I am trying to update a value of an array stored in a mongodb collection
any_collection: {
"_id": "asdw231231"
"values": [
"item" : "a"
"item" : "b"
"role": "role_one"
...many similar
the idea is that I want to access values and edit a value with the following code that I found in the mongodb documentation
"_id": any_id,
"values.item": "b"
"$set": {
"values.$.item": "new_value" # here the error, ".$."
This should work, but I can't understand what the error is or what is the correct syntax for pymongo. The error is generated when adding "$";
It works fine with my fastAPI.
async def root(id: int):
db = get_database()
q = {'_id': 'asdw231231','values.item': 'b'}
u = {'$set': {'values.$.item': 'new_value' }}
c = db['any'].find_one_and_update(q, u)
return {"message": c}
The query I would like to replicate in DSL is as below:
GET /_search
The above query
Matches terms - destination and tags_ids
Aggregates to result to find the max price from field price_range_from.SGD
Applies another post_filter to subset the result set within price limits
It works perfectly well in the Elastic/Kibana console.
I replicated the above query in elasticsearch-dsl as below:
es_query = []
es_query.append(Q("term", destination="singapore"))
es_query.append(Q("terms", tag_ids=["tag_luxury"]))
final_query = Q("bool", must=es_query)
es_conn = ElasticSearch.instance().get_client()
dsl_client = DSLSearch(using=es_conn, index=index).get_dsl_client()
dsl_client.query = final_query
dsl_client.aggs.metric("min_price", "min", field="price_range_from.SGD")
dsl_client.aggs.metric("max_price", "max", field="price_range_from.SGD")
q = Q("range", **{"price_range_from.SGD":{"gte": 0.0, "lte": 100.0}})
response = dsl_client.execute()
print(response.to_dict().get("hits", {}))
Although the aggregations are correct, products beyond the price range are also being returned. There is no error returned but it seems like the post_filter query is not applied.
I dived in the dsl_client object to see whether my query is being captured correctly. I see only the query and aggs but don't see the post_filter part in the object. The query when converted to a dictionary using dsl_client.to_dict() is as below -
Please help. Thanks!
You have to re-assign the dsl_client like:
dsl_client = dsl_client.post_filter(q)
I have below sample data in JSON format :
project_cost_details is my database result set after querying.
"1": {
"amount": 0,
"breakdown": [
"amount": 169857,
"id": 4,
"name": "SampleData",
"parent_id": "1"
"id": 1,
"name": "ABC PR"
Here is full json : https://jsoneditoronline.org/?id=2ce7ab19af6f420397b07b939674f49c
Expected output :https://jsoneditoronline.org/?id=56a47e6f8e424fe8ac58c5e0732168d7
I have this sample JSON which i created using loops in code. But i am stuck at how to convert this to expected JSON format. I am getting sequential changes, need to convert to tree like or nested JSON format.
Trying in Python :
project_cost = {}
for cost in project_cost_details:
if cost.get('Parent_Cost_Type_ID'):
project_id = str(cost.get('Project_ID'))
parent_cost_type_id = str(cost.get('Parent_Cost_Type_ID'))
if project_id not in project_cost:
project_cost[project_id] = {}
if "breakdown" not in project_cost[project_id]:
project_cost[project_id]["breakdown"] = []
if 'amount' not in project_cost[project_id]:
project_cost[project_id]['amount'] = 0
project_cost[project_id]['name'] = cost.get('Title')
project_cost[project_id]['id'] = cost.get('Project_ID')
if parent_cost_type_id == cost.get('Cost_Type_ID'):
project_cost[project_id]['amount'] += int(cost.get('Amount'))
#if parent_cost_type_id is None:
'amount': int(cost.get('Amount')),
'name': cost.get('Name'),
'parent_id': parent_cost_type_id,
'id' : cost.get('Cost_Type_ID')
from this i am getting sample JSON. It will be good if get in this code only desired format.
