Python: Splitting a Column into concatenated rows based on specific Values - python

I am sure someone has asked a question like this before but my current attempts to search have not yielded a solution.
I have a column of text values, for example:
import pandas as pd
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'text':['a','bb','cc','4','m','...']})
0 a
1 bb
2 cc
3 4
4 m
5 ...
The column in 'text' is comprised of strings, ints, floats, and nan type data.
I am trying to combine (with a space [' '] between each text value) all the text values in-between each number (int/float) in the text column, ignoring Nan values, making each concatenated set a separate row.
What would be the most efficient way to accomplish this?
I thought to possibly read all values into a string, strip the Nan's, then split this successively if a number is encountered, but this seems highly inefficient.
Thank you for your help!
desired sample output
0 'a bb cc'
1 'm ...'

You can convert columns to numeric and test non missing values, so get Trues for numeric rows, then filter only non numeric in inverted mask by ~ in DataFrame.loc and aggregate by cumulative sum with mask by Series.cumsum with aggregate join:
#for remove NaNs before solution
df2 = df2.dropna(subset=['text'])
m = pd.to_numeric(df2['text'], errors='coerce').notna()
df = df2.loc[~m, 'text'].groupby(m.cumsum()).agg(' '.join).reset_index(drop=True).to_frame()
print (df)
0 a bb cc
1 m ...

I would avoid pandas for this operation altogether. Instead, use the library module more_itertools - namely, the split_at() function:
import more_itertools as mit
def test(x): # Test if X is a number of some sort or a nan
try: float(x); return True
except: return False
result = [" ".join(x) for x in mit.split_at(df2['text'].dropna(), test)]
# ['a bb cc', 'm ...']
df3 = pd.DataFrame(result, columns=['text',])
P.S. On a dataframe of 13,000 rows with an average group length of 10, this solution is 2 times faster than the pandas solution proposed by jezrael (0.00087 sec vs 0.00156 sec). Not a huge difference, indeed.


Add character to column based on text condition using pandas

I'm trying to do some data cleaning using pandas. Imagine I have a data frame which has a column call "Number" and contains data like: "1203.10", "4221","3452.11", etc. I want to add an "M" before the numbers, which have a point and a zero at the end. For this example, it would be turning the "1203.10" into "M1203.10".
I know how to obtain a data frame containing the numbers with a point and ending with zero.
Suppose the data frame is call "df".
pointzero = '[0-9]+[.][0-9]+[0]$'
pz = df[df.Number.str.match(pointzero)]
But I'm not sure on how to add the "M" at the beginning after having "pz". The only way I know is using a for loop, but I think there is a better way. Any suggestions would be great!
You can use boolean indexing:
pointzero = '[0-9]+[.][0-9]+[0]$'
m = df.Number.str.match(pointzero)
df.loc[m, 'Number'] = 'M' + df.loc[m, 'Number']
Alternatively, using str.replace and a slightly different regex:
pointzero = '([0-9]+[.][0-9]+[0]$)'
df['Number'] = df['Number'].str.replace(pointzero, r'M\1', regex=True))
0 M1203.10
1 4221
2 3452.11
you should make dataframe or seires example for answer
s1 = pd.Series(["1203.10", "4221","3452.11"])
0 M1203.10
1 4221
2 3452.11
dtype: object
str.contains + boolean masking
cond1 = s1.str.contains('[0-9]+[.][0-9]+[0]$')
s1.mask(cond1, 'M'+s1)
0 M1203.10
1 4221
2 3452.11
dtype: object

How to conserve dataframe rows containing a list a specific strings?

I have a dataframe with a column level
0 HH
1 FF
2 FF
4 C,D
8433 C,W-PROC
8434 C,D
8435 D
8436 C,Q
8437 C,HH
I would like to only conserve row which contains specific string:
searchfor = ['W','W-OFFSH','W-ONSH','W-GB','W-PROC','W-NGTC','W-TRANS','W-UNSTG','W-LNGSTG','W-LNGIE','W-LDC','X','Y','LL','MM','MM – REF','MM – IMP','MM – EXP','NN','NN-FRAC','NN-LDC','OO']
which should give me (from the above extract):
I tried to apply these 2 different string filter but non one give me the excepted result.
df = df[df['industrytype'].str.contains(searchfor)]
df = df[df['industrytype'].str.contains(','.join(searchfor))]
It might not be behaving the expected way because of the presence of comma in the columns. You can write a simple function which splits at comma and checks for each different splits. You can use apply method to use that function on the column.
def filter(x):
x = x.split(',')
for i in x:
if i in searchfor:
return True
return False
df = df[df.industrytype.apply(filter)]

How can I efficiently and idiomatically filter rows of PandasDF based on multiple StringMethods on a single column?

