I have a list list_of_params and a function run_train() that receives an item from the list_of_params (e.g. run_train(list_of_params[0])). I can dispatch run_train() to multiple GPUs at a time. So i'd like if there is any implementation of a single queue that can be paralelized.
If this is not clear enough, imagine the following scenario:
"A supermarket which has a single customer queue, but 5 cashiers. Once a cashier is idle, it process the products of the next customer in the queue. This is the contrary of each cashier having its own line."
I can provide more details if needed.
Thank you!
Try queue module. 'Thread-safe multi-producer, multi-consumer queues'.
Here's an example of using a queue with a few producer and consumer processes:
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, Event
#if you use threading instead of multiprocessing, use queue.Queue rather than multiprocessing.Queue
from queue import Empty
from time import sleep
from random import random
def producer(stopflag, out_queue):
while True:
if stopflag.is_set():
sleep(random()) #sleep anywhere from 0-1 sec avg 0.5 (producer will produce on average a maximum of 2 outputs / sec)
out_queue.put(random()) #may wait if the queue is currently full, thereby reducing production rate.
def consumer(stopflag, in_queue):
while True:
if stopflag.is_set():
x = in_queue.get()
sleep(x*2) #consumers work twice slower than producers averaging 1 item per sec
def main():
stopflag = Event()
shared_q = Queue(maxsize=100) # if the queue fills up, it will force the producers
# to wait for the consumers to catch up. Otherwise, it
# may grow infinitely (until the computer runs out of memory)
#2 producers
producers = [Process(target=producer, args=(stopflag, shared_q)) for _ in range(2)]
#4 consumers
consumers = [Process(target=consumer, args=(stopflag, shared_q)) for _ in range(4)]
for process in producers + consumers:
sleep(20) #let them work a while
stopflag.set() #tell them to stop
for process in producers + consumers: #wait for them to stop
#empty unfinished tasks from the queue so its thread can exit normally
#(it's good practice to clean up resources kind of like closing files when done with them)
while True:
except Empty:
if __name__ == '__main__':
I have two threads in a producer consumer pattern. When the consumer receives data it calls an time consuming function expensive() and then enters in a for loop.
But if while the consumer is working new data arrives, it should abort the current work, (exit the loop) and start with the new data.
I tried with a queue.Queue something like this:
q = queue.Queue()
def producer():
while True:
def consumer():
while True:
d = q.get()
for i in range(10000):
if not q.empty():
But the problem with this code is that if the producer put data too too fast, and the queue get to have many items, the consumer will do the expensive(d) call plus one loop iteration and then abort for each item, which is time consuming. The code should work, but is not optimized.
Without modifying the code in expensive one solution could be to run it as a separate process which will provide you the ability to terminateit prematurely. Since there's no mention to how long expensive runs this may or may not be more time efficient, however.
import multiprocessing as mp
q = queue.Queue()
def producer():
while True:
def consumer():
while True:
d = q.get()
exp = mp.Thread(target=expensive, args=(d,))
for i in range(10000):
if not q.empty():
exp.terminate() # or exp.kill()
Well, one way is to use a queue design that can keep an internal lists of waiting and working threads. You can then create several consumer threads to wait on the queue and, when work arrives, set a known consumer thread to do the work. When the thread has finished, it calls into the queue to remove itself from the working list and add itself to the waiting list.
The consumer threads each have an 'abort' atomic that can signal the thread to finish early. There will be some latency while the thread performs inner loops, but that will not matter....
If new work arrives at the queue from the producer, and the working queue is not empty, the 'abort' bool of the working thread/s can be set and their priority set to the minimum possible. The new work can then be dispatched onto one of the waiting threads from the pool, so setting it working.
The waiting threads will need a 'start' function that signals an event/sema/condvar that the wait thread..well..waits on. That allows the producer that supplied work to set that specific thread running, rather than the 'usual' practice where any thread from a pool may pick up work.
Such a design allows new work to be started 'immediately', makes the previous work thread irrelevant by de-prioritizing it and avoids the overheads of thread/process termination.
I want to set up some processes that take an input and process it and the result of this result is another task that I want to be handled. Essentially each task results in zero or multiple new tasks (of the same type) eventually all tasks will yield no new tasks.
I figured a queue would be good for this so I have an input queue and a results queue to add the tasks that result in nothing new. At any one time, the queue might be empty but more could be added if another process is working on a task.
Hence, I only want it to end when all processes are simultaneously trying to get from the input queue.
I am completely new to both python multiprocessing and multiprocessing in general.
