How to attach OpenTelemetry span to default span in Cloud Function - python

I have a HTTP endpoint in Google Functions named process_me:
def process(request: Request) -> str:
return process_message(request)
which generates /process_me traces in GCP.
Now to trace a bit further I add OpenTelemetry:
def process(request: Request) -> str:
with TRACER.start_as_current_span("process_message") as span:
return process_message(request)
which in turn leads to traces no longer starting with /process_me. Instead they are named/have URL process_message.
Everything that is traced underneath the span is properly attached to process_message, though.
So I wonder how do I add Span process_message to Span /process_me (instead of replacing it)?

Notice that /process_me is the trace entry of the Loadbalancer. So I want this to go beyond Network Services.
The best I could come up with was:
def _build_trace_links(headers: EnvironHeaders) -> List[Link]:
Tries to extract GCP trace context from headers.
Example header would be:
X-Cloud-Trace-Context: TRACE_ID/SPAN_ID;o=TRACE_TRUE
trace_header: str = headers.get("X-Cloud-Trace-Context", "")
if not trace_header:
return []
ids, opts = trace_header.split(";", 1)[0]
b = opts.split("=", 1)[1]
if b.upper() != "TRACE_TRUE":
return []
trace_id, span_id = ids.split("/", 1)
parent_context = SpanContext(
trace_id=int(trace_id, 16),
return [Link(context=parent_context)]
This way you can extract the parent and add at least a link to process_message.

I could see you found some relevant information already but it is not parent-child relationship in the trace and you are doing your own parsing and linking. I believe what you need here is the propagator that does all the work for you. I am not really super familiar with Google Cloud Function but I think this should help.
Install the propagator
python -m pip install opentelemetry-propagator-gcp
And the set the global text map propagator
from opentelemetry.propagate import set_global_textmap
from opentelemetry.propagators.cloud_trace_propagator import CloudTraceFormatPropagator


How to prevent Saxon/C Python bindings from trying to start a new java VM when another is active? (JNI_CreateJavaVM() failed with result: -5)

I am building a flask api that allows users to pass an xml and a transformation that returns the xml on which the transformation is performed using Saxon/C's python API (
The incoming endpoint looks like this (removed logging and irrelevant info):
#app.route("/v1/transform/", methods=["POST"])
def transform():
xml =
transformation = request.args.get("transformation")
result = transform_xml(xml, transformation)
return result
The transform function looks like this:
def transform_xml(xml: bytes, transformation: str) -> str:
with saxonc.PySaxonProcessor(license=False) as proc:
base_dir = os.getcwd()
xslt_path = os.path.join(base_dir, "resources", transformation, "main.xslt")
xslt_proc = proc.new_xslt30_processor()
node = proc.parse_xml(xml_text=xml.decode("utf-8"))
result = xslt_proc.transform_to_string(stylesheet_file=xslt_path, xdm_node=node)
return result
The xslt's are locally available and a user should choose one of the available ones by passing the corresponding transformation name.
Now the problem is, this works (fast) for the first incoming call, but the second one crashes:
JNI_CreateJavaVM() failed with result: -5
DAMN ! worker 1 (pid: 517095) died :( trying respawn ...
What does work is changing the transform_xml function like this:
proc = saxonc.PySaxonProcessor(license=False)
xslt_path = self.__get_path_to_xslt(transformation)
xslt_proc = proc.new_xslt30_processor()
node = proc.parse_xml(xml_text=xml.decode("utf-8"))
result = xslt_proc.transform_to_string(stylesheet_file=xslt_path, xdm_node=node)
return result
But this leads to the resources never getting released and over time (1k+ requests) this starts to fill up the memory.
It seems like Saxon is trying to create a new VM while the old one is going down.
I found this thread from 2016: but this didn't clear it up for me. I looked at the github for the pysaxon repo, but I have found no answer to this problem.
Also made a ticket at Saxon:

How to override stuff in a package at runtime?