I have a Pandas DataFrame df with many columns, of which one is:
I am trying to fetch all records where col starts with abc: and has the first -num- between '1234' and '2345' (inclusive using a string search; the -num- parts are exactly 4 digits each).
In the case above, I'd return
My current (working, I think) solution looks like:
df = df[df['col'].str.startswith('abc:')]
df = df[df['col'].str.extract('.*-(\d+)-(\d+)-.*')[0].ge('1234')]
df = df[df['col'].str.extract('.*-(\d+)-(\d+)-.*')[0].le('2345')]
What is a more idiomatic and efficient way to do this in Pandas?
Complex string operations are not as efficient as numeric calculations. So the following approach might be more efficient:
m1 = df['col'].str.startswith('abc')
m2 = pd.to_numeric(df['col'].str.split('-').str[2]).between(1234, 2345)
dfn = df[m1&m2]
0 abc:kk__LL-z12-1234-5678-kk__z
3 abc:kk_AA_LL-z12-2345-5678-ek__x
One way would be to use regexp and apply function. I find it easier to play with regexp in a separate function than to crowd the pandas expression.
import pandas as pd
import re
def filter_rows(string):
z = re.match(r"abc:.*-(\d+)-(\d+)-.*", string)
if z:
return 1234 <= (int(z.groups()[0])) <= 2345
return False
Then use the defined function to select rows
0 abc:kk__LL-z12-1234-5678-kk__z
3 abc:kk_AA_LL-z12-2345-5678-ek__x
Another play on regex :
#string starts with abc,greedy search,
#then look for either 1234, or 2345,
#search on for 4 digit number and whatever else after
pattern = r'(^abc.*(?<=1234-|2345-)\d{4}.*)'
0 abc:kk__LL-z12-1234-5678-kk__z
3 abc:kk_AA_LL-z12-2345-5678-ek__x

Not including empty cells in mean calculation in a dataframe

I am reading a table of values from an excel file as a pandas dataframe, where some cells are empty, as there are some data missing. I need to calculate the mean value of each row, but the empty cells are read as zeros, and so are included in the calculation, which is misleading. How can I calculate the mean value without including the empty cells? I found that the empty cells can be read as 'Nan' only when the table is read as a table of strings, but I need numbers. Any help?
Any NaN values shouldn't be counted towards the mean. Try replacing whatever your missing values are with np.nan and then repeat your mean calculation. If they are currently zeros, try:
df.replace(0.0, np.nan, inplace=True)
This is how you can replace empty cells with zeros..
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(dict(A=['2', 'hello'], B=['', '3']))
>>> df
0 2
1 hello 3
>>> def convert_fill(df):
... return df.stack().apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='ignore').fillna(0).unstack()
>>> convert_fill(df)
0 2 0
1 hello 3
df[~pd.isnull(df)] really been great , it only get non empty cells.
>>> print(df[~pd.isnull(df)])
0 2
1 hello 3

Adding a DataFrame column with len() of another column's values

I'm having a problem trying to get a character count column of the string values in another column, and haven't figured out how to do it efficiently.
for index in range(len(df)):
df['char_length'][index] = len(df['string'][index]))
This apparently involves first creating a column of nulls and then rewriting it, and it takes a really long time on my data set. So what's the most effective way of getting something like
'string' 'char_length'
abcd 4
abcde 5
I've checked around quite a bit, but I haven't been able to figure it out.
Pandas has a vectorised string method for this: str.len(). To create the new column you can write:
df['char_length'] = df['string'].str.len()
For example:
>>> df
0 abcd
1 abcde
>>> df['char_length'] = df['string'].str.len()
>>> df
string char_length
0 abcd 4
1 abcde 5
This should be considerably faster than looping over the DataFrame with a Python for loop.
Many other familiar string methods from Python have been introduced to Pandas. For example, lower (for converting to lowercase letters), count for counting occurrences of a particular substring, and replace for swapping one substring with another.
Here's one way to do it.
In [3]: df
0 abcd
1 abcde
In [4]: df['len'] = df['string'].str.len()
In [5]: df
string len
0 abcd 4
1 abcde 5