Edited to add a basic overview of what I mean:
class Consumer(Process):
def __init__(self, name):
def run():
# This is where I would have the task try to get a new task off of the
# queue and then calculate the results and put them into the queue
# After which it would then try to get a new task and repeat
# If this an all other processes are trying to get and the queue is
# empty That is the only time I know that everything is complete and can
# continue
def start_processing():
in_queue = Queue()
results_queue = Queue()
consumers = [Consumer(str(i)) for i in range(cpu_count())]
for i in consumers:
# Wait for the above mentioned conditions to be true before continuing
The JoinableQueue has been designed to fit this purpose. Joining a JoinableQueue will block until there are tasks in progress.
You can use it as follows: the main process will spawn a certain amount of worker processes assigning them the JoinableQueue. The worker processes will use the queue to produce and consume new tasks. The main process will wait by joining the queue up until no more tasks are in progress. After that, it will terminate the worker processes and quit.
A very simplified example (pseudocode):
def consumer(queue):
for task in queue.get():
results = process_task(task)
if 'more_tasks' in results:
for new_task in results['more_tasks']:
# signal the queue that a task has been completed
def main():
queue = JoinableQueue()
processes = start_processes(consumer, queue)
for task in initial_tasks:
queue.join() # block until all work is done
I have code that reads data from 7 devices every second for an infinite amount of time. Each loop, a thread is created which starts 7 processes. After each process is done the program waits 1 second and starts again. Here is a snippet the code:
def all_thread(): #function that handels the threading
thread = threading.Thread(target=all_process) #prepares a thread for the devices
thread.start() #starts a thread for the devices
def all_process(): #function that prepares and runs processes
processes = [] #empty list for the processes to be stored
while len(gas_list) > 0: #this gaslist holds the connection information for my devices
for sen in gas_list: #for each sen(sensor) in the gas list
proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=main_reader, args=(sen, q)) #declaring a process variable that sends the gas object, value and queue information to reading function
processes.append(proc) #adding the process to the processes list
proc.start() #start the process
for sen in processes: #for each sensor in the processes list
sen.join() #wait for all the processes to complete before starting again
time.sleep(1) #wait one second
However, this uses 100% of my CPU. Is this by design of threading and multiprocessing or just bad coding? Is there a way I can limit the CPU usage? Thanks!
The comments were mentioning the main_reader() function so I will put it into the question. All it does is read each device, takes all the data and appends it to a list. Then the list is put into a queue to be displayed in the tkinter GUI.
def main_reader(data, q): #this function reads the device which takes less than a second
output_list = get_registry(data) #this function takes the device information, reads the registry and returns a list of data
q.put(output_list) #put the output list into the queue
As you state in the comments, your main_reader takes only a fraction of a second to run, which means process creation overhead might cause your problem.
Here is an example with multiprocessing.Pool. This creates a pool of workers and submits your tasks to them. Processes are started only once and never shut down or joined if this is meant to be an infinite loop. If you want to shut your pool down, you can do so by joining and closing it (see documentation for that).
from multiprocessing import Pool, Manager
from time import sleep
import threading
from random import random
gas_list = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
def main_reader(sen, rqu):
output = "%d/%f" % (sen, random())
def all_processes(rq):
p = Pool(len(gas_list) + 1)
while True:
for sen in gas_list:
p.apply_async(main_reader, args=(sen, rq))
m = Manager()
q = m.Queue()
t = threading.Thread(target=all_processes, args=(q,))
t.daemon = True
while True:
r = q.get()
print r
If this does not help, you need to start digging deeper. I would first increase the sleep in your infinite loop to 10 seconds or even longer. This would allow you to monitor the behaviour of your program. If CPU peaks for a moment and then settles down for 10 seconds or so, you know the problem is in your main_reader. If it is still 100%, your problem must be elsewhere.
Is it possible your problem is not in this part of your program at all? You seem to launch this all in a thread, which indicates your main program is doing something else. Can it be this something else that peaks the CPU?
My problem is the following: I have a multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool object with worker_count workers and a main pqueue from which I feed tasks to the pool.
The flow is as follows: There is a main loop that gets an item of level level from pqueue and submits it tot the pool using apply_async. When the item is processed, it generates items of level + 1. The problem is that the pool accepts all tasks and processes them in the order they were submitted.
More precisely, what is happening is that the level 0 items are processed and each generates 100 level 1 items that are retrieved immediately from pqueue and added to the pool, each level 1 item produces 100 level 2 items that are submitted to the pool, and so on, and the items are processed in an BFS manner.
I need to tell the pool to not accept more than worker_count items in order to give a chance of higher level to be retrieved from pqueue in order to process items in a DFS manner.
The current solution I came with is: for each submitted task, save the AsyncResult object in a asyncres_list list, and before retrieving items from pqueue I remove the items that were processed (if any), check if the length of the asyncres_list is lower than the number of threads in the pool every 0.5 seconds, and like that only thread_number items will be processed at the same time.
