I encountered a problem when trying to send sms using the SMSC service in Django project.
My Celery task for sending email and sms:
def order_created_retail(order_id):
# Task to send an email when an order is successfully created
order = OrderRetail.objects.get(id=order_id)
subject = 'Order №{}.'.format(order_id)
message_mail = 'Hello, {}! You have successfully placed an order{}. Manager will contact you shortly'.format(order.first_name, order.id)
message_sms = 'Your order №{} is accepted! Wait for operator call'
mail_sent = send_mail(
smsc = SMSC()
sms_sent = smsc.send_sms(
return mail_sent, sms_sent
Email sends correctly, but for sms I get that error:
Task orders.tasks.order_created_retail[f05458b1-65e8-493b-9069-fbaa55083e7a] raised unexpected: TypeError('quote_from_bytes() expected bytes')
function from SMSC library:
def send_sms(self, phones, message, translit=0, time="", id=0, format=0, sender=False, query=""):
formats = ["flash=1", "push=1", "hlr=1", "bin=1", "bin=2", "ping=1", "mms=1", "mail=1", "call=1", "viber=1", "soc=1"]
m = self._smsc_send_cmd("send", "cost=3&phones=" + quote(phones) + "&mes=" + quote(message) + \
"&translit=" + str(translit) + "&id=" + str(id) + ifs(format > 0, "&" + formats[format-1], "") + \
ifs(sender == False, "", "&sender=" + quote(str(sender))) + \
ifs(time, "&time=" + quote(time), "") + ifs(query, "&" + query, ""))
# (id, cnt, cost, balance) или (id, -error)
if m[1] > "0":
print("Сообщение отправлено успешно. ID: " + m[0] + ", всего SMS: " + m[1] + ", стоимость: " + m[2] + ", баланс: " + m[3])
print("Ошибка №" + m[1][1:] + ifs(m[0] > "0", ", ID: " + m[0], ""))
return m
What am I doing wrong?
to solve this problem, I started investigating the functions that were giving out the error.
It turned out that I was passing an incorrect value. the function was expecting a string. And it took me a long time to figure out why editing didn't help.
It turns out that you have to RESET CELERY every time you make an edit.
The following is the api guide from bold360 website
accountId=[your account id]
apiSettingId=[your API setting id]
apiKey=[your API key]
auth="$accountId:$apiSettingId:$( date +"%s" )000"
authHash="$auth:$( echo -n "$auth$apiKey" | openssl dgst -sha512 | sed 's/^.* //')"
Questions: I don't really understand the last two lines of code mean.
$( date +"%s" )000
2.( echo -n "$auth$apiKey" | openssl dgst -sha512 | sed 's/^.* //')
what does it look like if this is in Python?
I wrote this in python
def millsecond(dt):
epoch = dt.utcfromtimestamp(0)
return (dt-epoch).total_seconds() * 1000.0
def makeAuth():
# seconds = time.time()
timestamp = int(millsecond(dt.now()))
token = str(accountId) + ":" + str(settingID) + ":" + str(timestamp) + api_key
hash = hashlib.sha512(token.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
auth = str(accountId) + ":" + str(settingID) + ":" + str(timestamp) + ":" + str(hash)
return auth
authHash = makeAuth()
url_runReport = "https://api.boldchat.com/aid/[AccountID]/data/rest/json/v1/runReport?auth=[auth]&ReportType=0&Grouping=chat_type&FromDate=2023-01-27T00:00:00-08:00&ToDate=2023-01-27T23:59:59-08:00"
response_runReport = requests.get(url_runReport)
runReport_data = response_runReport.json()
my result always shows
{'Status': 'error', 'Message': 'Expired authorization'}
My guess is authhash is not correct. Can someone teach me how to code the authHash in python? Thanks
I was stuck on my code due to the reason that it's not responding
because i want a bot that /price command has a cooldown and in the next time someone use /price command it will wont respond for 30 mins or prompt people to wait until the cooldown is done so that it will be less spammy on telegram groups when many people doing /price in a same time
def price(update, context):
if chat_data.get('last_time'):
if datetime.now()-last_time <= my_threshold:
chat_data['last_time'] = datetime.now()
'Bitcoin PRICE TRACKER \n'
'🤑 Price: $ ' + usd + '\n'
'📈 Marketcap: $ ' + usdcap + '\n'
'💸 24 Hour Volume: $ ' + usdvol + '\n'
'💵 24 Hour Change: % ' + usdchange + '\n'
'⚙️ Last Updated at: ' + lastat +'\n'
updater = Updater('mytoken', use_context=True)
updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('price', price))
What about something django-rest style, like a decorator?
import datetime
throttle_data = {
'minutes': 30,
'last_time': None
def throttle(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
now = datetime.datetime.now()
delta = now - datetime.timedelta(minutes=throttle_data.get('minutes', 30))
last_time = throttle_data.get('last_time')
if not last_time:
last_time = delta
if last_time <= delta:
throttle_data['last_time'] = now
func(*args, **kwargs)
return not_allowed(*args)
return wrapper
def not_allowed(update, context):
update.message.reply_text(text="You are not allowed.")
def price(update, context):
'Bitcoin PRICE TRACKER \n'
'🤑 Price: $ ' + usd + '\n'
'📈 Marketcap: $ ' + usdcap + '\n'
'💸 24 Hour Volume: $ ' + usdvol + '\n'
'💵 24 Hour Change: % ' + usdchange + '\n'
'⚙️ Last Updated at: ' + lastat +'\n'
updater = Updater('mytoken', use_context=True)
updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('price', price))
Of course throttle is resetted everytime you restart the bot.
