employees Information ", bg="white", fg="#4f4e4d",font=("yu gothic ui", 13, "bold"))
employee_view_label.place(x=600, y=5)
scroll_y_e = Scrollbar(view_employee_frame, orient=VERTICAL)
scroll_x_e = Scrollbar(view_employee_frame, orient=HORIZONTAL)
view_employee_tree = ttk.Treeview(view_employee_frame,columns=("EMPLOYEE ID", "EMPLOYEE NAME", "DEPARTMENT", "EMPLOYEE TYPE"),xscrollcommand=scroll_x_e.set, yscrollcommand=scroll_y_e.set)
scroll_x_e.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)
scroll_y_e.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
# ==========================TreeView Heading====================
view_employee_tree.heading("EMPLOYEE ID", text="EMPLOYEE ID")
view_employee_tree.heading("EMPLOYEE NAME", text="EMPLOYEE NAME")
view_employee_tree.heading("DEPARTMENT", text="DEPARTMENT")
view_employee_tree.heading("EMPLOYEE TYPE", text="EMPLOYEE TYPE")
view_employee_tree["show"] = "headings"
# ==========================TreeView Column====================
view_employee_tree.column("EMPLOYEE ID", width=50)
view_employee_tree.column("EMPLOYEE NAME", width=150)
view_employee_tree.column("DEPARTMENT", width=100)
view_employee_tree.column("EMPLOYEE TYPE", width=100)
view_employee_tree.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
root = Tk()
root.resizable(False, False)
bg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file="files\Dashboard1.jpg")
lbl_bg = Label(root,image=bg)
home_r=home_r.resize((50, 50), Image.ANTIALIAS)
home = ImageTk.PhotoImage(home_r)
home_button = Button(root, image=home,font=("yu gothic ui", 13, "bold"), relief=FLAT, activebackground="white", borderwidth=0, background="white", cursor="hand2",command=click_home)
home_button.place(x=40, y=113)
manage_r=manage_r.resize((50, 50), Image.ANTIALIAS)
manage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(manage_r)
manage_button = Button(root, image=manage,font=("yu gothic ui", 13, "bold"), relief=FLAT, activebackground="white", borderwidth=0, background="white", cursor="hand2",command=click_manage)
manage_button.place(x=38, y=205)
view_r=view_r.resize((50, 50), Image.ANTIALIAS)
view = ImageTk.PhotoImage(view_r)
view_button = Button(root, image=view,font=("yu gothic ui", 13, "bold"), relief=FLAT, activebackground="white", borderwidth=0, background="white", cursor="hand2",command=click_view)
view_button.place(x=36, y=299)
setting_r = Image.open('Pics\\setting.png')
setting_r=setting_r.resize((50, 50), Image.ANTIALIAS)
setting = ImageTk.PhotoImage(setting_r)
setting_button = Button(root, image=setting,font=("yu gothic ui", 13, "bold"), relief=FLAT, activebackground="white", borderwidth=0, background="white", cursor="hand2")
setting_button.place(x=38, y=395)
exit_1_r=exit_1_r.resize((50, 50), Image.ANTIALIAS)
exit_1 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(exit_1_r)
exit_button = Button(root, image=exit_1,font=("yu gothic ui", 13, "bold"), relief=FLAT, activebackground="white", borderwidth=0, background="white", cursor="hand2")
exit_button.place(x=37, y=490)
logout = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file='Pics\logout.png')
logout_button = Button(root, image=logout,font=("yu gothic ui", 13, "bold"), relief=FLAT, activebackground="white", borderwidth=0, background="white", cursor="hand2")
logout_button.place(x=940, y=56)
Which arugument i should use to change the size of treeview widget ..........
use expand= True, fill = y or x to resize it.
I'm relatively new to Tkinter and I need help.