I am wondering if there is a cleaner way to achieve this behaviour and I can't seem to find in the documentation some parameters to limit the maximum number of tasks that can be submitted to a pool.
ThreadPool is a simple tool for a common task. If you want to manage the queue yourself, to get DFS behavior; you could implement the necessary functionality on top threading and queue modules directly.
To prevent scheduling the next root task until all tasks spawned by the current task are done ("DFS"-like order), you could use Queue.join():
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import queue
import random
import threading
import time
def worker(q, multiplicity=5, maxlevel=3, lock=threading.Lock()):
for task in iter(q.get, None): # blocking get until None is received
if len(task) < maxlevel:
for i in range(multiplicity):
q.put(task + str(i)) # schedule the next level
time.sleep(random.random()) # emulate some work
with lock:
worker_count = 2
q = queue.LifoQueue()
threads = [threading.Thread(target=worker, args=[q], daemon=True)
for _ in range(worker_count)]
for t in threads:
for task in "01234": # populate the first level
q.join() # block until all spawned tasks are done
for _ in threads: # signal workers to quit
for t in threads: # wait until workers exit
The code example is derived from the example in the queue module documentation.
The task at each level spawns multiplicity direct child tasks that spawn their own subtasks until maxlevel is reached.
None is used to signal the workers that they should quit. t.join() is used to wait until threads exit gracefully. If the main thread is interrupted for any reason then the daemon threads are killed unless there are other non-daemon threads (you might want to provide SIGINT hanlder, to signal the workers to exit gracefully on Ctrl+C instead of just dying).
queue.LifoQueue() is used, to get "Last In First Out" order (it is approximate due to multiple threads).
The maxsize is not set because otherwise the workers may deadlock--you have to put the task somewhere anyway. worker_count background threads are running regardless of the task queue.
I'm having this problem in python:
I have a queue of URLs that I need to check from time to time
if the queue is filled up, I need to process each item in the queue
Each item in the queue must be processed by a single process (multiprocessing)
So far I managed to achieve this "manually" like this:
while 1:
while not self.mainUrlQueue.empty():
domain = self.mainUrlQueue.get()
# if we didn't launched any process yet, we need to do so
if len(self.jobs) < maxprocess:
# If we already have process started we need to clear the old process in our pool and start new ones
jobdone = 0
# We circle through each of the process, until we find one free ; only then leave the loop
while jobdone == 0:
for p in self.jobs :
#print "entering loop"
# if the process finished
if not p.is_alive() and jobdone == 0:
#print str(p.pid) + " job dead, starting new one"
jobdone = 1
However that leads to tons of problems and errors. I wondered if I was not better suited using a Pool of process. What would be the right way to do this?
However, a lot of times my queue is empty, and it can be filled by 300 items in a second, so I'm not too sure how to do things here.
You could use the blocking capabilities of queue to spawn multiple process at startup (using multiprocessing.Pool) and letting them sleep until some data are available on the queue to process. If your not familiar with that, you could try to "play" with that simple program:
import multiprocessing
import os
import time
the_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
def worker_main(queue):
print os.getpid(),"working"
while True:
item = queue.get(True)
print os.getpid(), "got", item
time.sleep(1) # simulate a "long" operation
the_pool = multiprocessing.Pool(3, worker_main,(the_queue,))
# don't forget the comma here ^
for i in range(5):
Tested with Python 2.7.3 on Linux
This will spawn 3 processes (in addition of the parent process). Each child executes the worker_main function. It is a simple loop getting a new item from the queue on each iteration. Workers will block if nothing is ready to process.
At startup all 3 process will sleep until the queue is fed with some data. When a data is available one of the waiting workers get that item and starts to process it. After that, it tries to get an other item from the queue, waiting again if nothing is available...
Added some code (submitting "None" to the queue) to nicely shut down the worker threads, and added code to close and join the_queue and the_pool:
import multiprocessing
import os
import time
NUM_QUEUE_ITEMS = 20 # so really 40, because hello and world are processed separately
def worker_main(queue):
while True:
item = queue.get(block=True) #block=True means make a blocking call to wait for items in queue
if item is None:
print(os.getpid(), "got", item)
time.sleep(1) # simulate a "long" operation
def main():
the_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
the_pool = multiprocessing.Pool(NUM_PROCESSES, worker_main,(the_queue,))
for i in range(NUM_QUEUE_ITEMS):
for i in range(NUM_PROCESSES):
# prevent adding anything more to the queue and wait for queue to empty
# prevent adding anything more to the process pool and wait for all processes to finish
if __name__ == '__main__':