I want to get the inverse of the R array of shape (3,2) using the svd method
R = [[190.93095651 189.30517758]
[187.01785506 185.38861727]
[183.29225361 181.47205695]]
I tried the following
u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(r, full_matrices=True)
vh_1 = np.transpose(vh)
u_1 = np.transpose(u)
s_1 = np.transpose(s)
Rv = (u_1 * s_1) *vh_1
The shape of the resulted matrix RV is (2, 2, 3) I expected to get a (2,3) dimension array instead
I want to proceed with the RV array and multiply it with (2,1) array A
A = [-0.20434669 -0.20225446]
And i expect a (3,1) array as a result. However I got a (3,2) array instead.
I have to write a python function where i need to compute the vector
For A is n by n and xn is n by 1
r_n = Axn - (xn^TAxn)xn
Im using numpy but .T doesn't work on vectors and when I just do
r_n = A#xn - (xn#A#xn)#xn but xn#A#xn gives me a scaler.
I've tried changing the A with the xn but nothing seems to work.
Making a 3x1 numpy array like this...
import numpy as np
a = np.array([1, 2, 3])
...and then attempting to take its transpose like this...
a_transpose = a.T
...will, confusingly, return this:
# [1 2 3]
If you want to define a (column) vector whose transpose you can meaningfully take, and get a row vector in return, you need to define it like this:
a = np.reshape(np.array([1, 2, 3]), (3, 1))
# [[1]
# [2]
# [3]]
a_transpose = a.T
# [[1 2 3]]
If you want to define a 1 x n array whose transpose you can take to get an n x 1 array, you can do it like this:
a = np.array([[1, 2, 3]])
and then get its transpose by calling a.T.
If A is (n,n) and xn is (n,1):
A#xn - (xn#A#xn)#xn
(n,n)#(n,1) - ((n,1)#(n,n)#(n,1)) # (n,1)
(n,1) error (1 does not match n)
If xn#A#xn gives scalar that's because xn is (n,) shape; as per np.matmul docs that's a 2d with two 1d arrays
(n,)#(n,n)#(n,) => (n,)#(n,) -> scalar
I think you want
(1,n) # (n,n) # (n,1) => (1,1)
Come to think of it that (1,1) array should be same single values as the scalar.
Sample calculation; 1st with the (n,) shape:
In [6]: A = np.arange(1,10).reshape(3,3); x = np.arange(1,4)
In [7]: A#x
Out[7]: array([14, 32, 50]) # (3,3)#(3,)=>(3,)
In [8]: x#A#x # scalar
Out[8]: 228
In [9]: (x#A#x)#x
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[9], line 1
----> 1 (x#A#x)#x
ValueError: matmul: Input operand 0 does not have enough dimensions (has 0, gufunc core with signature (n?,k),(k,m?)->(n?,m?) requires 1)
matmul does not like to work with scalars. But we can use np.dot instead, or simply multiply:
In [10]: (x#A#x)*x
Out[10]: array([228, 456, 684]) # (3,)
In [11]: A#x - (x#A#x)*x
Out[11]: array([-214, -424, -634])
Change the array to (3,1):
In [12]: xn = x[:,None]; xn.shape
Out[12]: (3, 1)
In [13]: A#xn - (xn.T#A#xn)*xn
[-634]]) # same numbers but in (3,1) shape
I have a 2D array of shape (10, 3) and an image represented as a 3D array of shape (480, 640, 3). I'd like to perform a difference between each pixel and each element of the 2D array, to get a final result of shape (10, 480, 640, 3).
For now, my code looks like this:
arr_2d = np.random.rand(10, 3)
arr_3d = np.random.rand(480, 640, 3)
res = np.ones_like(arr_3d)
res = np.tile(res, (10, 1, 1, 1))
for i in range(10):
res[i] = arr_3d - arr_2d[i]
My question is if there's a way to do this without the for loop, only using numpy operations.
