Optimizing Kernel Density Bandwidth using Python - python

I am attempting to build a class that automatically determines the optimal bandwidth for a kernel density estimate. I am using the FFTKDE method of KDEpy for my purposes, since I am required to calculate this quantity very quickly. I am aware that there are the options of Scott's Rule, Silverman's Rule and Improved Sheather-Jones in KDEpy, but I am keen to directly optimise mysomething bandwidth.
I would like to calculate the Maximum likelihood cross-validation (MCLV) in order that I optimize it. However, my code is terribly slow, since I need to estimate the KDE for each data point in 20,000 data points, each iteration of the minimisation.
The equation I am attempting to optimize looks like this (see page 8, here):
My code for calculating this loss is as follows:
import numpy as np
from KDEpy import FFTKDE
from tqdm import tqdm
import time
def MLCV(data, bw):
N = len(data)
idx = np.ones(N, bool)
logs = np.empty(N)
for i in tqdm(range(N)):
x_kde, y_kde = FFTKDE(bw=bw).fit(data[idx]).evaluate(2**13)
logs[i] = np.sum(np.log(y_kde))
MLCV = np.sum(logs)/N - np.log((N-1)*bw)
return MLCV
data = np.random.normal(size=20000)
bw = 0.01
t0 = time.process_time()
mlcv = MLCV(data, bw)
t1 = time.process_time()
print("MLCV = {:3.3E}, Elapsed Time = {:3.3}s".format(mlcv, t1-t0))
MLCV = -1.077E+05, Elapsed Time = 46.3s
Can anyone suggest a means of making this faster/an alternative, quicker algorithm?
I have also considered simply minimising the negative log of the output, which I have seen elsewhere:
def L(data, bw):
x_kde, y_kde = FFTKDE(bw=bw).fit(data).evaluate(2**13)
return -np.sum(np.log(y_kde))
However, my intuition tells me neither method is the correct solution, since I cannot directly calculate the values for the actual data, only interpolate them, due to the FFT method requiring points to be on a grid.
Is there a loss that suits my needs? Can anyone suggest a better solution than I have come up with?


Implement method of lines to solve PDE in Python scipy with comparable performance to Matlab's ode15s

I want to use the method of lines to solve the thin-film equation. I have implemented it (with gamma=mu=0) Matlab using ode15s and it seems to work fine:
N = 64;
x = linspace(-1,1,N+1);
x = x(1:end-1);
dx = x(2)-x(1);
T = 1e-2;
h0 = 1+0.1*cos(pi*x);
[t,h] = ode15s(#(t,y) thinFilmEq(t,y,dx), [0,T], h0);
function dhdt = thinFilmEq(t,h,dx)
phi = 0;
hxx = (circshift(h,1) - 2*h + circshift(h,-1))/dx^2;
p = phi - hxx;
px = (circshift(p,-1)-circshift(p,1))/dx;
flux = (h.^3).*px/3;
dhdt = (circshift(flux,-1) - circshift(flux,1))/dx;
The film just flattens after some time, and for large time the film should tend to h(t->inf)=1. I haven't done any rigorous check and convergence analysis, but at least the result looks promising after only spending less than 5 mins to code it.
I want to do the same thing in Python, and I tried the following:
import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate as spi
def thin_film_eq(t,h,dx):
print(t) # to check the current evaluation time for debugging
phi = 0
hxx = (np.roll(h,1) - 2*h + np.roll(h,-1))/dx**2
p = phi - hxx
px = (np.roll(p,-1) - np.roll(p,1))/dx
flux = h**3*px/3
dhdt = (np.roll(flux,-1) - np.roll(flux,1))/dx
return dhdt
N = 64
x = np.linspace(-1,1,N+1)[:-1]
dx = x[1]-x[0]
T = 1e-2
h0 = 1 + 0.1*np.cos(np.pi*x)
sol = spi.solve_ivp(lambda t,h: thin_film_eq(t,h,dx), (0,T), h0, method='BDF', vectorized=True)
I add a print statement inside the function so I can check the current progress of the program. For some reasons, it is taking very tiny time step and after waiting for a few minutes it is still stuck at t=3.465e-5, with dt smaller than 1e-10. (haven't finished yet by the time I finished typing this question, and it probably won't within any reasonable time). For the Matlab program, it is done within a second with only 14 time steps taken (I only specify the time span, and it outputs 14 time steps with everything else kept at default). I want to ask the following:
Have I done anything wrong which dramatically slows down the computation time for my Python code? What settings should I choose for the solve_ivp function call? One thing I'm not sure is if I do the vectorization properly. Also did I write the function in the correct way? I know this is a stiff ODE, but the ultra-small time step taken by
Is the difference really just down to the difference in the ode solver? scipy.integrate.solve_ivp(f, method='BDF') is the recommended substitute of ode15s according to the official numpy website. But for this particular example the performance difference is one second vs takes ages to solve. The difference is a lot bigger than I thought.
Are there other alternative methods I can try in Python for solving similar PDEs? (something along the line of finite difference/method of lines) I mean utilizing existing libraries, preferably those in scipy.