Also tried this solution mention here : https://adiyatmubarak.wordpress.com/2015/10/05/group-list-of-dictionary-data-by-particular-key-in-python/
I got approach to convert sample JSON to expected JSON :
data = [
{ "name" : "ABC", "parent":"DEF", },
{ "name" : "DEF", "parent":"null" },
{ "name" : "new_name", "parent":"ABC" },
{ "name" : "new_name2", "parent":"ABC" },
{ "name" : "Foo", "parent":"DEF"},
{ "name" : "Bar", "parent":"null"},
{ "name" : "Chandani", "parent":"new_name", "relation": "rel", "depth": 3 },
{ "name" : "Chandani333", "parent":"new_name", "relation": "rel", "depth": 3 }
result = {x.get("name"):x for x in data}
tree = [];
for a in data:
if a.get("parent") in result:
parent = result[a.get("parent")]
parent = ""
if parent:
if "children" not in parent:
parent["children"] = []
Reference help : http://jsfiddle.net/9FqKS/ this is a JavaScript solution i converted to Python
It seems that you want to get a list of values from a dictionary.
result = [value for key, value in project_cost_details.items()]
I am attempting to parse a json response that looks like this:
"links": {
"next": "http://www.neowsapp.com/rest/v1/feed?start_date=2015-09-08&end_date=2015-09-09&detailed=false&api_key=xxx",
"prev": "http://www.neowsapp.com/rest/v1/feed?start_date=2015-09-06&end_date=2015-09-07&detailed=false&api_key=xxx",
"self": "http://www.neowsapp.com/rest/v1/feed?start_date=2015-09-07&end_date=2015-09-08&detailed=false&api_key=xxx"
"element_count": 22,
"near_earth_objects": {
"2015-09-08": [
"links": {
"self": "http://www.neowsapp.com/rest/v1/neo/3726710?api_key=xxx"
"id": "3726710",
"neo_reference_id": "3726710",
"name": "(2015 RC)",
"nasa_jpl_url": "http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=3726710",
"absolute_magnitude_h": 24.3,
"estimated_diameter": {
"kilometers": {
"estimated_diameter_min": 0.0366906138,
"estimated_diameter_max": 0.0820427065
"meters": {
"estimated_diameter_min": 36.6906137531,
"estimated_diameter_max": 82.0427064882
"miles": {
"estimated_diameter_min": 0.0227984834,
"estimated_diameter_max": 0.0509789586
"feet": {
"estimated_diameter_min": 120.3760332259,
"estimated_diameter_max": 269.1689931548
"is_potentially_hazardous_asteroid": false,
"close_approach_data": [
"close_approach_date": "2015-09-08",
"close_approach_date_full": "2015-Sep-08 09:45",
"epoch_date_close_approach": 1441705500000,
"relative_velocity": {
"kilometers_per_second": "19.4850295284",
"kilometers_per_hour": "70146.106302123",
"miles_per_hour": "43586.0625520053"
"miss_distance": {
"astronomical": "0.0269230459",
"lunar": "10.4730648551",
"kilometers": "4027630.320552233",
"miles": "2502653.4316094954"
"orbiting_body": "Earth"
"is_sentry_object": false
I am trying to figure out how to parse through to get "miss_distance" dictionary values ? I am unable to wrap my head around it.
Here is what I have been able to do so far:
After I get a Response object from request.get()
response = request.get(url
I convert the response object to json object
data = response.json() #this returns dictionary object
I try to parse the first level of the dictionary:
for i in data:
if i == "near_earth_objects":
dataset1 = data["near_earth_objects"]["2015-09-08"]
#this returns the next object which is of type list
Please someone can explain me :
1. How to decipher this response in the first place.
2. How can I move forward in parsing the response object and get to miss_distance dictionary ?
Please any pointers/help is appreciated.