I have created a Connect database window when a button(login) is clicked from the parent window. The new window is the login.py(file). But it's not opening
connect database.py below;
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
from PIL import Image,ImageTk
import os
import pickle
import mysql.connector as sql
from tkinter import messagebox
import login
def login1():
host = host_entry.get()
port = port_entry.get()
username = username_entry.get()
password = password_entry.get()
if spec.is_connected():
messagebox.showinfo("Connected","Database connected Sucessfully")
messagebox.showerror("Exists", "Database is already connected")
root = Tk()
root.resizable(False, False)
root.title("School Diaries")
#background image
bg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file="files\Sublime Light1.jpg")
lbl_bg = Label(root,image=bg)
host_label = Label(root, text="Host Name ", bg="white", fg="#4f4e4d",font=("yu gothic ui", 12, "bold"))
host_label.place(x=675, y=115)
host_entry = Entry(root, highlightthickness=0, relief=FLAT, bg="white", fg="#6b6a69",font=("yu gothic ui semibold", 12))
#host_entry.insert(0, "localhost")
host_entry.place(x=687, y=139, width=145)
port_label = Label(root, text="Port ", bg="white", fg="#4f4e4d",font=("yu gothic ui", 13, "bold"))
port_label.place(x=675, y=190)
port_entry = Entry(root, highlightthickness=0, relief=FLAT, bg="white", fg="#6b6a69",font=("yu gothic ui semibold", 12))
#port_entry.insert(0, "3307")
port_entry.place(x=690, y=213, width=145)
username_label = Label(root, text="Username ", bg="white", fg="#4f4e4d",font=("yu gothic ui", 13, "bold"))
username_label.place(x=675, y=265)
username_entry = Entry(root, highlightthickness=0, relief=FLAT, bg="white", fg="#6b6a69",font=("yu gothic ui semibold", 12))
#username_entry.insert(0, "root")
username_entry.place(x=687, y=287, width=145)
password_label = Label(root, text="Password ", bg="white", fg="#4f4e4d",font=("yu gothic ui", 13, "bold"))
password_label.place(x=675, y=338)
password_entry = Entry(root, highlightthickness=0, relief=FLAT, bg="white", fg="#6b6a69",font=("yu gothic ui semibold", 12))
#password_entry.insert(0, "root")
password_entry.place(x=687, y=361, width=145)
submit = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file='Pics\submit.png')
submit_button = Button(root, image=submit,font=("yu gothic ui", 13, "bold"), relief=FLAT, activebackground="white",borderwidth=0, background="white", cursor="hand2",command=login1)
submit_button.place(x=655, y=440)
login = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file='Pics\login.png')
login_button = Button(root, image=login,font=("yu gothic ui", 13, "bold"), relief=FLAT, activebackground="white",borderwidth=0, background="white", cursor="hand2",commmand=login)
login_button.place(x=785, y=442)
image of connect database
login.py file below ;
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
from PIL import Image,ImageTk
import os
import pickle
import mysql.connector as sql
from tkinter import messagebox
import user_inter
def login():
host = user_inter.host_entry.get()
port = user_inter.port_entry.get()
username = username_entry.get()
password = password_entry.get()
if spec.is_connected():
messagebox.showinfo("Connected","Database connected Sucessfully")
messagebox.showerror("Exists", "Failed")
root = Tk()
root.resizable(False, False)
root.title("School Diaries")
bg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file="files\login.jpg")
lbl_bg = Label(root,image=bg)
login_lbl = Label(root, text="Login", bg="white", fg="#4f4e4d",font=("San Francisco", 45))
username_label = Label(root, text="Username ", bg="white", fg="#4f4e4d",font=("yu gothic ui", 13, "bold"))
username_label.place(x=675, y=190)
username_entry = Entry(root, highlightthickness=0, relief=FLAT, bg="white", fg="#6b6a69",font=("yu gothic ui semibold", 12))
#username_entry.insert(0, "root")
username_entry.place(x=695, y=215, width=190)
password_label = Label(root, text="Password ", bg="white", fg="#4f4e4d",font=("yu gothic ui", 13, "bold"))
password_label.place(x=675, y=280)
password_entry = Entry(root, highlightthickness=0, relief=FLAT, bg="white", fg="#6b6a69",font=("yu gothic ui semibold", 12))
#password_entry.insert(0, "root")
password_entry.place(x=692, y=305, width=190)
login = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file='Pics\login.png')
login_button = Button(root, image=login,font=("yu gothic ui", 13, "bold"), relief=FLAT, activebackground="white",borderwidth=0, background="white", cursor="hand2",command=login)
login_button.place(x=770, y=390)
image of login page
PS ; connect database.py is mentioned in the code as user_intern.py
now my doubt is ;
I have created a login.py page using tkinter and I have created a connect database.py page also, so my doubt is I have a button called login in connect database window, now the how to give argument such as if I click the login button the screen shd change to my login.py screen .....hope u understand my doubt
when I click login the login.py shd execute in the parent window itself
any edits in code to get my output is welcomed
when i click login in connect database the login windows shd open in parent window itself
as mentioned by #ablmmcu in comment, tkinter only has 1 root, and it should be in main program
the other point is, i suggest using tkinter.TopLevel() and use it as a window to your database when you press login button and it succeed at logging in.
