Select a column without "losing" a dimension - python

Suppose I execute the following code
W = tf.random.uniform(shape = (100,1), minval = 0, maxval = 1)
Z = tf.random.uniform(shape = (100,1), minval = 0, maxval = 1)
X = tf.concat([W,Z],1)
The shape of X[:,1] would be [100,]. That is, X[:,1].shape would yield [100,]. If I want to select the second column of X and want the resulting array to have shape [100,1], what should I do? I looked at tf.slice but I'm not sure if it' helpful.

Maybe just use tf.newaxis for your use case:
import tensorflow as tf
W = tf.random.uniform(shape = (100,1), minval = 0, maxval = 1)
Z = tf.random.uniform(shape = (100,1), minval = 0, maxval = 1)
X = tf.concat([W,Z],1)
print(X[:, 1, tf.newaxis].shape)
# (100, 1)

Try this:
Y = X[:, 1]
# which is [100]
Y = tf.reshape(Y, [100,1])
# which is [100, 1]


NotImplementedError: Cannot convert a symbolic tf.Tensor (Log_2:0) to a numpy array

I have the following code which is based on The original code was based on TF v1 and I am in the process of migrating it to TF v2. However, I am facing some issues while trying to perform a numpy operation on a tensor. I am running the code on Google Colab.
The reproducible code is as below, sorry it is quite long:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from datetime import datetime
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture
HERMITE = [[1, 0, -3, 2], [0, 0, 3, -2], [0, 1, -2, 1], [0, 0, -1, 1]]
FORMAT = 'float32'
def real_hermite_interp(xi, x, m, p):
# Hermite polynomial coefficients
h = tf.Variable(np.array(HERMITE).astype(FORMAT), trainable=False)
xx = tf.stack([x[:, :-1], x[:, 1:]], axis=2)
# The concatenated coefficients are of shape (n_knots - 1, 2)
mm = tf.stack([m[:-1], m[1:]], axis=1)
pp = tf.stack([p[:-1], p[1:]], axis=1)
y = tf.concat([mm, pp], axis=1)
# Extract Hermite polynomial coefficients from y (n_knots - 1, 4)
yh = tf.matmul(y, h)
xi_ = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(xi, 0), 0)
x0_ = tf.expand_dims(xx[:, :, 0], 2)
x1_ = tf.expand_dims(xx[:, :, 1], 2)
xn = (xi_ - x0_) / (x1_ - x0_)
# Calculate powers of normalized interpolation vector
mask = tf.logical_and(tf.greater_equal(xn, 0.), tf.less(xn, 1.))
mask = tf.cast(mask, tf.float32)
xp = tf.pow(tf.expand_dims(xn, -1), [0, 1, 2, 3])
# Interpolate
return tf.einsum('rf,srtf->st', yh, xp * tf.expand_dims(mask, -1))
class Scattering:
"""Learnable scattering network layer."""
def __init__(self, x, j=None, q=None, k=None, pooling_type='average',
decimation=2, pooling=2, index=0, **filters_kw):
"""Scattering network layer.
Computes the convolution modulus and scattering coefficients of the
input signal.
x: :class:`~tensorflow.Tensor()`
Input data of shape ``(batch_size, channels, patch_shape).
# Filter bank properties
self.shape_input = x.get_shape().as_list()
self.j = j = j[index] if type(j) is list else j
self.q = q = q[index] if type(q) is list else q
self.k = k = k[index] if type(k) is list else k
filters = self.init_filters(j, q, k, **filters_kw)
n_filters, kernel_size = filters.get_shape().as_list()
filters_concat = tf.concat([tf.math.real(filters), tf.math.imag(filters)], 0)
filters_kernel = tf.expand_dims(tf.transpose(filters_concat), 1)
# Pad input in the time dimension before convolution with half the size
# of filters temporal dimension (kernel_size).
shape_fast = [[:-1]), 1, self.shape_input[-1]]
paddings = [0, 0], [0, 0], [kernel_size // 2 - 1, kernel_size // 2 + 1]
x_reshape = tf.reshape(x, shape_fast)
x_pad = tf.pad(x_reshape, paddings=paddings, mode='SYMMETRIC')
# Differentiate the case of one input channel or multiple
# which needs reshaping in order to treat them independently
# The "NCW" format stores data as batch_shape + [in_channels, in_width]
x_conv = tf.nn.conv1d(x_pad, filters_kernel, stride=decimation,
padding='VALID', data_format='NCW')
u = tf.sqrt(tf.square(x_conv[:, :n_filters]) +
tf.square(x_conv[:, n_filters:]))
self.u = tf.reshape(u, (*self.shape_input[:-1], n_filters, -1))
pool = tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling1D
# Pooling for the scattering coefficients
if pooling > 1:
pooled = pool(
pooling // (decimation ** (index + 1)),
pooling // (decimation ** (index + 1)),
padding='valid', data_format='channels_first')
pooled = pooled(u)
self.s = tf.reshape(pooled, self.shape_input[:-1] + [j * q] + [-1])
self.output = self.s
inverse = tf.gradients(x_conv, x, x_conv)[0]
self.reconstruction_loss = tf.nn.l2_loss(
inverse - tf.stop_gradient(x)) /
def init_filters(self, j, q, k, learn_scales=False, learn_knots=False,
learn_filters=True, hilbert=False):
extra_octave = 1 if learn_scales else 0
self.filter_samples = k * 2 ** (j + extra_octave)
time_max = np.float32(k * 2**(j - 1 + extra_octave))
