I have a Python app with a Tkinter GUI. It runs fine as a Python program. Then I use PyInstaller to convert it to a .exe:
pyinstaller --onefile -w 'AttnyDistApp.py'
This completes fine, but when I try to open my app, I get the following error message:
But the GUI does not connect to a database - it's only after the user has clicked a button.
Your problem occurs likely because ZipCodeDatabase tries to load a database that is not included by PyInstaller. You'll need to find out what file it is trying to open and modify the configuration of PyInstaller to include that non-code file. PyInstaller is pretty good at finding all the code it needs to include, but data and binaries are often missed.
From the pyzipcode documentation: "This package will allow you to get zip code information. The data used in this package can be retrieved from " - you should either include the file you downloaded yourself, or have your code check if the data is available and if it isn't, download it from the code before opening the database.
I have created a python script that I am attempting to turn into an application on mac so that I do not have to alway open the terminal. I am using Tkinter to create a window that the script runs on.
I run pyinstaller --onefile -w -i "Icon Name" "myapp.py" and I get the Dist folder with both a unix script and a macOS application. Running the Unix Script works perfectly fine, however when I try and run the app it will breifly blink in the taskbar and then dissapear without doing anything. running open myapp in the terminal opens it fine, its just when I double click on it.
I have tried looking it up and PyInstaller App not opening on Mac leads me to this github thread https://github.com/pyinstaller/pyinstaller/issues/3753. I tried following along however when I get to the hook-_tkinter.py file mine is only 30 lines of code and looks like this:
import sys
from PyInstaller import compat
from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import logger
from PyInstaller.utils.hooks.tcl_tk import collect_tcl_tk_files
def hook(hook_api):
# Use a hook-function to get the module's attr:`__file__` easily.
Freeze all external Tcl/Tk data files if this is a supported platform *or* log a non-fatal error otherwise.
if compat.is_win or compat.is_darwin or compat.is_unix:
# collect_tcl_tk_files() returns a Tree, so we need to store it into `hook_api.datas` in order to prevent
# `building.imphook.format_binaries_and_datas` from crashing with "too many values to unpack".
logger.error("... skipping Tcl/Tk handling on unsupported platform %s",
It does not have the specific lines that the thread is showing I need to edit. I should also note that I found the file in /opt/homebrew/lib/python3.10/site-packages/PyInstaller/hooks/hook-_tkinter.py instead of where the thread is pointing to. I cannot find this file there.
I also read somewhere (I forget where exactly) that I need TCL and tkinter installed which I thought I did already cause it comes with python. trying to find somewhere to download tcl brought me to activetcl but I am unsure how to install that on my computer so I am not sure if that is the solution or not because I cannot get it working.
Sorry for the long question but would anyone be able to assist me in getting this working?
A little bit of context:
I have made a password manager in python
I then packed it into a single executable using:
pyinstaller --onefile password_manager.py
Okay first I want to specify that the script works properly when I run it through the password_manager.py file, the executable version also runs properly and when I e.g. create a user and I save the data in a new json file. I'm able to access it on runtime but when I actually close the shell and the program stops running it's like the data has all been lost and or deleted. I'm looking for a way for the required data to remain on my drive like they do when I run password_manager.py on its own.
I can view hidden files in my computer too.
The link to the code is here: code
My file structure when I run it through password_manager.py
Here is the executable showing some random Data I recently added without closing and restarting the program. These information was supposed to be stored in /data/users.json and /data/password (and is stored there when I just use password_manager.py) but when I actually exit the application they are not present in any way when I rerun the executable(neither the directories that were supposed to be created nor the files).
Simple replication:
import os
pyinstaller --onefile mkdir.py
I also sadly couldn't find a way to include the executable in this question but you can replicate it with the given command.
I created a data-miner GUI for twitter with kivy and am currently having a lot of trouble turning it into an exe. I tried following this video and import glew and sdl2 into my spec but after doing pyinstaller main.spec, my executable still would not open.