more info about TopLevel:
Toplevel widgets work as windows that are directly managed by the window manager. They do not necessarily have a parent widget on top of them.
Your application can use any number of top-level windows.
source: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/tk_toplevel.htm
on a side note : you place TopLevel windows inside the root.
I have made two separate GUI screens, one as login.py and user_intern.py and in user_intern.py I have a button called login_button, so when I click login the login.py which contains GUI for login screen should execute and the user_intern.py should close automatically and I didn't used class (OOP) here, I have written code fully with functions only so hereby I attached the codes and screenshots of screens.
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
from PIL import Image,ImageTk
import os
import pickle
import mysql.connector as sql
from tkinter import messagebox
def login1():
host = host_entry.get()
port = port_entry.get()
username = username_entry.get()
password = password_entry.get()
if spec.is_connected():
messagebox.showinfo("Connected","Database connected Sucessfully")
messagebox.showerror("Exists", "Database is already connected")
root = Tk()
root.resizable(False, False)
root.title("School Diaries")
#background image
bg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file="files\Sublime Light1.jpg")
lbl_bg = Label(root,image=bg)
host_label = Label(root, text="Host Name ", bg="white", fg="#4f4e4d",font=("yu gothic ui", 12, "bold"))
host_label.place(x=675, y=115)
host_entry = Entry(root, highlightthickness=0, relief=FLAT, bg="white", fg="#6b6a69",font=("yu gothic ui semibold", 12))
#host_entry.insert(0, "localhost")
host_entry.place(x=687, y=139, width=145)
port_label = Label(root, text="Port ", bg="white", fg="#4f4e4d",font=("yu gothic ui", 13, "bold"))
port_label.place(x=675, y=190)
port_entry = Entry(root, highlightthickness=0, relief=FLAT, bg="white", fg="#6b6a69",font=("yu gothic ui semibold", 12))
#port_entry.insert(0, "3307")
port_entry.place(x=690, y=213, width=145)
username_label = Label(root, text="Username ", bg="white", fg="#4f4e4d",font=("yu gothic ui", 13, "bold"))
username_label.place(x=675, y=265)
username_entry = Entry(root, highlightthickness=0, relief=FLAT, bg="white", fg="#6b6a69",font=("yu gothic ui semibold", 12))
#username_entry.insert(0, "root")
username_entry.place(x=687, y=287, width=145)
password_label = Label(root, text="Password ", bg="white", fg="#4f4e4d",font=("yu gothic ui", 13, "bold"))
password_label.place(x=675, y=338)
password_entry = Entry(root, highlightthickness=0, relief=FLAT, bg="white", fg="#6b6a69",font=("yu gothic ui semibold", 12))
#password_entry.insert(0, "root")
password_entry.place(x=687, y=361, width=145)
submit = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file='Pics\submit.png')
submit_button = Button(root, image=submit,font=("yu gothic ui", 13, "bold"), relief=FLAT, activebackground="white",borderwidth=0, background="white", cursor="hand2",command=login1)
submit_button.place(x=655, y=440)
login = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file='Pics\login.png')
login_button = Button(root, image=login,font=("yu gothic ui", 13, "bold"), relief=FLAT, activebackground="white",borderwidth=0, background="white", cursor="hand2")
login_button.place(x=785, y=442)
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
from PIL import Image,ImageTk
import os
import pickle
import mysql.connector as sql
from tkinter import messagebox
def login():
#host = user_inter.host_entry.get()
#port = user_inter.port_entry.get()
username = username_entry.get()
password = password_entry.get()
if spec.is_connected():
messagebox.showinfo("Connected","Database connected Sucessfully")
messagebox.showerror("Exists", "Failed")
root = Tk()
root.resizable(False, False)
root.title("School Diaries")
bg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file="files\login.jpg")
lbl_bg = Label(root,image=bg)
login_lbl = Label(root, text="Login", bg="white", fg="#4f4e4d",font=("San Francisco", 45))