[EDIT: I'm running Python 2.7.3]
I'm a network engineer by trade, and I've been hacking on ncclient (the version on the website is old, and this was the version I've been working off of) to make it work with Brocade's implementation of NETCONF. There are some tweaks that I had to make in order to get it to work with our Brocade equipment, but I had to fork off the package and make tweaks to the source itself. This didn't feel "clean" to me so I decided I wanted to try to do it "the right way" and override a couple of things that exist in the package*; three things specifically:
A "static method" called build() which belongs to the HelloHandler class, which itself is a subclass of SessionListener
The "._id" attribute of the RPC class (the original implementation used uuid, and Brocade boxes didn't like this very much, so in my original tweaks I just changed this to a static value that never changed).
A small tweak to a util function that builds XML filter attributes
So far I have this code in a file
#!/usr/bin/env python
# hack on XML element creation and create a subclass to override HelloHandler's
# build() method to format the XML in a way that the brocades actually like
from ncclient.xml_ import *
from ncclient.transport.session import HelloHandler
from ncclient.operations.rpc import RPC, RaiseMode
from ncclient.operations import util
# register brocade namespace and create functions to create proper xml for
# hello/capabilities exchange
BROCADE_1_0 = ""
register_namespace('brcd', BROCADE_1_0)
brocade_new_ele = lambda tag, ns, attrs={}, **extra: ET.Element(qualify(tag, ns), attrs, **extra)
brocade_sub_ele = lambda parent, tag, ns, attrs={}, **extra: ET.SubElement(parent, qualify(tag, ns), attrs, **extra)
# subclass RPC to override self._id to change uuid-generated message-id's;
# Brocades seem to not be able to handle the really long id's
class BrcdRPC(RPC):
def __init__(self, session, async=False, timeout=30, raise_mode=RaiseMode.NONE):
self._id = "1"
return super(BrcdRPC, self).self._id
class BrcdHelloHandler(HelloHandler):
def __init__(self):
return super(BrcdHelloHandler, self).__init__()
def build(capabilities):
hello = brocade_new_ele("hello", None, {'xmlns':"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"})
caps = brocade_sub_ele(hello, "capabilities", None)
def fun(uri): brocade_sub_ele(caps, "capability", None).text = uri
map(fun, capabilities)
return to_xml(hello)
#return super(BrcdHelloHandler, self).build() ???
# since there's no classes I'm assuming I can just override the function itself
# in ncclient.operations.util?
def build_filter(spec, capcheck=None):
type = None
if isinstance(spec, tuple):
type, criteria = spec
# brocades want the netconf prefix on subtree filter attribute
rep = new_ele("filter", {'nc:type':type})
if type == "xpath":
rep.attrib["select"] = criteria
elif type == "subtree":
raise OperationError("Invalid filter type")
rep = validated_element(spec, ("filter", qualify("filter")),
# TODO set type var here, check if select attr present in case of xpath..
if type == "xpath" and capcheck is not None:
return rep
And then in my file I have:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from ncclient import manager
from brcd_ncclient import *
manager.logging.basicConfig(filename='ncclient.log', level=manager.logging.DEBUG)
# brocade server capabilities advertising as 1.1 compliant when they're really not
# this will stop ncclient from attempting 1.1 chunked netconf message transactions
manager.CAPABILITIES = ['urn:ietf:params:netconf:capability:writeable-running:1.0', 'urn:ietf:params:netconf:base:1.0']
# BROCADE_1_0 is the namespace defined for netiron configs in brcd_ncclient
# this maps to the 'brcd' prefix used in xml elements, ie subtree filter criteria
with manager.connect(host='hostname_or_ip', username='username', password='password') as m:
# 'get' request with no filter - for brocades just shows 'show version' data
c = m.get()
print c
# 'get-config' request with 'mpls-config' filter - if no filter is
# supplied with 'get-config', brocade returns nothing
netironcfg = brocade_new_ele('netiron-config', BROCADE_1_0)
mplsconfig = brocade_sub_ele(netironcfg, 'mpls-config', BROCADE_1_0)
filterstr = to_xml(netironcfg)
c2 = m.get_config(source='running', filter=('subtree', filterstr))
print c2
# so far it only looks like the supported filters for 'get-config'
# operations are: 'interface-config', 'vlan-config' and 'mpls-config'
Whenever I run my file, I get timeout errors because in the log file ncclient.log I can see that my subclass definitions (namely the one that changes the XML for hello exchange - the staticmethod build) are being ignored and the Brocade box doesn't know how to interpret the XML that the original ncclient method is generating**. I can also see in the generated logfile that the other things I'm trying to override are also being ignored, like the message-id (static value of 1) as well as the XML filters.
