How to add two torch tensors along given dimension? - python

I have a torch tensor, pred, in the form (B, 2, H, W) and I want to sum two different values, val1 and val2, to the channels on axis 1.
I managed to do it in a "mechanical" way by accessing the single channels directly, e.g.:
def thresh_format(pred, val1, val2):
tr = torch.zeros_like(pred)
tr[:, 0, :, :] = tr[:, 0, :, :].add(val1)
tr[:, 1, :, :] = tr[:, 1, :, :].add(val2)
return pred + tr
However I'm wondering if there's a "better" way to do it, e.g. by exploiting broadcasting. My understanding from the documentation is that broadcasting happens from trailing dimensions, so in this case I'm puzzled how to make it work for dimension 1.
Any ideas?

The easiest way to achieve this is to stack val1 and val2 in a tensor and reshape it to match the shape of the pred tensor along the common dimension.
pred + torch.tensor([val1, val2]).reshape((1,-1,1,1))
This way, for the addition, torch automatically broadcasts the values along the dimensions where pred has higher order.
It's pretty similar to what happens when you just add a simple scalar value to a tensor, like:
>>> torch.ones((2, 2)) + 3.
tensor([[4., 4.],
[4., 4.]])
But instead of broadcasting the one scalar value to every element of the tensor during the addition, in the aforementioned case the values are broadcasted along the dimensions that do not already match.
>>> B=1; W=2; H=2; val1=3; val2=7
>>> pred = torch.zeros((B,2,W,H))
>>> val = torch.tensor([val1, val2]).reshape((1,-1,1,1))
>>> pred
tensor([[[[0., 0.],
[0., 0.]],
[[0., 0.],
[0., 0.]]]])
>>> val
>>> pred + val
tensor([[[[3., 3.],
[3., 3.]],
[[7., 7.],
[7., 7.]]]])


Numpy where broadcastable condition

I have used numpy.where() so many times now, and I always wondered about the following statement in the docs:
x, y and condition need to be broadcastable to some shape.
I see why this is necessary for both x and y. We want to assemble the resulting array from the two, so they should be broadcastable to the same shape. However, I do not understand why this is so important for the condition as well. It is only the decision rule. Suppose I have the following three shapes:
condition = (100,)
x = (100, 5)
y = (100, 5)
result = np.where(condition, x, y)
This results in a ValueError, because the "operands could not be broadcast together". To my understanding, this expression should work just fine, because I compose my result of both x and y which are broadcastable.
Can you help me understand why it is so important for the condition to be broadcastable along with x and y?
The condition is fundamentally a boolean array, not a generic condition. You could think of it as a mask over the final broadcasted shape of x and y.
If you think of it that way, it should be clear that the mask must have the same shape, or be broadcastable to the same shape, as the final output.
To illustrate this, here's a simple example. To begin with, consider a scenario in which we have hand-defined a 3x3 mask array as our condition, and we pass in two 3-item arrays as x and y, shaped to broadcast appropriately:
condition = numpy.array([[0, 1, 1],
[1, 0, 1],
[0, 0, 1]])
ones = numpy.ones(3)
numpy.where(condition, ones[:, None], ones[None, :] + 1)
The result looks like this:
>>> numpy.where(condition, ones[:, None], ones[None, :] + 1)
array([[2., 1., 1.],
[1., 2., 1.],
[2., 2., 1.]])
Because of the broadcasting step, x and y behave as if they were defined like this:
>>> x
array([[1., 1., 1.],
[1., 1., 1.],
[1., 1., 1.]])
>>> y
array([[2., 2., 2.],
[2., 2., 2.],
[2., 2., 2.]])
>>> numpy.where(condition, ones[:, None], ones[None, :] + 1)
array([[2., 1., 1.],
[1., 2., 1.],
[2., 2., 1.]])
This is the fundamental behavior of where. The fact that you can pass in a condition like (x > 5) doesn't change anything about the above; (x > 5) becomes a boolean array, and it must have the same shape as the output, or else it must be broadcastable to that shape. Otherwise, the behavior of where would be ill-defined.
(By the way, I am assuming your question is not about why the shapes (100,), (100, 5), and (100, 5) aren't broadcastable; that seems to be a different question.)

