I am calculating the Fourier transform of simple 2D shapes (a circle for example). I am buzzed by a behaviour of the FFT I do not understand: whether my shape is centered on one pixel or on the corner of four pixels the resulting FFT is centered on one pixel. Here is a bit of code to explain:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
nPix = 1000
pixelCentered = False
X,Y = np.indices((nPix,nPix),dtype=float)
if pixelCentered:
X -= (nPix)/2 #this is centering my grid on one pixel
Y -= (nPix)/2 #this is centering my grid on one pixel
X -= (nPix -1)/2 #this is centering my grid on the corner of four pixels
Y -= (nPix -1)/2 #this is centering my grid on the corner of four pixels
x = X/(nPix/2)
y = Y/(nPix/2)
R = np.sqrt(x**2+y**2)
I = (R<0.5).astype(float)
PSF = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(I))
Since my grid is even, the exact center of the grid is at the corner of the four central pixels. However I create my shape based on the coordinate system X, Y and then I can control the position of the center of my shape. If I set pixelCentered to True the exact center of my grid is on pixel (nPix/2,nPix/2). In this case I expect my maximum pixel to be pixel (nPix/2,nPix/2). Now, if I set pixelCentered to False, The exact center of my array is not inside of a pixel but at the corner of the four center pixels. In this case I expect in the FFT that the four central pixel have the maximum value. But this is not what I observe. In fact regardless of the displacement I impose on the circle, the maximum of the FFT of my circle is always centered on the pixel (nPix/2,nPix/2).
What am I missing here? Why is the maximum intensity not moving around with the shape?
Thanks to Homer512 comments I can safely answer my own question. Basically the trick is to add a phase in the spatial domain of pi/2. This is only valid if you play with your zero padding without changing your coordinate system.
Here is some example code for you to play with:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
nPix = 1000
X,Y = np.indices((nPix,nPix),dtype=float)
X -= (nPix)/2 #this is centering my grid on one pixel
Y -= (nPix)/2 #this is centering my grid on one pixel
x = X/(nPix/2)
y = Y/(nPix/2)
R = np.sqrt(x**2+y**2)
oversampling = 5
I = (R<(1/oversampling)).astype(float)
phase = -(np.pi/2*x)-(np.pi/2*y) #phase you add to center the image
complexPhase = I * np.exp(1j*phase)
PSF = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(np.fft.fftshift(complexPhase)))
Now, if you prefer re scaling your x and y to get your shape sized properly, and still get the FFT centered on the geometrical center of the grid this is how you should do it:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
nPix = 1000
X,Y = np.indices((nPix,nPix),dtype=float)
X -= (nPix)/2 #this is centering my grid on one pixel
Y -= (nPix)/2 #this is centering my grid on one pixel
oversampling = 2
x = X/(nPix/2)*oversampling
y = Y/(nPix/2)*oversampling
R = np.sqrt(x**2+y**2)
I = (R<1).astype(float)
#Now your additional phase should scale with the oversampling
phase = -(np.pi/oversampling/2*x)-(np.pi/oversampling/2*y)
complexPhase = I * np.exp(1j*phase)
PSF = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(np.fft.fftshift(complexPhase)))
I hope this is clear.
Special note for opticians: this is very annoying because if you do wavefront sensing and use FFT in your reconstructions, it means that you will always get an offset tip/tilt phase due to you trying to center the PSF in the array. Which is not the natural state of the FFT.
I am trying to calculate the area of a shape enclosed by a large set of unordered points in python. I have a 2D array of points which I can plot as a scatterplot like this.
There are several ways to calculate the area enclosed by points, but these all assume ordered points, such as here and here. This method calculates the area unordered points, but it doesn't appear to work for complex shapes, as seen here. How would I calculate this area from unordered points in python?
Sample data looks like this:
[[225.93459 -27.25677 ]
[226.98128 -32.001945]
[223.3623 -34.119724]
[225.84741 -34.416553]]
From pen and paper one can see that this shape contains an area of ~12 (unitless) but putting these coordinates into one of the algorithms linked to previously returns an area of ~0.78.
