Update scrollbar in tkinter - python

I'm programming something in python and I need to create a scrollbar that updates when new widgets are added to the window. I don't know how to do this and I haven't found the answer in any place. Is there a command for this? This is my code right now.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
my_canvas = tk.Canvas(root)
my_canvas.pack(side = "left", fill = "both", expand = 1)
my_scrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(root, orient = "vertical", command = my_canvas.yview)
my_scrollbar.pack(side = "right", fill = "y")
my_canvas.configure(yscrollcommand = my_scrollbar.set)
my_canvas.bind("<Configure>", lambda e: my_canvas.configure(scrollregion = my_canvas.bbox("all")))
my_frame = tk.LabelFrame(my_canvas, width = my_canvas.winfo_width())
for i in range(10):
my_label = tk.Label(my_frame, text = "Label")
my_canvas.create_window((0, 0), width = 600, anchor = "nw", window = my_frame)
def create_label(scroll, canv, fram):
my_label = tk.Label(fram, text="Label")
my_button = tk.Button(my_frame, text = "Button", command = lambda: create_label(my_scrollbar, my_canvas, my_frame))

Bind to the <Configure> event of the inner frame. That event fires whenever the frame changes size.
def adjust_scrollregion(event):
my_frame.bind("<Configure>", adjust_scrollregion)
Unrelated to the question that was asked... calling my_frame.grid_propagate(0) is pointless since you use pack inside of my_frame.


how to bind button in tkinter

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Tic Tac Toe")
Blank = tk.PhotoImage(file='Blank.png')
X = tk.PhotoImage(file='X.png')
O = tk.PhotoImage(file='O.png')
def configB(event):
btn1 = tk.Button(root,image=Blank)
btn2 = ttk.Button(image=Blank)
btn3 = ttk.Button(image=Blank)
btn4 = ttk.Button(image=Blank)
btn5 = ttk.Button(image=Blank)
btn6 = ttk.Button(image=Blank)
btn7 = ttk.Button(image=Blank)
btn8 = ttk.Button(image=Blank)
btn9 = ttk.Button(image=Blank)
i want to bind btn1 and i want it to work when i press enter but nothing happens when i press enter as per my code it should print hello .
please help thanks in advance.
As #jasonharper said it will work only if button is focused
btn1.bind('<Return>', configB)
and if you click other button then it will not work again
so better bind to main winodw
root.bind('<Return>', configB)
Minimal working code
import tkinter as tk
# --- functions --- # PEP8: lower_case_names
def config_b(event):
# --- main ---
root = tk.Tk()
btn1 = tk.Button(root, text='1')
btn1 = tk.Button(root, text='2')
#btn1.bind('<Return>', config_b)
root.bind('<Return>', config_b)
There is no quick answer to this question.
Buttons must be bound so as to duplicate (as close as possible) normal button behaviour.
This includes changing button relief and colors, then restoring button.
Finally it has to execute the button command.
The following example does this for two buttons.
'button' responds to Mouse 'Button-3'
'buttonX' responds to Key 'Return'
import tkinter as tk
def working():
def actionPress(event):
relief = "sunken",
background = "red",
foreground = "yellow")
def actionRelease(event):
relief = "raised",
background = "SystemButtonFace",
foreground = "SystemButtonText")
# activate buttons' command on release
window = tk.Tk()
button = tk.Button(window, text = "press", command = working)
buttonX = tk.Button(window, text = "pressX", command = working)
# bind returns unique ID
boundP = button.bind("<ButtonPress-3>", actionPress)
boundR = button.bind("<ButtonRelease-3>", actionRelease)
boundXP = buttonX.bind("<KeyPress-Return>", actionPress)
boundXR = buttonX.bind("<KeyRelease-Return>", actionRelease)
# This is how to unbind (if necessary)
# button.unbind(""<ButtonPress-3>", boundP)
# button.unbind(""<ButtonRelease-3>", boundR)
# buttonX.unbind(""<KeyPress-Return>", boundXP)
# buttonX.unbind(""<KeyRelease-Return>", boundXR)
You don't need parameter in configB method. Also don't need bind for button1. I also add command in button1 widget. Comment out in line 36 #btn1.bind('<Return>',configB)
def configB():
btn1 = tk.Button(root, command=configB)
Btw, I don't have png image.