Expanding tensor using native tensorflow ops

I have a single dimensional data (floats) as shown below:
[-8., 18., 9., -3., 12., 11., -13., 38., ...]
I want to replace each negative element with an equivalent number of zeros.
My result would look something like this for the example above:
[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 18., 9., 0., 0., 0., 12., ...]
I am able to do this in Tensorflow by using tf.py_func().
But it turns out the graph is not serializable if I use that method.
Are there native tensorflow ops that can help me get the same result?
Not a straightforward task! Here is a pure TensorFlow implementation:
import tensorflow as tf
# Input vector
inp = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None])
# Find positive and negative indices
mask = inp < 0
num_inputs = tf.size(inp)
pos_idx, neg_idx = tf.dynamic_partition(tf.range(num_inputs), tf.cast(mask, tf.int32), 2)
# Negative values
negs = -tf.gather(inp, neg_idx)
total_neg = tf.reduce_sum(negs)
cum_neg = tf.cumsum(negs)
# Compute the final index of each positive element
pos_neg_idx = tf.cast(pos_idx[:, tf.newaxis] > neg_idx, inp.dtype)
neg_ref = tf.reduce_sum(pos_neg_idx, axis=1)
shifts = tf.gather(tf.concat([[0], cum_neg], axis=0), neg_ref) - neg_ref
final_pos_idx = pos_idx + shifts
# Compute the final size
final_size = num_inputs + total_neg - tf.size(negs)
# Make final vector by scattering positive values
result = tf.scatter_nd(final_pos_idx[:, tf.newaxis], tf.gather(inp, pos_idx), [final_size])
with tf.Session() as sess:
print(, feed_dict={inp: [-1, 1, -2, 2, 1, -3]}))
[0 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0]
There is some "more than necessary" computational cost in this solution, namely the computation of final indices of positive elements through pos_neg_idx, which is O(n2), while it could be done iteratively in O(n). However, I cannot think of a way to replicate the loop iteratively, and a TensorFlow loop (using tf.while_loop) would be awkward and slow. In any case, unless you are using quite large vectors (with evenly distributed positive and negative values) it should not be a big issue.