Let's first mention that in the question How would I calculate this area from unordered points in python? used phrase 'unordered points' in the context of calculation of an area usually means that given are points of a contour enclosing an area which area is to calculate.
But in the question provided data sample are not points of a contour but just a cloud of points, which if visualized using a scatterplot results in a visually perceivable area.
The above is the reason why in the question provided links to algorithms calculating areas from 'unordered points' don't apply at all to what the question is about.
In other words, the actual title of the question I will answer below will be:
Calculate the visually perceivable area a cloud of (x,y) points is forming when visualized as a scatterplot
One of the possible options is mentioned in a comment to the question:
Honestly, you might consider taking THAT graph as a bitmap, and counting the number of non-white pixels in it. That is probably as close as you can get. – Tim Roberts
Given the image perfectly covering (without any margin) all the non-white pixels you can calculate the area the image rectangle is covering in units used in the underlying (x,y) data by calculating the area TA of the rectangle visible in the image from the underlying list of points P with (x,y) point coordinates ( P = [(x1,y1), (x2,y2), ...] ) as follows:
X = [x for x,y in P]
Y = [y for x,y in P]
TA = (max(X)-min(X))*(max(Y)-min(Y))
Assuming N_white is the number of all white pixels in the image with N pixels the actual area A covered by non-white pixels expressed in units used in the list of points P will be:
A = TA*(N-N_white)/N
Another approach using a list of points P with (x,y) point coordinates only ( without creation of an image ) consists of following steps:
decide which area Ap a point is covering and calculate half of the size h2 of a rectangle with this area around that point ( h2 = 0.5*sqrt(Ap) )
create a list R with rectangles around all points in the list P: R = [(x-h2, y+h2, x+h2, y-h2) for x,y in P]
use the code provided through a link listed in the stackoverflow question
Area of Union Of Rectangles using Segment Trees to calculate the total area covered by the rectangles in the list R.
The above approach has the advantage over the graphical one obtained from the scatterplot that with the choice of the area covered by a point you directly influence the used precision/resolution/granularity for the area calculation.
Given a 2D array of points the area covered by the points can be calculated with help of the return value of the same hist2d() function provided in the matplotlib module (as matplotlib.pyplot.hist2d()) which is used to show the scatterplot.
The 'trick' is to set the cmin parameter value of the function to 1 ( cmin=1 ) and then calculate the number of numpy.nan values in the by the function returned array setting them in relation to entire amount of array values.
In other words all what is necessary to calculate the area when creating the scatterplot is already there for easy use in a simple area calculation formulas if you know that the histogram creating function provide as return value all what is therefore necessary.
Below code of a ready to use function for the area calculation along with demonstration of function usage:
def area_of_points(points, grid_size = [1000, 1000]):
Returns the area covered by N 2D-points provided in a 'points' array
points = [ (x1,y1), (x2,y2), ... , (xN, yN) ]
'grid_size' gives the number of grid cells in x and y direction the
'points' bounding box is divided into for calculation of the area.
Larger 'grid_size' values mean smaller grid cells, higher precision
of the area calculation and longer runtime.
area_of_points() requires installed matplotlib module. """
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
pts_x = [x for x,y in points]
pts_y = [y for x,y in points]
pts_bb_area = (max(pts_x)-min(pts_x))*(max(pts_y)-min(pts_y))
h2D,_,_,_ = plt.hist2d( pts_x, pts_y, bins = grid_size, cmin=1)
numberOfWhiteBins = np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(h2D))
numberOfAll2Dbins = h2D.shape[0]*h2D.shape[1]
areaFactor = 1.0 - numberOfWhiteBins/numberOfAll2Dbins
pts_pts_area = areaFactor * pts_bb_area
print(f'Areas: b-box = {pts_bb_area:8.4f}, points = {pts_pts_area:8.4f}')
return pts_pts_area
#:def area_of_points(points, grid_size = [1000, 1000])
import numpy as np
x = np.random.normal(size=100000)
y = x + np.random.normal(size=100000)
pts = [[xi,yi] for xi,yi in zip(x,y)]
# ^-- prints: Areas: b-box = 114.5797, points = 7.8001
# ^-- prints: 7.800126875291629
The above code creates following scatterplot:
Notice that the printed output Areas: b-box = 114.5797, points = 7.8001 and the by the function returned area value 7.800126875291629 give the area in units in which the x,y coordinates in the array of points are specified.