username_label = Label(root, text="Username ", bg="white", fg="#4f4e4d",font=("yu gothic ui", 13, "bold"))
username_label.place(x=675, y=190)
username_entry = Entry(root, highlightthickness=0, relief=FLAT, bg="white", fg="#6b6a69",font=("yu gothic ui semibold", 12))
#username_entry.insert(0, "root")
username_entry.place(x=695, y=215, width=190)
password_label = Label(root, text="Password ", bg="white", fg="#4f4e4d",font=("yu gothic ui", 13, "bold"))
password_label.place(x=675, y=280)
password_entry = Entry(root, highlightthickness=0, relief=FLAT, bg="white", fg="#6b6a69",font=("yu gothic ui semibold", 12))
#password_entry.insert(0, "root")
password_entry.place(x=692, y=305, width=190)
login = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file='Pics\login.png')
login_button = Button(root, image=login,font=("yu gothic ui", 13, "bold"), relief=FLAT, activebackground="white",borderwidth=0, background="white", cursor="hand2")
login_button.place(x=770, y=390)
You can do any edits in code to get the output.
So i have written a simple tkinter gui that will show some command output results when prompted, only issue i'm having is the command wont appear on any other screen.
def updateipt():
text = Text(main_window, height=150, width=124)
with Popen(["iptables", '-L', '-v', '-n'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) as p:
for line in p.stdout:
text.insert(END, line,)
text = Text(main_window, height=150, width=124)
i assumed that replacing the main_window argument above with another window would direct the text widget to a different window, but everytime i try this i get an error Which states that the window needs to be Tk(): AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'tk'
How do i work around this?
Full code posted below:
import os
import subprocess as sub
from tkinter import *
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
def main_window():
global main_window
main_window = Tk()
main_window.title("Firewall test")
main_window.configure(bg="dark grey")
label1 = Label(main_window, text="What Would you like to configure?", font=('arial', 12, 'bold'), bg="white",
label1.pack(fill=X, pady=20)
btnproc = Button(main_window, text="Process configuration", font=('arial', 9, 'bold'), bg="light grey", fg="black",
width="30", height="2", command=lambda: process_window())
btnfw = Button(main_window, text="Firewall", font=('arial', 9, 'bold'), bg="light grey", fg="black", width="30",
height="2", command=lambda: firewall_window())
btnmon = Button(main_window, text="AIDE", font=('arial', 9, 'bold'), bg="light grey", fg="black", width="30",
height="2", command=lambda: monitor_window())
def process_window():
global process_window
process_window = Toplevel(main_window)
process_window.title("Process Configuration")
process_window.configure(bg="dark grey")
label1 = Label(process_window, text="What Would you like to configure?", font=('arial', 12, 'bold'), bg="white",
label1.pack(fill=X, pady=20)
def firewall_window():
firewall_window = Toplevel(main_window)
firewall_window.title("Firewall Configuration")
firewall_window.configure(bg="dark grey")
label1 = Label(firewall_window, text="What Would you like to configure?", font=('arial', 12, 'bold'), bg="white",
label1.pack(fill=X, pady=20)
updatebtn = Button(firewall_window, text="View Current Iptables layout", font=('arial', 9, 'bold'), bg="light grey",
fg="black", width="30",
height="2", command=lambda: updateipt())
def monitor_window():
monitor_window = Toplevel(main_window)
monitor_window.title("AIDE Configuration")
monitor_window.configure(bg="dark grey")
label1 = Label(monitor_window, text="What Would you like to configure?", font=('arial', 12, 'bold'), bg="white",
label1.pack(fill=X, pady=20)
def updateipt():
text = Text(firewall_window, height=150, width=124)
with Popen(["iptables", '-L', '-v', '-n'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) as p:
for line in p.stdout:
text.insert(END, line,)
In your code, the name of your functions are also the name of your windows (Toplevel). Please change all your function names. Also, in your updateipt function, you are giving a function to place the Text widget so it throws an error.