Create a Transformation Matrix out of Scalar Angle Tensors

Original Question
I want to create a custom Lambda function using keras that does the forward kinematics of an articulated arm.
This function has a set of angles as input and should output a vector containing the position and orientation of the end effector.
I could create this function in numpy easily; but when I wanted to move it to Keras, things got hard.
Since the input and the output of the lambda function are tensors, all operations should be done using tensors and the backend operations.
The problem is that I have to create a transformation matrix out of the input angles.
I could use K.cos and K.sin (K is the backend tensorflow) to compute the cosines and sines of the angles. But the problem is how to create a tensor that is a 4X4 matrix that contains some cells which are just numbers (0 or 1) and the others are parts of a tensor.
For example for a Z rotation :
T = tf.convert_to_tensor( [[c, -s, 0, dX],
[s, c, 0, dY],
[0, 0, 1, dZ],
[0, 0, 0, 1]])
Here c and s are computed using K.cos(input[3]) and K.sin(input[3]).
This does not work. I get :
ValueError: Shapes must be equal rank, but are 1 and 0
From merging shape 1 with other shapes. for 'lambda_1/packed/0' (op: 'Pack') with input shapes: [5], [5], [], [].
Any suggestions?
Further Problems
The code provided by #Aldream did work fine.
The problem is when I embed this into a Lambda layer, I get an error when I compile the model.
self.model.compile(optimizer="adam", loss='mse', metrics=['mse'])
As you can see, I use a class that holds the model and the various functions.
First I have a helper function That computes the transformation matrix:
def trig_K( angle):
r = angle*np.pi/180.0
return K.cos(r), K.sin(r)
def T_matrix_K(rotation, axis="z", translation=K.constant([0,0,0])):
c, s = trig_K(rotation)
dX = translation[0]
dY = translation[1]
dZ = translation[2]
T = K.stack( [[c, -s, 0., dX],
[s, c, 0., dY],
[0., 0., 1., dZ],
[0., 0., 0., 1.]], axis=0)
T = K.stack( [ [c, 0.,-s, dX],
[0., 1., 0., dY],
[s, 0., c, dZ],
[0., 0., 0., .1]], axis=0)
T = K.stack( [ [1., 0., 0., dX],
[0., c, -s, dY],
[0., s, c, dZ],
[0., 0., 0., 1.]], axis=0)
return T
Then FK_keras computes the end effector transformation:
def FK_Keras(self, angs):
# Compute local transformations
# Compute end effector transformation,,,,wrist_2_T))))
# Compute Yaw, Pitch, Roll of end effector[1,0],end_effector_T[1,1])[2,0],[2,1]*end_effector_T[2,1]+end_effector_T[2,2]*end_effector_T[2,2]))[2,1],end_effector_T[2,2])
# Construct the output tensor [x,y,z,y,p,r]
output = K.stack([end_effector_T[0,3],end_effector_T[1,3],end_effector_T[2,3], y, p, r], axis=0)
return output
Here self.base_pos_K and the other translations vectors are constants :
self.base_pos_K = K.constant(np.array([x,y,z]))
Tle code stucks in the compile function and return this error :
ValueError: Shapes must be equal rank, but are 1 and 0
From merging shape 1 with other shapes. for 'lambda_1/stack_1' (op: 'Pack') with input shapes: [5], [5], [], [].
I tried to create a fast test code like this :
arm = Bot("")
# Articulation angles
input_data =np.array([90., 180., 45., 25., 25.])
sess = K.get_session()
inp = K.placeholder(shape=(5), name="inp")#)
res =,{inp: input_data})
This code do works with no errors.
There is something about integrating this into a Lambda layer of a sequential model.
Problem Solved
Indeed, the problem was related to the way Keras deals with data. It adds a batch dimension which should be taken into consideration while implmenting the function.
I dealt with this in a different way which involved reimplementing the T_matrix_K to deal with this extra dimension, but I think the way proposed by #Aldream is more elegent.