Instead of usage of a function when utilizing the know how you can play around with the parameter of the scatterplot calculating the area of what can be seen in the scatterplot.
Below code which changes the displayed scatterplot using the same underlying point data:
import numpy as np
x = np.random.normal(size=100000)
y = x + np.random.normal(size=100000)
pts = [[xi,yi] for xi,yi in zip(x,y)]
pts_values_example = \
[[0.53005, 2.79209],
[0.73751, 0.18978],
... ,
[-0.6633, -2.0404],
[1.51470, 0.86644]]
# ---
pts_x = [x for x,y in pts]
pts_y = [y for x,y in pts]
pts_bb_area = (max(pts_x)-min(pts_x))*(max(pts_y)-min(pts_y))
# ---
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
bins = [320, 300] # resolution of the grid (for the scatter plot)
# ^-- resolution of precision for the calculation of area
pltRetVal = plt.hist2d( pts_x, pts_y, bins = bins, cmin=1, cmax=15 )
plt.colorbar() # display the colorbar (for a 2d density histogram)
# ---
h2D, xedges1D, yedges1D, h2DhistogramObject = pltRetVal
numberOfWhiteBins = np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(h2D))
numberOfAll2Dbins = (len(xedges1D)-1)*(len(yedges1D)-1)
areaFactor = 1.0 - numberOfWhiteBins/numberOfAll2Dbins
area = areaFactor * pts_bb_area
print(f'Areas: b-box = {pts_bb_area:8.4f}, points = {area:8.4f}')
# prints "Areas: b-box = 114.5797, points = 20.7174"
creating following scatterplot:
Notice that the calculated area is now larger due to smaller values used for grid resolution resulting in more of the area colored.
I'm trying to write a particle mesh N-body simulation. In such a simulation the potential field is found by solving Poisson's equation using Fourier transforms. I have been following a presentation by Andrey Kravtsov (http://astro.uchicago.edu/~andrey/talks/PM/pm.pdf), but slide 15 has me confused. So far, I have assigned densities to a 3d grid from particle positions, and Fourier transformed the density grid. The next step is to calculate Green's function in Fourier space and multiply it with the Fourier transformed density grid, and afterwards applying an inverse Fourier transform to real space to obtain the potential grid. Through trial and error I traced the part that wasn't working correctly to the potential calculation, and specifically the k-space vector.
So, to calculate Green's function in Fourier space I need the Fourier axes usually called k-space vectors k_x, k_y, k_z. Using the slide it should be 2*pi*(k,l,m)/N_g for components k,l,m, where N_g is the number of grid cells. So far I've tried with these components running from 0,+1,+2,...,N_g. And -N_particle/2, ..., +N_particle/2 and several other iterations. The only thing that has produced reasonable results (can see a cluster in density slice projected on the same potential field slice) has been with using numpy.fft.freq in Python for specific values of the resolution/sample spacing. However, any resolution I chose (such as L/N_g, N_p/N_g, 2pi/N_g, etc.) did not scale properly with box size L, number of grid cells or number of particles and no longer worked for e.g. larger number of grid cells.
My question is:
How do I define my k-space vectors (i.e. the Fourier axes in reciprocal space) for a simulation with, along one direction, box size L, number of grid cells N_g and number of particles N_p?
I should add that the particle positions and velocities are all in code units as defined in the first few slides.