Numeric Integration Python versus Matlab

My python code takes about 6.2 seconds to run. The Matlab code runs in under 0.05 seconds. Why is this and what can I do to speed up the Python code? Is Cython the solution?
function X=Test
X=zeros(1,nIter+1); X(1)=X0;
for i=1:nIter
figure(1) plot(0:nIter,X)
nIter = 1000000
Step = .001
x = np.zeros(1+nIter)
x[0] = 1
start = time.time()
for i in range(1,1+nIter):
x[i] = x[i-1] + Step*x[i-1]**2*np.cos(Step*(i-1)+x[i-1])
end = time.time()
print(end - start)
How to speed up your Python code
Your largest time sink is np.cos which performs several checks on the format of the input.
These are relevant and usually negligible for high-dimensional inputs, but for your one-dimensional input, this becomes the bottleneck.
The solution to this is to use math.cos, which only accepts one-dimensional numbers as input and thus is faster (though less flexible).
Another time sink is indexing x multiple times.
You can speed this up by having one state variable which you update and only writing to x once per iteration.
With all of this, you can speed up things by a factor of roughly ten:
import numpy as np
from math import cos
nIter = 1000000
Step = .001
x = np.zeros(1+nIter)
state = x[0] = 1
for i in range(nIter):
state += Step*state**2*cos(Step*i+state)
x[i+1] = state
Now, your main problem is that your truly innermost loop happens completely in Python, i.e., you have a lot of wrapping operations that eat up time.
You can avoid this by using uFuncs (e.g., created with SymPy’s ufuncify) and using NumPy’s accumulate:
import numpy as np
from sympy.utilities.autowrap import ufuncify
from sympy.abc import t,y
from sympy import cos
nIter = 1000000
Step = 0.001
state = x[0] = 1
f = ufuncify([y,t],y+Step*y**2*cos(t+y))
times = np.arange(0,nIter*Step,Step)
times[0] = 1
x = f.accumulate(times)
This runs practically within an instant.
… and why that’s not what you should worry about
If your exact code (and only that) is what you care about, then you shouldn’t worry about runtime anyway, because it’s very short either way.
If on the other hand, you use this to gauge efficiency for problems with a considerable runtime, your example will fail because it considers only one initial condition and is a very simple dynamics.
Moreover, you are using the Euler method, which is either not very efficient or robust, depending on your step size.
The latter (Step) is absurdly low in your case, yielding much more data than you probably need:
With a step size of 1, You can see what’s going on just fine.
If you want a robust integration in such cases, it’s almost always best to use a modern adaptive integrator, that can adjust its step size itself, e.g., here is a solution to your problem using a native Python integrator:
from math import cos
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
T = 1000
dt = 0.001
x = solve_ivp(
lambda t,state: state**2*cos(t+state),
t_span = (0,T),
t_eval = np.arange(0,T,dt),
y0 = [1],
rtol = 1e-5
This automatically adjusts the step size to something higher, depending on the error tolerance rtol.
It still returns the same amount of output data, but that’s via interpolation of the solution.
It runs in 0.3 s for me.
How to speed up things in a scalable manner
If you still need to speed up something like this, chances are that your derivative (f) is considerably more complex than in your example and thus it is the bottleneck.
Depending on your problem, you may be able to vectorise its calcultion (using NumPy or similar).
If you can’t vectorise, I wrote a module that specifically focusses on this by hard-coding your derivative under the hood.
Here is your example in with a sampling step of 1.
import numpy as np
from jitcode import jitcode,y,t
from symengine import cos
T = 1000
dt = 1
ODE = jitcode([y(0)**2*cos(t+y(0))])
x = np.hstack([ODE.integrate(t) for t in np.arange(0,T,dt)])
This runs again within an instant. While this may not be a relevant speed boost here, this is scalable to huge systems.
The difference is jit-compilation, which Matlab uses per default. Let's try your example with Numba(a Python jit-compiler)
import numba as nb
import numpy as np
import time
nIter = 1000000
Step = .001
def integrate(nIter,Step):
x = np.zeros(1+nIter)
x[0] = 1
for i in range(1,1+nIter):
x[i] = x[i-1] + Step*x[i-1]**2*np.cos(Step*(i-1)+x[i-1])
return x
#Avoid measuring the compilation time,
#this would be also recommendable for Matlab to have a fair comparison
start = time.time()
for i in range(100):
print((end - start)/100)
This results in 0.022s runtime per call.