This, by the way, will spam "You are not allowed", so I you have a lot of user throttling, you change not_allowed function removing the reply.
I've got a function that accesses an API to check for train data at specific times. This is actually run 3 times for each journey, so I'd need to run each of the 3 at specific times.
I've tried using the schedule module to get this going but I can't seem to get it working. Here's my current code:
schedule.every().day.at("07:30").every(5).minutes.do(darwinChecker(train_station['home_station'], train_station['connect_station'], user_time['morning_time']))
But I get an AttributeError: 'Job' object has no attribute 'every'. The documentation states this happens if your code imports the wrong schedule module, but I've no other files under that name.
How would I go about running my function, say, every Friday from 07:30 till 08:40, every 5 minutes?
Edit: As per request, added my full code for what I'm trying to do:
import requests
import re
import schedule
import time
from darwin_token import DARWIN_KEY
jsonToken = DARWIN_KEY
train_station = {'work_station': 'bat', 'home_station': 'man', 'connect_station': 'wds'}
user_time = {'morning_time': ['0821', '0853'], 'evening_time': ['1733'], 'connect_time': ['0834', '0843']}
def darwinChecker(departure_station, arrival_station, user_time):
response = requests.get("https://huxley.apphb.com/all/" + str(departure_station) + "/to/" + str(arrival_station) + "/" + str(user_time), params={"accessToken": jsonToken})
response.raise_for_status() # this makes an error if something failed
data1 = response.json()
train_service = data1["trainServices"]
print('Departure Station: ' + str(data1.get('crs')))
print('Arrival Station: ' + str(data1.get('filtercrs')))
print('-' * 40)
found_service = 0 # keeps track of services so note is generated if service not in user_time
for index, service in enumerate(train_service):
if service['sta'].replace(':', '') in user_time: # replaces sta time with values in user_time
found_service += 1 # increments for each service in user_time
print('Service RSID: ' + str(train_service[index]['rsid']))
print('Scheduled arrival time: ' + str(train_service[index]['sta']))
print('Scheduled departure time: ' + str(train_service[index]['std']))
print('Status: ' + str(train_service[index]['eta']))
print('-' * 40)
if service['eta'] == 'Cancelled':
# print('The ' + str(train_service[index]['sta']) + ' service is cancelled.')
print('Previous train departure time: ' + str(train_service[index - 1]['sta']))
print('Previous train status: ' + str(train_service[index - 1]['eta']))
if found_service == 0: # if no service is found
print('The services currently available are not specified in user_time.')
except TypeError:
print('There is no train service data')
# print('\nNRCC Messages: ' + str(data1['nrccMessages'][0]['value']))
NRCCRegex = re.compile('^(.*?)[\.!\?](?:\s|$)') # regex pulls all characters until hitting a . or ! or ?
myline = NRCCRegex.search(data1['nrccMessages'][0]['value']) # regex searches through nrccMessages
print('\nNRCC Messages: ' + myline.group(1)) # prints parsed NRCC message
except (TypeError, AttributeError) as error: # tuple catches multiple errors, AttributeError for None value
print('There is no NRCC data currently available\n')
print('Morning Journey'.center(50, '='))
darwinChecker(train_station['home_station'], train_station['connect_station'], user_time['morning_time'])
# schedule.every().day.at("21:50").do()
# schedule.every(2).seconds.do(darwinChecker,train_station['home_station'], train_station['connect_station'], user_time['morning_time'])
schedule.every().day.at("07:30").every(5).minutes.do(darwinChecker,train_station['home_station'], train_station['connect_station'], user_time['morning_time'])
while True:
# print('Connection Journey'.center(50, '='))
# darwinChecker(train_station['connect_station'], train_station['work_station'], user_time['connect_time'])
# print('Evening Journey'.center(50, '='))
# darwinChecker(train_station['work_station'], train_station['home_station'], user_time['evening_time'])`
I want to capture the sensor data through thingspeak.
I used the url provided with the api key in the browser:
I expect it will return field1 and field2, but the result below shows only the value of field1.
"field1":"Temperature ( degC ) 1",
"field2":"Humidity ( % )",
What step have I missed?
Try this approach:
Here you make request using APIs. You will find various API requests here.
import urllib2
import json
import time
while True:
TS = urllib2.urlopen("http://api.thingspeak.com/channels/%s/feeds/last.json?api_key=%s" \
response = TS.read()
a = data['created_at']
b = data['field1']
c = data['field2']
d = data['field3']
print a + " " + b + " " + c + " " + d
Below is a function that extracts information from a database which holds information about events. Everything works except that when I try and iterate through times in rows in HTML it is apparently empty. I will therefore assume that rows.append(time) is not doing what it should be doing. I tried rows.append((time)) and that did not work either.
def extractor(n):
date = (datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=n)).date()
rows = db.execute("SELECT * FROM events WHERE date LIKE :date ORDER BY date", date = str(date) + '%')
printed_day = date.strftime('%A') + ", " + date.strftime('%B') + " " + str(date.day) + ", " + str(datetime.datetime.now().year)
start_time = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
for row in rows:
date_split = str.split(row['date'])
just_time = date_split[1]
if just_time == '00:00:00':
just_time = 'All Day'
just_time = just_time[0:5]
results.append((rows, printed_day, start_time, times))
Solved it:
row['times'] = just_time