time_grid = tf.linspace(-time_max, time_max, self.filter_samples)
scales_base = 2**(tf.range(j * q, dtype=tf.float32) / np.float32(q))
scales_delta = tf.Variable(
tf.zeros(j * q), trainable=learn_scales, name='scales')
scales = scales_base + scales_delta
nyquist_offset = scales + \
tf.stop_gradient(tf.one_hot(0, j * q) * tf.nn.relu(1 - scales[0]))
scales_correction = tf.concat(
tf.nn.relu(nyquist_offset[:-1] - nyquist_offset[1:])], 0)
self.scales = nyquist_offset + \
knots_base = tf.Variable(
tf.ones(k), trainable=learn_knots, name='knots')
knots_sum = tf.cumsum(
tf.expand_dims(knots_base, 0) * tf.expand_dims(self.scales, 1),
1, self.filter_samples - k), exclusive=True, axis=1)
self.knots = knots_sum - (k // 2) * tf.expand_dims(self.scales, 1)
if hilbert is True:
m = (np.cos(np.arange(k) * np.pi) * np.hamming(k)).astype(FORMAT)
p = (np.zeros(k)).astype(FORMAT)
self.m = tf.Variable(m, name='m', trainable=learn_filters)
self.p = tf.Variable(p, name='p', trainable=learn_filters)
# Boundary Conditions and centering
mask = np.ones(k, dtype=np.float32)
mask[0], mask[-1] = 0, 0
m_null = self.m - tf.reduce_mean(self.m[1:-1])
filters = real_hermite_interp(
time_grid, self.knots, m_null * mask, self.p * mask)
# Renorm and set filter-bank
filters_renorm = filters / tf.reduce_max(filters, 1, keepdims=True)
filters_fft = tf.signal.rfft(filters_renorm) # was spectral.rfft
filters = tf.signal.ifft(
tf.concat([filters_fft, tf.zeros_like(filters_fft)], 1))
# Define the parameters for saving
self.parameters = self.m, self.p, self.scales, self.knots
return filters
def renorm(self, parent, epsilon=1e-3):
# Extract all shapes.
if epsilon > 0:
s = self.s / (tf.expand_dims(parent.s, -2) + epsilon)
batch_size, *_, samples = s.get_shape().as_list()
return tf.reshape(s, [batch_size, -1, samples])
return tf.reshape(self.s, [batch_size, -1, samples])
# testing
data = tf.random.uniform((4,3,16800), dtype=tf.float32)
batch_size = 4
args = {'layers': {'j': [4, 6, 8], 'q': [8, 2, 1], 'k': 7, 'pooling_type': 'average', 'decimation': 4, 'pooling': 1024, 'learn_scales': False, 'learn_knots': False, 'learn_filters': True, 'hilbert': True}, 'eps_norm': 0.001, 'eps_log': 0.0001, 'learning': {'epochs': 3, 'rate': 0.001}, 'pca': {'n_components': 5}, 'gmm': {'gmm_type': 'natural', 'trainable': False}, 'gmm_init': {'n_components': 10, 'max_iter': 1000, 'covariance_type': 'full', 'warm_start': True}}
# Run over batches
epochs = args['learning']['epochs']
learning_rate = args['learning']['rate']
for epoch in range(epochs):
# Gradually decrease learning rate over epochs
if epoch == epochs // 2:
learning_rate /= 5
if epoch == 3 * epochs // 4:
learning_rate /= 5
# Calculate scattering coefficients for all batches
scat_all = list()
n_batches = data.shape[0] // batch_size
for b in range(n_batches):
layers = [Scattering(data, index=0, **args['layers'])]
for i in range(1, 3):
layer = Scattering(layers[-1].u, index=i, **args['layers'])
# Extract parameters.
net = [layer.parameters for layer in layers]
# Get reconstruction losses.
rl = tf.add_n([a.reconstruction_loss for a in layers])
# Renormalize coefficients.
r = list()
for i in range(1, 3):
r.append(layers[i].renorm(layers[i - 1], args['eps_norm']))
# Concatenate.
sx = tf.transpose(tf.concat(r, axis=1), [1, 0, 2])
sx = tf.reshape(sx, [sx.get_shape().as_list()[0], -1])
sx = tf.transpose(sx)
sx = tf.math.log(sx + args['eps_log'])
sx[np.isnan(sx)] = np.log(args['eps_log'])
sx[np.isinf(sx)] = np.log(args['eps_log'])
The issue is from the line 'sx[np.isnan(sx)] = np.log(args['eps_log'])'. The full error is shown below:
NotImplementedError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In [6], line 34
31 print("sx:", sx)
32 print("sx shape: ", sx.shape)
---> 34 sx[np.isnan(sx)] = np.log(args['eps_log'])
35 sx[np.isinf(sx)] = np.log(args['eps_log'])
36 scat_all.append(sx)
File c:\Python310\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\framework\, in Tensor.__array__(***failed resolving arguments***)
920 def __array__(self, dtype=None):
921 del dtype
--> 922 raise NotImplementedError(
923 f"Cannot convert a symbolic tf.Tensor ({}) to a numpy array."
924 f" This error may indicate that you're trying to pass a Tensor to"
925 f" a NumPy call, which is not supported.")
NotImplementedError: Cannot convert a symbolic tf.Tensor (Log_2:0) to a numpy array. This error may indicate that you're trying to pass a Tensor to a NumPy call, which is not supported.
Based on solutions on previous stackoverflow posts, I have tried to upgrade my tensorflow (2.11.0) and numpy versions (1.23.5) but that did not solve the problem. I saw some suggestions on downgrading numpy but because of other dependencies that did not work. My Python version is 3.8.16. Any suggestions on how to proceed? Thanks in advance.