You can try broadcasting with np.array like this
arr_2d = arr_2d.reshape(-1,1,1,3)
arr_3d = arr_3d.reshape((-1,*arr_3d.shape))
res = arr_3d - arr_2d
This should give the same result as your original code
Given that there is 2 Numpy Array :
3d_array with shape (100,10,2),
1d_indices with shape (100)
What is the Numpy way/equivalent to do this :
result = []
for i,j in zip(range(len(3d_array)),1d_indices):
Which should return result.shape (100,2)
The closest I've come to is by using fancy indexing on Numpy :
result = 3d_array[np.arange(len(3d_array)), 1d_indices]
Your code snippet should be equivalent to 3d_array[:, 1d_indices].reshape(-1,2), example:
a = np.arange(100*10*2).reshape(100,10,2) # 3d array
b = np.random.randint(0, 10, 100) # 1d indices
def fun(a,b):
result = []
for i in range(len(a)):
for j in b:
return np.array(result)
assert (a[:, b].reshape(-1, 2) == fun(a, b)).all()
I wanted to save a bit of memory, and thought I'd create a scipy.sparse identity matrix (dim is in the thousands, not terrible, but also not frugal). Notice its shape passes the assert:
cov = sigma_0 * sparse.identity(dim, dtype=np.float32)
assert (dim, dim) == cov.shape
result = np.random.multivariate_normal(mu, cov)
E ValueError: cov must be 2 dimensional and square
The following, however, works fine:
cov = sigma_0 * np.identity(dim, dtype=np.float32)
assert (dim, dim) == cov.shape
result = np.random.multivariate_normal(mu, cov)
Did I miss it, somewhere, in the docs to say that sparse covariance matrices are expected fail with a ValueError?
What's happening here is that in np.random.multivariate_normal the input array is cast to an array:
cov = np.array(cov)
which ends up creating a scalar array of dtype object since numpy doesn't know anything about sparse matrices.
In [3]: cov = sparse.identity(100, dtype=np.float32)
In [4]: cov.shape
Out[4]: (100, 100)
In [5]: np.array(cov)
array(<100x100 sparse matrix of type '<type 'numpy.float32'>'
with 100 stored elements (1 diagonals) in DIAgonal format>, dtype=object)
I am trying to update the weights in a neural network with this line:
self.l1weights[0] = self.l1weights[0] + self.learning_rate * l1error
And this results in a value error:
ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (7,7) into shape (7)
Printing the learning_rate*error and the weights returns something like this:
[ 4.17022005e-01 7.20324493e-01 1.14374817e-04 3.02332573e-01
1.46755891e-01 9.23385948e-02 1.86260211e-01]
It is clear the weights are initialized as a vector of length 7 in this example and the error is initialized as a 7x1 matrix. I would expect addition to return a 7x1 matrix or a vector as well, but instead it generates a 7x7 matrix like this:
[[ 4.10446271e-01 7.13748760e-01 -6.46135890e-03 2.95756839e-01
1.40180157e-01 8.57628611e-02 1.79684478e-01]
[ 4.02714481e-01 7.06016970e-01 -1.41931487e-02 2.88025049e-01
1.32448367e-01 7.80310713e-02 1.71952688e-01]
[ 3.99627379e-01 7.02929868e-01 -1.72802505e-02 2.84937947e-01
1.29361266e-01 7.49439695e-02 1.68865586e-01]
[ 4.16640855e-01 7.19943343e-01 -2.66775370e-04 3.01951422e-01
1.46374741e-01 9.19574446e-02 1.85879061e-01]
[ 4.01388075e-01 7.04690564e-01 -1.55195551e-02 2.86698643e-01
1.31121961e-01 7.67046648e-02 1.70626281e-01]
[ 3.96412924e-01 6.99715412e-01 -2.04947062e-02 2.81723492e-01
1.26146810e-01 7.17295137e-02 1.65651130e-01]
[ 4.01429313e-01 7.04731801e-01 -1.54783174e-02 2.86739880e-01
1.31163199e-01 7.67459026e-02 1.70667519e-01]]
Numpy.sum also returns the same 7x7 matrix. Is there a way to solve this without explicit reshaping? Output size is variable and this is an issue specific to when the output size is one.
When adding (7,) array (named a) with (1, 7) array (named b), broadcasting happens and generates (7, 7) array. If your just want to do element-by-element addition, keep them in the same shape.
a + b.flatten() gives (7,). flatten makes all the dimensions collapse into one. This keeps the result as a row.
a.reshape(-1, 1) + b gives (1, 7). -1 in reshape requires numpy to decide how many elements are there given other dimensions. This keeps the result as a column.
a = np.arange(7) # row
b = a.reshape(-1, 1) # column
print((a + b).shape) # (7, 7)
print((a + b.flatten()).shape) # (7,)
print((a.reshape(-1, 1) + b).shape) # (7, 1)
In your case, a and b would be self.l1weights[0] and self.learning_rate * l1error respectively.