So, I'm kind of at a loss here. I did find this blog post/module from my research, and it would appear to do exactly what I want, but I'd really like to be able to understand what I'm doing wrong via doing it by hand, rather than using a module that someone has already written as an excuse to not have to figure this out on my own.
*Can someone explain to me if this is "monkey patching" and is actually bad? I've seen in my research that monkey patching is not desirable, but this answer and this answer are confusing me quite a bit. To me, my desire to override these bits would prevent me from having to maintain an entire fork of my own ncclient.
**To give a little more context, this XML, which generates by default, the Brocade box doesn't seem to like:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<nc:hello xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
The purpose of my overridden build() method is to turn the above XML into this (which the Brocade does like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<hello xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
So it turns out that the "meta info" should not have been so hastily removed, because again, it's difficult to find answers to what I'm after when I don't fully understand what I want to ask. What I really wanted to do was override stuff in a package at runtime.
Here's what I've changed to (comments removed for brevity):
#!/usr/bin/env python
from ncclient import manager
from ncclient.xml_ import *
brcd_new_ele = lambda tag, ns, attrs={}, **extra: ET.Element(qualify(tag, ns), attrs, **extra)
brcd_sub_ele = lambda parent, tag, ns, attrs={}, **extra: ET.SubElement(parent, qualify(tag, ns), attrs, **extra)
BROCADE_1_0 = ""
register_namespace('brcd', BROCADE_1_0)
def brcd_build(capabilities):
hello = brcd_new_ele("hello", None, {'xmlns':"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"})
caps = brcd_sub_ele(hello, "capabilities", None)
def fun(uri): brcd_sub_ele(caps, "capability", None).text = uri
map(fun, capabilities)
return to_xml(hello)
def brcd_build_filter(spec, capcheck=None):
type = None
if isinstance(spec, tuple):
type, criteria = spec
# brocades want the netconf prefix on subtree filter attribute
rep = new_ele("filter", {'nc:type':type})
if type == "xpath":
rep.attrib["select"] = criteria
elif type == "subtree":
raise OperationError("Invalid filter type")
rep = validated_element(spec, ("filter", qualify("filter")),
if type == "xpath" and capcheck is not None:
return rep = brcd_build
manager.operations.util.build_filter = brcd_build_filter
And then in
#!/usr/bin/env python
from brcd_ncclient import *
manager.logging.basicConfig(filename='ncclient.log', level=manager.logging.DEBUG)
manager.CAPABILITIES = ['urn:ietf:params:netconf:capability:writeable-running:1.0', 'urn:ietf:params:netconf:base:1.0']
with manager.connect(host='host', username='user', password='password') as m:
netironcfg = brcd_new_ele('netiron-config', BROCADE_1_0)
mplsconfig = brcd_sub_ele(netironcfg, 'mpls-config', BROCADE_1_0)
filterstr = to_xml(netironcfg)
c2 = m.get_config(source='running', filter=('subtree', filterstr))
print c2
This gets me almost to where I want to be. I still have to edit the original source code to change the message-id's from being generated with uuid1().urn because I haven't figured out or don't understand how to change an object's attributes before __init__ happens at runtime (chicken/egg problem?); here's the offending code in ncclient/operations/
class RPC(object):
def __init__(self, session, async=False, timeout=30, raise_mode=RaiseMode.NONE):
self._session = session
for cap in self.DEPENDS:
except AttributeError:
self._async = async
self._timeout = timeout
self._raise_mode = raise_mode
self._id = uuid1().urn # Keeps things simple instead of having a class attr with running ID that has to be locked
Credit goes to this recipe on ActiveState for finally cluing me in on what I really wanted to do. The code I had originally posted I don't think was technically incorrect - if what I wanted to do was fork off my own ncclient and make changes to it and/or maintain it, which wasn't what I wanted to do at all, at least not right now.
I'll edit my question title to better reflect what I had originally wanted - if other folks have better or cleaner ideas, I'm totally open.