Saving image from numpy array gives errors

this function is to show image of adversarial and its probability, I only want to download the image.
def visualize(x, x_adv, x_grad, epsilon, clean_pred, adv_pred, clean_prob, adv_prob):
x = x.squeeze(0) #remove batch dimension # B X C H X W ==> C X H X W
x = x.mul(torch.FloatTensor(std).view(3,1,1)).add(torch.FloatTensor(mean).view(3,1,1)).numpy()#reverse of normalization op- "unnormalize"
x = np.transpose( x , (1,2,0)) # C X H X W ==> H X W X C
x = np.clip(x, 0, 1)
x_adv = x_adv.squeeze(0)
x_adv = x_adv.mul(torch.FloatTensor(std).view(3,1,1)).add(torch.FloatTensor(mean).view(3,1,1)).numpy()#reverse of normalization op
x_adv = np.transpose( x_adv , (1,2,0)) # C X H X W ==> H X W X C
x_adv = np.clip(x_adv, 0, 1)
x_grad = x_grad.squeeze(0).numpy()
x_grad = np.transpose(x_grad, (1,2,0))
x_grad = np.clip(x_grad, 0, 1)
figure, ax = plt.subplots(1,3, figsize=(80,80))
im = Image.fromarray(x_adv)"car.jpeg")'car.jpeg')
I am getting this error here
TypeError: Cannot handle this data type: (1, 1, 3), <f4
Try changing this:
im = Image.fromarray(x_adv)
to this:
im = Image.fromarray((x_adv * 255).astype(np.uint8))