update label variable in python tkinter

from tkinter import *
import tkinter as tk
import random
f = 0
def test_print():
f = random.randint(0,118)
# creating Tk window
master = Tk()
var = IntVar()
# cretaing a Fra, e which can expand according
# to the size of the window
pane = Frame(master)
pane.pack(fill = BOTH, expand = True)
# button widgets which can also expand and fill
# in the parent widget entirely
# Button 1
b1 = Button(pane, text = "Click me !",
background = "red", fg = "white", command = test_print)
b1.pack(side = TOP, expand = True, fill = BOTH)
label = tk.Label(pane, textvariable = var)
label.pack(side = BOTTOM, expand = False)
# Execute Tkinter
This code runs fine but it doesn't give me a random number when i press the button. I need it to give me a random output so i can get a random element from a list. Does anybody have the answer to this?
Here it is. Now you can see that the label changes:
from tkinter import *
import tkinter as tk
import random
def test_print():
f = random.randint(0, 118)
# creating Tk window
master = Tk()
master.minsize(600, 400)
# cretaing a Fra, e which can expand according
# to the size of the window
pane = Frame(master)
pane.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True)
# button widgets which can also expand and fill
# in the parent widget entirely
# Button 1
b1 = Button(pane, text="Click me !",
background="red", fg="white", command=test_print)
b1.pack(side=TOP, expand=True, fill=BOTH)
label = tk.Label(pane)
label.pack(side=BOTTOM, expand=False)
# Execute Tkinter
here is the answer
from tkinter import *
import tkinter as tk
import random
maxnumber = 118
f = random.randint(0,maxnumber)
def test_print():
label.configure(textvariable = var)
# creating Tk window
master = Tk()
var = IntVar()
# cretaing a Fra, e which can expand according
# to the size of the window
pane = Frame(master)
pane.pack(fill = BOTH, expand = True)
# button widgets which can also expand and fill
# in the parent widget entirely
# Button 1
b1 = Button(pane, text = "Click me !",
background = "red", fg = "white", command = test_print)
b1.pack(side = TOP, expand = True, fill = BOTH)
label = tk.Label(pane)
label.pack(side = BOTTOM, expand = False)
# Execute Tkinter

Frame not expanding

Maybe this is just how Tkinter works but Im unsure. Currently I have the Main window with three frames laid out next to each other. Frame ContainerFrame is a master, then characterFrame and planetFrame are placed inside the ContainerFrame. The issue is or what I would like to happen is that the frames would fill up a set area of the window regardless of whether or not their is data/ widgets in them.
Here is what I envision it to look like https://imgur.com/OjdKFh4
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
MainWindow = Tk()
def mainWindow():
MainWindow.option_add('*tearOff', False)
menubar = Menu(MainWindow)
MainWindow.config(menu = menubar)
File = Menu(menubar)
About = Menu(menubar)
menubar.add_cascade(menu = File, label = "File")
menubar.add_cascade(menu = About, label = "About")
def frameContainer():
containerFrame = Frame(MainWindow)
containerFrame.pack(anchor = "nw", side = "left", fill = "both", expand = False)
scroller = Scrollbar(orient = "vertical")
characterFrame = Frame(containerFrame, borderwidth="2", relief="sunken")
characterFrame.pack(anchor = "nw", side = "left", expand = True)
planetFrame = Frame(containerFrame ,borderwidth="2", relief="sunken")
planetFrame.pack(anchor = "nw", side = "right", expand = True)
scroller = Scrollbar(orient = "vertical")
scroller.pack(anchor = "e", side = "right", fill = "y", expand = False)
characterLable = Button(characterFrame, text ="Characters")
Label(characterFrame, text ="Test1").pack()
Label(characterFrame, text ="Test2").pack()
Label(planetFrame, text ="Test1").pack()
Label(planetFrame, text ="Test2").pack()
Normally you would use a frame to organize a widget with a scrollbar, but a frame is not scrollable. If you want to scroll an area containing other widgets the usual thing to do is to use a canvas.
Study this guide: Tkinter Scrollbar Patterns
Pack can be difficult to use and the only way I have found to overcome this is to keep trying. It's usually easier to see what you are doing if you let the different frames have different bg colors. Also I've taken the liberty to change some of your variable names as they do not give a hint as to what they are or are too similar to other names, eg. mainWindow and MainWindow.
I have added some padding to some widgets to make it look better.
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
def create_main_window():
root.option_add('*tearOff', False)
menubar = Menu(root)
root.config(menu = menubar)
File = Menu(menubar)
About = Menu(menubar)
menubar.add_cascade(menu = File, label = "File")
menubar.add_cascade(menu = About, label = "About")
def create_container_frame():
container = Frame(root, bg='tan')
container.pack(fill="both", expand=True)
scroller = Scrollbar(container, orient="vertical")
scroller.pack(side="right", fill="y")
characterFrame = Frame(container, bd=2, relief="sunken", bg='thistle')
characterFrame.pack(side="left", fill='y', padx=(10,0), pady=10)
character_button = Button(characterFrame, text ="Characters")
character_button.pack(padx=10, pady=(10,0))
Label(characterFrame, text ="Test1").pack()
Label(characterFrame, text ="Test2").pack()
planetFrame = Frame(container ,bd=2, relief="sunken", bg='khaki')
planetFrame.pack(side="left", fill='both', expand=True, padx=10, pady=10)
Label(planetFrame, text="Test1").pack(pady=(10,0))
Label(planetFrame, text="Test2").pack()
Is this the layout you are aiming for?