Many thanks to #Aldream. His answers were quite helpful.
Using K.stack():
import keras
import keras.backend as K
input = K.constant([3.14, 0., 0, 3.14])
dX, dY, dZ = K.constant(1.), K.constant(2.), K.constant(3.)
c, s = K.cos(input[3]), K.sin(input[3])
T = K.stack([[ c, -s, 0., dX],
[ s, c, 0., dY],
[0., 0., 1., dZ],
[0., 0., 0., 1.]], axis=0
sess = K.get_session()
res =
# [[ -9.99998748e-01 -1.59254798e-03 0.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00]
# [ 1.59254798e-03 -9.99998748e-01 0.00000000e+00 2.00000000e+00]
# [ 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00 3.00000000e+00]
# [ 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00]]
How to use with Lambda:
Keras layers are expecting/dealing with batched data. Keras would for instance assume that the input (angs) of your Lambda(FK_Keras) layer is of shape (batch_size, 5). Your FK_Keras() thus need to be adapted to deal with such inputs.
A rather straightforward way to do so, requiring only minor edits to your T_matrix_K() is to use K.map_fn() to loop over every list of angles in the batch and apply the proper T_matrix_K() function to each.
Other minor changes to deal with batches:
Using K.batch_dot() instead of
Broadcasting accordindly your constant tensors e.g. self.base_pos_K
Taking into account the additional 1st dimension to batched tensors, e.g. replacing end_effector_T[1,0] by end_effector_T[:, 1,0]
Find below a shortened working code (extending to all joints is left to you):
import keras
import keras.backend as K
from keras.layers import Lambda, Dense
from keras.models import Model, Sequential
import numpy as np
def trig_K( angle):
r = angle*np.pi/180.0
return K.cos(r), K.sin(r)
def T_matrix_K_z(x):
rotation, translation = x[0], x[1]
c, s = trig_K(rotation)
T = K.stack( [[c, -s, 0., translation[0]],
[s, c, 0., translation[1]],
[0., 0., 1., translation[2]],
[0., 0., 0., 1.]], axis=0)
# We have 2 inputs, so have to return 2 outputs for `K.map_fn()`:
return T, 0.
def T_matrix_K_y(x):
rotation, translation = x[0], x[1]
c, s = trig_K(rotation)
T = K.stack( [ [c, 0.,-s, translation[0]],
[0., 1., 0., translation[1]],
[s, 0., c, translation[2]],
[0., 0., 0., .1]], axis=0)
# We have 2 inputs, so have to return 2 outputs for `K.map_fn()`:
return T, 0.
def FK_Keras(angs):
base_pos_K = K.constant(np.array([1, 2, 3])) # replace with your self.base_pos_K
shoulder_pos_K = K.constant(np.array([1, 2, 3])) # replace with your self.shoulder_pos_K
# Manually broadcast your constants to batches:
batch_size = K.shape(angs)[0]
base_pos_K = K.tile(K.expand_dims(base_pos_K, 0), (batch_size, 1))
shoulder_pos_K = K.tile(K.expand_dims(shoulder_pos_K, 0), (batch_size, 1))
# Compute local transformations, for each list of angles in the batch:
base_T, _ = K.map_fn(T_matrix_K_z, (angs[:, 0], base_pos_K))
shoulder_T, _ = K.map_fn(T_matrix_K_y, (angs[:, 1], shoulder_pos_K))
# ... (repeat with your other joints)
# Compute end effector transformation, over batch:
end_effector_T = K.batch_dot(base_T,shoulder_T) # add your other joints
# Compute Yaw, Pitch, Roll of end effector[:, 1,0],end_effector_T[:, 1,1])[:, 2,0],[:, 2,1]*end_effector_T[:, 2,1]+end_effector_T[:, 2,2]*end_effector_T[:, 2,2]))[:, 2,1],end_effector_T[:, 2,2])
# Construct the output tensor [x,y,z,y,p,r]
output = K.stack([end_effector_T[:, 0,3],end_effector_T[:, 1,3],end_effector_T[:, 2,3], y, p, r], axis=1)
return output
# Demonstration:
input_data =np.array([[90., 180., 45., 25., 25.],[90., 180., 45., 25., 25.]])
sess = K.get_session()
inp = K.placeholder(shape=(None, 5), name="inp")#)
res =,{inp: input_data})
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(5, input_dim=5))
model.compile(optimizer="adam", loss='mse', metrics=['mse'])