Minimum working example:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
M = 30 #Number of particles in 1 direction
Mn = 90 #Number of grid cells in 1 direction
Lx = 10 #grid physical size
u = np.random.random(M*M*M)
v = np.random.random(M*M*M)
w = np.random.random(M*M*M)
#Have purposefully taken smaller cube, to show potential works
planex = M*u
planey = M*v
planez = M*w
#Create a new grid
grid = np.zeros([Mn,Mn,Mn], dtype='cfloat')
#cell center coordinates
x_c = np.floor(planex).astype(int)%Mn
y_c = np.floor(planey).astype(int)%Mn
z_c = np.floor(planez).astype(int)%Mn
#in terms of the average density of the universe, doesnt matter for the
mass = 1.
#Update the grid
grid[z_c,y_c,x_c] += mass
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
#FFT the grid
grid = np.fft.fftn(grid)
#The resolution and the k-space vectors are the parts I am unsure about
resolution = np.pi*2/(M/Mn)
resolution = Lx/Mn
#Define the k-space vectors
k_x = np.fft.fftfreq(Mn, resolution)
k_y = np.fft.fftfreq(Mn, resolution)
k_z = np.fft.fftfreq(Mn, resolution)
kz, ky, kx = np.meshgrid(k_z, k_y, k_x)
Omega_0 = 0.27
a = 0.3
#Calculate Greens function
k_squared = np.sin(kz/2)**2 + np.sin(ky/2)**2 + np.sin(kx/2)**2
Greens = -3*Omega_0/8/a*np.divide(1, k_squared, where=k_squared!=0)
#Multiply the grids in Fourier space
grid = Greens*grid
#IFFT to real space
potentials = np.fft.ifftn(grid)
fig1 = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111)
Large value for the resolution makes velocities explosive, small value and very small velocities. So what makes the right resolution?
This is my first time asking on Stack overflow, please let me know if I'm doing something wrong.
Best, R.
I use matplotlib 1.15.1 and I try to generate scattergrams like this:
The ellipses have fixes size and are drawn with center coordinates, width, height and angle (provided from outside): I have no idea what their equotions are.
g_ell_center = (0.8882, 0.8882)
g_ell_width = 0.36401857095483
g_ell_height = 0.16928136341606
g_ellipse = patches.Ellipse(g_ell_center, g_ell_width, g_ell_height, angle=angle, fill=False, edgecolor='green', linewidth=2)
This ellipses should mark normal and semi-normal data on my plot.
Then, I have an array of ~500 points which must be colored according to ellipse they belong to. So I tried to check each point with contains_point method:
colors_array = []
colors_scheme = ['green', 'yellow', 'black']
for point in points_array:
if g_ellipse.contains_point(point, radius=0):
elif y_ellipse.contains_point(point, radius=0):
Finally, points are drawn:
plt.scatter(x_array, y_array, s=10, c=[colors_scheme[x] for x in colors_array], edgecolor="k", linewidths=0.3)
But contains_point is extremely slow! It worked for 5 minutes for 300-points scattergram, and I have to generate thousands of them in parallel. Maybe there's faster approach?
P.S. Whole project is bound to matplotlib, I can't use other libraries.
This approach should test if a point is within an ellipse, given the ellipse's centre, width, height and angle. You find the point's x and y coordinates relative to the ellipse centre, then transform those using the angle to be the coordinates along the major and minor axes. Finally, you find the normalised distance of the point from the cell centre, where a distance of 1 would be on the ellipse, less than 1 is inside, and more than 1 is outside.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import numpy as np
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1)
# Some test points
x = np.random.rand(500)*0.5+0.7
y = np.random.rand(500)*0.5+0.7
# The ellipse
g_ell_center = (0.8882, 0.8882)
g_ell_width = 0.36401857095483
g_ell_height = 0.16928136341606
angle = 30.
g_ellipse = patches.Ellipse(g_ell_center, g_ell_width, g_ell_height, angle=angle, fill=False, edgecolor='green', linewidth=2)
cos_angle = np.cos(np.radians(180.-angle))
sin_angle = np.sin(np.radians(180.-angle))
xc = x - g_ell_center[0]
yc = y - g_ell_center[1]
xct = xc * cos_angle - yc * sin_angle
yct = xc * sin_angle + yc * cos_angle
rad_cc = (xct**2/(g_ell_width/2.)**2) + (yct**2/(g_ell_height/2.)**2)
# Set the colors. Black if outside the ellipse, green if inside
colors_array = np.array(['black'] * len(rad_cc))
colors_array[np.where(rad_cc <= 1.)[0]] = 'green'
Note, this whole script takes 0.6 seconds to run and process 500 points. That includes creating and saving the figure, etc.