I want to print the entry text from textbox to console. Below is my code

I am trying to make a GUI using python tkinter.
I want to print the entry text from textbox to console after the analyzebutton is pressed.
here is my code
root = Tk()
MiddleFrame = Frame(root)
BottomFrame = Frame(root)
TopFrame.pack(side = TOP)
BottomFrame.pack(side = BOTTOM)
TextArea = Text()
ScrollBar = Scrollbar(root)
ScrollBar.config(command = TextArea.yview)
TextArea.config(height = 25, width = 70,
background = "white", yscrollcommand = ScrollBar.set)
TextArea.grid(padx = 18, pady = 18)
ScrollBar.pack(side = RIGHT, fill = Y)
padx = 10
pady = 10
TextArea.pack(padx = padx, pady = pady)
AnalyzeButton = Button(BottomFrame, text = "Analyze", fg = "white", bg = "blue", command = callback)
AnalyzeButton.pack(fill = X, padx = padx, pady = pady)
def callback():
text_input = Text.get()
thanks in advance
Use get method of Text. Use the widget not the class-Text. Here is what you need to do:-
text_input = TextArea.get("1.0","end-1c")
You have several problems in your code. I will break it down so you understand what is going on here.
Fist I noticed you have tried to pack TopFrame but you have not actually defined TopFrame yet. So I added TopFrame = Frame(root) to your code.
Next we have a common mistake people encounter when trying to use grid() and pack() on the same window/frame. This is not allowed by the geometry manager. So you will need to decide on either grid() or pack() for all your needs in each window/frame. For now I changed TextArea.grid() to TextArea.pack() to get your code to work.
Next your button command was referencing a function that was after the command. This does not work outside of a class so you will need to move your callback() function above your AnalyzeButton.
Next we need to fix the indention on your callback() function. You must remember indention is very important in python and you should take care to keep your indention clean and consistent.
The last thing we needed to fix to get everything working as you were intending is to change:
text_input = Text.get()
text_input = TextArea.get(1.0, END)
You were trying to call get() on the method that created the text widget and not the widget instance.
You also need to define from what part of the text widget you want to start reading data and how far you want to read through the text widget. this is done by applying 2 positions points with 1.0, END or "1.0", "end-1c" as tkinter allows for a few ways to apply these points. This will say 1.0 start at the first line at the first position on that line and END will say read until the last line of the textbox.
There may be other issues but I only fixed the problems preventing the code from working as intended. Your code modified to work below:
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
TopFrame = Frame(root) # was missing from your code
MiddleFrame = Frame(root)
BottomFrame = Frame(root)
TopFrame.pack(side = TOP)
BottomFrame.pack(side = BOTTOM)
TextArea = Text()
ScrollBar = Scrollbar(root)
ScrollBar.config(command = TextArea.yview)
TextArea.config(height = 25, width = 70,
background = "white", yscrollcommand = ScrollBar.set)
TextArea.pack() # can't use pack and grid on the same window/frame. Changed this to pack()
ScrollBar.pack(side = RIGHT, fill = Y)
padx = 10
pady = 10
TextArea.pack(padx = padx, pady = pady)
# this function needs to be before the command that references it.
def callback():
# fixed indention
text_input = TextArea.get(1.0, END) # you need to reference that widget name not the tkinter method used to create the widget.
AnalyzeButton = Button(BottomFrame, text = "Analyze", fg = "white", bg = "blue", command = callback)
AnalyzeButton.pack(fill = X, padx = padx, pady = pady)

Image in tkinter window by clicking on button

I need help about this program, this program should open image in new tkinter window by clicking on button, but it doesn't it just opens new window without image.
Where is the problem?
Using: python 3.3 and tkinter
This is program:
import sys
from tkinter import *
def button1():
novi = Toplevel()
canvas = Canvas(novi, width = 300, height = 200)
canvas.pack(expand = YES, fill = BOTH)
gif1 = PhotoImage(file = 'image.gif')
canvas.create_image(50, 10, visual = gif1, anchor = NW)
mGui = Tk()
button1 = Button(mGui,text ='Sklop',command = button1, height=5, width=20).pack()
create_image needs a image argument, not visual to use the image, so instead of visual = gif1, you need image = gif1. The next problem is that you need to store the gif1 reference somewhere or else it'll get garbage collected and tkinter won't be able to use it anymore.
So something like this:
import sys
from tkinter import * #or Tkinter if you're on Python2.7
def button1():
novi = Toplevel()
canvas = Canvas(novi, width = 300, height = 200)
canvas.pack(expand = YES, fill = BOTH)
gif1 = PhotoImage(file = 'image.gif')
#image not visual
canvas.create_image(50, 10, image = gif1, anchor = NW)
#assigned the gif1 to the canvas object
canvas.gif1 = gif1
mGui = Tk()
button1 = Button(mGui,text ='Sklop',command = button1, height=5, width=20).pack()
It's also probably not a good idea to name your Button the same name as the function button1, that'll just cause confusion later on.
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
root.title("Creater window")
def Img():
r = Toplevel()
r.title("My image")
canvas = Canvas(r, height=600, width=600)
my_image = PhotoImage(file='C:\\Python34\\Lib\idlelib\\Icons\\Baba.gif', master= root)
canvas.create_image(0, 0, anchor=NW, image=my_image)
btn = Button(root, text = "Click Here to see creator Image", command = Img)
btn.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