import os
import subprocess as sub
from tkinter import *
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
def main_windows():
global main_window
main_window = Tk()
main_window.title("Firewall test")
main_window.configure(bg="dark grey")
label1 = Label(main_window, text="What Would you like to configure?", font=('arial', 12, 'bold'), bg="white",
label1.pack(fill=X, pady=20)
btnproc = Button(main_window, text="Process configuration", font=('arial', 9, 'bold'), bg="light grey", fg="black",
width="30", height="2", command=lambda: process_windows())
btnfw = Button(main_window, text="Firewall", font=('arial', 9, 'bold'), bg="light grey", fg="black", width="30",
height="2", command=lambda: firewall_windows())
btnmon = Button(main_window, text="AIDE", font=('arial', 9, 'bold'), bg="light grey", fg="black", width="30",
height="2", command=lambda: monitor_windows())
def process_windows():
global process_window
process_window = Toplevel()
process_window.title("Process Configuration")
process_window.configure(bg="dark grey")
label1 = Label(process_window, text="What Would you like to configure?", font=('arial', 12, 'bold'), bg="white",
label1.pack(fill=X, pady=20)
def firewall_windows():
firewall_window = Toplevel()
firewall_window.title("Firewall Configuration")
firewall_window.configure(bg="dark grey")
label1 = Label(firewall_window, text="What Would you like to configure?", font=('arial', 12, 'bold'), bg="white",
label1.pack(fill=X, pady=20)
updatebtn = Button(firewall_window, text="View Current Iptables layout", font=('arial', 9, 'bold'), bg="light grey",
fg="black", width="30",
height="2", command=lambda: updateipt())
def monitor_windows():
monitor_window = Toplevel(main_window)
monitor_window.title("AIDE Configuration")
monitor_window.configure(bg="dark grey")
label1 = Label(monitor_window, text="What Would you like to configure?", font=('arial', 12, 'bold'), bg="white",
label1.pack(fill=X, pady=20)
def updateipt():
text = Text(main_window, height=150, width=124)
with Popen(["iptables", '-L', '-v', '-n'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) as p:
for line in p.stdout:
text.insert(END, line)
I don’t understand why this error appears, I have two source codes in one, everything works fine, in the second this error comes out. Looked at similar questions
but it did not give a result
from Tkinter import * # for Python2
except ImportError:
from tkinter import * # for Python3
class Application(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, master):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, master)
self.master = master
def initialize_user_interface(self):
self.master.root.title("Работа с планом")
self.lbl_name = Label(root, text='Название проекта:', font=("Arial Bold", 14))
self.lbl_name.grid(column=0, row=1)
self.txt_name = Entry(root, width=50, font=("Arial Bold", 14))
self.txt_name.grid(column=1, row=1)
self.lbl_lic = Label(root, text='Жидкость для работы:')
self.lbl_lic.grid(column=0, row=2)
self.txt_lic = Entry(root, width=50, font=("Arial Bold", 14))
self.txt_lic.grid(column=1, row=2)
self.lbl_tank = Label(root, text='Имя танкера для работы:')
self.lbl_tank.grid(column=0, row=3)
self.txt_tank = Entry(root, width=50, font=("Arial Bold", 14))
self.txt_tank.grid(column=1, row=3)
self.lbl_desk = Label(root, text='Описание действий сотрудника:')
self.lbl_desk.grid(column=0, row=4)
self.txt_desk = Entry(root, width=50, font=("Arial Bold", 14))
self.txt_desk.grid(column=1, row=4)
self.lbl_agr = Label(root, text='Согласование работ с нормоконтролером:')
self.lbl_agr.grid(column=0, row=5)
self.txt_agr = Entry(root, width=50, font=("Arial Bold", 14))
self.txt_agr.grid(column=1, row=5)
self.but_b = Button(root, text="Назад", font=("Arial Bold", 14))
self.but_b.grid(column=0, row=6)
self.but_go = Button(root, text="Вперед", font=("Arial Bold", 14), command=self.safe)
self.but_go.grid(column=0, row=7)
self.but_safe = Button(root, text="Сохранить", font=("Arial Bold", 14))
self.but_safe.grid(column=1, row=6)
self.but_del = Button(root, text="Удалить", font=("Arial Bold", 14))
self.but_del.grid(column=1, row=7)
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = tk.Tk()
run = Application(root)
Firstly, when you are changing the Root Title and geometry, you do not need to call the root simply leaving it as self.master.geometry('400x300+200+200') will work fine.