Simulating a time-inhomogeneous Poisson process using the thinning method and the NeuroTools python module

There are several threads asking for a way to simulate time-inhomogenous poisson processes in python. The NeuroTools module offer a simple way to do so via the inh_poisson_generator () function. The help of this function is introduced at the bottom of this thread. The function was originally designed to simulate spike trains, and uses the thinning method.
I would like to simulate a spike train during 2000ms. The spike rate (in Hertz) changes every millisecond, and is comprised between 20 spikes/second and 160 spikes/second. I've tried to simulate this using the following code:
import NeuroTools
import numpy as np
from NeuroTools import stgen
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
st_gen = stgen.StGen()
time = np.arange(0, 2000)
t_rate = []
for i in range (2000):
t_rate.append(random.randrange(20, 161, 1))
t_rate = np.array(t_rate)
Psim = st_gen.inh_poisson_generator(rate = t_rate, t = time, t_stop = 2000, array = True)
However, the code returns very few timestamps (e.g., array([ 397.55345905, 1208.79804513, 1478.03525045, 1982.63643262]), which doesn't make sense to me. I would appreciate any help on this.
inh_poisson_generator(self, rate, t, t_stop, array=False) method of NeuroTools.stgen.StGen instance
Returns a SpikeTrain whose spikes are a realization of an inhomogeneous
poisson process (dynamic rate). The implementation uses the thinning
method, as presented in the references.
rate - an array of the rates (Hz) where rate[i] is active on interval
t - an array specifying the time bins (in milliseconds) at which to
specify the rate
t_stop - length of time to simulate process (in ms)
array - if True, a numpy array of sorted spikes is returned,
rather than a SpikeList object.
Eilif Muller, Lars Buesing, Johannes Schemmel, and Karlheinz Meier
Spike-Frequency Adapting Neural Ensembles: Beyond Mean Adaptation and Renewal Theories
Neural Comput. 2007 19: 2958-3010.
Devroye, L. (1986). Non-uniform random variate generation. New York: Springer-Verlag.
>> time = arange(0,1000)
>> stgen.inh_poisson_generator(time,sin(time), 1000)enter code here
I don't really have an answer for you but because this post helped me to get started with NeuroTools, I thought I'd share my small example which is working fine.
For the inh_poisson_generator() the rate input is in unit Hz and all times are in ms. I use an average rate of 1.6 spikes/ms, so I expect to receive ~4000 events. The results confirm that just fine!
I guess it might be an issue that you are using a non-continuous rate. However I barely know anything about the algorithm implemented for this function..
I hope my example can help you somehow!
import NeuroTools
from NeuroTools import stgen
v0=1.6 #spikes/ms
Amp=1 # amplitude in spikes/ms
w=4/1000 # periodic frequency in spikes/ms
st_gen = stgen.StGen()
for tt in intervals:
if (v_next>0.0):
else: rate=np.append(rate,0.0)
PSim=st_gen.inh_poisson_generator(rate=rate,t = intervals, t_stop = 2500.0, array = True) # important to have rate in Hz and all other times in ms
print len(PSim)
print np.mean(rate)/1000*tstop