ValueError in NumPy: shapes not aligned

The code below shows error "ValueError: shapes (400,16,1) and (16,16) not aligned: 1 (dim 2) != 16 (dim 0)". How can I solve this problem? I want to create an image recognition algorithm using numpy only. Test images are 20*20 px sized. (sorry for my English, I speak Russian)
from numpy import exp, array, random, dot, squeeze, asarray
from PIL import Image
images = []
for k in range(8):
im ='learn\\yes\\{k + 1}.png', 'r')
a = list(im.getdata())
pixel_values = []
for i in a:
pixel_values.append((i[0] + i[1] + i[2] / 3) / 1000)
im ='learn\\no\\{k + 1}.png', 'r')
a = list(im.getdata())
pixel_values = []
for i in a:
pixel_values.append((i[0] + i[1] + i[2] / 3) / 1000)
im ='test\\1.png', 'r')
a = list(im.getdata())
pixel_values = []
for i in a:
pixel_values.append((i[0] + i[1] + i[2] / 3) / 1000)
print(*images, sep='\n', end='\n\n')
# print(pixel_values3)
training_set_inputs = array([images])
training_set_outputs = array([[1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]]).T
synaptic_weights = squeeze(asarray(3 * random.random((400, 1)) - 1))
for iteration in range(2):
print(f'starting iteration {iteration + 1}')
output = 1 / (1 + exp(-(dot(training_set_inputs, synaptic_weights))))
synaptic_weights += dot(training_set_inputs.T, (training_set_outputs - output) * output * (1 - output))
a = 1 / (1 + exp(-(dot(array(pixel_values), synaptic_weights))))[0]
if a > 0.6:
I've solved the problem. The problem was here:
training_set_inputs = array([images])
instead of
training_set_inputs = array(images)

Getting an item's neighbor inside of a numpy array

I have an array that looks like this:
[['A0' 'B0' 'C0']
['A1' 'B1' 'C1']
['A2' 'B2' 'C2']]
I would like to get B1's neighbors which are B0 , C1 , B2 , A1, along with their indices.
This is what I came up with:
import numpy as np
arr = np.array([
def get_neighbor_indices(x,y):
neighbors = []
top = arr[y - 1, x]
neighbors.append((top, (y - 1, x)))
except IndexError:
bottom = arr[y + 1, x]
neighbors.append((bottom, (y + 1, x)))
except IndexError:
left = arr[y, x - 1]
neighbors.append((left, (y, x - 1)))
except IndexError:
right = arr[y, x + 1]
neighbors.append((right, (y, x + 1)))
except IndexError:
return neighbors
This will return a list of tuples (value, (y, x)).
Is there a better way to do this without relying on try/except?
You can do this directly in numpy without any exceptions, since you know the sizes of your array. The indices of the immediate neighbors of x, y are given by
inds = np.array([[x, y]]) + np.array([[1, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 1], [0, -1]])
You can easily make a mask that indicates which indices are valid:
valid = (inds[:, 0] >= 0) & (inds[:, 0] < arr.shape[0]) & \
(inds[:, 1] >= 0) & (inds[:, 1] < arr.shape[1])
Now extract the values that you want:
inds = inds[valid, :]
vals = arr[inds[:, 0], inds[:, 1]]
The simplest return value would be inds, vals, but if you insisted on keeping your original format, you could transform it into
[v, tuple(i) for v, i in zip(vals, inds)]
You can easily modify this to work on arbitrary dimensions:
def neighbors(arr, *pos):
pos = np.array(pos).reshape(1, -1)
offset = np.zeros((2 * pos.size, pos.size),
offset[np.arange(0, offset.shape[0], 2), np.arange(offset.shape[1])] = 1
offset[np.arange(1, offset.shape[0], 2), np.arange(offset.shape[1])] = -1
inds = pos + offset
valid = np.all(inds >= 0, axis=1) & np.all(inds < arr.shape, axis=1)
inds = inds[valid, :]
vals = arr[tuple(inds.T)]
return vals, inds
Given an N dimensional array arr and N elements of pos, you can create the offsets by just setting each dimension sequentially to 1 or -1. The computation of the mask valid is greatly simplified by broadcasting together inds and arr.shape, as well as calling np.all across each N-sized row instead of doing it manually for each dimension. Finally, the conversion tuple(inds.T) turns inds into an actual fancy index by assigning each column to a separate dimension. The transpose is necessary becaue arrays iterate over rows (dim 0).
You can use this:
def get_neighbours(inds):
places = [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]
return [(arr[x, y], (y, x)) for x, y in [(inds[0] + p[0], inds[1] + p[1]) for p in places] if x >= 0 and y >= 0]
get_neighbours(1, 1)
# OUTPUT [('B0', (1, 0)), ('B2', (1, 2)), ('A1', (0, 1)), ('C1', (2, 1))]
get_neighbours(0, 0)
# OUTPUT [('A1', (0, 1)), ('B0', (1, 0))]
How about this?
def get_neighbor_indices(x,y):
return ( [(arr[y-1,x], (y-1, x))] if y>0 else [] ) + \
( [(arr[y+1,x], (y+1, x))] if y<arr.shape[0]-1 else [] ) + \
( [(arr[y,x-1], (y, x-1))] if x>0 else [] ) + \
( [(arr[y,x+1], (y, x+1))] if x<arr.shape[1]-1 else [] )

