Extract and rename zip file from specific folder using Python3 - python

I am using python3.10. To unzip a file I have a zip file in folder 'wowo' if I select folder using path and use only file name the code doesn't work. But, when full path+filename given it works. I don't want go give full path and file name together. I want to define path saperately.
zipdata = zipfile.ZipFile('/Volumes/MacHD/MYPY/wowo/NST_cm.zip')
zipinfos = zipdata.infolist()
for zipinfo in zipinfos:
zipinfo.filename = 'Nst.csv'
zipdata.extract(path=path, member=zipinfo)

You could join the two strings in order to form the full filepath.
filepath = os.path.join(path, filename)
Or I believe the ZipFile function can take a path and file name expression like this
Replacing filename with the name of the file you wish to work with

You can use pathlib and add the path with the filename in the zipfile.zipfile:
import pathlib
path = pathlib.Path('PATH/TO/FOLDER')
zipfile.ZipFile( path / 'filename')


Find a file 1 folder level down

I am trying to get full_path of places.sqlite file present in '%APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<random_folder>\places.sqlite' using Python OS module. The issue as you can see that <random_folder> has a random name and there could be multiple folders inside the Profiles folder.
How do I navigate/find the path to the places.sqlite file?
You would ideally want to go through each folder to search for this file. In terminal 'locate file_name' command would do this for you. In python file you can use the following command:
import os
db_path = os.path.join(os.getenv('APPDATA'), r'Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles')
def find_file(file_name, path):
for root_folder, directory, file_names in os.walk(path):
if file_name in file_names:
return os.path.join(root_folder, file_name)
print(find_file('places.sqlite', db_path))
os.walk gives a list of all files in a path recusivly. Use it to search for 'places.sqlite' as follows.
path = ""
for root, dirs, files in os.walk("%APPDATA%\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles\\"):
if "places.sqlite" in files:
path = os.path.join(root, 'places.sqlite')
Use the os module to list out all directories in %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\
loop over the directories until you find places.sqlite file (also using os module)
A glob might be simpler as in this case one expects the file to be there in level below the Profiles folder or not there at all.
import os
import pathlib
profiles = pathlib.Path(os.environ["APPDATA"]) / "Mozilla" / "Firefox" / "Profiles"
# rglob will recursively search as well
if places := list(profiles.rglob("places.sqlite")):
print(places[0]) # will print the sqllite file path
with places[0].open() as f:
# ....

Python - I zip some folders with subfolders but it zips twice.

I have written a script. It finds the current path and changes the path and zips. Then I want that it just find the zip file copy it to another directory and at the end removes the content of the folder. But it zips once and zips again the whole folders and zip-file. The intial situation is as in Figure 1.
The script is like this:
import os
import zipfile
import shutil
import glob
Pfad = os.getcwd()
newPfad = 'D'+ Pfad[1:]
shutil.make_archive(Zip_name, 'zip', Pfad)
if not os.path.exists(newPfad):
files = glob.iglob(os.path.join(Pfad, "*.zip"))
for file in files:
if os.path.isfile(file):
shutil.copy2(file, dest_dir)
And finally the result is illustrated in the following figure.
The batch file is just for running the python script.
How can I get the following desired situation?
The issue is that zip file is created prior to listing the directory contents, therefore empty zip file is added to. Create archive in the parent directory and then move it. Moving a file or directory is cheap and atomic.
import os
import shutil
cwd = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir)
zip_target = os.path.join(cwd, os.path.basename(cwd)) + '.zip'
zip_source = shutil.make_archive(cwd, 'zip')
os.rename(zip_source, zip_target)

glob.iglob Remove path from filename

I am trying to get the most recent file added to a directory using python 2.7 os and glob modules.
import os
import glob
path = "files/"
newestFile = max(glob.iglob(path + '*.txt'), key=os.path.getctime)
print newestFile
When I print the newestFile variable I get the path included i.e.
I just want the filename but my .txt file and .py script are not in the same directory. The text file is one directory down under the files directory. How do I refer to the directory and get the newest .txt file added to that directory.
You can use os.path.basename to just get the filename:
newestFile = os.path.basename(max(glob.iglob(path + '*.txt'), key=os.path.getctime))
os.path.getctime is going to need the full path so one way or another you would have to use the full path.

Python converting url into directory

I am trying to convert a url like "www.example.com/images/dog.png" into directories from the current directory.
So I get a folder named "www.example.com", inside that "images" and finally inside that the file saved as "dog.png"
I've tried using urllib.url2pathname(path) but it keeps appending P:\ to the start of it.
You can use os.makedirs() to create the directory tree, but that will fail if the final directory already exists. So you can test if it exists before attempting to create the directory tree, or use try: ... except OSError:. In Python 3 you can supply an exist_ok parameter to over-ride this behaviour, see the Python docs of os.makedirs for further info.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
cwd = os.getcwd()
url = "www.example.com/images/dog.png"
fullname = os.path.join(cwd, url)
path, basename = os.path.split(fullname)
if not os.path.exists(path):
with open(fullname, 'w') as f:
If your system doesn't support directory names containing periods you can translate them to another character, eg _, like this:
fullname = fullname.replace('.', '_')
(just insert this after the fullname = os.path.join(cwd, url) line).
And as jwilner mentions in the comments, it's more efficient to use
path = os.path.dirname
than path, basename = os.path.split(fullname) if you don't need the base component of the file name (in this example "dog.png").

rename a file and only modify after dot

I'm trying to modify a test.tar.gz into test.tgz but it dosn't work. Here is the command:
temporalFolder= /home/albertserres/*.tar.gz
It sends me error that the file doesn't exist. Why?
Also I just need to modify after the dot, not the entire name, because I'll probably doesn't know the file name, and if I do *.tgz it rename the file *.tgz and I want to keep the original name.
This should work:
import shutil
orig_file = '/home/albertserres/test.tar.gz'
new_file = orig_file.replace('tar.gz', 'tgz')
shutil.move(orig_file, new_file)
And if you want to do that for several files:
import shutil
import glob
for orig_file in glob.glob('/home/albertserres/*.tar.gz'):
new_file = orig_file.replace('tar.gz', 'tgz')
shutil.move(orig_file, new_file)
rename would probably be easier.
rename 's/\.tar\.gz/\.tgz/' *.tar.gz
In your case
params = "rename 's/\.tar\.gz/\.tgz/' /home/albertserres/*.tar.gz"
subprocess.call(params, shell=True)
To replace all .tar.gz file extensions with .tgz file extensions in a given directory (similar to #hitzg's answer):
#!/usr/bin/env python
from glob import glob
for filename in glob(b'/home/albertserres/*.tar.gz'):
new = bytearray(filename)
new[-len(b'tar.gz'):] = b'tgz'
os.rename(filename, new) # or os.replace() for portability
The code replaces tar.gz only at the end of the name. It raises an error if new is an existing directory otherwise it silently replaces the file on Unix.