Thank you
Your data will will have multiple dictionaries for the each date, near earth object, and close approach:
near_earth_objects = data['near_earth_objects']
for date in near_earth_objects:
objects = near_earth_objects[date]
for object in objects:
close_approach_data = object['close_approach_data']
for close_approach in close_approach_data:
The code below gives you a table of date, miss_distances for every object for every date
import json
raw_json = '''
"near_earth_objects": {
"2015-09-08": [
"close_approach_data": [
"miss_distance": {
"astronomical": "0.0269230459",
"lunar": "10.4730648551",
"kilometers": "4027630.320552233",
"miles": "2502653.4316094954"
"orbiting_body": "Earth"
if __name__ == "__main__":
parsed = json.loads(raw_json)
# assuming this json includes more than one near_earch_object spread across dates
near_objects = []
for date, near_objs in parsed['near_earth_objects'].items():
for obj in near_objs:
for appr in obj['close_approach_data']:
o = {
'date': date,
'miss_distances': appr['miss_distance']
{'date': '2015-09-08',
'miss_distances': {
'astronomical': '0.0269230459',
'lunar': '10.4730648551',
'kilometers': '4027630.320552233',
'miles': '2502653.4316094954'
I've got some code that looks like this
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
client = Elasticsearch(hosts = [myhost])
results = es_client.search(
body = {
'query' : {
'bool' : {
'must' : {
'term' : {
'foo' : 'bar',
'hello' : 'world'
index = 'index_A,index_B',
size = 10,
from_ = 0
except Exception as e:
## my code stops here, as there is an exception
import pdb
Examining the exception
SearchPhaseExecutionException[Failed to execute phase [query], all shards failed;
And further down
Parse Failure [Failed to parse source [{"query": {"bool": {"must": {"term": {"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}}}}}]]]; nested: QueryParsingException[[index_A] [bool] query does not support [must]];
The stack trace was huge so I just grabbed snippets of it, but the main error appears to be that "must" is not supported, at least the way I have constructed my query.
I was using this and this for guidance on constructing the query.
I can post a more complete stack trace, but I was hoping someone is able to see a very obvious error that I have made inside the "body" parameter inside the "search" method.
Can anyone see anything that I have clearly done wrong as far as constructing the query body for the python API?
The syntax of the query doesn't look correct to me. Try this:
results = es_client.search(
body = {
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {
"foo": {
"value": "bar"
"term": {
"hello": {
"value": "world"
index = 'index_A,index_B',
size = 10,
from_ = 0
I want to count all elements which occur in somekey in an MongoDB collection.
The current code looks at all elements in somekey as a whole.
from pymongo import Connection
con = Connection()
db = con.database
collection = db.collection
from bson.code import Code
reducer = Code("""
function(obj, prev){
from bson.son import SON
results = collection.group(key={"somekey":1}, condition={}, initial={"count": 0}, reduce=reducer)
for doc in results:
print doc
However, I want that it counts all elements which occur in any document with somekey.
Here is an anticipated example. The MongoDB has the following documents.
{ "_id" : 1, “somekey" : [“AB", “CD"], "someotherkey" : "X" }
{ "_id" : 2, “somekey" : [“AB", “XY”], "someotherkey" : "Y" }
The result should provide an by count ordered list with:
count: 2 "AB"
count: 1 "CD"
count: 1 "XY"
The .group() method will not work on elements that are arrays, and the closest similar thing would be mapReduce where you have more control over the emitted keys.
But really the better fit here is the aggregation framework. It is implemented in native code as does not use JavaScript interpreter processing as the other methods there do.
You wont be getting an "ordered list" from MongoDB responses, but you get a similar document result:
results = collection.aggregate([
# Unwind the array
{ "$unwind": "somekey" },
# Group the results and count
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$somekey",
"count": { "$sum": 1 }
Gives you something like:
{ "_id": "AB", "count": 2 }
{ "_id": "CD", "count": 1 }
{ "_id": "XY", "count": 1 }