lmfit for exponential data returns linear function

I'm working on fitting muon lifetime data to a curve to extract the mean lifetime using the lmfit function. The general process I'm using is to bin the 13,000 data points into 10 bins using the histogram function, calculating the uncertainty with the square root of the counts in each bin (it's an exponential model), then use the lmfit module to determine the best fit along with means and uncertainty. However, graphing the output of the model.fit() method returns this graph, where the red line is the fit (and obviously not the correct fit). Fit result output graph
I've looked online and can't find a solution to this, I'd really appreciate some help figuring out what's going on. Here's the code.
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import sqrt, pi, exp, linspace
from lmfit import Model
class data():
def __init__(self,file_name):
times_dirty = sorted(np.genfromtxt(file_name, delimiter=' ',unpack=False)[:,0])
self.times = []
for i in range(len(times_dirty)):
if times_dirty[i]<40000:
self.counts = []
self.binBounds = []
self.uncertainties = []
self.means = []
def binData(self,k):
self.counts, self.binBounds = np.histogram(self.times, bins=k)
self.binBounds = self.binBounds[:-1]
def calcStats(self):
if len(self.counts)==0:
print('Run binData function first')
self.uncertainties = sqrt(self.counts)
def plotData(self,fit):
plt.errorbar(self.binBounds, self.counts, yerr=self.uncertainties, fmt='bo')
plt.plot(self.binBounds, fit.init_fit, 'k--')
plt.plot(self.binBounds, fit.best_fit, 'r')
def decay(t, N, lamb, B):
return N * lamb * exp(-lamb * t) +B
def main():
muonEvents = data('C:\Users\Colt\Downloads\muon.data')
mod = Model(decay)
result = mod.fit(muonEvents.counts, t=muonEvents.binBounds, N=1, lamb=1, B = 1)
print (len(muonEvents.times))
if __name__ == "__main__":
This might be a simple scaling problem. As a quick test, try dividing all raw data by a factor of 1000 (both X and Y) to see if changing the magnitude of the data has any effect.
Just to build on James Phillips answer, I think the data you show in your graph imply values for N, lamb, and B that are very different from 1, 1, 1. Keep in mind that exp(-lamb*t) is essentially 0 for lamb = 1, and t> 100. So, if the algorithm starts at lamb=1 and varies that by a little bit to find a better value, it won't actually be able to see any difference in how well the model matches the data.
I would suggest trying to start with values that are more reasonable for the data you have, perhaps N=1.e6, lamb=1.e-4, and B=100.
As James suggested, having the variables have values on the order of 1 and putting in scale factors as necessary is often helpful in getting numerically stable solutions.

SVM with python and CPLEX, load the quadratic part of the objective function

''In general, it would get better performance creating batches of linear constraints rather than creating them one at a time. I just wondering if it states even with a huge problem.'' - The wise programmer.
To be clear, I have a (35k x 40) dataset, and I want to do SVM on it. I need to produce the Gramm matrix of this dataset, it is fine, but to pass the coefficient to CPLEX is a mess, it takes hours, here my code:
nn = 35000
XXt = np.random.rand(nn,nn) # the gramm matrix of the dataset
yy = np.random.rand(nn) # the label vector of the dataset
temp = ((yy*XXt).T)*yy
xg, yg = np.meshgrid(range(nn), range(nn))
indici = np.dstack([yg,xg])
quadraric_part = []
for ii in xrange(nn):
for indd in indici[ii][ii:]:
The 'quadratic_part' is a list of the form [i,j,c_ij] where c_ij is the coefficient stored in temp. It will be passed to the function 'objective.set_quadratic_coefficients()' of the CPLEX Python API.
There is a wiser way to do that?
P.S. I have maybe a Memory problem, so It wold be better, instead store the whole list 'quadratic_part', call several times the function 'objective.set_quadratic_coefficients()'.... you know what I mean?!
Under the hood, objective.set_quadratic makes use of the CPXXcopyquad function in the C Callable Library. Whereas, objective.set_quadratic_coefficients uses CPXXcopyqpsep.
Here is an example (bear in mind that I am not a numpy expert; it's quite possible there's a better way to do that part):
import numpy as np
import cplex
nn = 5 # a small example size here
XXt = np.random.rand(nn,nn) # the gramm matrix of the dataset
yy = np.random.rand(nn) # the label vector of the dataset
temp = ((yy*XXt).T)*yy
# create symetric matrix
tempu = np.triu(temp) # upper triangle
iu1 = np.triu_indices(nn, 1)
tempu.T[iu1] = tempu[iu1] # copy upper into lower
ind = np.array([[x for x in range(nn)] for x in range(nn)])
qmat = []
for i in range(nn):
qmat.append([np.arange(nn), tempu[i]])
c = cplex.Cplex()
Your Q matrix is completely dense so depending on the amount of memory you have, this technique may not scale. When it's possible, though, you should get better performance initializing your Q matrix with objective.set_quadratic. Perhaps you'll need to use some hybrid technique where you use both set_quadratic and set_quadratic_coefficients.
