Is there a Ternary Operator in python - python

I'm trying to do a ternary like operator for python to check if my dictionary value exist then use it or else leave it blank, for example in the code below I want to get the value of creator and assignee, if the value doesn't exist I want it to be '' if theres a way to use ternary operator in python?
Here's my code :
in_progress_response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, auth=auth).json()
issue_list = []
for issue in in_progress_response['issues'] :
# return HttpResponse( json.dumps( issue['fields']['creator']['displayName'] ) )
"id": issue['id'],
"key": issue['key'],
"creator": issue['fields']['creator']['displayName'] ? '',
"is_creator_active": issue['fields']['creator']['active'] ? '',
"assignee": issue['fields']['assignee']['displayName'] ? '',
"is_assignee_active": issue['fields']['assignee']['active'] ? '',
"updated": issue['fields']['updated'],
return issue_list

Ternary operators in python act as follows:
condition = True
foo = 3.14 if condition else 0
But for your particular use case, you should consider using dict.get(). The first argument specifies what you are trying to access, and the second argument specifies a default return value if the key does not exist in the dictionary.
some_dict = {'a' : 1}
foo = some_dict.get('a', '') # foo is 1
bar = some_dict.get('b', '') # bar is ''

You can use .get(…) [Django-doc] to try to fetch an item from a dictionary and return an optional default value in case the dictionary does not contain the given key, you thus can implement this as:
"creator": issue.get('fields', {}).get('creator', {}).get('displayName', ''),
the same with the other items.

if you want to use something like ternary then
you can say
value = issue['fields']['creator']['displayName'] if issue['fields']['creator'] else ""


Python - if StringSet has a String in it

I have searched quite thoroughly and have not found a suitable solution. I am new to Python/Programming, so I appreciate any advice I can get:
I am trying to search a string from StringSet, here is what i am trying to do but not getting the value.
string_set = {'"123", "456", "789"'}
value = '123'
values_list = []
def fun():
for i in string_set:
if i in value:
output=LookupTables.get('dynamo-table', i, {})
return output
Using the above if it value is in the stringset then it will return the value which is in my dynmodb table.
Nothe: There could be more than 5000 values in my table so i wanted to get earliest possible return.
maybe you should romove the extra '' firstly
string_set = {'"123", "456", "789"'} # this set has just one value '"123", "456", "789"'
string_set_fixed = {"123", "456", "789"}
im assuming you're just checking if 123 is in "123", "456", "789" since you had it wrapped in single quotes:
to represent that lets use:
strset = {"123", "456", "789"}
what if you have to use that weird variable?
this should render it useable
strset = {'"123", "456", "789"'}
removed = next(iter(strset))
strset = set([i.strip(",").strip('"') for i in strset])
another cleaner way:
strset = {'"123", "456", "789"'}
exec(f"strset = {next(iter(strset))}")
print("123" in strset)
now to check if value is in there:
if value in strset:
#do code here
Try this:
string_set = {"123", "456", "789"}
value = '123'
values_list = []
def fun():
if value in string_set:
output = LookupTables.get('dynamo-table', value, {})
return output
Your definition of string_set contains an extraneous pair of ' ';
When you are testing i in value, you are comparing i against all substrings of value, rather than against the whole string.