The process of setting the colors_array using the np.where method above takes 0.00007s for 500 points.
Note, in an older implementation shown below, setting the colors_array in a loop took 0.00016 s:
colors_array = []
for r in rad_cc:
if r <= 1.:
# point in ellipse
# point not in ellipse
Your current implementation should only be calling contains_point 25,000 to 50,000 times, which isn't a lot. So, I'm guessing that the implementation of contains_point is targeted toward precision rather than speed.
Since you have a distribution of points where only a small percentage will be in any given ellipse, and therefore most will rarely be anywhere near any given ellipse, you can easily use rectangular coordinates as a short-cut to figure out whether the point is close enough to the ellipse to be worth calling contains_point.
Compute the left and right x coordinates and top and bottom y coordinates of the ellipse, possibly with a bit of padding to account for rendering differences, then check if the point is within those, such as the following pseudo-code:
if point.x >= ellipse_left and point.x <= ellipse_right and _
point.y >= ellipse_top and point.y <= ellipse_bottom:
if ellipse.contains_point(point, radius=0):
... use the contained point here
This approach eliminates expensive calculations for most of the points, allowing simple comparisons instead to rule out the obvious mismatches, while preserving the accuracy of the computations where the point is close enough that it might be in the ellipse. If e.g. only 1% of your points are anywhere near a given ellipse, this approach will eliminate 99% of your calls to contains_point and instead replace them with much faster comparisons.
I am looking into how the intensity of a ring changes depending on angle. Here is an example of an image:
What I would like to do is take a circle of values from within the center of that doughnut and plot them vs angle. What I'm currently doing is using scipy.ndimage.interpolation.rotate and taking slices radially through the ring, and extracting the maximum of the two peaks and plotting those vs angle.
crop = np.ones((width,width)) #this is my image
slices = np.arange(0,width,1)
stack = np.zeros((2*width,len(slices)))
angles = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,len(crop2))
for j in range(len(slices2)): # take slices
stack[:,j] = rotate(crop,slices[j],reshape=False)[:,width]
However I don't think this is doing what I'm actually looking for. I'm mostly struggling with how to extract the data I want. I have also tried applying a mask which looks like this;
to the image, but then I don't know how to get the values within that mask in the correct order (ie. in order of increasing angle 0 - 2pi)
Any other ideas would be of great help!
I made a different input image to help verifying correctness:
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.interpolate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Mock up an image.
W = 100
x = np.arange(W)
y = np.arange(W)
xx,yy = np.meshgrid(x,y)
image = xx//5*5 + yy//5*5
image = image / np.max(image) # scale into [0,1]
plt.imshow(image, interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray')
To sample values from circular paths in the image, we first build an interpolator because we want to access arbitrary locations. We also vectorize it to be faster.
Then, we generate the coordinates of N points on the circle's circumference using the parametric definition of the circle x(t) = sin(t), y(t) = cos(t).
N should be at least twice the circumference (Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem).
interp = sp.interpolate.interp2d(x, y, image)
vinterp = np.vectorize(interp)
for r in (15, 30, 45): # radii for circles around image's center
xcenter = len(x)/2
ycenter = len(y)/2
arclen = 2*np.pi*r
angle = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, arclen*2, endpoint=False)
value = vinterp(xcenter + r*np.sin(angle),
ycenter + r*np.cos(angle))
plt.plot(angle, value, label='r={}'.format(r))
Well, approximating a circle with a polygon and Pythagoras' story may be well known.
But what about the other way around?