Is it because I have more than one files and folders for my program (here is the link to the github repo for my project), if so, how do you deal with that?
In addition, if I manage to success create a working exe, how do I create an exe installer that other people can use to install the executable?
Making an executable from a complex script like yours may become quite frustrating because of its dependencies. But I'm giving you a brief guide about what you need to follow to achieve your goal.
Create your main.spec file with console-mode enabled to see the exact error message for the app. (make sure to remove --noconsole from PyInstaller command or set console=True in spec file). Also use --no-upx in the build command to remove compression from output file (this helps with omitting some DLLs which may cause issues).
You need to make sure that every external module you used can pack correctly. I don't think you get any problem with either Kivy or Tweepy. But if you get any missing import error, try to check the solution for each one by searching the pattern [module] pyinstaller.
Your app has external resources like images, files, etc., which must be added to the packed executable and load properly. I wrote an answer about this here.
If you want a standalone executable, you need to use -F with PyInstaller command, which is more robust than using an installer to gather files in one directory mode.
I've written a program that generates a random name and displays a random image along with it using Python and tkinter. However, I want the user to be able to add and remove pictures as well as edit the names of students. That being said, I don't want to package these inside the executable where it can't be changed by the user.
To use PyInstaller, I go into the command prompt and navigate to the working directory and type:
pyi-makespec --windowed --onefile --icon=Assets\\icon.ico random_student.py
Then, in the spec file I change datas to:
datas=[('Assets\\icon.ico', 'Assets')],
Then, I run
pyinstaller random_student.spec
The program runs just fine using PyCharm. And I've done this exact same method on a couple of other .py files an it works. However, they don't need to pull images/text into their programs. This will create an executable, but I can't run it. It gives me a Fatal Error "Failed to execute script random_student". I've tried placing the executable in the working directory and in the pictures folder, but neither work.
I'm currently using Windows 10 64-bit and Python 3.6.6
I'd appreciate any kind of help I can get with this!
SOLUTION: I removed the --windowed option so I could actually read the error. Then realized I didn't have Pillow installed so it was unable to be packaged. Thank you for the help.
Hi as a python newbie I have written a small python application that can convert an excel worksheet into a sqlite database table. Its not a terribly complex application but it does make use of external modules/package like xlrd (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/xlrd) which I had to download and install when writing my app.
Now that is all done I would like to distribute it amongst my friends, all windows users, while they have python on their machines, they may or may not have the xlrd modules.
I would like to package my app, make sure it includes everything that it needs to run, and share the final .zip file with my friends so they can use the application. Is there a good tutorial that covers how to package a python application, with all the necessary external modules/packages, so that another windows user, can easily run my application.
I keep hearing about disutils, can anyone point me to some good tutorials, or any other python packaging tutorials that show how to get everything into a simple easy to distribute file.
Many thanks
Note: I also want to include the sqlite database file with my application, so the end user doesn't have to worry about anything
First download Pyinstaller and save it somewhere. Then, if you're running Python 2.6 or 2.7 go and install pywin32.
Go create a directory for your output file.
Open Command prompt and enter the fallowing:
python path/to/pyinstaller/pyinstall.py file/to/be/converted.py --onefile
If you want to add an icon, add the --icon argument.
If you want it to hide the CMD window add the --windowed argument.
So if you wanted it to use an icon and hide the CMD window it would look like this:
python path/to/pyinstaller/pyinstall.py file/to/be/converted.py --onefile --icon="path/to/icon.ico" --windowed
The --onefile argument makes the saves everything into one file, without it, the output would be would be a lot of files.
The output is saved in the "dist" folder in the directory it was using.
After you convert the python script in to an .exe, put it in a .zip file along with any other files you need (in your case the squite database file) and you can give it to anyone without them needing to have Python at all.
If you want a program to do this all for you, you can download a program called PTEC.