Secondly, when using from tkinter import * you do not need to use tk.Frame you can just use Frame as Python will recognise this as a class name.
Thirdly one of your button commands self.safe will cause an error because this method is not defined nor is it a built in Tk command.
Improved code...
from tkinter import *
class Application(Frame):
def __init__(self, master):
Frame.__init__(self, master)
self.master = master
def initialize_user_interface(self):
self.master.title("Работа с планом")
self.lbl_name = Label(root, text='Название проекта:', font=("Arial Bold", 14))
self.lbl_name.grid(column=0, row=1)
self.txt_name = Entry(root, width=50, font=("Arial Bold", 14))
self.txt_name.grid(column=1, row=1)
self.lbl_lic = Label(root, text='Жидкость для работы:')
self.lbl_lic.grid(column=0, row=2)
self.txt_lic = Entry(root, width=50, font=("Arial Bold", 14))
self.txt_lic.grid(column=1, row=2)
self.lbl_tank = Label(root, text='Имя танкера для работы:')
self.lbl_tank.grid(column=0, row=3)
self.txt_tank = Entry(root, width=50, font=("Arial Bold", 14))
self.txt_tank.grid(column=1, row=3)
self.lbl_desk = Label(root, text='Описание действий сотрудника:')
self.lbl_desk.grid(column=0, row=4)
self.txt_desk = Entry(root, width=50, font=("Arial Bold", 14))
self.txt_desk.grid(column=1, row=4)
self.lbl_agr = Label(root, text='Согласование работ с нормоконтролером:')
self.lbl_agr.grid(column=0, row=5)
self.txt_agr = Entry(root, width=50, font=("Arial Bold", 14))
self.txt_agr.grid(column=1, row=5)
self.but_b = Button(root, text="Назад", font=("Arial Bold", 14))
self.but_b.grid(column=0, row=6)
self.but_go = Button(root, text="Вперед", font=("Arial Bold", 14), command=None)
self.but_go.grid(column=0, row=7)
self.but_safe = Button(root, text="Сохранить", font=("Arial Bold", 14))
self.but_safe.grid(column=1, row=6)
self.but_del = Button(root, text="Удалить", font=("Arial Bold", 14))
self.but_del.grid(column=1, row=7)
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = Tk()
run = Application(root)
Very simple, don't be impressed by the size of the code.
I want to do something very simple (well, not for me, since I'm asking for help here) put the location of the open file in the red square on the screen:
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename
from tkinter import messagebox
def OpenFile_AntiDuplicate():
global antiduplicate_file
mainframe = tk.Frame(bg='#1c2028')
antiduplicate_file = askopenfilename(initialdir="/",
filetypes =(("Text file", "*.txt"),("All files","*.*")),
title = "Open text file"
fichier_dir = tk.Label(mainframe, text=antiduplicate_file).pack()
with open(antiduplicate_file,'r') as UseFile:
print("Non-existent file")
def RUN_AntiDuplicate():
with open(antiduplicate_file,'r') as UseFile:
error1 = tk.messagebox.showerror("ERROR", "No files exist!")