Logical evaluation error when looping through dictionary of conditions

I'm looping through a list of web pages with Scrapy. Some of the pages that I scrape are in error. i want to keep track of the various error types so I have set up my function to first check if a series of error conditions ( which I have placed in a dictionary are true and if none are proceed with normal page scraping:
def parse_detail_page(self, response):
error_value = False
output = ""
error_cases = {
"' pageis not found' in response.body" : 'invalid',
"'has been transferred' in response.body" : 'transferred',
for key, value in error_cases.iteritems():
if bool(key):
error_value = True
output = value
if error_value:
for field in J1_Item.fields:
if field == 'case':
item[field] = id
item[field] = output
item['case'] = id
However I see that despite even in cases with none of the error cases being valid, the 'invalid' option is being selected. What am I doing wrong?
Your conditions (something in response.body) are not evaluated. Instead, you evaluate the truth value of a nonempty string, which is True.
This might work:
def parse_detail_page(self, response):
error_value = False
output = ""
error_cases = {
"pageis not found" : 'invalid',
"has been transferred" : 'transferred',
for key, value in error_cases.iteritems():
if key in response.body:
error_value = True
output = value
(Must it be "pageis not found" or "page is not found"?)
bool(key) will convert key from a string to a bool.
What it won't do is actually evaluate the condition. You could use eval() for that, but I'd recommend instead storing a list of functions (each returning an object or throwing an exception) rather than your current dict-with-string-keys-that-are-actually-Python-code.
I'm not sure why you are evaluating bool(key) like you are. Let's look at your error_cases. You have two keys, and two values. "' pageis not found' in response.body" will be your key the first time, and "'has been transferred' in response.body" will be the key in the second round in your for loop. Neither of those will be false when you check bool(key), because key has a value other than False or 0.
>>> a = "' pageis not found' in response.body"
>>> bool(a)
You need to have a different evaluator other than bool(key) there or you will always have an error.
Your conditions are strings, so they are not be evaluated.
You could evaluate your strings using eval(key) function, that is quite unsafe.
With the help of the operator module, there is no need to evaluate unsafe strings (as long as your conditions stay quite simple).
error['operator'] holds reference to the 'contains' function, which can be used as a replacement for 'in'.
from operator import contains
class ...:
def parse_detail_page(self, response):
error_value = False
output = ""
error_cases = [
{'search': ' pageis not found', 'operator': contains, 'output': 'invalid' },
{'search': 'has been transferred', 'operator': contains, 'output': 'invalid' },
for error in error_cases:
if error['operator'](error['search'], response.body):
error_value = True
output = error['output']
print output
if error_value:
for field in J1_Item.fields:
if field == 'case':
item[field] = id
item[field] = output
item['case'] = id

Can you use {} and .format to put values into a dictionary

I am writing a script to query an ArcGIS rest service and return records. I want to use {} and .format to allow a dictionary item to be changed a time. How do I write this:
time = '2016-10-06 19:18:00'
URL = ''
params = {'f': 'pjson', 'where': "CLOSE_DATE > '{}'", 'outfields' : 'OBJECTID, REPORTED_DATE, SUMMARY, ADDRESS1, REQUEST_STATUS, CLOSE_DATE, INCIDENT_NUMBER', 'returnGeometry' : 'false'}.format(time)
req = urllib2.Request(URL, urllib.urlencode(params))
if I use this for param it will work
params = {'f': 'pjson', 'where': "CLOSE_DATE > '2016-10-06 19:18:00'", 'outfields' : 'OBJECTID, REPORTED_DATE, SUMMARY, ADDRESS1, REQUEST_STATUS, CLOSE_DATE, INCIDENT_NUMBER', 'returnGeometry' : 'false'}
What is the proper python formatting to do this?
str.format is a string method, not a method on a dictionary. Just apply the method to that one string value:
params = {
'f': 'pjson',
'where': "CLOSE_DATE > '{}'".format(time),
'returnGeometry' : 'false'
Each of the key and value parts in a dictionary definition is just another expression, you are free to use any valid Python expression to produce the value, including calling methods on the string and using the result as the value.
Try this:
'where': "CLOSE_DATE > '{}'".format(time)

How to decode dataTables Editor form in python flask?