Rendering requested type in Tornado

In Tornado, how do you tell apart the different request types? Also, what is the proper way to split out the requests? In the end if I go to /item/1.xml, I want xml, /item/1.html to be a proper html view etc.
Something like:
def getXML():
return self.render('somexmlresult.xml')
def getHTML():
return self.rendeR('htmlresult.html')
def get():
if request == 'xml':
return self.render('somexmlresult.xml')
elif request == 'html':
return self.render('htmlresult.html')
~ edit ~ I was shooting for something along the lines of rails' implementation seen here
I would prefer a self describing url like a RESTful application. An url part need not be required to represent the format of the resource. must represent the resource irrespective of whether it is xml/html/json. A way to send the requested format is to send it as one of the request parameters.
Use the request parameter to serialize to the appropriate format.
mimetype is the correct way to do this, however I can see where an end user would want a more simplistic way of accessing the data in the format they wish.
In order to maintain compatibility with standards compliant libraries etc you should ultimately determine the response type based on the mimetype requested and respond with the appropriate mimetype in the headers.
A way to achieve this while not breaking anything would be to add a parser that checks the URI that was requested for a suffix that matches a tuple of defined suffixes that the route can respond to, if it does and the mimetype is not already specified change the mimetype passed in to be the correct type for the suffix.
Make sure that the final decision is based on the supplied mimetype not the suffix.
This way others can interact with your RESTful service in the way their used to and you can still maintain ease of use for humans etc.
~ edit ~
Heres an example regexp that checks to see if it ends in .js | .html | .xml | .json. This is assuming your given the full URI.
Here's an example that's easier to interpret but less robust
These regex's are taken from rfc2396
First, set up the handlers to count on a restful style URI. We use 2 chunks of regex looking for an ID and a potential request format (ie html, xml, json etc)
class TaskServer(tornado.web.Application):
def __init__(self, newHandlers = [], debug = None):
request_format = "(\.[a-zA-Z]+$)?"
baseHandlers = [
(r"/jobs" + request_format, JobsHandler),
(r"/jobs/", JobsHandler),
(r"/jobs/new" + request_format, NewJobsHandler),
(r"/jobs/([0-9]+)/edit" + request_format, EditJobsHandler)
for handler in newHandlers:
tornado.web.Application.__init__(self, baseHandlers, debug = debug)
Now, in the handler define a reusable function parseRestArgs (I put mine in a BaseHandler but pasted it here for ease of understanding/to save space) that splits out ID's and request formats. Since you should be expecting id's in a particular order, I stick them in a list.
The get function can be abstracted more but it shows the basic idea of splitting out your logic into different request formats...
class JobsHandler(BaseHandler):
def parseRestArgs(self, args):
idList = []
extension = None
if len(args) and not args[0] is None:
for arg in range(len(args)):
match = re.match("[0-9]+", args[arg])
if match:
slave_id = int(match.groups()[0])
match = re.match("(\.[a-zA-Z]+$)", args[-1])
if match:
extension = match.groups()[0][1:]
return idList, extension
def get(self, *args):
### Read
job_id, extension = self.parseRestArgs(args)
if len(job_id):
if extension == None or "html":
#self.render(html) # Show with some ID voodoo
elif extension == 'json':
#self.render(json) # Show with some ID voodoo
raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404) #We don't do that sort of thing here...
if extension == None or "html":
# self.render(html) # Index- No ID given, show an index
elif extension == "json":
# self.render(json) # Index- No ID given, show an index
raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404) #We don't do that sort of thing here...

jQuery getJSON Output using Python/Django

So, I'm trying to make a simple call using jQuery .getJSON to my local web server using python/django to serve up its requests. The address being used is:
I'm trying to write a simple web view that can access this url and return a JSON packet as the result (worried about actual element values/layout later).
Here's my simple attempt at just alerting/returning the data:
<!--$.each(json.items, function(i,item){
I am able to access this URL directly, either at http://localhost:8000/api/0.1/tonight-mobile.json or http://localhost:8000/api/0.1/tonight-mobile.json&callback=jsonp1290277462296 and get back a valid JSON packet... So I'm assuming it's in my noob javascript:)
My function that is generating this response looks as follows:
def tonight_mobile(request):
callback = request.GET.get('callback=?', '')
def with_rank(rank, place):
return (rank > 0)
place_data = dict(
Places = [make_mobile_place_dict(request, p) for p in Place.objects.all()]
xml_bytes = json.dumps(place_data)
xml_bytes = callback + '(' + xml_bytes + ');'
return HttpResponse(xml_bytes, mimetype="application/json")
With corresponding configuration:
I am still somewhat confused on how to use callbacks, so maybe that is where my issue lies. Note I am able to call directly a 'blah.json' file that is giving me a response, but not through a wired URL. Could someone assist me with some direction?
First, callback = request.GET.get('callback=?', '') won't get you the value of callback.
callback = request.GET.get( 'callback', None )
Works much better.
To debug this kind of thing. You might want to include print statements in your Django view function so you can see what's going on. For example: print repr(request.GET) is a helpful thing to put in a view function so that you can see the GET dictionary.