Generate matrices for pairs of values in Numpy

I have a 3D array (a 2D array of vectors), of which I want to transform each vector with a rotation matrix. The rotations are in two separate 2D arrays of radians angle values called cols and rows.
I've been able to have NumPy compute the angles for me already, without a Python loop. Now I'm looking for a way to have NumPy generate the rotation matrices, too, hopefully resulting in a great performance boost.
size = img.shape[:2]
# Create an array that assigns each pixel the percentage of
# the correction (value between -1 and 1, distributed linearly).
cols = np.array([np.arange(size[1]) for __ in range(size[0])]) / (size[1] - 1) * 2 - 1
rows = np.array([np.arange(size[0]) for __ in range(size[1])]).T / (size[0] - 1) * 2 - 1
# Atan distribution based on F-number and Sensor size.
cols = np.arctan(sh * cols / (2 * f))
rows = np.arctan(sv * rows / (2 * f))
### This is the loop that I would like to remove and find a
### clever way to make NumPy do the same operation natively.
for i in range(size[0]):
for j in range(size[1]):
ah = cols[i,j]
av = rows[i,j]
# Y-rotation.
mat = np.matrix([
[ np.cos(ah), 0, np.sin(ah)],
[0, 1, 0],
[-np.sin(ah), 0, np.cos(ah)]
# X-rotation.
mat *= np.matrix([
[1, 0, 0],
[0, np.cos(av), -np.sin(av)],
[0, np.sin(av), np.cos(av)]
img[i,j] = img[i,j] * mat
return img
Is there any clever way to rewrite the loop in NumPy operations?
(Let's assume the shape of img be (a, b, 3).)
Firstly, cols and rows does not need to be fully expanded to (a, b) (you could write cols[j] instead of cols[i,j]). And they can be easy generated using np.linspace:
cols = np.linspace(-1, 1, size[1]) # shape: (b,)
rows = np.linspace(-1, 1, size[0]) # shape: (a,)
cols = np.arctan(sh * cols / (2*f))
rows = np.arctan(sv * rows / (2*f))
Then we get precalculate the components of the matrices.
# shape: (b,)
cos_ah = np.cos(cols)
sin_ah = np.sin(cols)
zeros_ah = np.zeros_like(cols)
ones_ah = np.ones_like(cols)
# shape: (a,)
cos_av = np.cos(rows)
sin_av = np.sin(rows)
zeros_av = np.zeros_like(rows)
ones_av = np.ones_like(rows)
And then construct the rotation matrices:
# shape: (3, 3, b)
y_mat = np.array([
[cos_ah, zeros_ah, sin_ah],
[zeros_ah, ones_ah, zeros_ah],
[-sin_ah, zeros_ah, cos_ah],
# shape: (3, 3, a)
x_mat = np.array([
[ones_av, zeros_av, zeros_av],
[zeros_av, cos_av, -sin_av],
[zeros_av, sin_av, cos_av],
Now let's see. If we have a loop we would write:
for i in range(size[0]):
for j in range(size[1]):
img[i, j, :] = img[i, j, :] # y_mat[:, :, j] # x_mat[:, :, i]
or, if we expand out the matrix multiplications:
This can be handled nicely using np.einsum (note the i,j,k,m,n corresponds exactly like the equation above):
img = np.einsum('ijk,kmj,mni->ijn', img, y_mat, x_mat)
To summarize:
size = img.shape[:2]
cols = np.linspace(-1, 1, size[1]) # shape: (b,)
rows = np.linspace(-1, 1, size[0]) # shape: (a,)
cols = np.arctan(sh * cols / (2*f))
rows = np.arctan(sv * rows / (2*f))
cos_ah = np.cos(cols)
sin_ah = np.sin(cols)
zeros_ah = np.zeros_like(cols)
ones_ah = np.ones_like(cols)
cos_av = np.cos(rows)
sin_av = np.sin(rows)
zeros_av = np.zeros_like(rows)
ones_av = np.ones_like(rows)
y_mat = np.array([
[cos_ah, zeros_ah, sin_ah],
[zeros_ah, ones_ah, zeros_ah],
[-sin_ah, zeros_ah, cos_ah],
x_mat = np.array([
[ones_av, zeros_av, zeros_av],
[zeros_av, cos_av, -sin_av],
[zeros_av, sin_av, cos_av],
return np.einsum('ijk,kmj,mni->ijn', img, y_mat, x_mat)