class HoverButton(tk.Button):
def __init__(self, master, **kw):
self.defaultBackground = self["background"]
self.bind("<Enter>", self.on_enter)
self.bind("<Leave>", self.on_leave)
def on_enter(self, e):
self['background'] = self['activebackground']
def on_leave(self, e):
self['background'] = self.defaultBackground
def Anti_Duplicate():
mainframe = tk.Frame(bg='#1c2028')
mainframe.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nsew')
bouton_1 = HoverButton(mainframe, font=("Arial", 10), text="Back",
background='#000000', fg='white', borderwidth=2,
activebackground='#202124', activeforeground='#CF3411',
relief='ridge', command=mainframe.destroy)
bouton_1.place(x=520, y=300)
open_button = HoverButton(mainframe, font=("Arial", 10), text="Open File..",
background='#000000', fg='white', borderwidth=2,
activebackground='#202124', activeforeground='#1195cf',
relief='ridge', command = OpenFile_AntiDuplicate)
open_button.place(x=284.3, y=200, anchor='n')
run_button = HoverButton(mainframe, font=("Arial", 20), text="RUN",
background='#000000', fg='white', borderwidth=2,
activebackground='#202124', activeforeground='#11CF6D',
relief='ridge', command = RUN_AntiDuplicate)
run_button.place(x=50, y=330, anchor='s')
bouton_2 = tk.Button(mainframe, font=("Arial", 10),
text="The purpose of this tool is to remove duplicate lines from a text file.",
background='#202124', fg='#1195cf', borderwidth=2,
activebackground= '#202124', activeforeground='#1195cf', relief='sunken')
bouton_2.place(relx=.5, y=50, anchor='n')
bouton_1 = tk.Button(mainframe, font=("Arial", 15), text="Anti-Duplicate",
background='#202124', fg='#1195cf', borderwidth=2,
activebackground='#202124', activeforeground='#1195cf', relief='sunken')
bouton_1.pack(side= "top", padx= 5, pady=5, ipadx= 30, anchor="n")
def main_menu():
root = tk.Tk()
screenn_x = int(root.winfo_screenwidth())
screenn_y = int(root.winfo_screenheight())
root.title("ComboKit v0.0.1")
root.minsize(570, 340)
windowss_x = 570
windowss_y = 340
possX = (screenn_x // 2) - (windowss_x // 2)
possY = (screenn_y // 2) - (windowss_y // 2)
geoo = "{}x{}+{}+{}".format(windowss_x, windowss_y, possX, possY)
root.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
root.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
mainframe = tk.Frame(root, bg='#1c2028')
mainframe.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='n')
main_fusion_bouton = HoverButton(mainframe, font=("Arial", 15), text="Fusion",
background='#000000', fg='white', borderwidth=2,
activebackground='#202124', activeforeground='#1195cf',
relief='ridge', command=None)
main_fusion_bouton.pack(side= "left", padx= 5, pady=5, ipadx= 10, anchor="n")
main_antiduplicate_bouton = HoverButton(mainframe, font=("Arial", 15), text="Anti-Duplicate",
background='#000000', fg='white', borderwidth=2,
activebackground='#202124', activeforeground='#1195cf',
relief='ridge', command=Anti_Duplicate)
main_antiduplicate_bouton.pack(side= "left", padx= 5, pady=5, ipadx= 30)
main_split_button = HoverButton(mainframe, font=("Arial", 15), text="Split",
background='#000000', fg='white', borderwidth=2,
activebackground='#202124', activeforeground='#1195cf',
relief='ridge', command=None)
main_split_button.pack(side= "left", padx= 5, pady=5, ipadx= 19, anchor="n")
So here's my code allows you to use 3 tools:
"Split" / "Anti-Duplicate" / "Merge"
At the moment I'm working on the "Anti-Duplicate" so it's on this Frame() where the text should be displayed.
I've already done everything, even the button to open the file explorer, but for the moment the location of the file is only displayed in the cmd.
Thank you very much!
The location of the file does not show up because you created a new frame to hold the label fichier_dir inside OpenFile_AntiDuplicate() and you did not call any layout function on the frame, so the frame will not be shown.
Better create the label fichier_dir inside Anti_Duplicate() and pass it to OpenFile_AntiDuplicate() function:
def Anti_Duplicate():
fichier_dir = tk.Label(mainframe, bg='#1c2028', fg='white')
fichier_dir.place(relx=0.5, y=170, anchor='n')
open_button = HoverButton(mainframe, font=("Arial", 10), text="Open File..",
background='#000000', fg='white', borderwidth=2,
activebackground='#202124', activeforeground='#1195cf',
relief='ridge', command = lambda: OpenFile_AntiDuplicate(fichier_dir))
And update OpenFile_AntiDuplicate(...):
def OpenFile_AntiDuplicate(fichier_dir):
global antiduplicate_file
antiduplicate_file = askopenfilename(initialdir="/",
filetypes =(("Text file", "*.txt"),("All files","*.*")),
title = "Open text file"
fichier_dir['text'] = antiduplicate_file