I have a flask application which is receiving a request from dataTables Editor. Upon receipt at the server, request.form looks like (e.g.)
ImmutableMultiDict([('data[59282][gender]', u'M'), ('data[59282][hometown]', u''),
('data[59282][disposition]', u''), ('data[59282][id]', u'59282'),
('data[59282][resultname]', u'Joe Doe'), ('data[59282][confirm]', 'true'),
('data[59282][age]', u'27'), ('data[59282][place]', u'3'), ('action', u'remove'),
('data[59282][runnerid]', u''), ('data[59282][time]', u'29:49'),
('data[59282][club]', u'')])
I am thinking to use something similar to this really ugly code to decode it. Is there a better way?
from collections import defaultdict
# request.form comes in multidict [('data[id][field]',value), ...]
# so we need to exec this string to turn into python data structure
data = defaultdict(lambda: {}) # default is empty dict
# need to define text for each field to be received in data[id][field]
age = 'age'
club = 'club'
confirm = 'confirm'
disposition = 'disposition'
gender = 'gender'
hometown = 'hometown'
id = 'id'
place = 'place'
resultname = 'resultname'
runnerid = 'runnerid'
time = 'time'
# fill in data[id][field] = value
for formkey in request.form.keys():
exec '{} = {}'.format(d,repr(request.form[formkey]))
This question has an accepted answer and is a bit old but since the DataTable module seems being pretty popular among jQuery community still, I believe this approach may be useful for someone else. I've just wrote a simple parsing function based on regular expression and dpath module, though it appears not to be quite reliable module. The snippet may be not very straightforward due to an exception-relied fragment, but it was only one way to prevent dpath from trying to resolve strings as integer indices I found.
import re, dpath.util
rxsKey = r'(?P<key>[^\W\[\]]+)'
rxsEntry = r'(?P<primaryKey>[^\W]+)(?P<secondaryKeys>(\[' \
+ rxsKey \
+ r'\])*)\W*'
rxKey = re.compile(rxsKey)
rxEntry = re.compile(rxsEntry)
def form2dict( frmDct ):
res = {}
for k, v in frmDct.iteritems():
m = rxEntry.match( k )
if not m: continue
mdct = m.groupdict()
if not 'secondaryKeys' in mdct.keys():
res[mdct['primaryKey']] = v
fullPath = [mdct['primaryKey']]
for sk in re.finditer( rxKey, mdct['secondaryKeys'] ):
k = sk.groupdict()['key']
dpath.util.get(res, fullPath)
except KeyError:, fullPath, [] if k.isdigit() else {})
fullPath.append(int(k) if k.isdigit() else k), fullPath, v)
return res
The practical usage is based on native flask request.form.to_dict() method:
# ... somewhere in a view code
pars = form2dict(request.form.to_dict())
The output structure includes both, dictionary and lists, as one could expect. E.g.:
# A little test:
rs = jQDT_form2dict( {
'columns[2][search][regex]' : False,
'columns[2][search][value]' : None,
'columns[2][search][regex]' : False,
} )
"columns": [
"search": {
"regex": false,
"value": null
Update: to handle lists as dictionaries (in more efficient way) one may simplify this snippet with following block at else part of if clause:
# ...
fullPathStr = mdct['primaryKey']
for sk in re.finditer( rxKey, mdct['secondaryKeys'] ):
fullPathStr += '/' + sk.groupdict()['key'], fullPathStr, v)
I decided on a way that is more secure than using exec:
from collections import defaultdict
def get_request_data(form):
return dict list with data from request.form
:param form: MultiDict from `request.form`
:rtype: {id1: {field1:val1, ...}, ...} [fieldn and valn are strings]
# request.form comes in multidict [('data[id][field]',value), ...]
# fill in id field automatically
data = defaultdict(lambda: {})
# fill in data[id][field] = value
for formkey in form.keys():
if formkey == 'action': continue
datapart,idpart,fieldpart = formkey.split('[')
if datapart != 'data': raise ParameterError, "invalid input in request: {}".format(formkey)
idvalue = int(idpart[0:-1])
fieldname = fieldpart[0:-1]
data[idvalue][fieldname] = form[formkey]
# return decoded result
return data

Search for a dynamic field in a mongodb collection

If I were to search for a particular field in a mongodb collection my command would look something like this :
db.collection.find({ name : "John"})
If I want to make the field name dynamic, what would the command be?
db.collection.find({ <Dyanmic field variable> : <Value>})
Or is there an alternative to achieve this function?
Just use the variable in place of the dictionary key:
name = 'field_name'
db.collection.find({name : "John"})
Problem happens when you try without knowing data type. So in order to handle this , i used the following:
def multi_row_single_field_update(self, crieteriafldnm, crieteriafldtyp, updtfldnm, updtfldval, updtfldtyp):
criteria = raw_input('\nEnter ' + crieteriafldnm + ' to update\n')
if crieteriafldtyp == 'int':
count = self.my_connect.find({str(crieteriafldnm): int(criteria)}).count()
count = self.my_connect.find({str(crieteriafldnm): str(criteria)}).count()
updt_criteria = int(criteria) if updtfldtyp == 'int' else str(criteria)
{"$atomic": 1},
{str(crieteriafldnm): updt_criteria},
{"$set": {str(updtfldnm): str(updtfldval)}},
upsert=False, multi=True