Creating a matrix-Tensor of operations

I am trying to implement a kind of nonlinear filter in TensorFlow, but I am having trouble with the implementation for one step. The step is basically something like:
x_update = x.assign(tf.matmul(A, x))
The problem is that the matrix A is structured something like:
A = [[1, 0.1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, f1(x), f2(x), f3(x)],
[0, 0, f4(x), f5(x), f6(x)],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1]]
Where each fn(x) is a nonlinear function of my state; something like tf.sin(x[4]) or even x[2]**2 * tf.sin(x[4]) + x[3]**2 * tf.cos(x[4]).
I do not know how to create my A matrix such that it embeds these operations. I start by initializing it with some values:
A_mat = np.eye(5)
A_mat[0, 1] = 0.1
A = tf.Variable(A_mat, dtype=tf.float32, trainable=False, name='A')
Then I was trying to do some slice updating with tf.scatter_update, something like:
# Define my nonlinear operations.
f1 = tf.cos(...)
f2 = tf.sin(...)
# ...
# Define the part that I want to substitute.
new_part = tf.constant(tf.convert_to_tensor([[f1, f2, f3],
[f4, f5, f6]]))
# Define slice indices and update the matrix.
inds = [vals for vals in zip(np.arange(1, 3), np.arange(2, 5))]
A_update = tf.scatter_update(A, tf.constant(inds), new_part, name='A_update')
This gives me an error stating:
ValueError: Shapes must be equal rank, but are 1 and 0
From merging shape 1 with other shapes. for 'packed/0' (op: 'Pack') with input shapes: [1], [1], [], [], [], [].
I have also tried just assigning my matrix new_part back into the numpy-defined A_mat, but I get a different error, which I think is due to the unexpected datatype when a numeric array suddenly gets assigned Tensor elements.
So does anybody know how to define a matrix of operations that update when the matrix is used like this?
Ideally I would like to define the matrix A so that all the operations that update within A are a part of the call to A and happen automatically. That way I can avoid slice assignment altogether, and it would just feel more TensorFlow-y.
Thank you!
I got it past the errors with a combination of wrapping my ops in tf.reshape(op_name, []) and changing my update to:
new_part = tf.convert_to_tensor([[0, 0, f1, f2, f3],
[0, 0, f4, f5, f6]]))
rows = np.arange(start_row, end_row)
A_update = tf.scatter_update(A, rows, new_part, name='A_update')
It turns out that tf.scatter_update can only operate on the first dimension of a Variable, so I have to feed full rows to it and row indices where I want to put them. This helps, but still leaves my question:
My question:
What is the best, most TensorFlow-y way of defining this A matrix so that those elements that are constant remain constant, and those elements that are operations of other tensors on my graph are embedded in A as such? I want a call to A on my graph to go through and run those updates without needing to manually do this tf.scatter_update. Or is that the correct approach for this?
The easiest way to update a submatrix is to use tensorflow's python slicing ops.
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
A = tf.Variable(np.zeros((5, 5), dtype=np.float32), trainable=False)
new_part = tf.ones((2,3))
update_A = A[2:4,2:5].assign(new_part)
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
# array([[ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
# [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
# [ 0., 0., 1., 1., 1.],
# [ 0., 0., 1., 1., 1.],
# [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]], dtype=float32)