Substitutions inside links in reST / Sphinx

I am using Sphinx to document a webservice that will be deployed in different servers. The documentation is full of URL examples for the user to click and they should just work. My problem is that the host, port and deployment root will vary and the documentation will have to be re-generated for every deployment.
I tried defining substitutions like this:
.. |base_url| replace:: http://localhost:8080
But the generated HTML is not what I want (doesn't include "/path" in the generated link):
Does anybody know how to work around this?
New in Sphinx v1.0:
sphinx.ext.extlinks – Markup to shorten external links
The extension adds one new config value:
This config value must be a dictionary of external sites, mapping unique short alias names to a base URL and a prefix. For example, to create an alias for the above mentioned issues, you would add
extlinks = {'issue':
('', 'issue ')}
Now, you can use the alias name as a new role, e.g. :issue:`123`. This then inserts a link to As you can see, the target given in the role is substituted in the base URL in the place of %s.
The link caption depends on the second item in the tuple, the prefix:
If the prefix is None, the link caption is the full URL.
If the prefix is the empty string, the link caption is the partial URL given in the role content (123 in this case.)
If the prefix is a non-empty string, the link caption is the partial URL, prepended by the prefix – in the above example, the link caption would be issue 123.
You can also use the usual “explicit title” syntax supported by other roles that generate links, i.e. :issue:`this issue <123>`. In this case, the prefix is not relevant.
I had a similar problem where I needed to substitute also URLs in image targets.
The extlinks do not expand when used as a value of image :target: attribute.
Eventually I wrote a custom sphinx transformation that rewrites URLs that start with a given prefix, in my case, http://mybase/. Here is a relevant code for
from sphinx.transforms import SphinxTransform
class ReplaceMyBase(SphinxTransform):
default_priority = 750
prefix = 'http://mybase/'
def apply(self):
from docutils.nodes import reference, Text
baseref = lambda o: (
isinstance(o, reference) and
o.get('refuri', '').startswith(self.prefix))
basetext = lambda o: (
isinstance(o, Text) and o.startswith(self.prefix))
base = self.config.mybase.rstrip('/') + '/'
for node in self.document.traverse(baseref):
target = node['refuri'].replace(self.prefix, base, 1)
node.replace_attr('refuri', target)
for t in node.traverse(basetext):
t1 = Text(t.replace(self.prefix, base, 1), t.rawsource)
t.parent.replace(t, t1)
# end of class
def setup(app):
app.add_config_value('mybase', '', 'env')
This expands the following rst source to point to English wikipedia.
When sets mybase="" the links would point to the Spanish wiki.
* inline link http://mybase/Helianthus
* `link with text <http://mybase/Helianthus>`_
* `link with separate definition`_
* image link |flowerimage|
.. _link with separate definition: http://mybase/Helianthus
.. |flowerimage| image::
:target: http://mybase/Helianthus
Ok, here's how I did it. First, (the Sphinx extension):
from docutils import nodes, utils
def setup(app):
def api_link_role(role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={},
ref = app.config.apilinks_base + text
node = nodes.reference(rawtext, utils.unescape(ref), refuri=ref,
return [node], []
app.add_config_value('apilinks_base', 'http://localhost/', False)
app.add_role('apilink', api_link_role)
Now, in, add 'apilinks' to the extensions list and set an appropriate value for 'apilinks_base' (otherwise, it will default to 'http://localhost/'). My file looks like this:
extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'apilinks']
# lots of other stuff
apilinks_base = 'http://host:88/base/'
You can write a Sphinx extension that creates a role like
and generates the link from that. I never did this, so I can't help more than giving this pointer, sorry. You should try to look at how the various roles are implemented. Many are very similar to what you need, I think.