I have some polygons, that should be in fact circles. However, due to measurement errors they are not. So, what I'm looking for is the circle that best "approximates" the given polygon.
In the following figure we can see two different examples.
My first Ansatz was to find the maximum distance of the points to the center as well as the minimum. The circle we are looking for is maybe somewhere in between.
Is there any algorithm out there for this problem?
I would use scipy to best-"fit" a circle onto my points. You can get a starting point for the center and radius by a simple center-of-mass calculation. This works well if the points are uniformly distributed over the circle. If they are not, as in the example below, it is still better than nothing!
The fitting function is simple because a circle is simple. You only need to find the radial distance from your fit circle to your points as the tangent (radial) surface will always be the best fit.
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from scipy.optimize import fmin
import scipy
# Draw a fuzzy circle to test
N = 15
THETA = np.random.random(15)*2*np.pi
R = 1.5 + (.1*np.random.random(15) - .05)
X = R*np.cos(THETA) + 5
Y = R*np.sin(THETA) - 2
# Choose the inital center of fit circle as the CM
xm = X.mean()
ym = Y.mean()
# Choose the inital radius as the average distance to the CM
cm = np.array([xm,ym]).reshape(1,2)
rm = cdist(cm, np.array([X,Y]).T).mean()
# Best fit a circle to these points
def err((w,v,r)):
pts = [np.linalg.norm([x-w,y-v])-r for x,y in zip(X,Y)]
return (np.array(pts)**2).sum()
xf,yf,rf = scipy.optimize.fmin(err,[xm,ym,rm])
# Viszualize the results
import pylab as plt
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
# Show the inital guess circle
circ = plt.Circle((xm, ym), radius=rm, color='y',lw=2,alpha=.5)
# Show the fit circle
circ = plt.Circle((xf, yf), radius=rf, color='b',lw=2,alpha=.5)
Perhaps a simple algorithm would be firstly to calculate the centroid of the points (providing they are usually roughly regularly spaced). This is the circle centre. Once you have that you can calculate the mean radius of the points, giving the radius of the circle.
A more sophisticated answer might be to do a simple minimisation, where you minimise the sum of the distances of the points to the edge of the circle (or distance squared).
There are two different O(n) algorithms for determining the smallest circle you draw that encompasses a series of points on the wikipedia page smallest-circle problem. From here it should be fairly easy to draw the second circle, simply determine the center of the circle you found previously, and find the point closest to that point. The radius of the second circle is that.
This may not be exactly what you want, but this is how I would start.
That problem might be the same as the Smallest-circle problem.
But since you have measurement errors which could include outliers, then RANSAC is a good option instead. See http://cs.gmu.edu/~kosecka/cs482/lect-fitting.pdf for a overview of the method (as well other basic techniques), in http://www.asl.ethz.ch/education/master/info-process-rob/Hough-Ransac.pdf there is more information dedicated to circle fitting.
It's quite easy to find some approximation:
def find_circle_deterministically(x,y):
center = x.mean(), y.mean()
radius = np.sqrt((x-center[0])**2 + (y-center[1])**2).mean()
return center, radius
Explained: put the center of the circle to the mean x and mean y of your points. Then, for each point, determine the distance to the center and take the mean over all points. That's your radius.
This complete script:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
n_points = 10
radius = 4
noise_std = 0.3
angles = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,n_points,False)
x = np.cos(angles) * radius
y = np.sin(angles) * radius
x += np.random.normal(0,noise_std,x.shape)
y += np.random.normal(0,noise_std,y.shape)
def find_circle_deterministically(x,y):
center = x.mean(), y.mean()
radius = np.sqrt((x-center[0])**2 + (y-center[1])**2).mean()
return center, radius
center, radius2 = find_circle_deterministically(x,y)
angles2 = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,100,True)
x2 = center[0] + np.cos(angles2) * radius2
y2 = center[1] + np.sin(angles2) * radius2
produces this plot:
This will work good as you have polygons with measurement errors. If your points are not approximately equally distributed over the angles [0,2pi[, it will perform poorly.
More generally, you could use optimization.