Python time optimisation of for loop using newaxis

I need to calculate n number of points(3D) with equal spacing along a defined line(3D).
I know the starting and end point of the line. First, I used
for k in range(nbin):
step = k/float(nbin-1)
Then, I found that using append for large arrays takes more time, then I changed code like this:
bin_point = [start_point+((k/float(nbin-1))*(end_point-start_point)) for k in range(nbin)]
I got a suggestion that using newaxis will further improve the time.
The modified code looks like this.
step = arange(nbin) / float(nbin-1)
bin_point = start_point + ( step[:,newaxis,newaxis]*((end_pint - start_point))[newaxis,:,:] )
But, I could not understand the newaxis function, I also have a doubt that, whether the same code will work if the structure or the shape of the start_point and end_point are changed. Similarly how can I use the newaxis to mdoify the following code
for j in range(32): # for all los
line_dist[j] = sqrt([sum(l) for l in (end_point[j]-start_point[j])**2])
Sorry for being so clunky, to be more clear the structure of the start_point and end_point are
array([ [[1,1,1],[],[],[]....[]],
[[],[],[],[]....[]] ])
Explanation of the newaxis version in the question: these are not matrix multiplies, ndarray multiply is element-by-element multiply with broadcasting. step[:,newaxis,newaxis] is num_steps x 1 x 1 and point[newaxis,:,:] is 1 x num_points x num_dimensions. Broadcasting together ndarrays with shape (num_steps x 1 x 1) and (1 x num_points x num_dimensions) will work, because the broadcasting rules are that every dimension should be either 1 or the same; it just means "repeat the array with dimension 1 as many times as the corresponding dimension of the other array". This results in an ndarray with shape (num_steps x num_points x num_dimensions) in a very efficient way; the i, j, k subscript will be the k-th coordinate of the i-th step along the j-th line (given by the j-th pair of start and end points).
>>> start_points = numpy.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]])
>>> end_points = numpy.array([[10, 0, 0], [0, 10, 0]])
>>> steps = numpy.arange(10)/9.0
>>> start_points.shape
(2, 3)
>>> steps.shape
>>> steps[:,numpy.newaxis,numpy.newaxis].shape
(10, 1, 1)
>>> (steps[:,numpy.newaxis,numpy.newaxis] * start_points).shape
(10, 2, 3)
>>> (steps[:,numpy.newaxis,numpy.newaxis] * (end_points - start_points)) + start_points
array([[[ 1., 0., 0.],
[ 0., 1., 0.]],
[[ 2., 0., 0.],
[ 0., 2., 0.]],
[[ 3., 0., 0.],
[ 0., 3., 0.]],
[[ 4., 0., 0.],
[ 0., 4., 0.]],
[[ 5., 0., 0.],
[ 0., 5., 0.]],
[[ 6., 0., 0.],
[ 0., 6., 0.]],
[[ 7., 0., 0.],
[ 0., 7., 0.]],
[[ 8., 0., 0.],
[ 0., 8., 0.]],
[[ 9., 0., 0.],
[ 0., 9., 0.]],
[[ 10., 0., 0.],
[ 0., 10., 0.]]])
As you can see, this produces the correct answer :) In this case broadcasting (10,1,1) and (2,3) results in (10,2,3). What you had is broadcasting (10,1,1) and (1,2,3) which is exactly the same and also produces (10,2,3).
The code for the distance part of the question does not need newaxis: the inputs are num_points x num_dimensions, the ouput is num_points, so one dimension has to be removed. That is actually the axis you sum along. This should work:
line_dist = numpy.sqrt( numpy.sum( (end_point - start_point) ** 2, axis=1 )
Here numpy.sum(..., axis=1) means sum along that axis only, rather than all elements: a ndarray with shape num_points x num_dimensions summed along axis=1 produces a result with num_points, which is correct.
EDIT: removed code example without broadcasting.
EDIT: fixed up order of indexes.
EDIT: added line_dist
I'm not through understanding all you wrote, but some things I already can tell you; maybe they help.
newaxis is rather a marker than a function (in fact, it is plain None). It is used to add an (unused) dimension to a multi-dimensional value. With it you can make a 3D value out of a 2D value (or even more). Each dimension already there in the input value must be represented by a colon : in the index (assuming you want to use all values, otherwise it gets complicated beyond our usecase), the dimensions to be added are denoted by newaxis.
input is a one-dimensional vector (1D): 1,2,3
output shall be a matrix (2D).
There are two ways to accomplish this; the vector could fill the lines with one value each, or the vector could fill just the first and only line of the matrix. The first is created by vector[:,newaxis], the second by vector[newaxis,:]. Results of this:
>>> array([ 7,8,9 ])[:,newaxis]
>>> array([ 7,8,9 ])[newaxis,:]
array([[7, 8, 9]])
(Dimensions of multi-dimensional values are represented by nesting of arrays of course.)
If you have more dimensions in the input, use the colon more than once (otherwise the deeper nested dimensions are simply ignored, i.e. the arrays are treated as simple values). I won't paste a representation of this here as it won't clarify things due to the optical complexity when 3D and 4D values are written on a 2D display using nested brackets. I hope it gets clear anyway.
The newaxis reshapes the array in such a way so that when you multiply numpy uses broadcasting. Here is a good tutorial on broadcasting.
step[:, newaxis, newaxis] is the same as step.reshape((step.shape[0], 1, 1)) (if step is 1d). Either method for reshaping should be very fast because reshaping arrays in numpy is very cheep, it just makes a view of the array, especially because you should only be doing it once.
